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Environmental sex determination (ESD) is one of the most striking examples of phenotypic plasticity. Individuals from species that exhibit ESD can develop as either males or females depending on the particular environmental conditions they experience during early development. In fish, ESD species often show a relatively subtle effect of environment, resulting in a substantial number of both sexes being produced in both male- and female-biasing conditions, rather than the unisex clutches that are typical of many reptiles. This less dramatic form of ESD allows the opportunity to study the effects of sexual differentiation on within-sex variation in behavior and morphology by comparing same-sex individuals produced in male- and female-biasing conditions. Here, we confirm that sex determination in the West African cichlid, Pelvicachromis pulcher, is influenced by pH during early development. We show that pH also affects the ratio of two alternative male reproductive types with the polygynous morph being overproduced in male-biasing conditions and the monogamous male morph being overproduced in female-biasing conditions. Our results suggest that the sexual differentiation process may be an important force in maintaining individual variation in behavior and reproductive tactics.  相似文献   
The presence of the stoloniferous hydroid Obelia geniculata (L.) had no effect on the pigment concentration or nitrogen status of underlying blade tissue of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh. The sheet-like colonies of the bryozoan Membranipora membranacea (L.) markedly reduced the pigment concentration of colonized blade tissue, but only during winter. Reductions in pigment concentration are most likely a result of damage to underlying tissue due to some factor related to the presence of bryozoan colonies on blade surfaces. Blade tissue colonized by M. membranacea also had higher δ15N signatures than surrounding bryozoan-free tissue, possibly indicating the provision of nitrogen to M. pyrifera by bryozoan colonies. Results show that seasonal changes in nitrogen and colony size can strongly modify the effect of epifauna on macroalgae they colonize. Unlike bryozoans, hydroid colonies provided no barrier to nitrogen uptake by colonized M. pyrifera tissue and enhanced ammonium uptake was observed for tissue colonized by O. geniculata during nitrogen limitation. Epifauna with stoloniferous growth forms such as hydroids are more likely to have benign or even mutualistic relationships with macroalgae they colonize than the sheet-like colonies of bryozoans.  相似文献   
The survival of UV-irradiated Simian virus 40 (SV40) in CV-1P African green monkey kidney cells treated with (+/-)7 beta, 8 alpha-dihydroxy-9 alpha, 10 alpha epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BP-diol epoxide I) was studied. Enhanced survival of UV damaged SV40 was detected when CV-1P cells were treated with dose levels of BP-diol epoxide I corresponding to the exponential portion (0.33-1.11 microM) of a CV-1P cell survival curve. Dose levels of BP-diol epoxide I corresponding to the shoulder region (less than or equal to 0.16 microM) of a CV-1P survival curve did not induce viral reactivation. The shoulder region concentrations of BP-diol epoxide I selectively inhibited DNA initiation while the concentrations on the exponential portion of the curve preferentially inhibited DNA elongation. It was shown in a time course of enhanced viral survival at 0.66 microM BP-diol epoxide I that the reactivation response was fully induced by 24 h. In conclusion, the viral reactivation response was associated with concentrations of BP-diol epoxide I which induced lethal damage and preferentially inhibited DNA elongation.  相似文献   
Ammonium and nitrate are important sources of inorganic nitrogen for coastal primary producers. Nitrate has higher energy requirement for uptake and assimilation, compared with ammonium, suggesting that it might be a more efficient nitrogen source for slow‐growing, light‐limited macroalgae. To address this hypothesis, we examined the nitrogen ecophysiology of Anotrichium crinitum, a rhodophyte macroalgae common in low‐light habitats in New Zealand. We measured seasonal changes in seawater nitrate and ammonium concentrations and the concentration of nitrate and ammonium stored internally by A. crinitum. We determined the maximal uptake rates of nitrate and ammonium seasonally and grew A. crinitum in the laboratory with these nitrogen sources under two ecologically relevant saturating light levels. Our results show that field‐harvested A. crinitum has a high affinity for ammonium and although it will grow when supplied exclusively with nitrate, internal nitrate pools are low and it is unable to take up nitrate without several days of acclimation to saturating light. Our data predict that A. crinitum would be able to sustain growth with ammonium as the sole source of nitrogen, a strategy that would help it survive under low‐light conditions that prevail in the field.  相似文献   
The competitive ability for N uptake by four intertidal seaweeds, Stictosiphonia arbuscula (Harvey) King et Puttock, Apophlaea lyallii Hook. f. et Harvey, Scytothamnus australis Hook. f. et Harvey, and Xiphophora gladiata (Labillardière) Montagne ex Harvey, from New Zealand is described by the uptake kinetics for NO3?, NH4+, and urea. This is the first study to report uptake kinetics for N uptake by a range of southern hemisphere intertidal seaweeds in relation to season and zonation. Species growing at the highest shore positions had higher NO3? and urea uptake at both high and low concentrations and had unsaturable NH4+ uptake in both summer and winter. Although there was evidence of some feedback inhibition of Vmax for NO3? uptake by Stictosiphonia arbuscula growing at the lower vertical limits of its range, rates were high compared with species growing lower on the shore. Our results highlight the superior competitive ability for N uptake of certain high intertidal seaweeds, and consistent with our previous findings we can conclude that intertidal seaweeds in southeast New Zealand are adapted to maximizing N acquisition in a potentially N‐limiting environment.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species are byproducts of mitochondrial respiration and thus potential regulators of mitochondrial function. Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 (PDHK2) inhibits the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, thereby regulating entry of carbohydrates into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Here we show that PDHK2 activity is inhibited by low levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated by the respiratory chain. This occurs via reversible oxidation of cysteine residues 45 and 392 on PDHK2 and results in increased pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity. H2O2 derives from superoxide (O2˙̄), and we show that conditions that inhibit PDHK2 also inactivate the TCA cycle enzyme, aconitase. These findings suggest that under conditions of high mitochondrial O2˙̄ production, such as may occur under nutrient excess and low ATP demand, the increase in O2˙̄ and H2O2 may provide feedback signals to modulate mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   
During copulation, male insects pass accessory gland components to the female with the spermatophore. These gifts can affect female reproductive behaviour, ovulation and oviposition. Here, we show that female mealworm beetles, Tenebrio molitor, mated with males infected with metacestodes of the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, produced significantly more offspring than those mated with uninfected males. There is a significant positive relationship between parasite intensity in the male and reproductive output in the female. Infection results in a significant increase in bean-shaped accessory gland (BAG) size. We suggest that infected males pass superior nuptial gifts to females and discuss the confounding effects of infection in male and female beetles upon overall fitness costs of infection for the host and the likelihood that the parasite is manipulating host investment in reproduction.  相似文献   
Death by apoptosis regulates cell numbers in metazoan tissues and it is mediated by activation of caspases and results in characteristic morphological and biochemical changes. We report here that the malaria protozoan, Plasmodium berghei, exhibits features typical of metazoan apoptotic cells including condensation of chromatin, fragmentation of the nuclear DNA and movement of phosphatidylserine from the inner to the outer lamellae of the cell membrane. In addition, proteins with caspase-like activity were identified in the cytoplasm of the ookinete suggesting that the cellular mechanism of cell death may be similar to that of multicellular eukaryotes. Our data show that more than 50% of the mosquito midgut stages of the parasite die naturally by apoptosis before gut invasion. Cell death was prevented by a caspase inhibitor, treatment resulting in a doubling of parasite intensity. All these features also occur in vitro. Cell suicide thus plays a major and hitherto unrecognised role in controlling parasite populations and could be a novel target for malaria control strategies.  相似文献   
Mosquitoes have an efficient defense system against infection. The cellular immune defense mechanism initiated by the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus infected with the fungus Candida albicans was investigated in this study. Differences in the hemocyte counts in hemolymph perfused from uninoculated, saline-inoculated, and C. albicans-infected mosquitoes were compared using a light microscope. Phagocytosis was also investigated using electron microscopy. Four types of hemocytes were identified in control mosquitoes: prohemocytes (9.8%), plasmatocytes (38.8%), granular cells (44.2%), and oenocytoids (7.3%). Between 3 and 18 h postinoculation the total hemocyte count was significantly higher in infected, compared to uninfected, mosquitoes. Differential hemocyte counts from infected mosquitoes at 3, 6, and 18 h after inoculation showed that the relative proportion of plasmatocytes (48.6, 50.7, 45%) was higher and, concomitantly, the proportion of granular cells was lower (38, 36.8, 35%, respectively). Yeast cells were phagocytosed and limited growth was observed within the plasmatocytes. Melanized nodules were found attached to different insect tissues at 24 to 72 h following infection. These results suggest that phagocytosis, followed by nodule formation, was capable of clearing the hemolymph of yeast cells.  相似文献   
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