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Unfolded Pael receptor (Pael-R) is a substrate of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin. Accumulation of Pael-R in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of dopaminergic neurons induces ER stress leading to neurodegeneration. Here, we show that CHIP, Hsp70, Parkin, and Pael-R formed a complex in vitro and in vivo. The amount of CHIP in the complex was increased during ER stress. CHIP promoted the dissociation of Hsp70 from Parkin and Pael-R, thus facilitating Parkin-mediated Pael-R ubiquitination. Moreover, CHIP enhanced Parkin-mediated in vitro ubiquitination of Pael-R in the absence of Hsp70. Furthermore, CHIP enhanced the ability of Parkin to inhibit cell death induced by Pael-R. Taken together, these results indicate that CHIP is a mammalian E4-like molecule that positively regulates Parkin E3 activity.  相似文献   
Hsp105alpha, which belongs to the HSP105/110 family, is expressed at especially high levels in the brain in mammals and has been shown to prevent stress-induced apoptosis in neuronal cells. This protein is also expressed transiently at high levels during mouse embryogenesis, and is characteristically found in apoptotic cells and bodies in embryos. In the present study, to elucidate a role of Hsp105alpha in embryonal cells, we established Hsp105alpha-overexpressing F9 cells, and examined the effect of Hsp105alpha on cell death induced by etoposide, heat shock or cycloheximide. Apoptotic cell death was induced in cells treated with etoposide or heat shock, and necrotic cell death was induced in cells by cycloheximide. The apoptosis was enhanced by overexpression of HSP105alpha, whereas the necrosis was not affected by overexpression of HSP105alpha. Furthermore, Hsp105alpha seemed to modulate the stress-induced apoptosis at different steps of the apoptotic process depending on the stress stimuli. The present findings together with the previous observation on neuronal cells suggested that Hsp105 has opposite effects on stress-induced apoptosis depending on the cell type; a pro-apoptotic effect in embryonal cells and an anti-apoptotic effect in neuronal cells. The apoptosis-enhancing activity of Hsp105alpha may play an important role during embryogenesis.  相似文献   
A new member of the dynamin GTPase family (OPA1) was recently identified in humans and shown to be mutated in patients with dominant optic atrophy. To understand better the function of mammalian OPA1, we isolated a mouse ortholog (mOPA1) from brain and raised a specific antibody against its C terminus. The subcellular distribution of mOPA1 overexpressed in COS-7 cells largely overlapped that of endogenous cytochrome c, a well known mitochondrial marker, and dramatically affected mitochondrial morphology, altering it from tubular to vesicular. Mitochondrial targeting was mediated by the N-terminal region of mOPA1 as follows: deletion of the 124 N-terminal amino acids eliminated mitochondrial targeting, although fusion of the N-terminal 60 or 90 amino acids of mOPA1 with green fluorescent protein resulted in its mitochondrial targeting. mOPA1 was expressed widely in the mouse brain, especially in neurons of olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, piriform cortex, hypothalamus, hippocampus, red nucleus, cochlear nucleus, motor trigeminal nucleus, facial nucleus, cerebellar nucleus, and Purkinje cells. Within dissociated cerebellar cells, mOPA1 protein was clearly observed in the dendrites and somas of neuronal cells, as well as in astrocytes and meningeal cells. In each case, it was distributed in the vesicular pattern seen in other cell types.  相似文献   
Hypoxia is a critical event for higher organisms, and cells and tissues react by increasing the oxygen supply by vasodilatation, angiogenesis, and erythropoiesis and maintaining cellular energy by increasing glycolysis and inhibiting anabolic pathways. Stimulation of glycolysis has been regarded as the main response that increases energy production during hypoxia; however, there is an obvious conflict during ischemia, because both the oxygen and glucose supply are insufficient. In this study, we found that exposure of HepG2 cells and normal fibroblasts to hypoxia induces cellular tolerance to glucose starvation. The tolerance induced by hypoxia is dependent on several amino acids, indicating a switch from glucose to amino acids as the energy source. When antisense RNA expression vector for 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase or protein kinase B/Akt was transfected into HepG2 cells, the induction of tolerance to glucose was greatly inhibited, indicating that the tolerance was dependent on 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase and protein kinase B/Akt. Similar tolerance was induced by nitric oxide exposure. The tolerance induced was observed in various cells and may represent a previously unknown physiological response related to hypoxia-preconditioning and tumor progression:austerity.  相似文献   
Serum lysophosphatidic acid is produced through diverse phospholipase pathways   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid mediator with multiple biological activities that accounts for many biological properties of serum. LPA is thought to be produced during serum formation based on the fact that the LPA level is much higher in serum than in plasma. In this study, to better understand the pathways of LPA synthesis in serum, we evaluated the roles of platelets, plasma, and phospholipases by measuring LPA using a novel enzyme-linked fluorometric assay. First, examination of platelet-depleted rats showed that half of the LPA in serum is produced via a platelet-dependent pathway. However, the amount of LPA released from isolated platelets after they are activated by thrombin or calcium ionophore accounted for only a small part of serum LPA. Most of the platelet-derived LPA was produced in a two-step process: lysophospholipids such as lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), lysophosphatidylethanolamine, and lysophosphatidylserine, were released from activated rat platelets by the actions of two phospholipases, group IIA secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)-IIA) and phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A(1) (PS-PLA(1)), which were abundantly expressed in the cells. Then these lysophospholipids were converted to LPA by the action of plasma lysophospholipase D (lysoPLD). Second, accumulation of LPA in incubated plasma was strongly accelerated by the addition of recombinant lysoPLD with a concomitant decrease in LPC accumulation, indicating that the enzyme produces LPA by hydrolyzing LPC produced during the incubation. In addition, incubation of plasma isolated from human subjects who were deficient in lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) did not result in increases of either LPC or LPA. The present study demonstrates multiple pathways for LPA production in serum and the involvement of several phospholipases, including PS-PLA(1), sPLA(2)-IIA, LCAT, and lysoPLD.  相似文献   
Technical improvement to 2D-PAGE of rice organelle membrane proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytosolic and membrane-associated proteins prepared from rice cells were separated and compared by two different 2D-PAGE methods, isoelectric focusing (IEF)/SDS-PAGE and nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis (NEPHGE)/SDS-PAGE. Although IEF/SDS-PAGE of the cytosolic proteins showed sufficient resolution, some mitochondrial and basic microsomal membrane-associated proteins were weakly or hardly detectable on the 2D gel. High-quality and -quantity separation of the organelle membrane-associated proteins was accomplished by NEPHGE/SDS-PAGE, the advantage of this method being more critical in tightly membrane-bound proteins that were unwashable with NaCl. These results indicate that NEPHGE/SDS-PAGE is a useful tool for the proteomic analysis of rice membrane-associated proteins.  相似文献   
Homeotic transformation of stamens into pistil-like structures (pistillody) has been observed in a cytoplasmic substitution (alloplasmic) line of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Norin 26, which has the cytoplasm of a wild relative species, Aegilops crassa L. On the other hand, an alloplasmic line of wheat cv. Chinese Spring (CS) with Ae. crassa cytoplasm has normal flowers. This is due to the presence in the CS nucleus of a fertility-restoring gene, Rfd1. Deletion mapping analysis revealed that Rfd1 is located on the middle part of the long arm of chromosome 7B. To investigate the function of the Rfd1 gene by a loss-of-function strategy, we produced alloplasmic lines of CS ditelosomic 7BS [(cr)-CSdt7BS] and CS monotelodisomic 7BS [(cr)-CSmd7BS] with the Ae. crassa cytoplasm, and characterized their phenotypes. The line (cr)-CSdt7BS without Rfd1 exhibited pistillody in all florets, and also female sterility. Scanning electron microscopy of the young spikes revealed that the pistillody was induced at an early stage of stamen development. The pistillate stamens often developed incomplete ovule-like structures with integuments instead of tapetum and pollen grains. It is possible that MADS box genes are associated with the induction of pistillody, because the expression of wheat APETALA3 homologue (WAP3) was reduced in the young spikes of (cr)-CSdt7BS. In addition, a histological study indicated that the female sterility in (cr)-CSdt7BS is due to the abnormality of the ovule, which fails to form an inner epidermis and integuments in the chalaza region. The line (cr)-CSmd7BS, hemizygous for Rfd1, showed partial pistillody (51%) and restored female fertility up to 72%. These results suggest that the induction of both pistillody and ovule deficiency caused by the Ae. crassa cytoplasm is inhibited by the Rfd1 gene in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   
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