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Ten C-glycosyl β2- and β/β2-peptides with three to eight amino acid residues have been prepared. Solution and solid-phase peptide syntheses were employed to assemble β2-amino acids in which C-glycosylic substituents are attached to the C-2 position of β-amino acids. Conformational analysis of the C-glycosyl β2-peptides using NMR and CD spectra indicates that the tripeptide can form a helical secondary structure. Besides, helix directions of the C-glycosyl β/β2-peptides are governed by the configuration at the α-carbon of the peptide backbone that originates from the stereocenter of the C-glycosyl β2-amino acids.  相似文献   
The difference in responses to osmotic stress between the laboratory and sake-brewing strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at the translational level was compared by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proteins, whose production was significantly changed by the osmotic stress, were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting. In the laboratory strain, translation of Hor2p, the protein responsible for glycerol biosynthesis, and Ald6p, related to acetate biosynthesis, was induced under high osmotic pressure conditions. In addition, production of proteins related to translation and stress response was also changed under this condition. On the other hand, in the sake-brewing strain, translation of Hor2p, Hsp26p, and some stress-related proteins was upregulated. The change in the production of enzymes related to glycolysis and ethanol formation was small; however, the production of enzymes related to glycerol formation increased in both strains. These results suggest that enhancement of glycerol formation due to enhancement of the translation of proteins, such as Hor2p, is required for growth of S. cerevisiae under high osmotic pressure condition. This is the first report on the analysis of responses of a sake-brewing strain to high osmotic pressure stress based on proteomics.  相似文献   
The de novo DNA methyltransferases, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, are responsible for the creation of DNA methylation patterns in mouse development. Dnmt3b is more highly expressed in early developmental stages than Dnmt3a, and is thought to have an important role in the epigenetic gene regulation during early embryogenesis. Previous reports suggest that Dnmt3b is expressed preferentially in the embryonic lineage, but less in the extra-embryonic lineage, in early post-implantation embryos. However, it is unclear when this lineage-specific differential expression is established. Here we demonstrate that Dnmt3b shows a dynamic expression change during pre- and early post-implantation development. Contrary to the expectation, Dnmt3b is preferentially expressed in the trophectoderm rather than the inner cell mass at the mid blastocyst stage. Subsequently, the spatial Dnmt3b expression gradually changes during pre- and early post-implantation development, and finally Dnmt3b expression is settled in the embryonic lineage at the epiblast stage. The findings are consistent with the role for Dnmt3b in cell-lineage specification and the creation of lineage-specific DNA methylation patterns.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A complicated malformation of the fundus accompanied by typical ocular coloboma was detected in albino fatty liver Shionogi (FLS) mice. We elucidated a new type of 3-dimensional anomalous structure inside the eye in this mouse strain. METHODS: The fundi of FLS mice aged 1, 3, 5, and 20 weeks were observed intensively, both macroscopically and by light microscopy. For the prenatal study, coronal serial sections of eyes of FLS embryos were examined by light microscopy on gestation day (GD) 15.0. RESULTS: The frequency of ocular coloboma was almost 70% in FLS mice, and the inheritance mode of this anomaly is suggested to be autosomal recessive with incomplete penetrance. Stereoscopic observation and light microscopy revealed that the mice had characteristic fundus features at any age during the postnatal period. Following ectopic ciliary epithelia, the surface of the retina protruded like a roof, and on the opposite side of the "roof," a translucent membrane without retinal tissue and choroidal tissue was also consistently detected in the inferior part of the fundus. On GD 15.0, the inner layer and the outer layer were not normally fused at the optic fissure, where a part of the outer layer was absent and the irregular fold of the inner layer was conspicuous in the colobomatous eye of the FLS embryo. CONCLUSIONS: The characteristics of the ocular coloboma in FLS mice are thought to be similar to a mild-type malformation in humans. These ocular defects seem to be situated along the failed fetal optic fissure.  相似文献   
Summary Serum from C3H/He mice, which show regression of MM2 tumor cells after transplantation and removal (regressor serum, RS) contains non-gammaglobulin components that cross-react with various tumor cells of mice [22, 23]. In addition to tumor cells, various allogeneic lymphocytes are also susceptible to an RS-dependent lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxic reaction. To identify tumor cell surface antigens that cause the cross-reactive host response, the serum components were analyzed by absorption of RS with allogeneic lymphocytes. RS components were found to recognize allogeneic lymphocyte antigens including Qa-2 and Ly6.2. Specificity for the Qa-2 antigen was further tested using Qa-2-congenic mice. The expression of Qa-2 antigen was detected on the surfaces of MM2 and other tumor cells derived from H-2k mice (seven among nine cell lines tested) by a membrane immunofluorescence method using a Qa-2-specific mAb. Physical characteristics of the Qa-2-specific component in RS were determined and found to differ from those of regular IgGs but to be similar to those of IgDs. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with an IgD-specific mAb and Qa-2-lacZ fusion protein, the existence of IgD in RS with specificity for Qa-2 was confirmed. These results suggest that the RS component with Qa-2 specificity is an IgD, the specificity and physiological role of which are unknown.  相似文献   
Plant nitrite reductase (NiR) catalyzes the reduction of nitrite (NO(2)(-)) to ammonia, using reduced ferredoxin as the electron donor. NiR contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster and an Fe-siroheme, which is the nitrite binding site. In the enzyme's as-isolated form ([4Fe-4S](2+)/Fe(3+)), resonance Raman spectroscopy indicated that the siroheme is in the high-spin ferric hexacoordinated state with a weak sixth axial ligand. Kinetic and spectroscopic experiments showed that the reaction of NiR with NO(2)(-) results in an unexpectedly EPR-silent complex formed in a single step with a rate constant of 0.45 +/- 0.01 s(-)(1). This binding rate is slow compared to that expected from the NiR turnover rates reported in the literature, suggesting that binding of NO(2)(-) to the as-isolated form of NiR is not the predominant type of substrate binding during enzyme turnover. Resonance Raman spectroscopic characterization of this complex indicated that (i) the siroheme iron is low-spin hexacoordinated ferric, (ii) the ligand coordination is unusually heterogeneous, and (iii) the ligand is not nitric oxide, most likely NO(2)(-). The reaction of oxidized NiR with hydroxylamine (NH(2)OH), a putative intermediate, results in a ferrous siroheme-NO complex that is spectroscopically identical to the one observed during NiR turnover. Resonance Raman and absorption spectroscopy data show that the reaction of oxidized NiR ([4Fe-4S](2+)/Fe(3+)) with hydroxylamine is binding-limited, while the NH(2)OH conversion to nitric oxide is much faster.  相似文献   
Corynebacterium glutamicum mutant KY9707 was originally isolated for lysozyme-sensitivity, and showed temperature-sensitive growth. Two DNA fragments from a wild-type C. glutamicum chromosomal library suppressed the temperature-sensitivity of KY9707. These clones also rescued the lysozyme-sensitivity of KY9707, although partially. One of them encodes a protein of 382 amino acid residues, the N-terminal domain of which was homologous to RNase HI. This gene suppressed the temperature-sensitive growth of an Escherichia coli rnhA rnhB double mutant. We concluded that this gene encodes a functional RNase HI of C. glutamicum and designated it as rnhA. The other gene encodes a protein of 707 amino acid residues highly homologous to RecG protein. The C. glutamicum recG gene complemented the UV-sensitivity of E. coli recG258::kan mutant. KY9707 showed increased UV-sensitivity, which was partially rescued by either the recG or rnhA gene of C. gluamicum. Point mutations were found in both recG and rnhA genes in KY9707. These suggest that temperature-sensitive growth, UV-sensitivity, and probably lysozyme-sensitivity also, of KY9707 were caused by mutations in the genes encoding RNase HI and RecG.  相似文献   
Cryptogein, a proteinaceous elicitor secreted by Phytophthora cryptogea , induces a remarkable hypersensitive cell death in tobacco cells. Two cryptogein mutants were analysed to characterize the induction mechanism of cell death; one was a newly synthesized mutant N93A whose 93rd Asn residue was changed to Ala, the other was K13V whose Lys at position 13 was replaced with Val. The effect of these mutations was evaluated in terms of extracellular alkalization, production of active oxygen species (AOS) and progression to death. The mutation N93A resulted in a reduction in activity to 71.0, 74.6 and 24.5% for original rates of extracellular alkalization, AOS production and cell death progression, respectively. In the case of the K13V mutation, these rates changed to 114, 3.38 and 7.40%, respectively. The lipid-binding activities of the mutants were analysed using fluorogenic lipid of dehydroergosterol. The results for N93A and K13V were 38.3 and 3.40% compared with the wild type, respectively. These findings indicate that the lipid-binding form was the only conformation to induce the production of AOS and programmed cell death in plants.  相似文献   
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