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Perforin is an essential component in the cytotoxic lymphocyte-mediated cell death pathway. The traditional view holds that perforin monomers assemble into pores in the target cell membrane via a calcium-dependent process and facilitate translocation of cytotoxic proteases into the cytoplasm to induce apoptosis. Although many studies have examined the structure and role of perforin, the mechanics of pore assembly and granzyme delivery remain unclear. Here we have employed quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) to investigate binding and assembly of perforin on lipid membranes, and show that perforin monomers bind to the membrane in a cooperative manner. We also found that cholesterol influences perforin binding and activity on intact cells and model membranes. Finally, contrary to current thinking, perforin efficiently binds membranes in the absence of calcium. When calcium is added to perforin already on the membrane, the QCM-D response changes significantly, indicating that perforin becomes membranolytic only after calcium binding.  相似文献   
We have cloned and sequenced the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene for S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase. This enzyme contains covalently bound pyruvate which is essential for enzymatic activity. We have shown that this enzyme is synthesized as a Mr 46,000 proenzyme which is then cleaved post-translationally to form two polypeptide chains: a beta subunit (Mr 10,000) from the amino-terminal portion and an alpha subunit (Mr 36,000) from the carboxyl-terminal portion. The protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The purified enzyme contains both the alpha and beta subunits. About half of the alpha subunits have pyruvate blocking the amino-terminal end; the remaining alpha subunits have alanine in this position. From a comparison of the amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence with the amino acid sequence of the amino-terminal portion of each subunit (determined by Edman degradation), we have identified the cleavage site of the proenzyme as the peptide bond between glutamic acid 87 and serine 88. The pyruvate moiety, which is essential for activity, is generated from serine 88 during the cleavage. The amino acid sequence of the yeast enzyme has essentially no homology with S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase of E. coli (Tabor, C. W., and Tabor, H. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 16037-16040) and only a moderate degree of homology with the human and rat enzymes (Pajunen, A., Crozat, A., J?nne, O. A., Ihalainen, R., Laitinen, P. H., Stanley, B., Madhubala, R., and Pegg, A. E. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 17040-17049); all of these enzymes are pyruvoyl-containing proteins. Despite this limited overall homology the cleavage site of the yeast proenzyme is identical to the cleavage sites in the human and rat proenzymes, and seven of the eight amino acids adjacent to the cleavage site are identical in the three eukaryote enzymes.  相似文献   
While performing a systematic search for chromosomal microdeletions in patients with clinically complex X-linked syndromes, we have observed that large male-viable deletions and duplications are clustered in heterochromatic regions of the X chromosome. Apart from the Xp21 band, where numerous deletions have been found that encompass the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene, an increasing number of deletions and duplications have been observed that span (part of) the Xq21 segment. To refine the molecular and genetic map of this region, we have employed 52 cloned single-copy DNA sequences from the Xcen-q22 segment to characterize two partly overlapping tandem duplications and two interstitial deletions on the proximal long arm of the human X chromosome. Together with a panel of somatic cell hybrids that had been described earlier, these four rearrangements enabled us to order the 52 probes into nine different groups and to narrow the regional assignment of several genes, including those for tapetochoroidal dystrophy and anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.  相似文献   
As a corollary to their anatomic location, alveolar macrophages (AM) have a lower threshold for generating some physiologic functions than peritoneal macrophages (PM). In this study, we examined both of these populations for their ability to bind the lectin Griffonia simplicifolia-IB4 (GSIB4) and to produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. The results showed that these two responses were concurrently expressed in activated macrophages, although they differed in magnitude when AM and PM were compared. Following in vitro incubation, AM from lipopolysaccharide-treated rats demonstrated a higher percentage of GSIB4 positivity and TNF production when compared with their respective PM. Since prostaglandin E2 can regulate the expression of some macrophage activities, experiments were conducted to determine whether this could also affect the ability of macrophages to bind the GSIB4 lectin. Neither the administration of indomethacin nor exogenous prostaglandin E2 altered the expression of this marker. Conversely, these treatments produced significant changes in TNF-alpha production in both alveolar and peritoneal macrophages. When the concurrent expression of GSIB4 lectin binding and TNF-alpha production was analyzed, AM from lipopolysaccharide-treated rats demonstrated both superior GSIB4 positivity and TNF-alpha production compared with all other macrophages examined. The results of this work show that AM and PM differ in their expression of GSIB4 binding and TNF-alpha production. These differential responses may be important in determining the level of activity of macrophages that are participating in an immune response.  相似文献   
An aqueous flow battery based on low‐cost, nonflammable, noncorrosive, and earth‐abundant elements is introduced. During charging, electrons are stored in a concentrated water solution of 2,5‐dihydroxy‐1,4‐benzoquinone, which rapidly receives electrons with inexpensive carbon electrodes without the assistance of any metal electrocatalyst. Electrons are withdrawn from a second water solution of a food additive, potassium ferrocyanide. When these two solutions flow along opposite sides of a cation‐conducting membrane, this flow battery delivers a cell potential of 1.21 V, a peak galvanic power density of 300 mW cm?2, and a coulombic efficiency exceeding 99%. Continuous cell cycling at 100 mA cm?2 shows a capacity retention rate of 99.76% cycle?1 over 150 cycles. Various molecular modifications involving substitution for hydrogens on the aryl ring are implemented to block decomposition by nucleophilic attack of hydroxide ions. These modifications result in increased capacity retention rates of up to 99.96% cycle?1 over 400 consecutive cycles, accompanied by changes in voltage, solubility, kinetics, and cell resistance. Quantum chemistry calculations of a large number of organic compounds predict a number of related structures that should have even higher performance and stability. Flow batteries based on alkaline‐soluble dihydroxybenzoquinones and derivatives are promising candidates for large‐scale, stationary storage of electrical energy.  相似文献   
Although many primate species have been inoculated with the agents of human hepatitis A, B, and non-A, non-B, only a small number of species have been shown to be susceptible, and only the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) has been shown to be reproducibly susceptible to all three types of human hepatitis. Infectious inocula containing each agent have been identified in different laboratories and the end-point titers of infectivity determined, in most cases by inoculation of chimpanzees. These inocula and the nonhuman primate models have permitted investigators to study the inactivation of these agents and to evaluate passive and active immunization against the agents.  相似文献   
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