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In northwest European countries maternal age is increasing. This will lead to an increase of the prevalence of Down syndrome conceptuses. Meanwhile, the increased use of prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis (PCD) will lead to a decrease in the prevalence of Down syndrome among livebirths. We were interested to know what the result of these two opposite developments would be in the near future, and we describe here a model to quantify these processes and the resulting livebirth prevalence of Down syndrome. The model is demonstrated for The Netherlands from 1992 to 2001. The predicted livebirth prevalence for The Netherlands in 1992 is 1.36 per 1000. Demographic factors will cause an increase to 1.76 per 1000 in 2001 with present indications for PCD and a utilization ratio of 50%. An increase of the utilization ratio to 90% in 2001 will lead to a prevalence of 1.22 per 1000, a little less than the present prevalence. Alternative screening programs, including maternal serum screening, could lead to a further decrease of the livebirth prevalence. The model described here can be used for evaluation of the consequences of alternative forms of Down syndrome screening.  相似文献   
Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Yamabiko) seedlings germinated underwater for 5 days contained small amounts of heme a and protohemebut no protochlorophyll(ide) [Pchl(ide)]. Levels of hemes andPchl(ide) increased rapidly upon transfer to air. When expressedin terms of fresh weight of tissue, hemes reached the levelsin aerobic controls after 24 h of contact with air, but Pchl(ide)did not. A comparison of the increases during 24-h adaptationto air in levels of heme a and Pchl(ide), which are specificto mitochondria and plastids, respectively, suggested that thedevelopment of mitochondria preceded that of plastids. The rateof synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was low in submergedseedlings, as compared to the rate in aerobic controls, butit increased during air adaptation. The sum of the amounts ofheme a, protoheme and Pchl(ide) increased in parallel with theamount of porphyrins, equivalent to the amount of ALA synthesizedduring the experimental period. When submerged seedlings thathad been pretreated with levulinic acid were exposed to air,no Pchl(ide) was formed. In contrast, Pchl(ide) accumulatedunder water when submerged seedlings were fed with ALA. Theseresults indicate that the synthesis of ALA, the limiting stepin the synthesis of Pchl(ide), is repressed under hypoxic conditions. 1 Present address: KRI International, Inc., Kyoto Research Park17, Chudoji Minami-machi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600 Japan. 2 Present address: Research Institute for Bioresources, OkayamaUniversity, Kurashiki, 710 Japan.  相似文献   
A 562 base pair fragment of DNA from a serotype A strain of Vibrio anguillarum was cloned into pUC9 and used as a hybridization probe for the rapid identification of Vibrio anguillarum by colony hybridization. The probe was tested on nine different fish pathogens, 15 Vibrio isolates, 2 organisms closely related to Vibrio, and 9 serotypes of V. anguillarum. The probe hybridized only with the DNA of V. anguillarum serotypes A and H. The sequence of the 562 nucleotides have been determined. This probe allows rapid, reliable, and specific detection of V. anguillarum in freshwater ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll (Chl) a', the C132-epimer of Chl a, is a constituent of the primary electron donor (P700) of Photosystem (PS) I of a thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus (Thermosynechococcus) elongatus, as was recently demonstrated by X-ray crystallography. To determine whether PS I of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms universally contains one molecule of Chl a', pigment compositions of thylakoid membranes and PS I complexes isolated from the cyanobacteria T. elongatus and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and the green plant spinach, were examined by simultaneous detection of phylloquinone (the secondary electron acceptor of PS I) and Chl a' by reversed-phase HPLC. The results were compared with the Chl a/P700 ratio determined spectrophotometrically. The Chl a'/PS I ratios of thylakoid membranes and PS I were about 1 for all the organisms examined, and one Chl a' molecule was found in PS I even after most of the peripheral subunits were removed. Chl a' showed a characteristic extraction behaviour significantly different from the bulk Chl a in acetone/methanol extraction upon varying the mixing ratio. These findings confirm that a single Chl a' molecule in P700 is the universal feature of PS I of the Chl a-based oxygenic photosynthetic organisms.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid quantitative method for 13C-labelled urea ([13C]urea) in human serum was developed by using high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-APCI-MS). This method is used to establish and normalize the [13C]urea breath test, which is considered as an effective diagnostic method for Helicobacter pylori infection. HPLC-APCI-MS, involving a simple pretreatment process such as diluting serum with water, was shown to be able to discriminate the extrinsic [13C]urea from intrinsic urea present at high concentration in serum. In addition, a 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic quantitative method for [13C]urea in human urine is also described. The precision and accuracy of measured concentrations in these two methods were found to be within the acceptable limit. An application of these methods to investigate the pharmacokinetic profile of orally administered [13C]urea in human serum and urine is also presented.  相似文献   
A Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) that has been partiallypurified and characterized previously [Yuasa and Muto (1992)Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 296: 175] was further purified to about20,000-fold from the soluble fraction of Dunaliella tertiolecta.The enzyme preparation contained 60- and 52-kDa polypeptidesboth of which phosphorylated casein as a substrate. Both polypeptidesshowed a Ca2+-dependent increase in mobility during SDS-PAGEand 45Ca2+-binding activity after SDS-PAGE and electroblottingonto a nitrocellulose membrane, suggesting that both the 60-and 52-kDa CDPKs directly bind Ca2+. The protein kinase inhibitors,K-252a and staurosporine, inhibited the CDPK competitively withrespect to ATP. An antibody raised against the 60-kDa CDPK crossreactedwith both the 60- and 52-kDa polypeptides. Both molecular specieswere autophosphorylated in the presence of Ca2+, and a highlyphosphorylated 80-kDa band appeared in addition to these phosphorylatedbands at 60 and 52 kDa in SDS-PAGE. However, the specific activityof CDPK was not changed by prior autophosphorylation when theautophosphorylated enzyme was assayed as a mixture of thesephosphorylated molecular species. Only the 60-kDa polypeptidewas immunodetected in subcellular fractions of Dunaliella cells.The 52-kDa polypeptide increased during storage of the enzyme.These results suggest that the 52-kDa polypeptide is a proteolyticartifact produced during purification. Immunoreactive bandsof 60-kDa were detected in extracts of several green algae butnot in extracts of higher plants or a brown alga. 1This research was partly supported by Grants-in-Aid from theMinistry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan (No. 06454013and 06304023) and Research Fellowship of the Japan Society forthe Promotion of Science for Young Sciencists. 2Research Fellow (PD) of the Japan Society for the Promotionof Science.  相似文献   
The chorion of unfertilized medaka Oryzias latipes eggs consists of two major proteins (77–73 and 49 kDa) and a minor 150 kDa protein. Upon fertilization, these major chorion proteins are polymerized to insoluble high molecular weight proteins via the temporary formation of several new proteins (132, 114, 62 and 61 kDa). Increasing chorion toughness is closely related to the formation of high molecular weight proteins and the increasing insolubility of the chorion proteins. The changes in chorion proteins and hardening could be induced in vitro in isolated chorions by an egg exudate, which includes cortical alveolar contents. The effects of temperature and pH on the egg exudate-induced changes in chorion proteins were examined in the present study. The major proteins could be digested by proteolytic enzymes. The 49 kDa protein was PAS-positive. Analysis with polyclonal antibodies against the major proteins demonstrated that the temporarily formed 62 and 61 kDa proteins were derived from the 77–73 kDa protein and that higher molecular weight proteins, newly formed in the process of chorion hardening, contained the same epitopes as did the 77–73 and 49 kDa proteins. The results suggest that the changes in chorion proteins of the medaka egg at the time of fertilization can be induced by an enzyme(s) released from the egg cortex into the perivitelline space.  相似文献   
 Mutations at the flügellos (fl) locus in Bombyx mori give rise to wingless pupae and moths. To understand the developmental steps responsible for the fl wing defect, we compared the morphological changes and protein synthesis profiles between fl and wild-type (WT) wing discs during larval development. Morphologically, the four wing discs in the fl homozygote larva developed normally at least until the fourth instar, but they were slightly smaller than those of the WT. After the last larval ecdysis, wing epithelial invagination and tracheal migration into the lacunar spaces evidently occurred in the WT wing discs. However, there was no apparent morphological change in fl discs through the fifth instar. The fl wing discs cultured in medium containing 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) did not grow and develop, although the WT wing discs extended and differentiated under the same conditions. A comparison of protein synthesis in the wing discs revealed that several bands were differentially expressed between the fl and WT. A 41-kDa band expressed abundantly from larval to pharate pupal stages in the WT wing discs was rarely observed in fl discs. Furthermore, in vitro culture studies showed that the 41-kDa protein was induced by 20E and specifically synthesized in WT wing discs after the wandering stage, but not in fl discs. The wing-specific protein synthesis and morphogenesis in fl wing discs may be blocked due to aberrant expression of the fl gene. Received: 6 November 1996 / Accepted: 5 February 1997  相似文献   
Isono, Shiroh, John E Remmers, Atsuko Tanaka, Yasuhide Sho,Jiro Sato, and Takashi Nishino. Anatomy of pharynx in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and in normal subjects.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4):1319-1326, 1997.Anatomic abnormalities of the pharynx arethought to play a role in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA), but their contribution has never been conclusively proven. Thepresent study tested this anatomic hypothesis by comparing themechanics of the paralyzed pharynx in OSA patients and in normalsubjects. According to evaluation of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)by nocturnal oximetry, subjects were divided into three groups: normalgroup (n = 17), SDB-1(n = 18), and SDB-2(n = 22). The static pressure-arearelationship of the passive pharynx was quantified under generalanesthesia with complete paralysis. Age and body mass index werematched among the three groups. The site of the primary closure was thevelopharynx in 49 subjects and the oropharynx in only 8 subjects.Distribution of the location of the primary closure did not differamong the groups. Closing pressure(PC) of the velopharynx forSDB-1 and SDB-2 groups (0.90 ± 1.34 and 2.78 ± 2.78 cmH2O, respectively) wassignificantly higher than that for the normal group (3.77 ± 3.44 cmH2O;P < 0.01). Maximal velopharyngealarea for the normal group (2.10 ± 0.85 cm2) was significantly greaterthan for SDB-1 and SDB-2 groups (1.15 ± 0.46 and 1.06 ± 0.75 cm2, respectively). Theshape of the pressure-area curve for the velopharynx differed betweennormal subjects and patients with SDB, being steeper in slope nearPC in patients with SDB.Multivariate analysis of mechanical parameters and oxygen desaturationindex (ODI) revealed that velopharyngealPC was the only variable highly correlated with ODI. VelopharyngealPC was associated withoropharyngeal PC, suggestingmechanical interdependence of these segments. We conclude that thepassive pharynx is more narrow and collapsible in sleep-apneic patientsthan in matched controls and that velopharyngeal PC is the principal correlate ofthe frequency of nocturnal desaturations.

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