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Oryzains, cysteine proteinases of rice seeds, are induced byGA3 in germinating rice seeds [Abe et al. (1987) Agric. Biol.Chem. 51: 1509]. The effects of GA1, GA3, GA4, GA9, and GA20on the production of oryzain and -amylase were investigatedin embryoless half- and whole-seeds of rice (cv. Nipponbare).When gibberellins (GAs) were incubated with embryoless half-seeds,GA1, GA3 and GA4 induced oryzain and -amylase, but GA9, andGA20 did not. GA9 and GAM induced oryzain and -amylase productionin whole seeds, but this production was inhibited by the simultaneousapplication of prohexadione, an inhibitor of 2ß- and3ß-hydroxylation of GAs. Prohexadione did not inhibitthe activities of oryzain and -amylase induced by GA1. Theseresults suggest that GAs possessing the 3ß-hydroxylgroup induce activities of oryzain and -amylase in rice seedsand that GA9 and GA20 have activity only after they are convertedmetabolically to active GAs, probably GA4 and GA1, respectively.GA1, was more active than GA4 in both half seeds and wholeseeds incubation. Oryzain and -amylase activities induced byGA4 were significantly inhibited in the presence of 10–4M prohexadione. This suggests that the conversion of GA1, toGA4 (13-hydroxylation) might be inhibited at a high dose ofprohexadione in whole seeds. 4Present address: Institute of Food Development, Kyung Hee University,Suwon 449-701, Korea  相似文献   
A comparison of the mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase and the energy-transducing NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) ofParacoccus denitrificans revealed that both systems have similar electron-transfer and energy-transduction pathways. In addition, both complexes are sensitive to the same inhibitors and contain similar electron carriers, suggesting that theParacoccus NDH-1 may serve as a useful model system for the study of the human enzyme complex. The gene cluster encoding theParacoccus NDH-1 has been cloned and sequenced. It is composed of 18,106 base pairs and contains 14 structural genes and six unidentified reading frames (URFs). The structural genes, URFs, and their polypeptides have been characterized. We also discuss nucleotide sequences which are believed to play a role in the regulation of the NDH-1 gene cluster andParacoccus NDH-1 subunits which may contain the binding sites of substrates and/or electron carriers.  相似文献   
A new species ofTalaromyces (Ascomycetes; Trichocomaceae) with aPenicillium anamorph,T. lagunensis, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its extremely restricted growh on Czapek-yeast extract agar, light yellow to light orange ascomata with a telaperidium, catenate, pyriform or ellipsoidal asci, ellipsoidal or subglobose ascospores with a microtuberculate wall, short conidiophores with an irregular, mostly monoverticillate to biverticillate penicillus, and subglobose to ovoid conidia. The holotype was isolated from forest soil in the Philippines.  相似文献   
The canal-bearing diatom genus Nagumoea, described based on only morphological evidence, was tentatively assigned to the order Bacillariales, although its phylogenetic position remained unclear. Because three isolates of Nagumoea (SK002, SK024 and SK053) were successfully established from Japanese coasts, we performed their morphological observations and molecular phylogenetic analyses to discuss the phylogeny and taxonomic position of this genus. Strains SK002 and SK024 were identified as Nagumoea africana, whereas SK053 conformed with Nagumoea serrata. There was high interspecific divergence between N. africana and N. serrata in the rbcL sequences (8.03–8.17%), indicating their distinctness. Furthermore, intraspecific variations were detected within N. africana (2.35%) in the rbcL, implying its cryptic diversity. The maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic trees inferred from the plastid rbcL, psbC and nuclear 18S rDNA genes recovered Nagumoea as monophyletic with strong statistical support and embedded within an unresolved, poorly supported lineage containing Achnanthes, Craspedostauros, Staurotropis and Undatella in the canal-bearing order Bacillariales (= the family Bacillariaceae). Although the constrained tree based on the monophyly of Nagumoea and the other canal-bearing clade (Surirellales and Rhopalodiales) was statistically rejected by the topology tests, the phylogenetic position of Nagumoea with other Bacillarialean members remains equivocal. The possession of two plastids positioned fore and aft, observed in the present study, and lack of keel, typical of the Bacillariales, indicate the possibility of Nagumoea being part of the ingroup of the Bacillariales or its closely related outgroup.  相似文献   
We examined whether inhibitors of the arachidonic acid cascade inhibited nitric oxide (NO) production, as measured by nitrite concentration, either in macrophages or by their cytosolic fractions. Nitrite production by peritoneal macrophages from mice receiving OK-432 treatment was significantly inhibited by phospholipase A2 inhibitors [dexamethasone and 4-bromophenacyl bromide (4-BPB)], lipoxygenase inhibitors [nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) and ketoconazole] and a glutathioneS-transferase (leukotrienes LTA4-LTC4) inhibitor (ethacrynic acid). However, caffeic acid and esculetin, inhibitors of 5- and 12-lipoxygenase respectively, were not inhibitory. On the other hand, indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, slightly inhibited whereas another inhibitor, ibuprofen, did not. Inhibition of the nitrite production by dexamethasone, 4-BPB, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was also demonstrated when the macrophages were restimulated ex vivo with OK-432 or with lipopolysaccharide. The inhibitory activity of dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was significantly reduced by ex vivo restimulation with OK-432, whereas that of 4-BPB was hardly affected. Furthermore, the inhibitory activity of dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was much higher when the macrophages were continuously exposed to the agents than when they were pulsed. Meanwhile, inhibition by 4-BPB was almost the same with either treatment. In addition, the inhibitory activity of these agents was not blocked withl-arginine, a substrate of NO synthases, or with arachidonate metabolites (LTB4, LTC4 and LTE4). Ethacrynic acid and 4-BPB, but not dexamethasone and NDGA, also inhibited nitrite production by the cytosolic fractions from OK-432-restimulated peritoneal macrophages, and the inhibitory activity of 4-BPB was superior to that of ethacrynic acid. These agents, however, did not inhibit nitrite production from sodium nitroprusside, a spontaneous NO-releasing compound. These results indicate that dexamethasone, 4-BPB, NDGA and ethacrynic acid inhibited the production of NO by macrophages through at least two different mechanisms: one was inhibited by dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid and the other by 4-BPB. Furthermore, 4-BPB and ethacrynic acid directly inhibited the activity of the NO synthase in macrophages, suggesting that the agents work by binding to the active site(s) of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Myoglobin was isolated from the radular muscle of the chitonLiolophura japonica, a primitive archigastropodic mollusc.Liolophura contains three monomeric myoglobins (I, II, and III), and the complete amino acid sequence of myoglobin I has been determined. It is composed of 145 amino acid residues, and the molecular mass was calculated to be 16,070 D. The E7 distal histidine, which is replaced by valine or glutamine in several molluscan globins, is conserved inLiolophura myoglobin. The autoxidation rate at physiological conditions indicated thatLiolophura oxymyoglobin is fairly stable when compared with other molluscan myoglobins. The amino acid sequence ofLiolophura myoglobin shows low homology (11–21%) with molluscan dimeric myoglobins and hemoglobins, but shows higher homology (26–29%) with monomeric myoglobins from the gastropodic molluscsAplysia, Dolabella, andBursatella. A phylogenetic tree was constructed from 19 molluscan globin sequences. The tree separated them into two distinct clusters, a cluster for muscle myoglobins and a cluster for erythrocyte or gill hemoglobins. The myoglobin cluster is divided further into two subclusters, corresponding to monomeric and dimeric myoglobins, respectively.Liolophura myoglobin was placed on the branch of monomeric myoglobin lineage, showing that it diverged earlier from other monomeric myoglobins. The hemoglobin cluster is also divided into two subclusters. One cluster contains homodimeric, heterodimeric, tetrameric, and didomain chains of erythrocyte hemoglobins of the blood clamsAnadara, Scapharca, andBarbatia. Of special interest is the other subcluster. It consists of three hemoglobin chains derived from the bacterial symbiont-harboring clamsCalyptogena andLucina, in which hemoglobins are supposed to play an important role in maintaining the symbiosis with sulfide bacteria.  相似文献   
The gibberellin (GA)-biosynthesis mutations, lh i , ls and Ie 5839 have been used to investigate the role(s) of the GAs in seed development of the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). Seeds homozygous for lh i possess reduced GA levels, are more likely to abort during development, and weigh less at harvest, compared with wild-type seeds due to expression of the lh i mutation in the embryo and/ or endosperm. Compared with wild-type seeds, the lh i mutation reduces endogenous GA1 and gibberellic acid (GA3) levels in the embryo/endosperm a few days after anthesis and fertilizing lh i plants with wild-type pollen dramatically increases GA1 and GA3 levels in the embryo/ endosperm and restores normal seed development. By contrast, the ls and le 5839 mutations do not appear to reduce GA levels in the embryo/endosperm of seeds a few days after anthesis, and do not affect embryo or endosperm development. However, both the ls and lh i mutations substantially reduce endogenous GA levels in embryos at contact point (the first day the liquid endosperm disappears). Levels of GAs in seeds from crosses involving the ls and lh i mutations suggest that GAs are synthesised in both the embryo/endosperm and testa and that the expression of ls depends on the tissue and developmental stage examined. These results suggest that GAs (possibly GA1 and/or GA3) play an important role early in pea seed development by regulating the development of the embryo and/or endosperm. By contrast, the high GA levels found in wild-type seeds at contact point (and beyond) do not appear to have a physiological role in seed development.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - DAA days after anthesis - WT wild-type We thank Noel Davies, Katherine McPherson and Peter Bobbi for technical assistance, Professor L. Mander (ANU, Canberra) for dideuterated GA standards, and the Australian Research Council and Frontier Research Program, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN, Japan), for financial support.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GSDB, DDBJ, EMBL, and NCBI nucleotide sequence databases and have been assigned the accession numbers D49841 (RCD28), D49844 (RCTLA-4), D49842 (RCD80), and D49843 (RCD86)  相似文献   
Systematic studies were undertaken on the Caloglossa continua ( Okamura) King et Puttock complex from Japan, Singapore, and Australia, based on morphology and reproductive compatibility. Specimens from Japan had two to six cell rows derived from a nodal axial cell, at the margin opposite the branch, whereas those from Australia possessed only a single cell row. Specimens from Singapore formed one to four cell rows per nodal axial cell and always contained at least one single cell row on any one thallus. These differences were maintained in cultured materials over a range of temperatures or salinities. Type material of C. continua had the same morphology as the Japanese specimens in this study. Carpospores discharged from the Japanese isolate germinated at 10°C, whereas those from Singapore and Australia died at this temperature. In hybridization experiments, the Japanese entity was completely nonfertile with both the Singaporean and Australian isolates. Many pseudocystocarps were produced in the crossing between the male from Australia and the female from Singapore, although the reciprocal combination did not produce any such structures. On the basis of the discontinuous morphology coupled with the complete reproductive isolation, the entities from Singapore and Australia are described here as C. monosticha sp. nov. The entities with multiple cell rows likely expanded their geographic range from tropical regions, where the majority of Caloglossa species are now distributed, to high-latitude regions, and such an expansion would be associated with acquiring low-temperature tolerance .  相似文献   
The non-motile strain W3623 ha-177 of Escherichia coli (Kondoh &; Ozeki, 1976) is known to produce straight flagella as a result of a mutation in the structural gene for the flagellin. Under physiological conditions, however, flagella of this mutant undergo straight-to-helical transformation with small changes of pH. Evidence for this came from dark-field light microscope observations of reconstituted flagella. At pH values lower than 6.6 in the presence of 0.1 m-NaCl, the flagella were straight. When, however, the pH was raised above 7.3, they were transformed into left-handed helices with a pitch of 2.05 μm. The transformation was rapid and reversible. In the pH range between 6.6 and 7.3, straight and transformed flagella co-existed but no stable forms other than the two were found.Bacterial motility also depended on the pH of the medium: at pH values above 7.0, bacteria swam by means of the transformed flagella. Therefore, helically transformed flagella of the mutant strain were similar in morphology and function to normal-type flagella of the parent strain. The significance of this similarity is discussed on the basis of general considerations of polymorphism in bacterial flagella.  相似文献   
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