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Lack of collagen XVIII/endostatin results in eye abnormalities   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Mice lacking collagen XVIII and its proteolytically derived product endostatin show delayed regression of blood vessels in the vitreous along the surface of the retina after birth and lack of or abnormal outgrowth of retinal vessels. This suggests that collagen XVIII/endostatin is critical for normal blood vessel formation in the eye. All basement membranes in wild-type eyes, except Descemet's membrane, showed immunogold labeling with antibodies against collagen XVIII. Labeling at sites where collagen fibrils in the vitreous are connected with the inner limiting membrane and separation of the vitreal matrix from the inner limiting membrane in mutant mice indicate that collagen XVIII is important for anchoring vitreal collagen fibrils to the inner limiting membrane. The findings provide an explanation for high myopia, vitreoretinal degeneration and retinal detachment seen in patients with Knobloch syndrome caused by loss-of-function mutations in collagen XVIII.  相似文献   
The 'stay-green' mutation cytG in soybean ( Glycine max ) partially inhibits the degradation of the light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) and the associated chlorophyll during monocarpic senescence. cytG did not alter the breakdown of the cytochrome b 6/ f complex, thylakoid ATP synthase or components of Photosystem I. In contrast, cytG accelerated the loss of oxygen evolution activity and PSII reaction-centre proteins. These data suggest that LHCII and other thylakoid components are degraded by separate pathways. In leaves induced to senesce by darkness, cytG inhibited the breakdown of LHCII and chlorophyll, but it did not enhance the loss of PSII-core components, indicating that the accelerated degradation of PSII reaction centre proteins in cytG was light dependent. Illumination of mature and senescent leaves of wild-type soybean in the presence of an inhibitor (lincomycin) of chloroplast protein synthesis revealed that senescence per se did not affect the rate of photoinhibition in leaves. Likewise, mature leaves of the cytG mutant did not show more photoinhibition than wild-type leaves. However, in senescent cytG leaves, photoinhibition proceeded more rapidly than in the wild-type. We conclude that the cytG mutation enhances photoinhibition in senescing leaves, and photoinhibition causes the rapid loss of PSII reaction-centre proteins during senescence in cytG .  相似文献   
Photoinhibition of photosystem II in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 was followed after site-specific mutagenesis of the D1 polypeptide. Mutations were created in the stromal/cytosolic loop connecting helices D and E. Two mutations E243K and CA1, a deletion of the three glutamates 242–244 and a substitution Q241H, were made in the putative cleavage area of the D1 polypeptide. A third mutation E229D was made in the PEST-like sequence. Mutants and control cells were illuminated and FV/FM was recorded. Compared to the control, the mutants were less photoinhibited. Fluorescence relaxation after a single flash was delayed in CA1. Restoration of FV/FM after photoinhibition in the mutants was totally dependent on protein synthesis while control cells were able to recover partially also when protein synthesis was inhibited. In addition, the protein synthesis-dependent recovery of CA1 was slowed down. Our results indicate a correlation between the mutated amino acids and photoinhibition of photosystem II.  相似文献   
Four cellulase genes of Trichoderma reesei, cbh1, cbh2, egl1 and egl2, have been replaced by the amdS marker gene. When linear DNA fragments and flanking regions of the corresponding cellulase locus of more than 1 kb were used, the replacement frequencies were high, ranging from 32 to 52%. Deletion of the major cellobiohydrolase 1 gene led to a 2-fold increase in the production of cellobiohydrolase II; however, replacement of the cbh2 gene did not affect the final cellulase levels and deletion of egl1 or egl2, slightly increased production of both cellobiohydrolases. Based on our results, endoglucanase II accounts for most of the endoglucanase activity produced by the hypercellulolytic host strain. Furthermore, loss of the egl2, gene causes a significant drop in the filter paper-hydrolysing activity, indicating that endoglucanase II has an important role in the total hydrolysis of cellulose.  相似文献   
The maximum temperature for growth (Tmax) was determined for pure and mixed cultures of acidophilic thiobacilli. The experimental system was based on incubating the cultures in liquid media exposed to a linear temperature gradient. The Tmax values varied within the range of 36.1 to 43.6°C.  相似文献   
Harsh environmental conditions in form of low food availability for both offspring and parents alike can affect breeding behavior and success. There has been evidence that food scarce environments can induce competition between family members, and this might be intensified when parents are caring as a pair and not alone. On the other hand, it is possible that a harsh, food-poor environment could also promote cooperative behaviors within a family, leading, for example, to a higher breeding success of pairs than of single parents. We studied the influence of a harsh nutritional environment on the fitness outcome of family living in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. These beetles use vertebrate carcasses for reproduction. We manipulated food availability on two levels: before and during breeding. We then compared the effect of these manipulations in broods with either single females or biparentally breeding males and females. We show that pairs of beetles that experienced a food-poor environment before breeding consumed a higher quantity of the carcass than well-fed pairs or single females. Nevertheless, they were more successful in raising a brood with higher larval survival compared to pairs that did not experience a food shortage before breeding. We also show that food availability during breeding and social condition had independent effects on the mass of the broods raised, with lighter broods in biparental families than in uniparental ones and on smaller carcasses. Our study thus indicates that a harsh nutritional environment can increase both cooperative as well as competitive interactions between family members. Moreover, our results suggest that it can either hamper or drive the formation of a family because parents choose to restrain reproductive investment in a current brood or are encouraged to breed in a food-poor environment, depending on former experiences and their own nutritional status.  相似文献   
Populations of Astragalus cremnophylax from Arizona and related A. humillimus from New Mexico were assessed for morphological, reproductive, genetic, and ecological differences. Results suggest that some of the taxa (i.e., A. cremnophylax var. cremnophylax and A. humillimus) are poor reproducers and environmental fluctuation is not likely a factor contributing to low fecundity in these species. Astragalus cremnophylax var. cremnophylax appears to have low fecundity due to inbreeding depression. Allozyme data from 18 loci show little within-population and taxon genetic variability. Most genetic variability is distributed among populations and taxa. The population of A. cremnophylax var. cremnophylax from the Grand Canyon (South Rim) was genetically depauperate, indicative of the bottleneck caused by historic trampling at this viewpoint. Cape Final, a population of A. cremnophylax var. cremnophylax on the Grand Canyon (North Rim) is genetically different from typical materials of this taxon (South Rim) and is more closely related to other taxa within this species complex. However, the other varieties of A. cremnophylax are more closely related to A. humillimus than the population at Cape Final, suggesting potential species status for Cape Final materials based on allozyme divergence.  相似文献   
The conclusions about the role of allochthonous organic matter in the food chains of inland waters are still often conflicting. Here we studied whether the results of specific experiments made in a small pond with very high concentration of allochthonous organic matter could be verified by simple, but robust, basic environmental parameters measured in the field. In summer primary production of phytoplankton could explain only ca. 20% of epilimnetic respiration and <10% of the nutritional requirements of zooplankton. These results agree with those of earlier experimental approaches and unequivocally suggest the major role played by allochthonous nutrition for the plankton in this pond. The roles played by photochemical degradation and anaerobic processes in the transformation of humic compounds available to epilimnetic food web in particular deserve further elucidation.  相似文献   
Endostatin, a potent inhibitor of endothelial cell proliferation, migration, angiogenesis and tumor growth, is proteolytically cleaved from the C-terminal noncollagenous NC1 domain of type XVIII collagen. We investigated the endostatin formation from human collagen XVIII by several MMPs in vitro. The generation of endostatin fragments differing in molecular size (24-30 kDa) and in N-terminal sequences was identified in the cases of MMP-3, -7, -9, -13 and -20. The cleavage sites were located in the protease-sensitive hinge region between the trimerization and endostatin domains of NC1. MMP-1, -2, -8 and -12 did not show any significant activity against the C-terminus of collagen XVIII. The anti-proliferative effect of the 20-kDa endostatin, three longer endostatin-containing fragments generated in vitro by distinct MMPs and the entire NC1 domain, on bFGF-stimulated human umbilical vein endothelial cells was established. The anti-migratory potential of some of these fragments was also studied. In addition, production of endostatin fragments between 24-30 kDa by human hepatoblastoma cells was shown to be due to MMP action on type XVIII collagen. Our results indicate that certain, especially cancer-related, MMP family members can generate biologically active endostatin-containing polypeptides from collagen XVIII and thus, by releasing endostatin fragments, may participate in the inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation, migration and angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Associations between Trichinella species and host species in Finland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Examination of 627 wild animals--raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), European lynxes (Lynx lynx), brown bears (Ursus arctos), wolves (Canis lupus), and badgers (Meles meles)--revealed Trichinella spp. The prevalence varied according to geographical region of Finland (north; southwest, SW; and southeast, SE) and was the highest among lynxes (70%, SW). The risk of trichinellosis was higher in the SE (odds ratio, OR, 19.4) and SW regions (OR 14.3), as compared with the northern region (OR 1), with no difference between the former 2 regions. Foxes (OR 2.1) and lynxes (OR 1.9) had a higher risk than raccoon dogs (OR 1) of being infected. The distribution of different Trichinella species was evaluated in 87 wild and domestic mammals by multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Trichinella spiralis was detected more often in domestic and synanthropic animals than in sylvatic hosts. Trichinella nativa was detected only in wildlife. Trichinella pseudospiralis was found both in sylvatic and synanthropic hosts. Trichinella britovi was detected only in mixed infections with other Trichinella species. The raccoon dog was the sole host for all 4 Trichinella species and also carried the most intense infections.  相似文献   
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