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The tcpRXABCYD operon of Cupriavidus necator JMP134 is involved in the degradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP). All of the gene products except TcpY have assigned functions in TCP metabolism. Sequence comparison identified TcpY as a member of COG4313, a group of hypothetical proteins. TcpY has a signal peptide, indicating it is a membrane or secreted protein. Secondary structure and topology analysis indicated TcpY as a β-barrel outer membrane protein, similar to the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein FadL that transports hydrophobic long-chain fatty acids. Constitutive expression of tcpY in two C. necator strains rendered the cells more sensitive to TCP and other polychlorophenols. Further, C. necator JMP134 expressing cloned tcpY transported more TCP into the cell than a control with the cloning vector. Thus, TcpY is an outer membrane protein that facilitates the passing of polychlorophenols across the outer membrane of C. necator. Similarly, other COG4313 proteins are possibly outer membrane transporters of hydrophobic aromatic compounds.  相似文献   
Summary Drosophila embryos, exposed to ether between 1 and 4 h after oviposition, develop defects ranging from the complete lack of segmentation to isolated gaps in single segments. Between these extremes are varying extents of incomplete and abnormal segmentation. On the basis of both their temporal and spatial characteristics, five major phenotype classes may be distinguished: headless — unsegmented or incompletely segmented anteriorly; gap — interruptions of segmentation not obviously periodic; alternating segment gaps — interruptions with double segment periodicities; fused segments; and short segments — truncations with single segment periodicities. Many defects resemble known mutant phenotypes. The disturbances in segmentation are predominantly global and frequently accompanied by alterations in segment specification, such that the segments obtained show no resemblance to the normal homologues. These features, together with the distinctive spatiotemporal characteristics of the defects, all point to segmentation as a dynamic process. The regular spacing of the segments and the fact that the entire range of defects is inducible by ether are further consistent with the hypothesis that at least part of the segmentation process may consist of physicochemical reactions coordinated over the whole body. The relationship between our data and data from genetic and other analyses are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
cis-3,cis-6-Nonadienal and cis-3-nonenal in Cucumis sativus were identified by comparison with synthetic specimens. The identification of these compounds, combined with biochemical evidence, suggests that cucumber alcohol and trans-2-nonenol are biosynthesized via cis-3-unsaturated aldehydes from linolenic and linoleic acid, respectively.  相似文献   
Seeds of eight species ofSilene s. str. in Korea were examined with a dissecting stereomicroscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the systematic significance of seed coat microstructure. The seeds ofSilene s. str. were characterized by triangular or reniform shape, planed or concave dorsal surface in outline, tuberculate or colliculate testa, and sinuated cell margin. Based on the degree of grooves and invagination at dorsal surface, the seeds of the examined taxa ofSilene s. str. fall into two distinct groups: (I) dorsal grooves inconspicuous, surface planed (Silene jenisseensis andS. repens), (II) dorsal grooves conspicuous, surface concave (six remaining taxa). Within each group, seeds of all species may be further distinguished based on shape, size, and testa surface sculpturing. A key to the different species or groups of species is provided, and the systematic significance between/among the taxa is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Three serum albumin phenotypes were observed in a population of 257 dogs consisting of 18 breeds and breed crosses. Canine serum albumins are controlled by an autosomal locus with two codominant alleles AlbF and AlbS. Separation of the albumin types was possible by using buffer solutions with a pH of about 4.  相似文献   
A study was made of the impulse conduction speed by moving recording electrodes at 5 mm intervals, successively, after stimulating facial nerves on one side in normal subjects. The findings showed that the speed of the potentials was fast and the amplitude was large, up to a distance of 0.5 cm across the midline. This makes us believe that there is an intermingling, of approximately one cm, of the left and right superior orbicularis oris muscles. Evoked potentials were recorded up to 1.5 to 2.5 cm across the midline--but as the speed reduced abruptly and the amplitude became small, we believe these potentials were conveyed by volume conductors. Six patients with facial palsy were studied, but in none were these findings indicating any reinnervation from the normal side. However, the conduction speed was delayed in them (as compared to normal subjects).  相似文献   
  1. Dispersal has important ecological and evolutionary consequences for populations, but understanding the role of specific traits in dispersal can be difficult and requires careful experimentation. Moreover, understanding how humans alter dispersal is an important question, especially on oceanic islands where anthropogenic disturbance through species introductions can dramatically alter native ecosystems.
  2. In this study, we investigated the functional role of spines in seed dispersal of the plant caltrop (Tribulus cistoides L., Zygophyllaceae) by anthropogenic dispersal agents. We also tested whether humans or wildlife are more important seed dispersers of T. cistoides on the Galápagos.
  3. Tribulus cistoides is found on tropical mainland and oceanic island habitats. The dispersal structure of T. cistoides is called a mericarp, and they are typically protected by one pair of upper spines and a second pair of lower spines, but the presence and size of spines varies within and between populations. On the Galápagos, the upper and lower spines protect mericarps from seed predation by Darwin's finches. We tested whether spines play a dual role in dispersal by factorially manipulating the presence/absence of the upper and lower spines to simulate natural variation in mericarp morphology.
  4. The upper spines greatly facilitated seed dispersal, whereas the lower spines had no discernible effect on dispersal. The presence of upper spines increased dispersal rate on shoes by pedestrians 23‐fold, on fabrics (e.g., towels) and cars by nearly twofold, and the presence of upper spines increased dispersal distance by cars sixfold. When comparing dispersal rates in habitats with high (roads and foot paths) versus low (arid forest) anthropogenic activity, dispersal rates were demonstrably higher in the habitats with more human activity.
  5. These results have important implications for understanding the ecology and evolution of plant dispersal in the Anthropocene. Spines on the fruits of T. cistoides play important functional roles in anthropogenic dispersal, whereas native and introduced wildlife plays a minor role in dispersal on inhabited islands of the Galápagos. Our results imply that seed predators and humans are jointly shaping the ecology and evolution of contemporary populations of T. cistoides on the Galápagos.
Glucocerebrosidase activity was reconstituted in vitro from a soluble glycoprotein factor (P) and a particle-bound factor (C). The physiological significance of the system is discussed.  相似文献   
The ecological relationships between yeasts and factors in three freshwater environments with different types of pollution were investigated using a computerized stepwise regression analysis. Fifteen different pollution parameters were correlated with the total yeast population, six genera, and the species of yeasts from the three locations.Higher percentage correlations were generally obtained when more narrowly defined taxa were used in the regression analyses.The sampling location which was polluted with industrial wastes was concluded to be a highly complex ecosystem in which such a large number of factors influenced the yeast population concomitantly that significant per cent correlations were not often obtained.We are grateful to the staff of the Calumet Area Surveillance Program, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, U.S. Department of the Interior, Chicago, Ill., for the collection of water samples and for supplying physical and chemical data on the 15 environmental factors used in the study. This investigation was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Research Grant No. AI 04642 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  相似文献   
The amounts of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase protein decreasedrapidly with leaf age to a low content by the middle stage ofsenescence. In contrast, the decrease in chloroplast numberwas slight during the same period. This indicates that the enzymecan be degraded within the chloroplast before the chloroplastsdisintegrate during senescence. (Received September 3, 1983; Accepted November 24, 1983)  相似文献   
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