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Some frog species have a unique skeletal element, referred to as the intercalary element (IE), in the joints between the terminal and subterminal phalanges of all digits. IEs are composed of cartilage or connective tissue and have a markedly differ shape than the phalanges. IEs are highly related to the arboreal lifestyle and toe pads. The IE is found only in neobatrachian frogs among anurans, suggesting that it is a novelty of Neobatrachia. IEs are widely distributed among multiple neobatrachian lineages and are found in the suborders Hyloides and Ranoides (the two major clades in Neobatrachia). However, it is unclear whether the IEs found in multiple linages resulted from convergent evolution. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to examine how similar or different the developmental trajectories of the IEs are between Hyloides and Ranoides. To that end, we compared the osteological and histological developmental processes of the IEs of the hyloid frog Dryophytes japonicus and the ranoid frog Zhangixalus schlegelii. Both species shared the same IE-initiation site and level of tissue differentiation around the IE when it began to form in tadpoles, although the IE developments initiated at different stages which were determined by external criteria. These results suggest that similar mechanisms drive IE formation in the digits of both species, supporting the hypothesis that the IEs did not evolve convergently.  相似文献   
Rhodococcus (opacus) erythropolis HL PM-1 grows on 2,4,6-trinitrophenol or 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) as a sole nitrogen source. The NADPH-dependent F420 reductase (NDFR; encoded by npdG) and the hydride transferase II (HTII; encoded by npdI) of the strain were previously shown to convert both nitrophenols to their respective hydride Meisenheimer complexes. In the present study, npdG and npdI were amplified from six 2,4-DNP degrading Rhodococcus spp. The genes showed sequence similarities of 86 to 99% to the respective npd genes of strain HL PM-1. Heterologous expression of the npdG and npdI genes showed that they were involved in 2,4-DNP degradation. Sequence analyses of both the NDFRs and the HTIIs revealed conserved domains which may be involved in binding of NADPH or F420. Phylogenetic analyses of the NDFRs showed that they represent a new group in the family of F420-dependent NADPH reductases. Phylogenetic analyses of the HTIIs revealed that they form an additional group in the family of F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases and F420-dependent N5,N10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductases. Thus, the NDFRs and the HTIIs may each represent a novel group of F420-dependent enzymes involved in catabolism.  相似文献   
The response of Japanese beech (Fagus japonica Maxim.) sprouts to canopy gaps in natural beech forest in central Japan was studied using two contrasted gaps in which tree-ring chronologies of regenerating stems were analyzed. The gaps were created by uprooting of a single Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata stem (diameter: 50 cm; gap size: 40 m2; 23 years old) and by concurrent uprootings of four F. japonica stools (gap size: 180 m2; 30 years old). Japanese beech sprouts emerged before and after the gap formation and dominated stem populations in both gaps. In gaps, growth of F. japonica sprouts was equal or lower than growth of stems of seed origin, but most sprouts (F. japonica, Acer mono var. marmoratum) appeared a few years before emergence of seedlings. The small gap created by single stem fall was dominated by some beech sprouts from stools adjacent to the gap. The multiple gap was not closed by beech sprouts from stools surrounding the gap, but some dominant beech stems were resprouts from the uprooted beech stools. The existence of a sprout bank under the canopy may play an important role in the closing process of gaps in natural Japanese beech forest.  相似文献   
A possible involvement of ß-cyanoalanine synthase(CAS: EC [EC] ) in germination processes of seeds was demonstratedusing pre-soaked upper seeds of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicumWallr.). Pretreatment in anoxia not only with KCN but also cysteine,as the substrates for CAS, stimulated the subsequent germinationof cocklebur seeds in air. However, the effect of cysteine wasmanifested even in air when applied together with C2H4, andits effect was further enhanced in combination with KCN. Thegermination-stimulating effect of KCN was intensified by C2H4only when 02 was present. In contrast, serine, another substrateof CAS, was effective in air only when combined with C2H4 and/orKCN. The addition of cysteine greatly reduced the cyanogenicglycoside content of seeds, but increased HCN evolution. Onthe other hand, glutathione did not have any effect on cockleburseed germination, HCN evolution or bound cyanogen content, suggestingthat cysteine is not acting as a reducing reagent. It is suggestedthat CAS regulates the process of cocklebur seed germinationby the dual action of enlarging the pool of amino acids andsupplying sulphydryl bases, the latter being more determinatelyimportant. Serine is effective only via the former action, whilecysteine would act via both. Key words: Cyanide, cyanogenic glycoside, ß-cyanoalanine synthase, seed germination, Xanthium pennsylvanicum  相似文献   
Abstract: Excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotransmitters may play a role in the pathophysiology of traumatic injury to the CNS. Although NMDA receptor antagonists have been reported to have therapeutic efficacy in animal models of brain injury, these compounds may have unacceptable toxicity for clinical use. One alternative approach is to inhibit the release of EAAs following traumatic injury. The present study examined the effects of administration of a novel sodium channel blocker and EAA release inhibitor, BW1003C87, or the NMDA receptor-associated ion channel blocker magnesium chloride on cerebral edema formation following experimental brain injury in the rat. Animals (n = 33) were subjected to fluid percussion brain injury of moderate severity (2.3 atm) over the left parietal cortex. Fifteen minutes after injury, the animals received a constant infusion of BW1003C87 (10 mg/kg, i.v.), magnesium chloride (300 µmol/kg, i.v.), or saline over 15 min (2.75 ml/kg/15 min). In all animals, regional tissue water content in brain was assessed at 48 h after injury, using the wet weight/dry weight technique. In saline-treated control animals, fluid percussion brain injury produced significant regional brain edema in injured left parietal cortex ( p < 0.001), the cortical area adjacent to the site of maximal injury ( p < 0.001), left hippocampus ( p < 0.001), and left thalamus ( p = 0.02) at 48 h after brain injury. Administration of BW1003C87 15 min postinjury significantly reduced focal brain edema in the cortical area adjacent to the site of maximal injury ( p < 0.02) and left hippocampus ( p < 0.01), whereas magnesium chloride attenuated edema in left hippocampus ( p = 0.02). These results suggest that excitatory neurotransmission may play an important role in the pathogenesis of posttraumatic brain edema and that pre- or post-synaptic blockade of glutamate receptor systems may attenuate part of the deleterious sequelae of traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   
Abstract The plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe in stationary phase had abundant invaginations. A round uninvaginated area emerged before budding when S. cerevisiae cells were given fresh medium. Middle-sized buds had some invaginations, whereas the neck between the bud and mother had very few. S. pombe which has neither the neck nor the predetermined position to divide had no uninvaginated ring area even in long cells during elongation in fresh medium. However, an uninvaginated ring area emerged as the earliest noticeable stage of cytokinesis. The uninvaginated state of the plasma membrane appeared to be correlated with budding and cell division.  相似文献   
Growth and muscle protein turnover in the chick   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The growth rates of young chicks were varied from 0 to 10% per day by manipulation of the adequacy of the amino acid and energy supply. The rates of protein synthesis in the white breast (pectoralis thoracica) muscle and the dark leg (gastrocnemius and peronaeus longus) muscles were estimated by feeding l-[U-14C]tyrosine in amino acid/agar-gel diets (`dietary infusion'). This treatment rapidly and consistently produced an isotopic equilibrium in the expired CO2 and in the free tyrosine of plasma and the muscles. Wholebody protein synthesis in 2-week-old chicks was estimated from the tyrosine flux and was 6.4g/day per 100g body wt. In 1-week-old chicks the rate of protein synthesis was more rapid in the breast muscles than in the leg muscles, but decreased until the rates were similar in 2-week-old birds. Synthesis was also more rapid in fast-growing Rock Cornish broilers than in medium-slow-growing New Hampshire×Single Comb White Leghorn chicks. No or barely significant decrease in the high rates of protein synthesis, in the protein/RNA ratio and in the activity of RNA for protein synthesis occurred in non- or slow-growing chicks fed on diets deficient in lysine, total nitrogen or energy. Thus the machinery of protein synthesis in the young chick seems to be relatively insensitive to dietary manipulation. In the leg muscles, there was a small but significant correlation between the fractional rate of growth and protein synthesis. A decrease in the fractional rate of degradation, however, appeared to account for much of the accumulation of muscle protein in rapidly growing birds. In addition, the rapid accumulation of breast-muscle protein in rapidly growing chicks appeared to be achieved almost entirely by a marked decrease in the fractional rate of degradation.  相似文献   
Fluid and enzyme secretion from a number of mammalian exocrine glands is controlled by the action of neurotransmitters and hormones on acinar cell membranes. Sustained stimulation evoking sustained fluid and enzyme secretion also evokes sustained membrane depolarization and increase in conductance. Mouse and rat pancreatic fluid and enzyme secretion, as well as membrane depolarization and conductance increase evoked by sustained stimulation with acetylcholine or cholecystokinin-gastrin peptides, are acutely dependent on extracellular calcium. However, the initial stimulant-evoked conductance increase and secretion appear to be triggered by calcium released from inside the cells. Direct measurement of membrane current during sustained stimulation in voltage-clamp experiments with resolution of the total current into its Na, Cl and K components has allowed calculations of stimulant-evoked Na and Cl uptake into the acinar cells. The NaCl uptake is quantitatively sufficient to account for the stimulant-evoked fluid secretion. The role of the stimulant-evoked transmembrane ionic current appears to be the supply of salt for the fluid secretion. Calcium derived from intracellular sources in the initial phase of secretion, and from the extracellular fluid in the sustained phase, couples fluid and enzyme secretion to hormone-receptor interaction.  相似文献   
Subcutaneous infection withYersinia enterocolitica harboring plasmid responsible for Ca2+ dependence at 37°C induced cell-mediated protective immunity against a lethal challenge withYersinia pestis; the isogenic derivative strain cured from this plasmid subverted the immunity in mice. This is the first identification of the antigen(s) responsible for the induction of cell-mediated protective immunity against the facultatively intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   
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