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A heterotrimeric G-protein in vertebrate photoreceptor cells is called transducin (T alpha beta gamma), whose gamma-subunit is a mixture of two components, T gamma-1 and T gamma-2. T gamma-2 is S-farnesylated and partly carboxyl methylated at the C-terminal cysteine residue, whereas T gamma-1 lacks the modified cysteine residue. To elucidate the physiological significance of the double modifications in T gamma, we established a simple chromatographic procedure to isolate T gamma-1, methylated T gamma-2 and non-methylated T gamma-2 on a reversed phase column. Taking advantage of the high and reproducible yield of T gamma from the column, we analyzed the composition of T gamma subspecies in the T alpha-T beta gamma complex which did not bind with transducin-depleted rod outer segment membranes containing metarhodopsin II. The binding of T alpha-T beta gamma with the membranes was shown to require the S-farnesylated cysteine residue of T gamma, whose methylation further enhanced the binding. This synergistic effect was not evident when T alpha was either absent or converted to the GTP-bound form which is known to dissociate from T beta gamma. Thus we concluded that a formation of the ternary complex, T alpha-T beta gamma-metarhodopsin II, is enhanced by the farnesylation and methylation of T gamma. This suggests that the double modifications provide most efficient signal transduction in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   
A new trisaccharide sugar chain was identified in bovine blood coagulation factors VII and IX. A pentapeptide isolated from factor VII contained Ser-52, which could not be identified with a gas-phase sequencer, suggesting an unknown substituent on the serine residue (Takeya, H. et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem., in press). The same results were obtained for a pentapeptide containing Ser-53 of factor IX. Component sugar analysis revealed that the peptide contained 1 mol of glucose and 2 mol of xylose. This sugar component was also confirmed by high-resolution fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric analysis of the pentapeptide. The trisaccharide was released from the peptides by means of beta-elimination reaction and its reducing end was coupled with 2-aminopyridine. The fluorescent pyridylamino (PA-) derivative of the trisaccharide was purified by gel-filtration and reversed-phase HPLC. The sugar composition of the PA-trisaccharide was found to be 2 mol of xylose and 1 mol of PA-glucose. These results indicate the existence of a (Xyl2)Glc-Ser structure in factors VII and IX.  相似文献   
The composition and positional distribution of fatty acids inmonogalactosyldiacylglycerol, digalactosyldiacylglycerol, phosphatidylglyceroland sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol from two cyanobacteria, Anacystisnidulans and Synechococcus sp. grown at 25°C have been determinedand compared with measurements of the phase separation temperaturesof the lipids. Only monogalactosyldiacylglycerol in Anacystisand sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol in Synechococcus showed phaseseparation temperatures above 0°C. The phase transitiontemperature of a sample of sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol containingover 90% of the dihexadecanoyl molecular species has been determinedto be 43°C for the Na+ salt and 38°C for the Mg++ salt. *Deceased. September 14, 1986. (Received June 25, 1986; Accepted August 25, 1986)  相似文献   
Development of fin-supports and fin-rays was observed in larval and juvenileChanos chanos, Chondrification of the caudal complex started at 4.70 mm SL. Ossification of the caudal elements started at 7.80 mm SL and was nearly completed at about 30 mm SL. Cartilaginous fusion of caudal elements, which occurs in hypurals of higher teleostean fishes but is not seen in lower teleosts, was observed between the neural arch of the preural centrum 1 and that of the ural centrum 1 via a small cartilage bridging the distal tips of the two arches. Caudal finrays began to develop at 6.60 mm SL, and an adult complement of principal rays was attained at 7.35 mm SL. Dorsal and anal pterygiophore elements were first evident at 6.70 mm and 6.65 mm SL, respectively. All proximal radiais were formed at 8.15 mm SL in both fins. Formation of dorsal and anal fin-rays started simultaneously at 8.60 mm SL, and adult fin-ray complements were attained at 10,00 mm and 10.70 mm SL, respectively. In the pectoral fin, the cleithrum, coraco-scapular cartilage and blade-like cartilage (fin plate) had already been formed at 4.65 mm SL. The mesocoracoid was observed to originate from the coraco-scapular cartilage and become detached from it in the course of ossification. Pectoral fin-ray formation started at 13.80 mm SL and was completed in number of rays at 20.00 mm SL. In the pelvic fin, the basipterygium was first evident at 13.00 mm SL. Pelvic fin-rays appeared at 13.80 mm SL and attained their adult count at 17.15 mm SL.  相似文献   
Glycolipids of human cell lines of colonic adenocarcinoma (Colo 205 and BM 314), gastric tumor (AZ 521 and KATO-III), and lung tumor (A 549) were studied by the immunohistochemical fluorescence technique, flow cytometric analysis and immunostaining on thin layer chromatoplates with antibodies against gangliotriaosylceramide (Gg3Cer), gangliotetraosylceramide (Gg4Cer), fucogangliotetraosylceramide (Fuc-Gg4Cer), blood group B active lipid, globopentaosylceramide (Gb5Cer) and lactoneotetraosylceramide (nLc4Cer). Anti-nLc4Cer antibody was the only antibody which reacted with all the tumor cell lines used. The glycolipid fractions of each cell line separated by Iatrobeads column chromatography were immunostained with the six antibodies mentioned above on thin layer plates. The presence of nLc4Cer was detected in all cell lines. On the other hand, Gg4Cer was detected in gastric tumor cell lines, and Gg3Cer was detected in AZ 521. Based on these results, the tumor cell lines were analyzed by flow cytometry using anti-nLc4Cer antibody. About 70% of total cells in each cell line were separated as nLc4Cer-expressing cells. The present findings, together with the occurrence of nLc4Cer in ascitic fluids of cancer patients (Taki, T., Kojima, S., Seto, H., Yamada, H., & Matsumoto, M. (1984) J. Biochem. 96, 1257-1265), suggest that nLc4Cer may be a tumor-associated lipid.  相似文献   
A major glycosphingolipid in rat bone marrow cells was purified, and its structure was studied. The glycolipid was found to exhibit blood group B activity by the hemagglutination inhibition test. The structure was determined to be (formula; see text) by studies of nuclear magnetic resonance, sequential hydrolysis by exoglycosidases, linkage analysis of methylated sugars by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and immunological tests. The blood group B active glycolipid was detected not only in the bone marrow cells but also in spleen, thymus, and rat ascites hepatoma AH 7974F cells. Besides the glycolipid, gangliotriaosylceramide, gangliotetraosylceramide, and fucogangliotetraosylceramide were commonly detected in these cells. The similarity between the glycolipid species on the cell surfaces of the immunocytes and the tumor cells is discussed with the respect to an escape mechanism of the tumor cells from the immunosurveillance system.  相似文献   
Summary Short-term effects of CaCl2-treatment on parathyroid cells of the rat, especially on their storage granules, were studied at the ultrastructural level. After an injection of 4% CaCl2, serum calcium levels (SCL) rapidly increased from 9.1 mg/dl (controls) to a maximum of 14.9 mg/dl at 20 min. At 5 min after the injection, the number of type-I storage granules (large core) [NSG-I] and that of type-II storage granules (small core) [NSG-II] remained unchanged, in spite of elevated SCL (12.4 mg/dl). As soon as SCL rose to 13.2 mg/dl at 7.5 min, NSG-I gradually decreased to a minimum at 30 min; in contrast, NSG-II gradually increased to a maximum at 30 min. Vacuolar bodies also increased together with the augmentation of type-II storage granules. The average diameter of the core of the storage granules decreased significantly after the injection. Protein A-gold method for immunocytochemistry showed that the cores of these granules contain parathormone. Acid-phosphatase activity was occasionally found in storage granules of both types, especially in those of type II. It is concluded (i) that type-I storage granules may be transformed into vacuolar bodies via type-II granules as a result of hydrolysis, and (ii) that these processes may be accelerated during hypercalcemia.  相似文献   
Glycolipid composition of ascitic fluids from patients with cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The glycolipid composition of ascitic fluids from nine patients with cancer and one pleural effusion from a hepatoma patient was studied. Glucosylceramide, lactosylceramide, globotriaosylceramide, and globotetraosylceramide were found in all samples and also in normal human serum. These glycolipids accounted for more than 90% of the neutral glycolipid fraction and the composition in ascitic fluids was similar to that in normal human serum. From ascitic fluids, several minor glycolipids, which could not be detected in normal human serum, were isolated and characterized by exoglycosidase treatment. Lactoneotetraosylceramide was found in eight samples of ascitic fluids, and globopentaosylceramide was detected in two samples from hepatoma and one from pancreatic cancer. A fucolipid which was converted to lactoneotetraosylceramide by alpha-L-fucosidase treatment was recognized in two samples from hepatoma patients. In the ganglioside fraction, GM3 was the predominant component both in normal human serum and in ascitic fluid. The GM2 content in ascitic fluids was much higher than that in normal human serum. From these results, lactoneotetraosylceramide and GM2 are possible candidates as cancer markers, because they seemed to be derived from cancer tissues by shedding.  相似文献   
-Amanitin and cordycepin at various concentrations were testedfor their inhibitory effect on the fresh weight increase ofVigna unguiculata embryonic axes after the onset of imbibitionand on the incorporation rate of 3H-labeled leucine into proteinin axes of the 36–38 h stage. -Amanitin at 0.5–5µ/Kg/ml clearly exerted an inhibitory effect on both thefresh weight increase and the protein synthesis. This drug at1 µg/ml, however, showed no significant effect on theprotein synthesis at an early stage of imbibition (4 h), whereascycloheximide was a very potent inhibitor. By experiments inwhich ‘dry’ axes were allowed to imbibe 3H-lebeledadenosine solution for 4 and 12 h in the presence of -amanitin,it was found that poly A+RNA was newly synthesized to some extentin axes as early as 4 h after the onset of imbibition and thatthe drug effectively inhibited the poly A+RNA synthesis. Theresults may indicate the occurrence of stored mRNA in embryonicaxes of V. unguiculata seeds. (Received June 11, 1983; Accepted August 16, 1983)  相似文献   
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