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Pamela Stanley  Tadashi Sudo 《Cell》1981,23(3):763-769
Independently derived mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells have been isolated and shown to exhibit a subtle glycosylation defect resulting in the premature termination of certain asparagine-linked carbohydrate moieties. This carbohydrate alteration is akin to the types of structural variation termed microheterogeneity and is thought not to affect the biological activities of glycoproteins that manifest the phenomenon. However, the carbohydrate change expressed by the mutants is stable and heritable, and 1251-lectin-binding studies suggest that it profoundly alters their surface recognition properties. The mutation appears to affect a specific subpopulation of galactose residues in asparagine-linked carbohydrate of the type found associated with the G glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus. The mutant cells also exhibit morphological changes in substratum culture.  相似文献   
Small circular DNA complexes in eucaryotic cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A small number of eucaryotic cells (100 to 1000 cells) were pressed by mica sheet; then the extruded contents were adsorbed on mica and processed for electron microscopy. In the absence of divalent cation, small polydisperse circular DNA molecules bound to proteins or membrane material were preferentially adsorbed. The small circular DNA complexes have been found in every eucaryotic cell, primary lymphoid tissue cells of bursa and thymus, primary cell lines of retina and liver, and established cultured cell lines of embryonal teratocarcinoma, F9 and PCC3, HeLa and 3T6. Size distribution of these DNA complexes varies, depending on the cell source. The circles less than 1 μm in contour length predominate in cultured cell lines and the larger ones in primary cell lines and cells in situ. Polydisperse covalently closed circular DNAs were recovered from thymus lymphocytes by the conventional dye-CsCl buoyant density method. Their size distribution was similar to that of the small circular DNA complexes detected by the mica-press-adsorption method. They are present in several tens to hundreds of copies per cell representing, at a maximum, 0.02% of the total cellular DNA. The possibility that small circular DNA complexes may result from gene rearrangement as well as from replicon “misfiring” (A. Varshavsky, 1981, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 78, 3673–3677) are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A new assay procedure for X-prolyl dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase activity in human serum was developed with glycylproline p-phenylazoanilide tosylate as substrate. p-Phenylazoaniline liberated by the enzyme reaction was measured photometrically at 493 nm after stopping the reaction with acid. This assay was simple and sensitive, and less than 50 l of human serum was required for the assay. Km value was 2.5 mm and the optimum pH was 8.7. After disc gel electrophoresis of human serum, the enzyme activity could be distinctly observed as a reddish band on the gel when the gel was incubated with this substrate.  相似文献   
Summary The first case of trisomy of probable 12p mosaicism originated de novo is presented. Comparison of the clinical findings of this patient with those of previously described cases of 12p trisomy derived from translocated chromosomes indicates that the symptoms of 12p trisomy are: (1) normal birth weight and physical development, (2) severe psychomotor retardation and generalized hypotonia, (3) peculiarly round face with prominent cheeks, hypertelorism, epicanthus, broad, flat nasal bridge, short nose with anteverted nostrils, large philtrum, broad, prominent lower lip, and (4) poly(syn)dactyly of feet.  相似文献   
A new prenyltransferase which catalyzes the synthesis of geranyl pyrophosphate as the only product from dimethylallyl pyrophosphate and isopentenyl pyrophosphate has been separated from other known prenyltransferases from Micrococcuslysodeikticus. This enzyme fraction is also capable of synthesizing all-trans geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate from farnesyl pyrophosphate and isopentenyl pyrophosphate though it lacks ability to synthesize farnesyl pyrophosphate.  相似文献   
Five triterpenoid saponins isolated from the flowers, the mature fruits and the leaves of Fatsia japonica were identified as 3-O-[β-d-glucopyranosyl(1→4)-β-d-glucopyranosyl]-hederagenin (1), 3-O-[β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-α-l-arabinopyranosyl]-oleanolic acid (2), 3-O-[α-l-arabinopyranosyl]-hederagenin (3), 3-O-[β-d-glucopyranosyl]-hederagenin (4) and 3-O-[β-d-glucopyranosyl(1→4)-α-l-arabinopyranosyl]-hederagenin (5). The saponins 1 and 2 are new, naturally occurring, triterpenoid saponins. The distribution of the five saponins in three parts of the plant was investigated. Saponins 2, 3 and 5 were present in the flowers, saponins 1, 3, 4 and 5 were in the mature fruits and saponins 2, 3, 4 and 5 were in the leaves.  相似文献   
Exposure of Avena coleoptile sections to 8% O2 brought aboutrespiration decrease, resulting in a decrease of ATP production.The pH at the cell wall surface slightly rose in sections exposedto 8% O2, while their growth was greatly accelerated. Moreover,this growth acceleration was observed even in sections treatedwith CCCP known to make membranes permeable for protons. Weconcluded that the growth acceleration with reduction of O2concentration is probably not the result of secretion of H+ions into cell wall compartments. Results of this study provided evidence to support the hypothesisthat there is an inverse relationship between hydroxyproline-proteinlevel and the ability of a cell to undergo rapid cell elongation.Total labeling of the cell wall fraction with 14C-proline wasunaffected by 8% O2 treatment, although the radioactivitiesof hydroxyproline incorporated into this fraction during thetreatments fell to about 45% of the control. Moreover, the radioactivitiesof hydroxyproline incorporated into the SLS-insoluble cell wallfraction of sections exposed to 8% O2 decreased to about 30%of the control. This decrease of hydroxyproline was also observedin sections treated with cycloheximide, which inhibits the secretionof H+ ions into the cell wall compartment. Reduction of O2 concentrationin the surrounding atmosphere affects not only the hydroxylationof peptidyl proline, but also the binding of hydroxyproline-protein(s)to cell wall polysaccharides, and the resulting decrease ofthe protein rigidly bound to them may induce cell elongation. (Received December 5, 1975; )  相似文献   
Measuring mechanical parameters in tissues, such as the elastic modulus of cell-cell junctions, is essential to decipher the mechanical control of morphogenesis. However, their in vivo measurement is technically challenging. Here, we formulated an image-based statistical approach to estimate the mechanical parameters of epithelial cells. Candidate mechanical models are constructed based on force-cell shape correlations obtained from image data. Substitution of the model functions into force-balance equations at the cell vertex leads to an equation with respect to the parameters of the model, by which one can estimate the parameter values using a least-squares method. A test using synthetic data confirmed the accuracy of parameter estimation and model selection. By applying this method to Drosophila epithelial tissues, we found that the magnitude and orientation of feedback between the junction tension and shrinkage, which are determined by the spring constant of the junction, were correlated with the elevation of tension and myosin-II on shrinking junctions during cell rearrangement. Further, this method clarified how alterations in tissue polarity and stretching affect the anisotropy in tension parameters. Thus, our method provides a novel approach to uncovering the mechanisms governing epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   
目的旨在探讨脑干听觉传入通路中GABA能神经递质及GABAA受体对电刺激位听神经传入冲动的影响.方法使用出生后0~5 d的ddy/ddy小鼠制备脑干切片.脑片经电压敏感染料NK3041染色,电刺激与脑片相连的位听神经残端.使用16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列测量光学信号.所采集的数据使用ARGUS50/PDA软件分析.结果多部位的光学记录方法显示了从位听神经到耳蜗核和前庭核的兴奋性传导的时间-空间分布.其中每一个光学成分由快峰电位样反应和慢反应组成.抑制性神经递质GABA可降低诱发的光学信号的快反应和慢反应,GABAA受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱可增强这些反应.结论16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列可记录位听神经刺激诱发的多部位光学信号,每一个光学信号含有突触前及突触后电位成分.抑制性神经递质GABA和GJBAA受体拮抗剂可调节光学信号的兴奋性传导.  相似文献   
The outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection varies among individuals, but the genetic factors involved remain unknown. We conducted a population-based association study in which 238 Japanese individuals positive for anti-HCV antibody were genotyped for 269 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 103 candidate genes that might influence the course of infection. Altogether, 50 SNPs in 32 genes were listed. Genetic polymorphisms in IL4, IL8RB, IL10RA, PRL, ADA, NFKB1, GRAP2, CABIN1, IFNAR2, IFI27, IFI41, TNFRSF1A, ALDOB, AP1B1, SULT2B1, EGF, EGFR, TGFB1, LTBP2, and CD4 were associated with persistent viremia (P < 0.05), whereas those in IL1B, IL1RL1, IL2RB, IL12RB1, IL18R1, STAT5A, GRAP2, CABIN1, IFNAR1, Mx1, BMP8, FGL1, LTBP2, CD34, and CD80 were associated with different serum alanine aminotransferase levels in HCV carriers (P < 0.05). The sorted genes allow us to draw novel hypotheses for future studies of HCV infection to ultimately identify bona fide genes and their variations.  相似文献   
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