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We examined the interaction between histamine and vagal efferent activity on airway smooth muscle reactivity in 11 anesthetized vagotomized dogs using an isolated closed segment of the intrathoracic trachea filled with Tyrode solution under an isovolumetric condition. Intratracheal pressure change was measured as an index of tracheal smooth muscle tone. The administration into the tracheal segment of histamine (0.1 or 1.0 mg/ml) in six dogs and methacholine chloride (0.001 or 0.01 mg/ml) in the other five dogs elevated intratracheal pressure by about 5 cmH2O. The electrical stimulation of the peripheral ends of both of the cut cervical vagus nerves in the presence of histamine produced significantly greater responses than the additive responses of these two stimuli applied individually (two-way analysis of variance, P less than 0.025). However, the combined effects of vagal stimulation and methacholine were not significantly different from the additive responses of these two stimuli applied individually. The average values of intratracheal pressure elevated by the combined effects of vagal stimulation and histamine were significantly higher than those obtained by the combination of vagal stimulation and methacholine (two-way analysis of variance, P less than 0.01). This suggests that histamine potentiates tracheal smooth muscle reactivity to electrical vagal stimulation, which may contribute to the hyperreactivity observed in patients with asthma.  相似文献   
Abstract Passive transfer between rates of protection against cholera toxin (CT) was studied. Extracts of various organs, obtained from CT-immunized rats, were injected intravenously into non-immunized recipient rats. The ability of the extracts to inhibit CT-induced secretion in ligated jejunal loop were tested. A significant inhibition of the response to CT was achieved by extracts from hypophysis, brain and jejunal mucosa. Extracts from pancreas, spleen or adrenal glands were without effect, as were all extracts obtained from control rats. The antisecretory effects of the hypophysis extracts became intensified with increasing numbers of immunizations, and the antisecretory effect was most pronounced when the extract was injected immediately before the CT challenge. The active component of the hypophysis extract was heat-labile and negatively charged, suggesting an acidic protein as the mediator of the protective effect against CT.  相似文献   
Summary A prenatal diagnosis of GM1-gangliosidosis was made in a pregnancy at risk, on the basis of a deficiency of -galactosidase activity demonstrated in cultured aminiotic fluid cells. Biochemical analyses were performed in the aborted fetus. GM1-ganglioside -galactosidase activity was reduced to 1% of the control value in both the brain and liver of the affected fetus. Lamellar bodies suggestive of membranous cytoplasmic bodies were found in cells of basal ganglions, while the accumulation of GM1-ganglioside in the brain was not remarkable.  相似文献   
Summary Paternal age distribution for 1279 cases of Down's syndrome born in 1952–1968 was compared with the corresponding distribution for the general population, corrected for the maternal age as well as for the year of birth of the patients. Although there was no difference in the mean paternal age, the two distributions differed significantly, largely due to the excess of fathers aged 55 years and over and to the deficit of those aged 40–44 years in the patients born to mothers aged 30 years and over. The overall pattern of the relative incidence of Down's syndrome with advancing paternal age, with maternal age controlled, seems consistent with the hypothesis proposed by Stene et al. (1977). It increased from 0.8 for fathers aged 20–24 years slowly up to 1.2 for those aged 45–49 years, though with an intermediate drop to 0.8 at the age of 40–44 years, and then sharply to 2.4 for those aged 55 years and over. This rising pattern of the relative incidence with paternal age was essentially the same for the patients born in 1952–1960 and for those born in 1961–1968, although the slope was less steep in the latter than in the former group.This paper is dedicated to Professor Heinrich Schade in honor of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
The complete amino acid sequence of the mitochondrial glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase isozyme from rat liver is presented. The sequence contained 401 amino acid residues, 10 of which are methionine. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of mitochondrial glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase produced 12 peptides, one of which contained an internal homoserine residue resulting from incomplete cleavage by cyanogen bromide. The calculated molecular weight was 44,358. The sequence showed 94% homology with that of the corresponding isozyme from pig heart. These findings support the conclusion that the rate of evolution of the mitochondrial isozymes is lower than that of their cytosolic isozymes.  相似文献   
A new type of molecular orbital method is proposed. It is applicable to large molecules containing large conjugated substructures. Only π-electrons in the conjugated part, but all-valence electrons in the non-conjugated part of a molecule, are taken into account explicitly. The Fock matrix elements are evaluated from the semi-empirical values employed in the existing all-valence-electron methods. The examples presented here suggest that the new type of MO method predicts electronic structures which are quite similar to those obtained by complete semi-empirical MO calculations. This new method may make it possible to reasonably well describe the electronic structure of, and interaction between, large molecules using considerably less computation time and core storage than the complete calculation analogs.  相似文献   
An in vitro system for the synthesis of ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase) was established using iS-30 extract from E. coli MDS6-2(lambda) and DNA of a lambda transducing phage carrying argI and argF genes. This in vitro synthesis was completely dependent on the additon of DNA, and was sensitive to chloramphenicol and rifampicin. Radioisotopic analysis confirmed that the synthesized enzyme catalyzes the carbamylation of ornithine to citrulline. In the in vitro system the repression and derepression of OTCase synthesis could be observed by mixing iS-30 extracts prepared from argR+ and argR- cells. A remarkable maturation effect could be observed for the FFF enzyme, but not for the III enzyme. This system is considered to reflect the in vivo situation, and should therefore be useful for investigations on the regulation of OTCase synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   
Sexual cell division and activation of gametangial cells forconjugation in Closterium acerosum were induced by light. L200cells conjugated at maximum level under the following conditions;(i) a light intensity higher than 1,000 lux in a 16-hr lightand 8-hr dark regime and (ii) an illumination time longer than12 hr at 3,000 lux. L200 cells also conjugated under continuousillumination at 3,000 lux. The action spectrum for the activation of gametangial cellshad peaks around 450, 611 and 665 nm. 3-(4'-Chlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (CMU) inhibited the accumulationof carbohydrates and sexual cell division at 10–5 M andthe activation of gametangial cells for conjugation at 10–4M. (Received August 15, 1977; )  相似文献   
δ-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthase was partially purified from liver cytosol fraction of rats treated with allylisopropylacetamide (AIA). The cytosol ALA synthase showed an apparent molecular weight of 320,000. The cytosol ALA synthase of this size dissociates into at least three protein components when subjected to sucrose density gradient centrifugation in the presence of 0.25 m NaCl: one is the catalytically active protein with an s value of about 6.4 or a molecular weight of 110,000, and the other two are catalytically inactive binding proteins showing s values of about 4 and 8, respectively. Recombination of the 6.4 S protein and the 4 S protein yielded a protein complex with an apparent molecular weight of 170,000 and recombination of all three protein components resulted in formation of the original cytosol ALA synthase. The cytosol ALA synthase also loses its binding proteins when treated with various proteases; thus, the enzyme-active protein obtained after papain digestion was very similar, if not identical, to mitochondrial ALA synthase. When treated with trypsin, however, the cytosol ALA synthase was converted to an enzyme showing an apparent molecular weight of 170,000, which probably represents the complex of the mitochondria-type enzyme and the 4 S binding protein. The cytosol ALA synthase tends to aggregate to form a dimer with an apparent molecular weight of 650,000–700,000. The aggregated form of the cytosol ALA synthase was less susceptible to trypsin digestion. Hemin strongly stimulated dimer formation of the cytosol ALA synthase and the aggregate produced by contact with hemin was very tight and did not easily dissociate into its respective protein components by sucrose gradient centrifugation or even after treatment with trypsin. The possible mechanisms of the conversion of cytosol ALA synthase to the mitochondrial enzyme and also of the inhibition by hemin of the intracellular translocation of ALA synthase are discussed.  相似文献   
The levels of free amino acids in the cerebral cortex of acute and chronic uremic rats were examined. Amino acids significantly elevated were aspartate, glutamine, glycine, histidine, ornithine, phenylalanine, phosphoethanolamine and taurine, whereas 1-methyl histidine and 3-methyl histidine were specifically detected in uremic rats. Glutamate, arginine and carnosine disclosed a significant reduction. There was no change in the concentrations of γ-aminobutyrate and alanine. The above findings were essentially identical in both acute and chronic uremia. It was conjectured that these changes of amino acid levels in the brain might participate in the progress of uremic encephalopathy.  相似文献   
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