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Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), a CD4+-T-cell malignancy caused by human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), is difficult to cure, and novel treatments are urgently needed. Apo2 ligand (Apo2L; also tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand [TRAIL]) has been implicated in antitumor therapy. We found that HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines and primary ATL cells were more resistant to Apo2L-induced apoptosis than uninfected cells. Interestingly, HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines and primary ATL cells constitutively expressed Apo2L mRNA. Inducible expression of the viral oncoprotein Tax in a T-cell line up-regulated Apo2L mRNA. Analysis of the Apo2L promoter revealed that this gene is activated by Tax via the activation of NF-kappaB. The sensitivity to Apo2L was not correlated with expression levels of Apo2L receptors, intracellular regulators of apoptosis (FLICE-inhibitory protein and active Akt). NF-kappaB plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis and survival of ATL cells. The resistance to Apo2L-induced apoptosis was reversed by N-acetyl-L-leucinyl-L-leucinyl-lLnorleucinal (LLnL), an NF-kappaB inhibitor. LLnL significantly induced the Apo2L receptors DR4 and DR5. Our results suggest that the constitutive activation of NF-kappaB is essential for Apo2L gene induction and protection against Apo2L-induced apoptosis and that suppression of NF-kappaB may be a useful adjunct in clinical use of Apo2L against ATL.  相似文献   
Distribution of photosystem II (PSII) extrinsic proteins was examined using antibodies raised against various extrinsic proteins from different sources. The results showed that a glaucophyte (Cyanophora paradoxa) having the most primitive plastids contained the cyanobacterial-type extrinsic proteins (PsbO, PsbV, PsbU), and the primitive red algae (Cyanidium caldarium) contained the red algal-type extrinsic proteins (PsO, PsbQ', PsbV, PsbU), whereas a prasinophyte (Pyraminonas parkeae), which is one of the most primitive green algae, contained the green algal-type ones (PsbO, PsbP, PsbQ). These suggest that the extrinsic proteins had been diverged into cyanobacterial-, red algal- and green algal-types during early phases of evolution after a primary endosymbiosis. This study also showed that a haptophyte, diatoms and brown algae, which resulted from red algal secondary endosymbiosis, contained the red algal-type, whereas Euglena gracilis resulted from green algal secondary endosymbiosis contained the green algal-type extrinsic proteins, suggesting that the red algal- and green algal-type extrinsic proteins have been retained unchanged in the different lines of organisms following the secondary endosymbiosis. Based on these immunological analyses, together with the current genome data, the evolution of photosynthetic oxygen-evolving PSII was discussed from a view of distribution of the extrinsic proteins, and a new model for the evolution of the PSII extrinsic proteins was proposed.  相似文献   
Cytoglobin (Cgb) and neuroglobin (Ngb) are the first examples of hexacoordinated globins from humans and other vertebrates in which a histidine (His) residue at the sixth position of the heme iron is an endogenous ligand in both the ferric and ferrous forms. Static and time-resolved resonance Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques were applied in examining the structures in the heme environment of these globins. Picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman (ps-TR3) spectroscopy of transient five-coordinate heme species produced by the photolysis of carbon monoxide (CO) adducts of Cgb and Ngb showed Fe-His stretching (nu(Fe-His)) bands at 229 and 221 cm(-1), respectively. No time-dependent shift in the nu(Fe-His) band of Cgb and Ngb was detected in the 20-1000 ps time domain, in contrast to the case of myoglobin (Mb). These spectroscopic data, combined with previously reported crystallographic data, suggest that the structure of the heme pocket in Cgb and Ngb is altered upon CO binding in a manner different from that of Mb and that the scales of the structural alteration are different for Cgb and Ngb. The structural property of the heme distal side of the ligand-bound forms was investigated by observing the sets of (nu(Fe-CO), nu(C-O), delta(Fe-C-O)) and (nu(Fe-NO), nu(N-O), delta(Fe-N-O)) for the CO and nitric oxide (NO) complexes of Cgb and Ngb. A comparison of the spectra of some distal mutants of Cgb (H81A, H81V, R84A, R84K, and R84T) and Ngb (H64A, H64V, K67A, K67R, and K67T) showed that the CO adducts of Cgb and Ngb contained three conformers and that the distal His (His81 in Cgb and His64 in Ngb) mainly contributes to the interconversion of the conformers. These structural characteristics of Cgb and Ngb are discussed in relation to their ligand binding and physiological properties.  相似文献   
Although the stability of globular proteins has been studied extensively, that of amyloid fibrils is scarcely characterized. Beta2-microglobulin (beta2-m) is a major component of the amyloid fibrils observed in patients with dialysis-related amyloidosis. We studied the effects of guanidine hydrochloride on the amyloid fibrils of beta2-m, revealing a cooperative unfolding transition similar to that of the native state. The stability of amyloid fibrils increased on the addition of ammonium sulfate, consistent with a role of hydrophobic interactions. The results indicate that the analysis of unfolding transition is useful to obtain insight into the structural stability of amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to establish a culture system to support the growth of bovine oocytes as enclosed in granulosa cell complexes that extend on a flat substratum. Such systems have been established for mouse oocytes but are not applicable to larger animals because it is difficult to maintain an appropriate association between the oocyte and companion somatic cells. Growing bovine oocytes with a mean diameter of 95 microm were isolated from early antral follicles: the growing stage corresponds to that of oocytes in preantral follicles of 12-day-old mice. Oocyte-granulosa cell complexes were cultured for 14 days in modified TCM199 medium supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum, 4 mM hypoxanthine, and 0.1 microg/ml estradiol. The novel modification made for this medium was a high concentration, 4% (w/v), of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP; molecular weight of 360000). The flat substratum used was either an insert membrane fit in the culture plate or the bottom surface of the wells of 96-well culture plates. PVP influenced the organization of complexes, resulting in a firm association between the oocyte and the innermost layer of surrounding cells. More oocytes enclosed by a complete cell layer were recovered from the medium supplemented with 4% PVP than from the control medium. Similarly, of the oocytes initially introduced into the growth culture, a significantly larger proportion developed to the blastocyst stage from medium containing 4% PVP than from medium without PVP. When PVP medium was used, the overall yield of blastocysts was similar between the system with the insert membranes (12%) and that with the 96-well culture plates (9%). A calf was produced from one of four embryos derived from oocytes grown in 96-well culture plates, matured, and fertilized in vitro and then transferred to a recipient cow.  相似文献   
Aldoxime dehydratase (OxdA), which is a novel heme protein, catalyzes the dehydration of an aldoxime to a nitrile even in the presence of water in the reaction mixture. The combination of site-directed mutagenesis of OxdA (mutation of all conserved histidines in the aldoxime dehydratase superfamily), estimation of the heme contents and specific activities of the mutants, and CD and resonance Raman spectroscopic analyses led to the identification of the proximal and distal histidines in this unique enzyme. The heme contents and CD spectra in the far-UV region of all mutants except for the H299A one were almost identical to those of the wild-type OxdA, whereas the H299A mutant lost the ability of binding heme, demonstrating that His(299) is the proximal histidine. On the other hand, substitution of alanine for His(320) did not affect the overall structure of OxdA but caused loss of its ability of carbon-nitrogen triple bond synthesis and a lower shift of the Fe-C stretching band in the resonance Raman spectrum for the CO-bound form. Furthermore, the pH dependence of the wild-type OxdA closely followed the His protonation curves observed for other proteins. These findings suggest that His(320) is located in the distal heme pocket of OxdA and would donate a proton to the substrate in the aldoxime dehydration mechanism.  相似文献   
Fish endocrinologists are commonly motivated to pursue their research driven by their own interests in these aquatic animals. However, the data obtained in fish studies not only satisfy their own interests but often contribute more generally to the studies of other vertebrates, including mammals. The life of fishes is characterized by the aquatic habitat, which demands many physiological adjustments distinct from the terrestrial life. Among them, body fluid regulation is of particular importance as the body fluids are exposed to media of varying salinities only across the thin respiratory epithelia of the gills. Endocrine systems play pivotal roles in the homeostatic control of body fluid balance. Judging from the habitat-dependent control mechanisms, some osmoregulatory hormones of fish should have undergone functional and molecular evolution during the ecological transition to the terrestrial life. In fact, water-regulating hormones such as vasopressin are essential for survival on the land, whereas ion-regulating hormones such as natriuretic peptides, guanylins and adrenomedullins are diversified and exhibit more critical functions in aquatic species. In this short review, we introduce some examples illustrating how comparative fish studies contribute to general endocrinology by taking advantage of such differences between fishes and tetrapods. In a functional context, fish studies often afford a deeper understanding of the essential actions of a hormone across vertebrate taxa. Using the natriuretic peptide family as an example, we suggest that more functional studies on fishes will bring similar rewards of understanding. At the molecular level, recent establishment of genome databases in fishes and mammals brings clues to the evolutionary history of hormone molecules via a comparative genomic approach. Because of the functional and molecular diversification of ion-regulating hormones in fishes, this approach sometimes leads to the discovery of new hormones in tetrapods as exemplified by adrenomedullin 2.  相似文献   
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