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Purification of Protein Body-I of Rice Seed and its Polypeptide Composition   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Protein body type one (PB-I) was isolated and purified fromdeveloping rice grain by a combination of sucrose density gradientcentrifugation and treatment with pepsin. SDS-PAGE analysisshowed that isolated PB-I contains several polypeptide groups,the largest having an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa andtwo smaller ones of 10 kDa and 16 kDa. The 13-kDa group wasfound to be composed of two polypeptides of slightly differentmolecular sizes, 13a (larger component) and 13b (smaller component).Most of the 13a and 13b polypeptides were shown to be largelyprolamins, although there were also some salt- and alcohol-insolublepolypeptides with an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa. It wasconcluded that PB-I is the accumulation site of rice prolamin.It was further estimated that the protein amount in PB-I accountedfor about 20% of the total protein of rice endosperm. (Received March 20, 1987; Accepted September 8, 1987)  相似文献   
The catalase molecule in germinating pumpkin cotyledons is synthesizedas a precursor (59-kDa) form, whose relative molecular massis larger than the mature enzyme (55-kDa). Although both typesof molecules are localized in the microbodies, the 59-kDa specieshas been shown to be present predominantly in the leaf peroxisomesisolated from green cotyledons, while the 55-kDa species ispredominantly in the glyoxysomes from etiolated cotyledons [Yamaguchiet al. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81: 4809]. We examinedthe distribution of the 59- and 55-kDa catalase molecules indark- and light-grown tissues of pumpkin seedlings as well asin other plant species, using the immunoblotting technique.The ratios of the 59- and 55-kDa catalase species differed inthe pumpkin tissues examined. Light interferes with the conversionof the 59-kDa precursor to the 55-kDa form, especially in thecotyledons. The effect of light was less pronounced in the rootsand hypocotyls, indicating that the light regulation of theconversion is tissue-specific. Dark- and light-grown cotyledonsfrom cucumber and watermelon seedlings showed a similar lightregulation, suggesting that cucurbitaceous plants possess similarlight-regulatory mechanism. From the analysis of catalase proteinfrom various plant tissues, a limited correlation between molecularforms of catalase and different microbody populations was observed. (Received September 6, 1986; Accepted December 4, 1986)  相似文献   
Lipid metabolism in various regions of squid giant nerve fiber   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this investigation was to compare the incorporation of radioactivity from various precursors into lipids of different regions of squid giant nerve fiber systems including axoplasm, axon sheath, giant fiber lobes which contain stellate ganglion cell bodies, and the remaining ganglion including giant synapses. To identify the labeled lipids, stellate ganglia including giant fiber lobes and the remaining tissue were first incubated separately with [14C]glucose, [32P]phosphate, [14C]serine, [14C]acetate and [3H]myristate. The radioactivity from glucose, after conversion to glycerol and fatty acids, was incorporated into most lipids, including triacylglycerol, free fatty acids, cardiolipin, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, sphingomyelin and ceramide 2-aminoethylphosphanate [corrected]. The radioactivity from serine was largely incorporated into phosphatidylserine and, to a lesser extent, into other phospholipids, mainly as the base component. The sphingoid bases of ceramide and sphingomyelin were also significantly labeled. Saturated and monounsaturated and, to a lesser extent, polyunsaturated fatty acids of these lipids were synthesized from acetate, glucose and myristate. Among the major lipids, cholesterol was not labeled by any of the radioactive compounds used. Ganglion residues incorporated the most radioactivity in total lipids from either [14C]glucose or [14C]serine, followed by giant fiber lobes and then sheath. Axoplasm incorporated the least. Among various lipids, phosphatidylethanolamine with shorter saturated fatty acids and phosphatidylglycerol contained the most radioactivity from glucose in all regions. Axoplasm was characterized by a higher proportion of glucose radioactivity in ceramide, sphingomyelin and phosphatidylglycerol. Axoplasm and sheath contained a higher proportion of serine radioactivity than did the other two regions in ceramide. Essentially no radioactivity from [14C]galactose was incorporated in any region.  相似文献   
Summary The antimetastatic effect of Lactobacillus casei YIT9018 (LC 9018) against Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) in C57BL/6 mice was determined. Intrapleural (i.pl.) administration of LC 9018 was effective in inhibiting pulmonary metastasis after s.c. inoculation of 3LL tumors into C57BL/6 mice. The combination of i.pl. and intralesional or i.v. injections of LC 9018 also markedly inhibited pulmonary metastasis in 3LL-bearing mice. The i.pl. administration of LC 9018 into mice induced an increase in the number of thoracic exudate cells (TEC) and the cell population in the TEC was mainly polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the early stage, while macrophages were dominant in the late stage. In addition, in vitro cytolytic activity against 3LL cells and natural killer cell activity of TEC were augmented by the i.pl. administration of LC 9018. Furthermore, i.pl. administration of LC 9018 into the mice rendered their lung macrophages tumoricidal for 3LL cells in vitro. These results show that TEC induced by i.pl. administration of LC 9018 played a key role in the inhibtion of metastasis in 3LL-bearing mice.  相似文献   
Mesophyll cells of Vicia faba contain kaempferol and quercetinglycosides. When isolated mesophyll cells were treated with0.1 mM H2O2 for 2 h, the levels of these flavonols increasedby 10–70% of the control values (mean values, 19.6% and34.4% for kaempferol and quercetin glycosides, respectively).Such increases in levels of flavonols were also observed inisolated vacuoles of mesophyll cells. However, when mesophyllcells and vacuoles were treated with 10 mM H2O2)degradationof flavonols was observed. These data suggest that H2O2 hastwo effects on the metabolism of flavonols: induction of theirsynthesis and stimulation of their oxidation. (Received March 6, 1989; Accepted July 10, 1989)  相似文献   
The changes of dominance rank among female Japanese monkeys of the Koshima group over a period of 29 years from 1957 were studied. The dominance rank order was relatively stable in the early population growing phase, while large scale-changes of dominance rank order occurred successively in the phase of population decrease brought about by the severe control of artificial feeding after 1972. Nevertheless, the rank order of several females of the highest status was stable. Furthermore, the reproductive success of these highest status females was high (Mori, 1979a;Watanabe et al., in prep.). Divergence of the dominance rank order fromKawamura's rules (Kawamura, 1958) was observed in the following respects: (1) Some females significantly elevated their rank depending on the leader males. (2) If mothers died when their daughters were still juveniles or nulliparous, the dominance rank of some of these offspring females was significantly lower than the mother's one. However 55% of daughters which lost their mothers at a young age inherited the mother's rank. (3) Dominance among sisters whose mother had died when at least one of the daughters was under 6 years old followed the rule of youngest ascendancy in 60% (Kawamura, 1958), and in 80% when both of the daughters were nulliparous at the mother's death. The mean rate of aggressive interactions for each female with subordinates to her was calculated by dividing the total aggressive interactions between the female in question and her subordinates by the number of subordinate females to the female in question. A female which showed a high rate of aggressive interactions with her subordinates was categorized as an “Attacker”, and a female showing a lower rate was categorized as a “Non-attacker”. Similarly, categories of “Attacked”, and “Non-attacked” were distinguished by using the rate of aggressive interactions with dominant females. Several females which were once categorized in one category in a year were repeatedly categorized in the same category over different years. The “Attacked” tended to be females of higher rank, and “Non-attackers” tended to be females of lower rank. “The second-higher-status females”, were “Attacked”, and their rank was unstable. In particular, females of lower rank within the lineage of the highest rank suffered this kind of severe status. Most of the daughters of these females showed a sharp drop of rank, and died when they were still at a young age, i.e. “the second-higher-status females” displayed low fitness. “Non-attackers” were significantly “Non-attacked”; i.e. they were females which showed a non-social attitude. Females which underwent a drop of rank tended to be “Non-attackers”. The most important factor which determined the females' rank was the memory of their dominance relations under the influence of their mother [dependent rank (Kawai, 1958)] in their early life during development. This finding corresponds well with the results in baboons obtained byWalter (1980); the target females of aggressive interactions by adolescent females were determined by the rank of the mothers when these adolescent females were born.  相似文献   
Comparison of growth properties of carrot hairy root in various bioreactors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Growth properties of carrot hairy root cells in various bioreactors were investigated. A turbine-blade reactor and an immobilized rotating drum reactor were found to be advantageous for the hairy root culture because of a high oxygen transfer coefficient (k in L a). After 30 days of culture, 10 g/l of dry hairy root cells were obtained in both bioreactors and maximum growth rates (V m ) were found to be 0.63 and 0.61 g/l per day for the turbine-blade reactor and immobilized rotating drum reactor, respectively. Specific growth rates () at various cultivation times were observed to be linearly proportional to X/k l a for both bioreactor configurations where X is the cell concentration. The estimated specific oxygen uptake rate of 0.34 mmol O2/g dry cells per hour compares fairly well with an experimental value of 0.3.  相似文献   
Secreta from the palm and forearm was sampled for 1-min periods by a new technique, using a glass cylinder. Subjects exercised for 10-min periods at successive intensities of 40%, 50% and 65% VO2max with a leg ergometer operated in the supine position. Changes in the concentrations (values) of Na+, K+ and Cl- in their secreta during exercise were investigated. Significant positive correlations were found between the values of any two electrolytes in samples from the palm or the forearm, but the correlations between values for any one of the three electrolytes from the two sites were not significant. Values for concentrations of the electrolytes were significantly higher in samples from the palm than in those from the forearm at rest, 10 min after the beginning of exercise and at the end of exercise. No significant correlation was found between values for electrolytes in samples from the palm and the exercise intensity, but values for Na+ in samples from the forearm increased stepwise with increase in exercise intensity, and similar tendencies were observed for values of K+ and Cl-. The values for the three electrolytes in samples from the forearm, but not the palm, were significantly correlated with values for blood lactate, the percentage of VO2max and the heart rate. These results suggest that the present technique is suitable for successive samplings of secreta from the forearm, and that values for the electrolytes in samples are useful indices of exercise intensity.  相似文献   
Twelve polyether compounds originating from dinoflagellates were tested for growth-inhibiting activities againstAspergillus niger, Penicillium funiculosum, Candida rugosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium andStaphylococcus aureus by a paper disc method. These polyethers represent six groups of different skeletons and originate from three species;Prorocentrum lima, Dinophysis fortii andGambierdiscus toxicus. Potent antifungal activities were observed with okadaic acid and its two congeners, desulfated yessotoxin, and ciguatoxin but not with okadaic acid esters, prorocentrolide, pectenotoxin-1, yessotoxin, maitotoxin, and desulphated maitotoxin. The antifungal activities and mouse lethalities of the polyethers were markedly affected by slight modification of their structures. Antibacterial potency of the tested compounds was not significant.  相似文献   
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