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Abstract: Pachytraga Paquier, 1900, the stratigraphically oldest genus of caprinine caprinid rudist, was previously known from only two chronospecies from a single lineage, that is the Hauterivian Ptubiconcha Astre, 1961 and the early Aptian Pparadoxa (Pictet and Campiche, 1869). Here, a new species, Pachytraga? tanakahitoshii, is erected on the basis of isolated left valves recovered from the Osaka and Sanchu areas, south‐west Japan. This species has a moderate shell size (antero‐posterior commissural diameter c. 30 mm), and its left valve is characterized by at least one possibly autapomorphic character (narrow anterior myophore, inclined inwards), as well as a mosaic of primitive (single longitudinal carina developed on the anterior side) and derived (simple marginal canals in the antero‐dorsal valve margin) characters of Mediterranean and Middle East Tethyan Pachytraga. The Japanese Pachytraga? represents the first probable record of this genus outside the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Tethyan province, and its early Barremian age partly fills the ‘gap’ in its previously known stratigraphical record, although the evolutionary relationship of the Japanese form with Mediterranean and Middle East Tethyan Pachytraga remains unsolved. However, the discovery of early Barremian Pachytraga? in Japan indicates that the evolutionary history of the genus is more complex than previously thought and should thus be discussed in a broader palaeogeographical context that must now include the Pacific.  相似文献   
During the early development of the sea urchins, Temnopleurus toreumaticus, Temnopleurus hardwickii and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , the division synchrony in all blastomeres lasted only until the 4th cleavage and a regional synchrony or a graded activity of cell division appeared. In the midblastula stage prior to hatching, the regional synchrony vanished simultaneously with the formation of cilia, then the division proceeded asynchronously. The analysis of cell pedigrees confirmed that a variable extension of intercleavage times occurred after the ciliogenesis. In blastomeres derived from mesomeres of T. toreumaticus embryos, the mean intercleavage time extended from 48 min of the 8th cycle (pre-ciliated) to 115 min of the 9th cycle (ciliated), and the coefficient of variation increased from 15% to 39%. We attempted a kinetic analysis of cell proliferation on the basis of the transition probability model of cell cycle control. We concluded that the minimum time required for the completion of the cell cycle was the decisive factor in the cell cycle succession of pre-ciliated blastomeres, and that a sudden and sharp decrease in the transition probability of the ciliated blastomeres probably interpreted the abrupt slowing and asynchronization of the cleavage cycle at the time of ciliogenesis.  相似文献   
RuDP carboxylase isolated from autotrophically grown cells ofphotosynthetic sulfur bacterium, Chromatium strain D, was partiallypurified by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration.The molecular size of the bacterial RuDP carboxylase was foundto be large, analogous to that of the plant enzyme, in agreementwith results of previous workers. Sucrose density gradient centrifugationshowed the Srel to be approximately 18; the omission of Mg++caused no dissociation of the enzyme molecule in its subunits.Chromatium RuDP carboxylase showed similarities to the plantenzyme in some of its kinetic properties; (a) a shift of pHoptimum to the neutral side from the alkaline side on the additionof Mg++, (b) deviation of the substrate concentration (NaHCO3)-activityrelationship from the MICHAELIS formula and (c) a marked stimulativeeffect of Mg++. A unique sigmoidal saturation curve of the enzymeto RuDP, which had been detected in Rhodospirillum rubrum andRhodopseudomonas spheroides RuDP carboxylase in the absenceof Mg++, was not found. Another characteristic feature of ChromatiumRuDP carboxylase is its partial immunological response to therabbit anti-spinach RuDP carboxylase serum as detected by theinhibition of the carboxylation reaction due to the antibody-antigenreaction. 1Part X, Structure and Function of Chloroplast Proteins. Supportedin part by research grants from the Ministry of Education ofJapan (No. 8719) and USPHS (AM-10792-03) (Received July 4, 1969; )  相似文献   
The regeneration kinetics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants TS-6 and TS-79, whose flagella were mechanically amputated, indicated that the flagellar precursor in cytoplasm was used for regeneration when cycloheximide was present. The TS-6 cells rendered nonflagellate by regression at 35 C did not regenerate in the presence of cycloheximide, indicating that the precursor was inactivated by the high temperature. Neither mutant was able to use the absorbed flagellar components for regeneration in the presence of cycloheximide.  相似文献   
短吻贫齿龙(双孔亚纲:海龙目)的新材料及补充研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了产自贵州关岭法郎组瓦窑段(上三叠统)短吻贫齿龙一新材料。新标本头后骨骼十分完整,使我们对该海龙的全身骨骼形态有了一个完整的认识,尤其是澄清了其肩带及前、后肢的解剖学特征。短吻贫齿龙牙齿稀少且局限于上、下颌的前端,以及末端指/趾骨(爪)扁平等性状表明,该种不是纯粹的肉食动物。依据新材料,短吻贫齿龙在局部形态上存在个体变异,并确认后肢趾趾式(2-3-4-5-5)可作为该海龙的特征之一。  相似文献   
Nuclear behavior during reconjugation and the ultimate fate of the ex-reconjugants were followed after induction of reconjugation in Euplotes patella. An exconjugant could reconjugate with a vegetative cell or with another exconjugant. Exconjugants at an early stage of macronuclear development (oval macronuclear anlagen) did not reconjugate frequently whereas exconjugants at a late stage of macronuclear development (rod-like macronuclear anlagen) reconjugated frequently. In all cases, the micronucleus underwent normal meiosis and other nuclear changes. After reconjugation, a new macronuclear anlage and a new micronucleus were formed normally, so that there were two kinds of macronuclear anlagen in the exconjugants, an old and a new. The old rod-shaped anlage did not disappear after the differentiation of a new one, but it was broken up into several fragments. While the survival rate after normal conjugation was 78%, it was 0–20% after reconjugation. These results suggest that the micronuclei of exconjugants can act as germ nuclei even at a very early stage and that reconjugation, unlike conjugation, is harmful to the cell.  相似文献   
Three Asian species of the genus Hediste (Nereididae, Polychaeta, Annelida), including two new species, are reviewed. Hediste japonica (Izuka, 1908) was redescribed based on recently discovered type material and on additional specimens newly collected from the Ariake Sea in Japan and the west coast of Korea. Two new species, H .  diadroma and H. atoka , were described based on specimens collected from Japan. These three species are morphologically similar, but distinguishable by some differences in parapodial and chaetal morphology, at least at the sexually mature stage. The presence of homogomph falcigers and the absence of heterogomph spinigers are unique characteristics of H. japonica among this genus. Inconspicuous epitokous metamorphosis occurred as a slight enlargement of the eyes and parapodial ligules in mature adults of H. diadroma sp. nov. and H. japonica in combination with their reproductive swarming and pelagic larval development. The epitoke-specific sesquigomph spinigers were added in mature adults of H. diadroma sp. nov., while the number of ordinary homogomph spinigers increased in some adults of H. japonica. Epitokous metamorphosis in the Hediste species was compared with that in other nereidid genera. No epitokous metamorphosis was observed in H. atoka sp. nov., corresponding to its reproduction without swarming and to its development without a planktonic larval stage. Significant differences in paragnath numbers in the maxillary ring of the proboscis were found among the three species, suggesting different feeding habits. In Japan, the present distribution of H. japonica is restricted to muddy tidal flats in the inner part of the Ariake Sea, probably due to recent human impact, while the other two species are widespread.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137, 403−445  相似文献   
While carnitine has been reported to have an anti-oxidative role on the ocular surface,there has been no report on the existence of a carnitine transporter (SLC22A5) in thelens. Therefore, we investigated the carnitine transport activity of canine lensepithelial cells (LEC) and determined the molecular structure of canineSLC22A5. The carnitine transport activity was 7.16 ± 0.48 pmol/mgprotein/30 min. Butyrobetaine, the analogue of carnitine, reduced 30% of the activity at50 µM. A coding sequence of canine carnitine transporter was 1694 bplong and was predicted to encode 557 amino acid polypeptides. The deduced amino acidsequence of canine carnitine transporter showed >80% similarity to that of mouse andhuman. Western blot analysis detected the band at 60 kDa in the membrane of lensepithelial cells. The high content of carnitine in the lens is possibly transported fromaqueous humor by SLC22A5.  相似文献   
The diffusibility of the vegetalizing factor was examined by a transfilter culture using an ethanol-fixed swimbladder of the crucian carp ( Carassius auratus ) as the inductor and presumptive ectoderm from gastrulae of Cynops pyrrhogaster as the responding tissue. Nucleopore filters, about 12–14 μm thick, with nominal pore sizes of 0.05, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8, 3.0 and 8.0 μm were interposed between the interacting tissues. The responding pieces of ectoderm were removed from the assemblies after contact for 0.5, 1, 3, or 24 hr and cultured in Holtfreter's solution for 10 days at 20°C.
The inductions observed were almost entirely mesodermal, although masses of endoderm-like yolky cells were seen in explants and neural tissues in a few cases. Filter membranes with pores of 0.05 to 8.0 μm did not interfere with the vegetalizing effect.
Under an electron microscope, small cytoplasmic cones of the responding cells of the presumptive ectoderm were observed in the pores of the interposed filter after 3 hr's contact. The cones grew longer as the cultivation time increased, but even after 24 hr there was no contact between the interacting tissues. Since 3 hr's contact between the interacting tissues was sufficient to cause full vegetalization on the transfilter culture with the swimbladder, the formation of the cytoplasmic outgrowths had no significance in the induction.  相似文献   
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