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Two gene transfer systems were established for a marine bacterium, Vibrio sp. strain 60. One was generalized transduction with a newly isolated bacteriophage, As3, and the other was conjugal gene transfer by the use of newly constructed transposon-facilitated recombination (Tfr) donors. As3 transduced various chromosomal markers at frequencies of 10(-4) to 10(-6). Tfr donors, which were constructed by introducing transposon Tn10 into both plasmid RP4 and the chromosome, mediated the polarized transfer of chromosomal genes from the sites of Tn10 insertion on the chromosome. By means of these gene transfer systems, a genetic map of the vibrio chromosome was constructed.  相似文献   
The effects of a hydrophobic peptide segment inserted into the amino-terminal region of the mature domain of OmpC, an outer membrane protein, on its translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane was studied. Both the intact OmpC and central domain-deleted OmpC were examined. The hydrophobic segment was derived from the signal peptide of OmpF. Secretory translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane was examined by means of proteinase K treatment. Four monoclonal antibodies that recognize different regions of OmpC were used to characterize proteinase K-resistant fragments. Insertion of the hydrophobic segment did not appreciably prevent the translocation of these proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane, larger parts of them being found as mature forms, which were mostly localized outside the cytoplasmic membrane. Circumstantial evidence supports the view, on the other hand, that the inserted hydrophobic domain was retained in the cytoplasmic membrane. It is concluded, therefore, that the hydrophobic segment, although it is not exported across the cytoplasmic membrane, does not prevent the secretion of the following polypeptide chain. The secretion was dependent on the amino-terminal signal peptide. Insertion of positive charges immediately after the hydrophobic segment resulted in suppression of the translocation. Based on these results possible mechanisms by which the secretion of the polypeptide chain after the hydrophobic segment are discussed.  相似文献   
The proton motive force (delta mu H+) plays an important role, although it is not absolutely essential, in the in vitro translocation of secretory proteins, such as OmpA, across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli (Yamada, H., Tokuda, H., and Mizushima, S. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 1723-1728). The transient accumulation in membrane vesicles of a possible translocation intermediate of OmpA was observed in the absence of delta mu H+. The intermediate was detected on a polyacrylamide gel as a proteinase K-resistant band corresponding to a molecular weight of 26,000. The intermediate did not possess the signal peptide. The appearance of this band was inhibited in the absence of ATP or the presence of adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imino)triphosphate (AMP-PNP) and enhanced upon the addition of SecA. Upon the addition of NADH that energizes the membrane, the intermediate was converted to the translocated form of OmpA, even in the presence of AMP-PNP. These results suggest different requirements of ATP and delta mu H+ for the early and late stages of the translocation reaction. The SecA requirement for the early stage of the translocation has also been suggested. In addition to this band, two other bands were observed at higher positions on the gel, when the translocation reaction was performed in the absence of delta mu H+. Although these two bands also represented the mature form of OmpA, which was partly protected from the proteinase K treatment by the membrane vesicles, the accumulation was not transient. These bands did not appear when the translocation reaction was performed in the presence of dithiothreitol. Together with other evidence, the above observations suggest that OmpA, which has an intramolecular disulfide bridge, cannot undergo the translocation unless delta mu H+ is imposed.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the role of thymic stroma-derived T cell growth factor (TSTGF) in promoting the growth of L3T4- Lyt2- (double-negative) thymocytes. Partially purified TSTGF samples were prepared from the culture supernatant of a newly established thymic stromal cell line, MRL104.8a. The TSTGF alone induced only marginal proliferation of double-negative thymocytes, whereas this factor exerted a potent growth-promoting effect on these cells in combination with PMA. Because such an enhanced proliferation was not inhibited by anti-IL-4 or anti-IL-2R antibody, this was not due to the stimulation of an autocrine mechanism involving the production and utilization of IL-4 or IL-2. In scrutinizing PMA-equivalent physiologic substance(s), IL-1 was revealed to be capable of replacing the role of PMA in the above co-stimulation cultures and including enhanced proliferation of double-negative thymocytes in combination with TSTGF. Although TSTGF plus IL-2 or IL-4 also exhibited an appreciable or moderate synergistic effect on the growth of double-negative thymocytes, its magnitude was weaker compared with that obtained by TSTGF plus IL-1. More important, the strikingly enhanced proliferation was induced in the combinations of TSTGF, IL-1, and IL-2 or IL-4 under conditions in which the proliferation induced by IL-1 plus IL-4 or IL-1 plus IL-2 was marginal or slight. Furthermore, such strongly enhanced proliferation was also observed in the double-negative thymocyte population which was additionally depleted of T3+ cells (namely, the L3T4- Lyt-2- T3- or dull population). These results indicate the crucial role of TSTGF in the proliferation of immature thymocytes by synergy with various cytokines.  相似文献   
We determined the partial amino (N)-terminal amino acid sequence of hepatitis C virus p21 (nonstructural protein 2 [NS2]). Cleavage at the p21 (NS2) N terminus depended on the presence of microsomal membranes. The amino-terminal position of p21 (NS2) was assigned to amino acid 810 of the hepatitis C virus strain IIJ precursor polyprotein. Mutation of the alanine residue at position P1 of the putative cleavage site inhibited membrane-dependent processing. This alteration in processing together with the fact that hydrophobic amino acid residues are clustered upstream of the putative cleavage site suggested the involvement of a signal peptidase(s) in the cleavage. Furthermore, mutation analysis of this possible cleavage site revealed the presence of another microsome membrane-dependent cleavage site upstream of the N terminus of p21 (NS2).  相似文献   
Xyloglucan oligosaccharides were isolated with various degreesof polymerization (DP) and reduced with tritiated sodium borohydride.The 3H-oligosaccharides were tested for their ability to bindto amorphous and microcrystalline celluloses and to cellulosefilter paper. The time course of binding indicated that theradiolabeled oligosaccharides continued to be bound for at least1 h after heating at 120°C. The binding probably requiredthe organization of the oligosaccharides and celluloses by gradualannealing after heating. Although neither pentasaccharide (glucose:xylose, 3 : 2), heptasaccharide (glucose: xylose, 4 : 3) andnonasaccharide (glucose : xylose : galactose : fucose, 4 : 3: 1 : 1) failed to bind to the celluloses, binding occurredwith oligosaccharides with DP equivalent to more than four consecutive1,4-ß-glucosyl residues. The extent of binding tothe celluloses increased gradually from octasaccharide (glucose:xylose, 5 : 3) to hendecosanosaccharide (glucose/xylose, 12: 9), with the increase in the DP of 1,4-ß-glucosylresidues. The binding of reduced cello-dextrins to celluloserequired at least 4 consecutive 1,4-ß-glucosyl residues.The extent of binding of cellopentitol or cellohexitol to cellulosewas similar to that of hendecosanosaccharide, showing lowerbinding for xyloglucan oligosaccharides in spite of longer chainsof 1,4-ß-glucosyl residues. These findings suggestthat the mode of binding to cellulose of xyloglucan oligosaccharidesis different from that of cello-oligosaccharides. (Received February 18, 1994; Accepted June 1, 1994)  相似文献   
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