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In vitro and in vivo characterization of a novel CCR3 antagonist, YM-344031   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eosinophils play a prominent proinflammatory role in a broad range of diseases, including atopic dermatitis and asthma. Eotaxin-1 and its receptor CCR3 are implicated in the recruitment of eosinophils from blood into inflammatory tissues, therefore inhibition of Eotaxin-1/CCR3 interaction may have therapeutic potential for allergic inflammation with eosinophil infiltration. YM-344031, a novel and selective small molecule CCR3 antagonist, potently inhibited ligand binding (IC(50)=3.0nM), ligand-induced Ca(2+) flux (IC(50)=5.4nM), and the chemotaxis of human CCR3-expressing cells (IC(50)=19.9nM). YM-344031 (1-10mg/kg) orally administered to cynomolgus monkeys significantly inhibited Eotaxin-1-induced eosinophil shape change in whole blood. Additionally, orally administered YM-344031 (100mg/kg) prevented both immediate- and late-phase allergic skin reactions in a mouse allergy model. YM-344031 therefore has potential as a novel and orally available compound for the treatment of allergic inflammation, such as atopic dermatitis and asthma.  相似文献   
Methionine sulfoxide reductase B (MsrB) is an enzyme that repairs oxidatively damaged proteins by specifically reducing methionine-R-sulfoxide back to methionine. Three MsrBs, localized in different cellular compartments, are expressed in mammals. However, the physiological roles of each MsrB with regard to its location remain poorly understood. Here, we expressed endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeted human MsrB3A (hMsrB3A) in Drosophila and examined its effects on various phenotypes. In two independent transgenic lines, both ubiquitous and neuronal expression of hMsrB3A rendered flies resistant to oxidative stress. Interestingly, these flies also showed significantly enhanced cold and heat tolerance. More strikingly, expression of hMsrB3A in the whole body and nervous system extended the lifespan of fruit flies at 29 °C by 43-50% and 12-37%, respectively, suggesting that the targeted expression of MsrB in the ER regulates Drosophila lifespan. A significant increase in lifespan was also observed at 25 °C only when hMsrB3A was expressed in neurons. Additionally, hMsrB3A overexpression significantly delayed the age-related decline in locomotor activity and fecundity. Taken together, our data provide evidence that the ER type of MsrB, MsrB3A, plays an important role in protection mechanisms against oxidative, cold and heat stresses and, moreover, in the regulation of fruit fly aging.  相似文献   
Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a rare hereditary disorder characterized by genomic instability and cancer susceptibility. A key FA protein, FANCD2, is targeted to chromatin with its partner, FANCI, and plays a critical role in DNA crosslink repair. However, the molecular function of chromatin-bound FANCD2-FANCI is still poorly understood. In the present study, we found that FANCD2 possesses nucleosome-assembly activity in vitro. The mobility of histone H3 was reduced in FANCD2-knockdown cells following treatment with an interstrand DNA crosslinker, mitomycin C. Furthermore, cells harbouring FANCD2 mutations that were defective in nucleosome assembly displayed impaired survival upon cisplatin treatment. Although FANCI by itself lacked nucleosome-assembly activity, it significantly stimulated FANCD2-mediated nucleosome assembly. These observations suggest that FANCD2-FANCI may regulate chromatin dynamics during DNA repair.  相似文献   
The granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) autoantibody (GMAb) is the causative agent underlying autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (aPAP). It consists primarily of the IgG isotype. At present, information on other isotypes of the autoantibody is limited. We detected serum the IgM isotype of GMAb (IgM-GMAb) in more than 80% of patients with aPAP and 22% of healthy subjects, suggesting that a continuous antigen pressure may be present in most patients. Levels of the IgM isotype were weakly correlated with IgG-GMAb levels but not IgA-GMAb, suggesting that its production may be associated with that of IgG-GMAb. The mean binding avidity to GM-CSF of the IgM isotype was 100-fold lower than the IgG-GMAb isotype, whereas the IC(50) value for neutralizing capacity was 20,000-fold higher than that of IgG-GMAb, indicating that IgM-GMAb is only a very weak neutralizer of GM-CSF. In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from nine patients, IgG-GMAb was consistently detected, but IgM-GMAb was under the detection limit in most patients, confirming that IgM-GMAb is functionally a bystander in the pathogenesis of aPAP. It rather may be involved in the mechanism for development of IgG-GMAb in vivo.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of long-term synaptic maintenance are a key component to understanding the mechanism of long-term memory. From biological experiments, a hypothesis arose that repetitive stimuli with appropriate intervals are essential to maintain new synapses for periods of longer than a few days. We successfully reproduce the time-course of relative numbers of synapses with our mathematical model in the same conditions as biological experiments, which used Adenosine-3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphorothioate, Sp-isomer (Sp-cAMPS) as external stimuli. We also reproduce synaptic maintenance responsiveness to intervals of Sp-cAMPS treatment accompanied by PKA activation. The model suggests a possible mechanism of sustainable synaptogenesis which consists of two steps. First, the signal transduction from an external stimulus triggers the synthesis of a new signaling protein. Second, the new signaling protein is required for the next signal transduction with the same stimuli. As a result, the network component is modified from the first network, and a different signal is transferred which triggers the synthesis of another new signaling molecule. We refer to this hypothetical mechanism as network succession. We build our model on the basis of two hypotheses: (1) a multi-step network succession induces downregulation of SSH and COFILIN gene expression, which triggers the production of stable F-actin; (2) the formation of a complex of stable F-actin with Drebrin at PSD is the critical mechanism to achieve long-term synaptic maintenance. Our simulation shows that a three-step network succession is sufficient to reproduce sustainable synapses for a period longer than 14 days. When we change the network structure to a single step network, the model fails to follow the exact condition of repetitive signals to reproduce a sufficient number of synapses. Another advantage of the three-step network succession is that this system indicates a greater tolerance of parameter changes than the single step network.  相似文献   
Active calcium transport in intestine is essential for serum calcium homeostasis as well as for bone formation. It is well recognized that vitamin D is a major, if not sole, stimulator of intestinal calcium transport activity in mammals. Besides vitamin D, endogenous glucose 1-phosphate (G1P) affects calcium transport activity in some microorganisms. In this study, we investigated whether G1P affects intestinal calcium transport activity in mammals as well. Of several glycolytic intermediates, G1P was the sole sugar compound in stimulating intestinal calcium uptake in Caco-2 cells. G1P stimulated net calcium influx and expression of calbindin D9K protein in rat intestine, through an active transport mechanism. Calcium uptake in G1P-supplemented rats was greater than that in the control rats fed a diet containing adequate vitamin D3. Bone mineral density (BMD) of aged rat femoral metaphysis and diaphysis was also increased by feeding the G1P diet. G1P did not affect serum levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] at all. These results suggest that exogenously applied G1P stimulates active transport of calcium in intestine, independent of vitamin D, leading to an increase of BMD.  相似文献   
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