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The diet of Japanese eels, Anguilla japonica, was investigated using stomach content and stable isotope analyses. Stable isotope enrichment of carbon and nitrogen (Δδ13C and Δδ15N) was first estimated for A. japonica by comparing the isotopic signatures (δ13C and δ15N) of reared eels to that of their food. The estimated isotope enrichment was then applied to the diet estimation of A. japonica in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Japan, combined with conventional stomach content analysis. Stable isotope enrichment varied among tissues, from 0.2‰ to 0.8‰ for carbon and from 1.3‰ to 2.1‰ for nitrogen. Nitrogen isotope enrichment of A. japonica muscle estimated in this study was 2.1‰, which was different from the previously reported mean δ15N enrichment of several animals of 3.4‰. These results indicate that isotope-based diet estimations for A. japonica need to use species- and tissue-specific values of isotope enrichment. In the diet analysis, stomach contents and stable isotopes revealed that (1) A. japonica appear to usually feed on a single type of prey species in each feeding session, (2) principal prey species were mud shrimp, Upogebia major, in brackish Kojima Bay and crayfish, Procambarus clarkia, in the Asahi River, (3) A. japonica in Kojima Bay primarily depend on the pelagic food web as a carbon source due to mud shrimp being filter feeders and eels in the Asahi River primarily depend on the littoral food web. Based on these results and the recently reported eel movements between Kojima Bay and the Asahi River, it appears that A. japonica can adapt to various feeding environments as opportunists, but also utilize the food resources by targeting a single type of prey species during a single feeding session.  相似文献   
The effects of detergents on the lysozyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells were investigated by changing the concentration of Na-phosphate buffer and pH in the presence or absence of sucrose. Also, a parallel study of the hydrolysis of glycolchitin by lysozyme was conducted and compared to the lytic reaction. Electron microscopy was utilized to follow the changes in cell morphology during the various treatments.

None of the detergents changed turbidity of the cell suspension. However, they did affect the change in turbidity during lysis in unique ways. SDS, which is an anionic detergent, inhibited lysozyme activity and its addition to the reaction mixture caused a rapid and large decrease in the turbidity. Brij 35 and Triton X-100, which are non-ionic detergents, did not inhibit lysozyme activity, but their presence in the reaction mixture changed the rate of turbidity change. Apparently non-ionic detergents disrupt only the protoplast, while anionic detergents disrupt both the protoplast and the damaged cell. The lytic mechanism of M. lysodeikticus by lysozyme was discussed in detail.  相似文献   
As a new adsorbent of lysozyme-like enzymes, chitin coated (CC-)cellulose was prepared. CC-cellulose was stable and had good flow properties for use in column chromatography. Affinity chromatography with CC-cellulose showed that 3~5 mg of lysozyme/ml resin was adsorbed specifically and desorbed quantitatively under mild conditions. The utilities of the method of affinity chromatography with CC-cellulose are discussed.  相似文献   
Aspergillus niger (AKU 3302) degraded NAD to form Compound X. This compound was identified as nicotinamide ribose diphosphate ribose (NAmRDPR) by hydrolysis with alkaline or phosphodiesterase followed by chemical analysis of the products. NAmRDPR showed absorption maxima at 265~266 nm in 0.1 n HCI and 325 nm in 1.0 n KCN. Optimal pH for NAmRDPR formation by the enzyme preparation from this organism was around 4.0. Formation of NAmRDPR proceeded stoichiometrically with degradation of NAD. Some of other strains of A. niger formed NAmRDPR, but production of this compound was not demonstrated in other mold genera.  相似文献   
What eel larvae feed on in the surface layer of the ocean has remained mysterious. Gut contents and bulk nitrogen stable isotope studies suggested that these unusual larvae, called leptocephali, feed at a low level in the oceanic food web, whereas other types of evidence have suggested that small zooplankton are eaten. In this study, we determined the nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids of both natural larvae and laboratory-reared larvae of the Japanese eel to estimate the trophic position (TP) of leptocephali. We observed a mean TP of 2.4 for natural leptocephali, which is consistent with feeding on particulate organic matter (POM) such as marine snow and discarded appendicularian houses containing bacteria, protozoans and other biological materials. The nitrogen isotope enrichment values of the reared larvae confirm that the primary food source of natural larvae is consistent only with POM. This shows that leptocephali feed on readily available particulate material originating from various sources closely linked to ocean primary production and that leptocephali are a previously unrecognized part of oceanic POM cycling.  相似文献   
The Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Asef is activated by binding to the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli mutant, which is found in sporadic and familial colorectal tumors. This activated Asef is involved in the migration of colorectal tumor cells. The GEFs for Rho family GTPases contain the Dbl homology (DH) domain and the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. When Asef is in the resting state, the GEF activity of the DH-PH module is intramolecularly inhibited by an unidentified mechanism. Asef has a Src homology 3 (SH3) domain in addition to the DH-PH module. In the present study, the three-dimensional structure of Asef was solved in its autoinhibited state. The crystal structure revealed that the SH3 domain binds intramolecularly to the DH domain, thus blocking the Rac-binding site. Furthermore, the RT-loop and the C-terminal region of the SH3 domain interact with the DH domain in a manner completely different from those for the canonical binding to a polyproline-peptide motif. These results demonstrate that the blocking of the Rac-binding site by the SH3 domain is essential for Asef autoinhibition. This may be a common mechanism in other proteins that possess an SH3 domain adjacent to a DH-PH module.  相似文献   
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