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Platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF), also known as thymidine phosphorylase (TP), has been reported to possess angiogenic activity and to inhibit apoptosis. This study was performed to determine whether PD-ECGF/TP can be used to ameliorate chronic myocardial ischemia. Myocardial ischemia was created in 40 mongrel dogs by placement of an ameroid constrictor on the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Plasmid vector encoding human PD-ECGF/TP cDNA (pCIhTP group; n = 12), empty vector pCI (pCI group; n = 12), or saline (Saline group; n = 12) was directly injected into the LAD territory 3 wk after ameroid constrictor implantation. Myocardial blood flow was detected using PET at baseline, 3 wk after ameroid constrictor implantation, and 2 wk after therapeutic treatment. At the end of the experiment, the hearts were isolated for biological and histological analysis. In the pCIhTP group, the transfected heart strongly expressed PD-ECGF/TP. The size of the infarct was smaller in the pCIhTP group than in the pCI or Saline group. The number of apoptotic myocardial cells was decreased in the pCIhTP group compared with the control groups based on triple immunohistochemical staining for von Willebrand factor, alpha-actin smooth muscle cells, and single-strand DNA. The level of proapoptotic protein Bax markedly decreased in the pCIhTP group compared with the other groups. Double immunohistochemical staining for von Willebrand factor and alpha-actin smooth muscle cells demonstrated that angiogenesis and arteriogenesis occurred, and paralleled the changes in myocardial blood flow and myocardial function in the pCIhTP group. We conclude that genetic approaches using PD-ECGF/TP to target the myocardium are effective for alleviating chronic myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   
Primary cilia are hypothesized to act as a mechanical sensor to detect renal tubular fluid flow. Anomalous structure of primary cilia and/or impairment of increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration in response to fluid flow are thought to result in renal cyst formation in conditional kif3a knockout, Tg737 and pkd1/pkd2 mutant mice. The mutant inv/inv mouse develops multiple renal cysts like kif3a, Tg737 and pkd1/pkd2 mutants. Inv proteins have been shown to be localized in the renal primary cilia, but response of inv/inv cilia to fluid stress has not been examined. In the present study, we examined the mechanical response of primary cilia to physiological fluid flow using a video microscope, as well as intracellular Ca2+ increases in renal epithelial cells from normal and inv/inv mice in response to flow stress. Percentages of ciliated cells and the length of primary cilia were not significantly different between primary renal cell cultures from normal and inv/inv mutant mice. Localization of inv protein was restricted to the base of primary cilia even under flow stress. Inv/inv mutant cells had similar bending mechanics of primary cilia in response to physiological fluid flow compared to normal cells. Furthermore, no difference was found in intracellular Ca2+ increases in response to physiological fluid flow between normal and inv/inv mutant cells. Our present study suggests that the function of the inv protein is distinct from polaris (the Tg737 gene product), polycystins (pkd1 and pkd2 gene products).  相似文献   
The gspB-secY2A2 locus of Streptococcus gordonii strain M99 encodes the platelet-binding glycoprotein GspB, along with proteins that mediate its glycosylation and export. We have identified two additional components of the accessory Sec system (Asp4 and Asp5) encoded just downstream of gtfB in the gspB-secY2A2 locus. These proteins are required for GspB export and for normal levels of platelet binding by M99. Asp4 and Asp5 may be functional homologues of SecE and SecG, respectively.  相似文献   
Signaling through the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily can lead to apoptosis or promote cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. A subset of this family, including TNFR1 and Fas, signals cell death via an intracellular death domain and therefore is termed the death receptor (DR) family. In this study, we identified new members of the DR family, designated xDR-M1 and xDR-M2, in Xenopus laevis. The two proteins, which show high homology (71.7% identity), have characteristics of the DR family, that is, three cysteine-rich domains, a transmembrane domain, and a death domain. To elucidate how members of xDR-M subfamily regulate cell death and survival, we examined the intracellular signaling mediated by these receptors in 293T and A6 cells. Overexpression of xDR-M2 induced apoptosis and activated caspase-8, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and nuclear factor-kappaB, although its death domain to a greater extent than did that of xDR-M1 in 293T cells. A caspase-8 inhibitor potently blocked this apoptosis induced by xDR-M2. In contrast, xDR-M1 showed a greater ability to induce apoptosis through its death domain than did xDR-M2 in A6 cells. Interestingly, a general serine protease inhibitor, but not the caspase-8 inhibitor, blocked the xDR-M1-induced apoptosis. These results imply that activation of caspase-8 or serine protease(s) may be required for the xDR-M2- or xDR-M1-induced apoptosis, respectively. Although xDR-M1 and xDR-M2 are very similar to each other, the difference in their death domains may result in diverse signaling, suggesting distinct roles of xDR-M1 and xDR-M2 in cell death or survival.  相似文献   
For structure-based drug design, where various ligand structures need to be docked to a target protein structure, a docking method that can handle conformational flexibility of not only the ligand, but also the protein, is indispensable. We have developed a simple and effective approach for dealing with the local induced-fit motion of the target protein, and implemented it in our docking tool, ADAM. Our approach efficiently combines the following two strategies: a vdW-offset grid in which the protein cavity is enlarged uniformly, and structure optimization allowing the motion of ligand and protein atoms. To examine the effectiveness of our approach, we performed docking validation studies, including redocking in 18 test cases and foreign-docking, in which various ligands from foreign crystal structures of complexes are docked into a target protein structure, in 22 cases (on five target proteins). With the original ADAM, the correct docking modes (RMSD < 2.0 A) were not present among the top 20 models in one case of redocking and four cases of foreign-docking. When the handling of induced-fit motion was implemented, the correct solutions were acquired in all 40 test cases. In foreign-docking on thymidine kinase, the correct docking modes were obtained as the top-ranked solutions for all 10 test ligands by our combinatorial approach, and this appears to be the best result ever reported with any docking tool. The results of docking validation have thus confirmed the effectiveness of our approach, which can provide reliable docking models even in the case of foreign-docking, where conformational change of the target protein cannot be ignored. We expect that this approach will contribute substantially to actual drug design, including virtual screening.  相似文献   
To investigate the phylogenetic relationships among the powdery mildew fungi of some economically important tropical trees belonging to Oidium subgenus Pseudoidium, we conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses using 30 DNA sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and 26 sequences of the domains D1 and D2 of the 28S rDNA obtained from the powdery mildews on Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber tree), Anacardium occidentale (cashew), Bixa orellana, Citrus spp., Mangifera indica (mango), and Acacia spp. The results indicate that the powdery mildew fungi isolated from these tropical trees are closely related to one another. These powdery mildews are also closely related to E. alphitoides (including Erysiphe sp. on Quercus phillyraeoides). Because of the obligate biotrophic nature of the powdery mildew fungi, the relationship between powdery mildews and their host plants is conservative. However, the present study suggests that a particular powdery mildew species has expanded its host ranges on a wide range of the tropical trees. This article also suggests that a powdery mildew fungus distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere expanded its host ranges onto tropical plants and may be a good example of how geographical and host range expansion has occurred in the Erysiphales.  相似文献   
The CotSA protein, encoded by cotSA (ytxN) of Bacillus subtilis, was detected from the cells at 5 h after the onset of sporulation (T5) and in the spore coat of wild-type cells, but not in cotE, cotS, gerE, or cotSA mutant spores. CotSA was also detected in the sporangium at T5 to T7 but not in the sporangium at T18 of cotS mutant cells, while the incorporation of CotS into the coat was not dependent upon CotSA. These results suggested that CotSA was synthesized simultaneously with CotS during T5 to T7 of sporulation and assembled into the coat dependent upon CotS.  相似文献   
We started to use virtual slide (VS) and virtual microscopy (VM) systems for quick frozen intra-operative telepathology diagnosis in Kyoto, Japan. In the system we used a digital slide scanner, VASSALO by CLARO Inc., and a broadband optic fibre provided by NTT West Japan Inc. with the best effort capacity of 100 Mbps. The client is the pathology laboratory of Yamashiro Public Hospital, one of the local centre hospitals located in the south of Kyoto Prefecture, where a full-time pathologist is not present. The client is connected by VPN to the telepathology centre of our institute located in central Kyoto. As a result of the recent 15 test cases of VS telepathology diagnosis, including cases judging negative or positive surgical margins, we could estimate the usefulness of VS in intra-operative remote diagnosis. The time required for the frozen section VS file making was found to be around 10 min when we use x10 objective and if the maximal dimension of the frozen sample is less than 20 mm. Good correct focus of VS images was attained in all cases and all the fields of each tissue specimen. Up to now the capacity of best effort B-band appears to be sufficient to attain diagnosis on time in intra-operation. Telepathology diagnosis was achieved within 5 minutes in most cases using VS viewer provided by CLARO Inc. The VS telepathology system was found to be superior to the conventional still image telepathology system using a robotic microscope since in the former we can observe much greater image information than in the latter in a certain limited time of intra-operation and in the much more efficient ways. In the near future VS telepathology will replace conventional still image telepathology with a robotic microscope even in quick frozen intra-operative diagnosis.  相似文献   
Dilated cardiomyopathy often results from autoimmunity triggered by microbial infections during myocarditis. However, it remains unclear how immunological disorders are implicated in pathogenesis of autoimmune myocarditis. Here, we demonstrated that Sema4A, a class IV semaphorin, plays key roles in experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM). Dendritic cells pulsed with myosin heavy chain-α peptides induced severe myocarditis in wild-type mice, but not in Sema4A-deficient mice. In adoptive transfer experiments, CD4+ T-cells from wild-type mice induced severe myocarditis, while CD4+ T-cells from Sema4A-deficient mice exhibited considerably attenuated myocarditis. Our results indicated that Sema4A is critically involved in EAM by regulating differentiation of T-cells.  相似文献   
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