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We previously reported a helper T-cell (Th) epitope (peptide i) which corresponded to the sequence ranging from positions 462 to 479 from the N-terminus of the Friend-murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) envelope protein (env462-479). Homologous sequences exist in both Moloney-murine leukemia (M-MuLV env452-469) and endogenous AKV (AKV env453-470) viruses, which differ from F-MuLV env462-479 in 5 and 7 amino acids, respectively. However, peptide i-specific Th clones did not respond to either of the corresponding exogenous or endogenous peptides. One amino acid substitution in M-MuLV env452-469 (Asn to Tyr at position 465: N465Y) and three amino acids in AKV env453-470 (H460S, A466Y and Y468H) endowed both peptides with the reactivity to one of the Th clones, F5-5, almost to the same degree as peptide i. However, the other Th clones responded differently to each of the modified endogenous peptides substituted by one to three amino acids. The cells responsive to the cross-reactive peptides occupied only a minor portion, if any, of the bulk cultured lymph node cells from peptide i-immune mice, and in particular, no significant response to the modified endogenous peptides was observed in repeated experiments. The exchange of at least 3 residues was necessary for the endogenous peptide to acquire sufficient cross-reactivity to two of the three Th clones. However, it was noticeable that a single substitution of alanine by tyrosine at the dominant T-cell receptor (TCR) contact position of the peptide ie generated a weak but significant cross-reactivity to one of the three Th clones in this study. Thus, peptides of endogenous retroviral origin that would be modified by mutational events might become ‘non-self’ and prime Th cells leading to auto-antibody production and resulting in autoimmune disease.  相似文献   
A short characterization of Macrothrix flabelligera Smirnov, 1992 (Cladocera, Macrothricidae) is presented, following a recent record of this species in Brazil. General aspects and morphological details of the body of parthenogenetic and ephippial females, as well as of males, are described and illustrated.  相似文献   
Radiation therapy (RT) is pivotal in the treatment of many central nervous system (CNS) pathologies; however, exposure to RT in children is associated with a higher risk of secondary CNS tumors. Although recent research interest has focused on the reparative and therapeutic role of microglia, their recruitment following RT has not been elucidated, especially in the developing CNS. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics of microglia during tissue repair in the irradiated embryonic medaka brain by whole-mount in situ hybridization using a probe for Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a marker for activated microglia in teleosts. Three-dimensional imaging of the distribution of ApoE-expressing microglia in the irradiated embryonic brain clearly showed that ApoE-expressing microglia were abundant only in the late phase of phagocytosis during tissue repair induced by irradiation, while few microglia expressed ApoE in the initial phase of phagocytosis. This strongly suggests that ApoE has a significant function in the late phase of phagocytosis by microglia in the medaka brain. In addition, the distribution of microglia in p53-deficient embryos at the late phase of phagocytosis was almost the same as in wild-type embryos, despite the low numbers of irradiation-induced apoptotic neurons, suggesting that constant numbers of activated microglia were recruited at the late phase of phagocytosis irrespective of the extent of neuronal injury. This medaka model of microglia demonstrated specific recruitment after irradiation in the developing CNS and could provide a useful potential therapeutic strategy to counteract the detrimental effects of RT.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis inhibitors such as cycloheximide (CHX) are known to suppress protein degradation including autophagy. The fact that CHX inhibits autophagy has been generally interpreted to indicate that newly synthesized protein is indispensable for autophagy. However, CHX is also known to increase the intracellular level of amino acids and activate mTORC1 activity, a master negative regulator of autophagy. Accordingly, CHX can affect autophagic activity through inhibition of de novo protein synthesis and/or modulation of mTORC1 signaling. In this study, we investigated the effects of CHX on autophagy using specific autophagy markers. We found that CHX inhibited starvation-induced autophagy but not Torin1-induced autophagy. CHX also suppressed starvation-induced puncta formation of GFP-ULK1, an early-step marker of the autophagic process which is regulated by mTORC1. CHX activated mTORC1 even under autophagy-inducible starvation conditions. Finally, the inhibitory effect of CHX on starvation-induced autophagy was cancelled by the mTOR inhibitor Torin1. These results suggest that CHX inhibits starvation-induced autophagy through mTORC1 activation and also that autophagy does not require new protein synthesis at least in the acute phase of starvation.  相似文献   
The phox homology (PX) domain is a phosphoinositide-binding module that typically binds phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Out of 47 mammalian proteins containing PX domains, more than 30 are denoted sorting nexins and several of these have been implicated in internalization of cell surface proteins to the endosome, where phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate is concentrated. Here we investigated a multimodular protein termed PXK, composed of a PX domain, a protein kinase-like domain, and a WASP homology 2 domain. We show that the PX domain of PXK localizes this protein to the endosomal membrane via binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. PXK expression in COS7 cells accelerated the ligand-induced internalization and degradation of epidermal growth factor receptors by a mechanism requiring phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate binding but not involving the WASP homology 2 domain. Conversely, depletion of PXK using RNA interference decreased the rate of epidermal growth factor receptor internalization and degradation. Ubiquitination of epidermal growth factor receptor by the ligand stimulation was enhanced in PXK-expressing cells. These results indicate that PXK plays a critical role in epidermal growth factor receptor trafficking through modulating ligand-induced ubiquitination of the receptor.Both constitutive endocytosis and activated endocytosis are highly regulated events by which cells take up nutrients and internalize receptors for recycling or degradation (47). Endocytosed molecules are delivered to early endosomes, where the components are sorted to the cell surface for recycling back to the plasma membrane, or to late endosomes to be degraded in lysosomes (17). The molecular mechanisms regulating these events are not fully understood.One of the major protein families involved in the trafficking of membrane compartments is sorting nexins (SNXs), which are characterized by the presence of phox homology (PX) domains (8, 65). The PX domain is a protein module which consists of approximately 130 amino acids with three β-strands followed by three α-helices forming a helical subdomain, and the general function of this module is to interact with the head groups of inositol phospholipids through which parental proteins are targeted to specific cellular compartments. Most of the SNXs examined to date specifically recognize phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P], which is found predominately in early endosomes (11). The founding member of the SNX family, SNX1, was initially identified as an interaction partner of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and the expression of SNX1 enhanced lysosomal degradation of EGFR (38); therefore, SNXs are most likely to be involved in the trafficking of many different families of receptors which are recycled to the cell surface or sent to the lysosome for degradation (19). On the other hand, PX domain-containing proteins have also been reported to bind to phosphoinositides other than PtdIns(3)P and to have functions independent of receptor trafficking (54). For example, phospholipase D is a PX domain-containing protein that hydrolyzes phosphatidylcholine to produce a second-messenger molecule, phosphatidic acid. Interestingly, phospholipase D has been recently shown to accelerate EGFR endocytosis by activating dynamin GTPase through its PX domain but independently of lipase activity (39). Cytokine-independent survival kinase (CISK) is a PX domain-containing protein kinase that has also been shown to regulate sorting of a chemokine receptor CXCR4 through AIP4, the CXCR4 ubiquitin ligase (60). RGS-PX1, a GTPase-activating protein for Gαs of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins, and KIF16B, a PX domain-containing kinesin superfamily member, have been shown to regulate EGFR trafficking (27, 72) and are now grouped into the SNX family as SNX13 and SNX26, respectively.Another feature of the PX domain is a well-conserved polyproline sequence (PXXP) in the variable loop between α1 and α2 helices, which led to the original identification of the PX domain as a SH3 domain-binding partner (53). The physiological importance of both intermolecular and intramolecular interactions mediated by polyproline sequences has been shown in various molecules, including phospholipase D2 (33) and p47phox (1). In mammals, there are currently 47 proteins harboring PX domains, and 30 proteins are termed SNXs (59). The functions of these proteins have just begun to be revealed.Actin cytoskeletal dynamics have been implicated not only in cell motility and cytokinesis but also in endocytic processes, although the necessity and role in endocytosis in higher eukaryotic cells remain ambiguous (12, 34, 35, 55). The WASP homology 2 (WH2) domain is known as an actin-binding motif found in regulators of the actin cytoskeleton, including Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), Scar/WASP-family verprolin-homologous protein (WAVE), verprolin/WASP-interacting protein (WIP), missing in metastasis (MIM), and β-thymosins (52). Some proteins with WH2 domains, such as β-thymosin, prevent actin filament assembly by sequestering actin monomers, while others, such as N-WASP and the Drosophila protein Ciboulot participate in barbed-end actin assembly (52). Recently, the structural basis for these opposite functions of WH2 domains was demonstrated; the interaction of the C-terminal region of β-thymosin/WH2 domain with the pointed end of the actin monomer accounts for the switch in function from inhibition to promotion of actin assembly (26). WH2 domains exist in almost 20 proteins, whose functions remain to be clarified.In the present study, we isolated a new multimodular protein (termed PXK), conserved in multicellular organisms including humans through flies, which possesses a PX domain, a protein kinase-like domain, and a WH2 domain. We show that the PX and WH2 domains function as PtdIns(3)P and actin-binding domains, respectively. PXK expression in COS cells accelerated ligand-induced EGFR endocytosis and degradation that was dependent on a functional PX domain but independent of the WH2 domain. PXK also enhanced ubiquitination of EGFR induced by EGF stimulation in these cells. Based on these results, we propose that PXK is a functional sorting nexin that may play an additional role in cellular function via its interaction with the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
Many well-characterized examples of antisense RNAs from prokaryotic systems involve hybridization of the looped regions of stem–loop RNAs, presumably due to the high thermodynamic stability of the resulting loop–loop and loop–linear interactions. In this study, the identification of RNA stem–loops that inhibit U1A protein binding to the hpII RNA through RNA–RNA interactions was attempted using a bacterial reporter system based on phage λ N-mediated antitermination. As a result, loop sequences possessing 7–8 base complementarity to the 5′ region of the boxA element important for functional antitermination complex formation, but not the U1 hpII loop, were identified. In vitro and in vivo mutational analysis strongly suggested that the selected loop sequences were binding to the boxA region, and that the structure of the antisense stem–loop was important for optimal inhibitory activity. Next, in an attempt to demonstrate the ability to inhibit the interaction between the U1A protein and the hpII RNA, the rational design of an RNA stem–loop that inhibits U1A-binding to a modified hpII was carried out. Moderate inhibitory activity was observed, showing that it is possible to design and select antisense RNA stem–loops that disrupt various types of RNA–protein interactions.  相似文献   
A phosphatase was purified through a combination of ion‐exchange and hydrophobic chromatography followed by native PAGE from Physarum plasmodia. Recently, we demonstrated that this phosphatase isoform has a hydrolytic activity towards the PMLC (phosphorylated light chain of Physarum myosin II) at pH 7.6. The apparent molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated at approximately 50 kDa by means of analytical gel filtration. The enzyme was purified 340‐fold to a final phosphatase activity of 400 pkat/mg of protein. Among the phosphorylated compounds tested for hydrolytic activity at pH 7.6, the enzyme showed no activity towards nucleotides. At pH 7.6, hydrolytic activity of the enzyme against PMLC was detected; at pH 5.0, however, no hydrolytic activity towards PMLC was observed. The K m of the enzyme for PMLC was 10 μM, and the V max was 1.17 nkat/mg of protein. Ca2+ (10 μM) inhibited the activity of the enzyme, and Mg2+ (8.5 μM) activated the dephosphorylation of PMLC. Mn2+ (1.6 μM) highly stimulated the enzyme's activity. Based on these results, we concluded that the enzyme is likely to be a phosphatase with hydrolytic activity towards PMLC.  相似文献   
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