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Summary A blue-green algae, Anabaena N-7363, was immobilized in 2% agar gel. The hydrogen productivity of the immobilized algae was three times higher than that of free algae. The maximum hydrogen production rate by the immobilized blue-green algae was 0.52 moles h–1 g–1 (of wet gel) in the medium without nitrogen sources under illumination (10,000 lux). The oxygen evolved was then removed by a reactor containing aerobic bacteria. A photo-current of 15–20 mA was continuously produced for 7 days by the photochemical fuel cell system consisting of the immobilized Anabaena reactor, the oxygen-removing reactor and the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell. The conversion ratio of hydrogen to current was from 80% to 100%.  相似文献   
The n-hexane soluble non-volatile fraction of the acetone extracts from the flower buds, the flowers and the immature and the mature fruits of Fatsia japonica were all found to contain fatty acids, fatty acid methyl esters, squalene, β-amyrin and sterols. At all the stages between budding to the mature fruit, the major fatty acids were palmitic and linoleic acids and the major phytosterol was stigmasterol. In addition steryl and β-amyrenyl esters were found in the flowers and the immature and the mature fruits, but these esters were not present in the flower buds. Sitosteryl ester was the major constituent of the steryl ester fraction in the fruiting stages. Phytol was found in only the flowering stage and triglycerides in only the mature fruits. The variations in the lipid constituents is discussed in relation to the stages from budding to the mature fruit.  相似文献   
The amounts of d-alanine derivatives, γ-l-glutamyl-d-alanine and N-malonyl-d-alanine, increase rapidly during the early growth of pea seeds. Pyruvate-[1?14C], l-alanine-[U?14C], d-alanine-[U?14C], l-alanine-[15N] and 15NH4Cl were therefore fed to the seedlings and the incorporation investigated. Labelling results revealed that pea seedlings can utilize these erogenous compounds to form d-alanine and that labelled l-alanine is effectively converted to the d-enantiomer with retention of 14C and, largely, 15N label. Enzyme analyses in vitro provided additional evidence that the extract of pea seedlings catalyzes the direct conversion of l-alanine to d-alanine. The data suggest that the de novo synthesis of d-alanine in pea seedlings occurs by a racemase reaction.  相似文献   
Two soluble glycoproteins containing hydroxyproline were extractedfrom cultured tobacco cells (cell line XD-6S) and purified byion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. On DEAR-cellulosecolumn chromatography in the final step of the purification,one was eluted at 90 mM NaCl and the other at 120 mM as singlepeak. Both purified glycoproteins were also sedimented as singlepeak with an ultracentrifugation. The S20,w values were 6.1for the former and 7.0 for the latter. These glycoproteins were composed of 94% polysaccharide and6% protein in the former, and 87% polysaccharide and 13% proteinin the latter. The sugar moiety consisted of galactose, arabinose,rhamnose, and uronic acid in both. Hydroxyproline accountedfor 12% in the former and 20% in the latter amino acid composition.A high content of alanine in both (14 and 15%) was one of thedistinctive characteristics of these soluble glycoproteins. These intracellular soluble hydroxyproline-containing glycoproteinswere not labelled within 30 min of incubation with 3H-proline,although the radioactivity was rapidly incorporated (within15 min) into the intracellular macromolecules. (Received February 21, 1978; )  相似文献   
Ninhydrin-negative conjugates of basic amino acids were isolated from rat urine and were characterized. The following conjugates of basic amino acids are the compounds newly identified in animal urine specimens, Nα-acetyl-Nπ-methylhistidine, Nα-(N-acetyl-β-alanyl)histidine (N-acetylcarnosine), Nα-acetyl-NG,N′G-dimethylarginine, Nα-acetyl-NG,NG-dimethylarginine, and Nα-acetyl-N?,N?,N?-trimethyllysine.  相似文献   
Partially purified β-d-galactosidase (β-d-galactoside galactohydrolase, EC from Bacillus circulans showed high activity towards both pure lactose and lactose in skim milk, and a better thermal stability than the enzyme from yeast or Escherichia coli. During the course of hydrolysis of lactose catalysed by the enzyme, considerable amounts of oligosaccharides were produced. β-d-Galactosidase from B. circulans was immobilized onto Duolite ES-762, Dowex MWA-1 and sintered alumina by adsorption with glutaraldehyde treatment. The highest activity for hydrolysis of lactose was obtained with immobilization onto Duolite ES-762. During a continuous hydrolysis of lactose, the immobilized enzyme was reversibly inactivated, probably due to oligosaccharides accumulating in the gel. The inactivation was reduced when a continuous reaction was operated at a high percent conversion of lactose in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The half-life of the immobilized enzyme was estimated to be 50 and 15 days at 50 and 55°C, respectively, when the reaction was carried out in a CSTR with a percent conversion of lactose >70%.  相似文献   
Suspension-cultured cells of carrot (Daucus carota L.) synthesize and secrete a glycoprotein that is normally found only in dermal tissues (epidermis, endodermis and periderm). This protein, previously called GP57, is now referred to as EDGP (E xtracellular D ermal G lyco P rotein). We purified sufficient quantities of EDGP to obtain amino-acid sequences on two internal tryptic peptides and screened a cDNA library of young carrot roots with antiserum to EDGP and with oligonucleotides corresponding to the peptides. Here we report the derived amino-acid sequence of EDGP. Sequence comparisons show that it has 40% amino-acid sequence identity with 7S basic globulin, a protein that is released when soybean seeds are soaked in hot water for a few hours. We suggest that these two proteins belong to a new family of dermal proteins. As far as we know, this is the first reported derived amino-acid sequence for protein that is specific to the epidermis and other dermal tissues. The level of EDGP mRNA is low in dry seeds, but increases rapidly in growing seedlings as they develop dermal tissues. The level of mRNA is low in storage roots, but increases rapidly in response to wounding. The presence of EDGP in dermal tissues and its up-regulation in response to wounding indicate a role in the response of plants to biotic and-or abiotic stresses. An unusual feature of the amino-acid sequence of EDGP is that it contains a short motif, which is present at the active site of aspartyl proteases such as pepsin and chymosin.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid - EDGP extracellular dermal glycoprotein - 7SBG 7S basic globulin Supported by a contract from the United States Department of Energy (Energy Biosciences) (to M.J.C.) and a Grant-in-Aid for Special Research on Priority Areas (01660002, Cellular and Molecular Basis for Reproductive Processes in Plants) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and by the Fund from Basic Research Core System of Science and Technology Agency, Japan (to S.S.).  相似文献   
Proteins and Carbohydrates in Xylem Sap from Squash Root   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The xylem sap from squash roots was collected from the cut surfaceof stems, and the proteins and carbohydrates in the sap wereanalyzed. The sap contained 18.6 µg ml–1 proteinand the major polypeptides were as follows: 1) two polypeptides,of 75 and 40 kDa, with high-mannose glycans, the levels of whichincreased for about 24 h after cutting and then decreased; 2)a 32-kDa polypeptide, which appeared soon after cutting, disappearedand then reappeared again 48–64 h after cutting; and 3)a 19-kDa and a 14-kDa polypeptide, which were present constitutively.The carbohydrates contained in the xylem sap were fractionatedinto 80% ethanol-soluble and -insoluble material, and whichwere analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, gaschromatography and enzymatic mathods. The former fraction containedconsiderable amounts of myo-inositol and fructose as free sugarsand oligosaccharides composed mainly of galactose, arabinoseand glucose. The latter contained polysaccharides composed mainlyof uronic acids, galactose and arabinose. The possible significanceof these substances, which may mediate the interactions betweenthe root and the aerial organs, is discussed. (Received April 20, 1992; Accepted July 4, 1992)  相似文献   
Summary Versatility of gene transfer by transconjugation in marine cyanobacteria was demonstrated. In this study, seven different marine cyanobacteria were used as recipient cells. First, transconjugation was carried out using the mobilizable transposon (Tn5) carrying plasmid pSUP1021. Transconjugants were observed in all marine cyanobacteria tested. Second, the broad-host-range vector pKT230 (IncQ) was tested for transconjugation. pKT230 has been successfully transferred in a marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. NKBG15041C, and replicated as an autonomous replicon without alteration in the restriction enzyme pattern. A maximum transfer efficiency of 5.2 × 10–4 transconjugants/recipient cell was observed, when mating was performed on agar plates containing low salinity (0.015 m NaCl) medium. This is the first study to demonstrate gene transfer in marine cyanobacteria via transconjugation. Correspondence to: K. Sode  相似文献   
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