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Eight sperm-activating peptides containing a novel amino acid were isolated from the egg jelly of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. Accurate mass measurement of the peptide in FAB mass spectrometry showed that the mass of the novel amino acid residue was 224.978. On the basis of the isotopic ion distribution and the degree of unsaturation, the mass value indicated that the elemental composition of the amino acid residue was C9H8O1N1Br1, suggesting that the novel amino acid was bromophenylalanine. Proton NMR spectroscopy, amino acid analysis, and RP-HPLC with three synthetic isomers of bromophenylalanine demonstrated that o-bromophenylalanine was the novel amino acid. Derivatization of the amino acid with Marfey's reagent, (1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophen-5-yl)-L-alanine amide (FDAA), further indicated that the amino acid was the L-isomer. In other sperm-activating peptides isolated from the egg jelly of the sea urchin, both m- and p-bromophenylalanines were discovered. The presence of m-bromophenylalanine has not been previously reported in natural products, while p-bromophenylalanine is found in theonellamide F, an antifungal bicyclic peptide from a marine sponge.  相似文献   
There are, at least, three possible ways in which similar species coexist; resource partitioning, interference competition, and exploitation competition. Here, I investigated which way contributed to the coexistence of leafroller-hunting eumenid wasp species. Resource partitioning and, in addition, differential diet breadths proved to promote species coexistence in this case. First, I analyze the prey records and diet overlap of four eumenid species in a local area. The larger two eumenids hunted similar-sized prey items and had similar potential taxonomic prey uses. But the diet breadth of the subsocial eumenid was much wider than that of the solitary one. As a result, the diet overlap between the two large eumenids decreased. This was because the solitary eumenid attend repeatedly to the same hunting site inhabited by one abundant prey species, while the subsocial one made random hunting. On the other hand, the two medium-sized eumenids partitioned resources according to prey size. Secondly, I related these results to prey choice by several other species of eumenid obtained from literature sources. Ten Japanese common eumenids were divided into four groups according to their prey size. In each of the four groups, 2 to 3 wasp species differentiated the habitat (1 group) or coexisted by means of differential diet breadths (parallel with differential sociality, 2 groups).  相似文献   
Recovery of uranium by immobilized microorganisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Some attempts were made to recover uranium from sea and fresh water using immobilized Streptomyces viridochromogenes and Chlorella regularis cells. The cells immobilized in polyacrylamide gel have the most favorable features for uranium recovery; high adsorption ability, good mechanical properties, and applicability in a column system. The adsorption of uranium by the immobilized cells is not affected by the pH values between 4 and 9. These results show that uranium adsorption becomes independent of pH after immobilization. The amounts of uranium adsorbed by the immobilized cells increased linearly with temperature, suggesting that the adsorption of uranium by the immobilized cells is an endothermic reaction. The immobilized cells can recover uranium almost quantitatively from both fresh and sea water containing uranium, and almost all uranium adsorbed is desorbed with a solution of Na2CO3. Thus the immobilized cells of Streptomyces and Chlorella can be used repeatedly in adsorption-desorption process.Studies on the Accumulation of Heavy Metal Elements in Biological Systems. XXI  相似文献   
In the presence of heme and reduced glutathione, prostaglandin (PG) endoperoxides underwent rapid conversion to malondialdehyde and 12l-hydroxy-5,8,10-heptadecatrienoic acid. In addition, PG endoperoxides as well as lipid peroxides produced malondialdehyde to yield a red pigment during the thiobarbituric acid reaction with different efficiencies. The relative rates of the reaction were: 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane, 100; PGG2, 55; PGH2, 32; and 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid, 6. The thiobarbituric acid reactive materials in rabbit serum decreased by 25–60%, after intravenous administration of aspirin (a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor) and with a concomitant decline of serum PG levels. These results, taken together, suggested that serum thiobarbituric acid values, considered to be an indicator of lipid peroxide levels, were to a significant extent due to PG endoperoxides and their derivatives.  相似文献   
The energy relationships of the potassium uptake rhythm in aflow-medium culture of a duckweed, Lemna gibba G3, were investigated. Respiratory inhibitors or uncouplers (NaCN, 2,4-dinitrophenoland carbonyl-cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazon) reduced the mesoror the average rate of potassium uptake, without remarkablydecreasing the amplitude of the rhythm. NaN3, however, preferablysurpressed the amplitude at a concentration as low as 10–6M. Both dichloro-phenyldimethylurea and the removal of CO2 graduallydecreased the average rate of the uptake, although the rhythmicityitself was not eliminated completely in the absence of CO2.In N2, the average rate of uptake was reduced to zero, but rhythmwith a small amplitude survived. These observations suggested that respired photosynthates provideenergy for sustaining the average of potassium uptake and thatsome light dependent processes control the amplitude of therhythm. Exogenous sugar could make the potassium uptake rhythmappear for a relatively short time in the dark. 1This study was carried out in the National Institute for BasicBiology and the Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, NagoyaUniversity (Received October 24, 1979; )  相似文献   
Ionic composition of the vacuolar sap of Noctiluca miliariswas as follows: [Na+] = 487.3 mM, [K+]=24.1 mM, [Ca2+]=6.6 mM,[Mg2+]=2.8 mM, [Cl]=500mM, [NH4+]=15–25 mM, and[SO42–]=undetectable. To measure the vacuolar pH of singleliving cells, a pH-sensitive glass microelectrode was used.The vacuolar pH value was 3.50 ±0.18. When the cellswere transferred from normal sea water into osmotically adjusted50% sea water for one day, the vacuolar ion concentrations remainedalmost constant. Upon immersing the cells in osmotically unadjustedsea water of various concentrations for one day, the observedincrements or decrements of the vacuolar ion concentrationscould be accounted for largely by the migration of water outof or into the cells. The intrinsic ionic composition of thevacuole seems to be constant against changes in ion concentrationsof the bathing medium. (Received October 20, 1975; )  相似文献   
The regulation by adenylates of activities of various partial electron transport systems in spinach chloroplasts was studied using systems from H2O to 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone, H2O to 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol to methyl viologen, and H2O to methyl viologen or ferricyanide. Adenylates regulated all of them. The ratio of the amount of esterified Pi (P) to that of electrons transported (e) in coupling with phosphorylation manifested that there are two phosphorylation sites: one between H2O and 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone or 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and another between reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and methyl viologen, under the proposed stoichiometries,i.e., P/H+=0.5 and H+/e=1, where H+ is the amount of protons pumped by electron transport (= those translocated during phosphorylation), when the basal electron transport (the part not regulated by adenylates) was excluded. The effects of pH, phlorizin, and methylamine on the adenylate regulation of electron transport, and the stimulation profile of electron transport coupled with quasiarsenylation suggested no distinction between the two phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   
The thermodynamic parameters of the CO-equilibria of isolated chains of hemoglobin A and of two α-chains in hemoglobins M Milwaukee-I and Saskatoon at 25°, pH 7.0 were determined. The parameters for the binding of the first CO molecule to the hemoglobins M were ΔH′=?17 and ?18 kcal/mole heme and ΔS′=?30 and ?29 e.u. for hemoglobins M Milwaukee-I and Saskatoon, respectively. In contrast to this the characteristics of the second step of the binding were ΔH′=+5.9· and +4.3 kcal/mole and ΔS′=+51 and +49 e.u. These values for the second step were also significantly different from those of the isolated α-chain (ΔH′=?15 kcal/mole and ΔS′=?11 e.u.).  相似文献   
The mass spectra of trimethylsilyl ethers of six gibberellin-β-d-glucopyranosyl ethers and five gibberellin-β-d-glucopyranosyl esters are discussed. The fragmentation patterns are shown to be affected by the structural variations of the aglycones.  相似文献   
A method is described for isolating phosphomannose isomerasefrom young konjak corms. The enzyme is believed to catalyzethe mannose forming reaction in growing corm tissues. The purifiedenzyme preparation was free from phosphoglucose isomerase activity,and was stable at pH 6–9. Maximum enzyme activity wasobserved at pH 6.5–7.0. The molecular weight of the enzymewas estimated as 45,000 using Sephadex gel filtration. The followingkinetic parameters were obtained: Km (mannose-6-P), 0.73 mM,Keq (fructose-6-P/mannose-6-P), 1.06 at pH 6.5, and activationenergy, 11,600 cal/mole. The enzyme was inhibited by the metalbinding agents EDTA, o-phenanthroline, and a,a'-bipyridyl. Theinhibitory effect of these agents was markedly influenced bythe pH level of the incubation mixture, being more pronouncedat pH 6 than at pH 8. 1 This paper constitutes part 3 of studies on konjak mannanbiosynthesis. (Received March 3, 1975; )  相似文献   
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