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The LDH isozymes were surveyed in bacterized cultures of syngens 1, 3, 12, and 13 of Paramecium caudatum by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All the examined stocks of different syngens except one stock in syngen 3 had a single common LDH isozyme, and intra- and intersyngenic variation was not observed except for the one stock in syngen 3. Breeding data using the exceptional stock indicated that the LDH isozymes of P. caudatum are controlled by two codominant alleles at a single locus whose products aggregate randomly, forming a dimer.  相似文献   
Occluded virions of the Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus were efficiently liberated from polyhedra by dissolution with the silkworm gut juice. The liberated virions were purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and the bands of enveloped virions were observed in the gradients. There was no functional difference between the gut juice-liberated and the carbonate-liberated virions. Disruption of enveloped virions by the gut juice was observed, but the formation of nucleocapsids from the degradation of the occluded virions was not detected. High yields of the enveloped virions from the polyhedra dissolved by the gut juice was obtained by separating the virions through sucrose density gradient centrifugation immediately after the dissolution of the polyhedra. Many factors, e.g., rearing seasons, silkworm strains, and rearing conditions, affect the polyhedra-dissolving property of the larval gut juice.  相似文献   
Summary A new assay procedure for X-prolyl dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase activity in human serum was developed with glycylproline p-phenylazoanilide tosylate as substrate. p-Phenylazoaniline liberated by the enzyme reaction was measured photometrically at 493 nm after stopping the reaction with acid. This assay was simple and sensitive, and less than 50 l of human serum was required for the assay. Km value was 2.5 mm and the optimum pH was 8.7. After disc gel electrophoresis of human serum, the enzyme activity could be distinctly observed as a reddish band on the gel when the gel was incubated with this substrate.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive assay for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with amperometric detection was devised based on the rapid isolation of enzymatically formed DOPA by a double-column procedure, the columns fitted together sequentially (the top column of Amberlite CG-50 and the bottom column of aluminium oxide). DOPA was adsorbed on the second aluminium oxide column, then eluted with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid, and assayed by HPLC with amperometric detection. d-Tyrosine was used for the control. α-Methyldopa was added to the incubation mixture as an internal standard after incubation. This assay was more sensitive than radioassays and 5 pmol of DOPA formed enzymatically could be measured in the presence of saturating concentrations of tyrosine and 6-methyltetrahydropterin. The TH activity in 2 mg of human putamen could be easily measured, and this method was found to be particularly suitable for the assay of TH activity in a small number of nuclei from animal and human brain.  相似文献   
The per(trimethylsilyl) ethers of d-glucose, d-galactose, and d-mannose were analyzed by g.l.c.-c.i.m.s. with ammonia as the reagent gas. C.i.m.s. gave simple fragmentation and fragment ions of high intensity in the high-mass range where the QM+ ion is also detected. The β-d anomers gave ions at m/e 558 showing intensities 3–12 times those of the α-d anomers. The epimers could be distinguished by differences in the intensities of the ions and by the observation that d-glucose gave a base peak at m/e 198, d-galactose at m/e 468, and d-mannose at m/e 204. The pyranose and furanose structures could be distinguished by comparing the ion intensities at m/e 198, m/e 271, m/e 361, m/e 396, and m/e 451. A similar analysis was also performed with 2-methylpropane as the reagent gas.  相似文献   
The protein encoded by the gam gene of bacteriophage lambda ("gamma protein") is a specific inhibitor of the recBC enzyme of Escherichia coli. The lambda protein has been purified approximately 2,000-fold, and its structure and inhibitory activity have been characterized. It appears to be composed of two identical subunits of 16,500 daltons, inhibits all of the catalytic activities of the recBC enzyme with apparently equal efficiency, but has no effect upon any other E. coli or lambda-DNase tested. Inhibition does not occur unless recBC enzyme is exposed to gamma protein prior to reaction of the enzyme with DNA. The inhibitory activity is independent of temperature, and no catalytic activity has been detected that might fulfill the inhibitory function. It appears instead that the inhibition involves a stoichiometric, rather than a catalytic interaction between gamma protein and the enzyme. Reaction kinetics for the recBC enzyme inhibited by gamma protein show no anomalous protein--only a depressed rate. Inhibition is not competitive and does not appear to affect the enzyme's affinity for DNA. The enzyme remains inhibited after it is separated from "excess" gamma protein by gel filtration or sedimentation in a glycerol gradient, and inhibited enzyme has a reduced electrophoretic mobility compared to that of uninhibited enzyme. Gamma Protein inhibits recBC enzyme which has been reconstituted from cell-free extracts by complementation in vitro, but at least one of the complementing factors present in extracts from recB- cells does not by itself form a complex with gamma protein. The mechanism of inhibition and the implications of these results from gamma replication and recombination are discussed.  相似文献   
Because only the first mating results in fertilization in Tetranychus kanzawai (Acari: Tetranychidae), adult males guard quiescent deutonymph females (i.e., precopulatory mate guarding). A previous study reported that quiescent deutonymph females guarded by a male attract more conspecific males than solitary females and then hypothesized that guarded females release more chemical signals than solitary ones to attract males. Quiescent deutonymph females do not feed. If the hypothesis is appropriate, guarded females should invest energy in attracting males at the expense of investment in other activities, such as egg production. Therefore, we compared oviposition rates immediately after adult emergence between guarded females and solitary females. On the first day, the oviposition rate of guarded females was lower than that of solitary females. On the second day, however, there was no significant difference between female groups. These results suggest that guarded females invest energy in activities other than egg production before adult emergence and that the energetic cost is easily recoverable. We believe that our finding indirectly supports the hypothesis that guarded females release more chemical signals than solitary females to attract conspecific males.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of a novel component of the mannan biodegradation system, 4-O-β-d-mannosyl-d-glucose phosphorylase (MGP), was determined to a 1.68-Å resolution. The structure of the enzyme revealed a unique homohexameric structure, which was formed by using two helices attached to the N-terminus and C-terminus as a tab for sticking between subunits. The structures of MGP complexes with genuine substrates, 4-O-β-d-mannosyl-d-glucose and phosphate, and the product d-mannose-1-phosphate were also determined. The complex structures revealed that the invariant residue Asp131, which is supposed to be the general acid/base, did not exist close to the glycosidic Glc-O4 atom, which should be protonated in the catalytic reaction. Also, no solvent molecule that might mediate a proton transfer from Asp131 was observed in the substrate complex structure, suggesting that the catalytic mechanism of MGP is different from those of known disaccharide phosphorylases.  相似文献   
Thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) is a possible virulence factor produced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Although TDH has a variety of biological activities, including hemolytic activity, the biochemical mechanism of action remains uncertain. Here we analysed biochemical events, especially phosphorylation, caused by TDH in erythrocytes, and found that TDH caused significant phosphorylations of proteins on erythrocyte membrane. Phosphorylation of proteins was studied using γ-32P ATP and SDS-PAGE. A number of protein kinase inhibitors were tested, to determine which types of kinases were involved in the phosphorylation events. TDH induced the phosphorylation of two proteins on membranes of human erythrocyte that are sensitive to TDH. The estimated molecular weight of these proteins was 25 and 22.5 kDa. Interestingly, the 22.5 kDa, but not the 25 kDa protein, was phosphorylated on the membrane of TDH-insensitive (resistant) horse erythrocytes. Moreover, a mutant TDH (R7), which retained binding ability but lost hemolytic activity, also phosphorylated only the 22.5 kDa protein on human erythrocyte membranes. Among the protein kinase inhibitors used the protein kinase C inhibitors, (staurosporine and calphostin C) showed marked inhibition of phosphorylation of 25 kDa protein. In addition to phosphorylation, these protein kinase C inhibitors suppresssed hemolysis by TDH. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of the 25 kDa protein seems to be essential for the hemolysis by TDH after it binds to erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   
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