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Rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) coleoptiles grown under water achieved greater length than those grown either in air or under water with constant air bubbling. The extensibility of cell walls in coleoptiles grown under water was larger than that in the other treatments. Per unit length of the coleoptile, the content of ferulic and diferulic acids ester-linked to hemicelluloses was higher in air and bubbling type coleoptiles than in water type ones. The extensibility of the coleoptile cell walls correlated with the content of diferulic acids per unit length and per hemicellulose, suggesting that the enhancement of the formation of diferulic acid bridges in hemicelluloses in air or under water with air bubbling makes the cell walls mechanically rigid; thereby inhibiting cell elongation in rice coleoptiles. In addition, the ratio of diferulic acid to ferulic acid was almost constant irrespective of coleoptile age, zone and growth conditions, suggesting that the feruloylation of hemicelluloses is rate-limiting in the formation of diferulic acid bridges in the cell walls of rice coleoptiles.  相似文献   
Auxin-induced elongation of epicotyl segments of azuki bean ( Vigna angularis Ohwi and Ohashi cv. Takara) was suppressed by fucose-binding lectins from Tetragonolobus purpureus Moench and Ulex europaeus L. These lectins also inhibited auxin-induced cell wall loosening (decrease in the minimum stress-relaxation time of the cell walls) of segments. Auxin caused a decrease in molecular mass of xyloglucans extracted with 24% KOH from the cell walls. The lectins inhibited auxin-induced changes in molecular mass of the xyloglucans. The autolytic release of xylose-containing products from the pectinase-treated cell walls was also suppressed by the lectins. Fucose-binding lectins pretreated with fucose exhibited little or no inhibitory effect on auxin-induced elongation, cell wall loosning, or breakdown of xyloglucans. These results support the view that the breakdown of xyloglucans is involved in the cell wall loosening responsible for auxin-induced elongation in dicotyledons.  相似文献   
When leaves of Vicia faba were treated with H2O2 or visiblelight in the presence of methyl viologen (MV), the orange-redcompound dopachrome was formed transiently and melanin was accumulated.With the darkening of leaves, the level of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine(DOPA) decreased and then recovered to the original level uponaddition of 1 mM H2O2. However, if leaves were incubated inthe presence of 10 mM H2O2, the level of DOPA decreased againafter the increase. The time course of the changes in levelsof DOPA observed during the accumulation of melanin as a resultof illumination in the presence of MV was very similar to thatobserved after the addition of 10 mM H2O2. Illumination of leavesin the absence of MV did not result in any accumulation of melanin,but the level of DOPA changed slightly. When isolated mesophyllcells were incubated in the dark, the level of DOPA decreased.Illumination of the cells stimulated this decrease. Tropolone,an inhibitor of phenol oxidase, did not inhibit and actuallystimulated the H2O2- and light-induced oxidation of DOPA andaccumulation of melanin in leaves. Tropolone also stimulatedthe decrease in the levels of DOPA both in the dark and in thelight in isolated mesophyll cells. These data suggest that aperoxidase-H2O2 system, and not phenol oxidase, participatesin the oxidation of DOPA. When DOPA was oxidized by a basicperoxidase isolated from V.faba leaves, an intermediate, whichwas perhaps dopaquinone and which was reducible by ascorbate,was formed. Based on the data, a discussion is presented ofthe physiological significance of the oxidation of DOPA by peroxidasein vacuoles. (Received March 4, 1991; Accepted May 21, 1991)  相似文献   
Xyloglucan nonasaccharide (XG9) is recognized as an inhibitorof 2,4-D-induced long-term growth of segments of pea stems.In the presence of 10–5 M 2,4-D, inhibition by 10–9M XG9 of elongation of third internode segments of pea seedlingswas detected within 2 h after the start of incubation, in someexperiments. Analysis by double-reciprocal (Lineweaver-Burk)plots of elongation in the presence of various concentrationsof 2,4-D, with or without XG9, gave parallel lines, indicatingthat XG9 inhibited 2,4-D-induced elongation in an uncompetitivemanner. XG9 did not influence the 2,4-D-induced cell wall loosening.Thus, XG9 does not fulfill the proposed definition of an "antiauxin". XG9 at 10–11 to 10–6 M did not influence IAA-inducedelongation of segments from pea third internodes, azuki beanepicotyls, cucumber hypocotyls, or oat coleoptiles. Inhibitionof IAA-induced elongation by XG9 was not observed even whenthe segments from pea or azuki bean were abraded. Furthermore,fucosyl-lactose at 10–11 to 10–4 M did not affectthe IAA-induced elongation of segments of pea internodes orof azuki bean epicotyls. XG9 may be incapable of inhibitingthe IAA-induced cell elongation (especially in oat) or, alternatively,the endogenous levels of XG9 may be so high that exogenouslyapplied XG9 has no inhibitory effect on IAA-induced elongation. (Received February 28, 1991; Accepted May 25, 1991)  相似文献   
N-Acetylglucosamine-containing glycopeptides were released fromthe cell walls of rice coleoptiles by treatment with subtilisin.They were purified by successive treatments with different typesof proteases and by affinity chromatography using wheat germlectin- and concanavalin A-Sepharose columns. The glycopeptidefinally obtained after gel filtration contained glycine as theN-terminal amino acid and asparagine as the only amino acidcapable of linking with the sugar residue. This glycopeptidecontained only N-acetylglucosamine and mannose as sugars andcould be hydrolyzed by -mannosidase and by almond glycopeptidase.It seems to have an oligosaccharide structure, consisting of and ß-mannose and chitobiose attached to asparagine.The results indicate that this wall glycopeptide is a componentof asparagine-linked glycoprotein. 3Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Osaka City University, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558, Japan. (Received May 22, 1985; Accepted December 10, 1985)  相似文献   
To evaluate the influence of overwintering individuals of zooplankton on spring zooplankton communities, the dynamics of zooplankton communities with or without overwintering individuals were observed in experimental ponds from fall to spring. An insecticide, carbaryl, was used to regulate the overwintering individuals. In ponds which received insecticide applications in November or January, all cladoceran and rotiferan species were eliminated by the treatments and did not reappear until late March or early April, even when the chemical disappeared rapidly. The low water temperature may delayed the establishment of the populations from resting eggs. In these ponds, populations of various cladoceran and rotiferan species, which seemed to be originated from resting eggs, were built up in the spring. In control ponds,Daphnia ambigua orD. longispina overwintered as juveniles and adults and established a large spring population earlier than other cladocerans and rotifers overwintering as resting eggs. The latter zooplankters did not increase in the spring probably because their growth was suppressed by the precedingDaphnia species through competition. In nature, even if the number of overwintering individuals is small, they may have a potential to build up a large population earlier than the individuals hatching from resting eggs. As a result, the species which have overwintered as individuals seem to predominate in the spring and have a large influence on the spring zooplankton community.  相似文献   
Primary production of phytoplankton and secondary production of a daphnid and a chaoborid were studied in a small eutrophic pond. The gross primary production of phytoplankton was 290 gC m−2 per 9 months during April–December. Regression analysis showed that the gross primary production was related to the incident solar radiation and the chlorophylla concentration and not to either total phosphorus or total inorganic nitrogen concentration. The mean chlorophylla concentration (14.2 mg m−3), however, was about half the expected value upon phosphorus loading of this pond. The mean zooplankton biomass was 1.60 g dry weight m−2, of whichDaphnia rosea and cyclopoid copepods amounted to 0.69 g dry weight m−2 and 0.61 g dry weight m−2, respectively. The production ofD. rosea was high during May–July and October and the level for the whole 9 months was 22.6 g dry weight m−2.Chaoborus flavicans produced 10 complete and one incomplete cohorts per year. Two consecutive cohorts overlapped during the growing season. The maximum density, the mean biomass, and the production were 19,100 m−2, 0.81 g dry weight m−2, and 11.7 g dry weight m−2yr−1, respectively. As no fish was present in this pond, the emerging biomass amounted to 69% of larval production. The production ofC. flavicans larvae was high in comparison with zooplankton production during August–September, when the larvae possibly fed not only on zooplankton but also algae.  相似文献   
Vibrio hollisae strains isolated recently from patients in various locations were examined for the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) using nucleic acid hybridization and polymerase chain reaction assays. The results were consistent with the previous finding that all strains of V. hollisae carry the tdh gene. In contrast, the tdh gene has been detected in a minority of strains for other Vibrio species (V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae non-O1, and V. mimicus). Detailed phylogenetic analysis showed that the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species were very closely related to each other and that the tdh gene of V. hollisae was distantly related to the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species. These results and the proposed insertion sequence-mediated tdh transfer mechanism suggest that the tdh gene may have been maintained stably in V. hollisae and that the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species may have been involved in recent horizontal transfer.  相似文献   
Hoson T  Kamisaka S  Masuda Y 《Planta》1996,199(1):100-104
Primary roots of six plant species were placed horizontally either in humid air or under water, and their growth and gravitropic responses were examined. In air, all the roots showed a normal gravitropic curvature. Under water without aeration, roots of rice (Oryza sativa L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), azuki bean (Vigna angularis Ohwi et Ohashi), and cress (Lepidium sativum L.) curved downward at almost same rate as in air, whereas the curvature of roots of maize (Zea mays L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) was strongly suppressed. Submergence did not cause a decrease in growth rate of these roots. When roots of maize and pea were placed horizontally under water without aeration and then rotated in three dimensions on a clinostat in air, they showed a significant curvature, suggesting that the step suppressed by submergence is not graviperception but the subsequent signal transmission or differential growth process. Constant bubbling of air through the water partly restored the gravitropic curvature of maize roots and completely restored that of pea roots. The curvature of pea roots was also partly restored by the addition of an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, aminooxyacetic acid. In air, ethylene suppressed the gravitropic curvature of roots of maize and pea. Furthermore, the level of ethylene in the intercellular space of the roots was increased by submergence. These results suggest that the accumulation of ethylene in the tissue is at least partly involved in suppression of transmission of the gravity signal or of differential growth in maize and pea roots under conditions of submergence.Abbreviations AOA aminooxyacetic acid - 3-D three-dimensional Dedicated to Professor Andreas Sievers on the occasion of his retirementWe thank Professor H. Suge and Drs. H. Takahashi and H. Kataoka, Tohoku University and Dr. T. Suzuki, Yamagata University, for helpful suggestions. The present study was supported in part by a Grant for Basic Research in Space Station Utilization from the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan.  相似文献   
We examined serum copper (Cu), serum zinc (Zn), and the serum copper/zinc ratio (Cu/Zn) in 162 patients. All of them were seen to have an abnormal shadow in the chest X-ray films, that is, 109 patients with lung cancer (LC) and 53 patients with no lung cancer (NLC). The mean Cu and Cu/Zn in LC patients were significantly higher than those in NLC patients (p<0.05). In LC patients, Cu and Cu/Zn were higher and Zn was lower in advanced tumors than early ones. There was a significantly clear relation between Cu or Cu/Zn and the tumor (T) stages. When the relative risk (RR) of LC was estimated, it was seen that the higher Cu and Cu/Zn became, the higher RR became. Furthermore, we showed the sensitivity of the receiver operator characteristic of the test (ROC) curve for Cu, Cu/Zn, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) to diagnose LC, as explained in a paragraph of methods.The determinations of Cu, Zn, and Cu/Zn are simple and inexpensive. They also appear to have a great diagnostic value in determining the local invasion of LC and as a screening test in the high-risk patients for LC.  相似文献   
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