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1. Detecting the impacts of invading Bythotrephes cederstrœmi (Crustacea, Onychopoda, Cercopagididae) on zooplankton in North American lakes has been hampered by the brevity of pre-invasion data, and by the difficulty of distinguishing the effects of the invader from other stresses. The data from Harp Lake in Ontario, Canada, circumvent these difficulties. Bythotrephes appeared in the lake in 1993. There is a 15-year pre-invasion data set, and no significant complicating concurrent stresses.
2. The species composition and the size structure of the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake changed after the invasion. Several small species either declined dramatically in abundance (e.g. Bosmina longirostris , Tropocyclops extensus ) or disappeared ( Chydorus sphaericus , Diaphanosoma birgei , Bosmina ( Neobosmina ) tubicen ). In contrast the abundance of the larger cladocerans Holopedium gibberum and Daphnia galeata mendotae and the hypolimnetic copepod Leptodiaptomus sicilis increased. Several univariate and all multivariate summarizations of zooplankton abundance, biomass and size structure highlighted the uniqueness of the post-invasion community.
3. The alterations in the zooplankton community could not be attributed to changes in lake acidity, thermal regimes, penetration by ultraviolet light, nutrient status, fish stocking or the abundances of native invertebrate predators, but they were correlated with Bythotrephes abundance, both within and among years. Hence, we hypothesize that the invasion by Bythotrephes has significantly altered the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake.  相似文献   
The ability of a genotype to produce different phenotypes inresponse to variable environments is a crucial aspect of lifehistory strategies as it determines the shape of the fitnessset for the population. Apomictic dandelions generate littlegenetic variation between parent and offspring and plasticityis the main strategy in the face of environmental variability.The plastic response of three coexisiting dandelions has beenmeasured over two nutrient regimes. Cyclical growth patternsare species specific and in some cases independent of nutrientlevels. Differences between the agamospecies are greater athigh nutrient levels and the agamospecies appear to produceonly one phenotype at low nutrient levels. Taraxacum, plasticity, phenotypes, nutrient level  相似文献   
Sexual polymorphism was studied in the shrub Gnidia wikstroemiana (Thunb.) Meisn. from the semiarid Nama Karoo Biome, South Africa. The populations comprised plants bearing either female flowers, or hermaphrodite flowers with variable female function. In two populations, female plants accounted for 36–37% of the flowering plants. Female flowers were smaller and their stamens were reduced to staminodes, but their styles were significantly longer than those of hermaphrodite flowers. Energy investment in flowers and fruits for females and hermaphrodites was measured using bomb calorimetry. Females produce a greater number of less costly flowers than hermaphrodites, and invest less energy per unit in production of flowers and inflorescences. In contrast, females invest more energy per unit in production of fruits and infructescences than hermaphrodites. Females overall invest 7.3% more energy in reproduction than hermaphrodites. Female flowers were obligate out-crossers (xenogamous), with 35% of nonmanipulated, open-pollinated flowers setting fruit, comparable with fruit set among selfed hermaphrodite flowers. The breeding strategy of G. wikstroemiana most closely resembles gynodioecy. This is the first report of sexual dimorphism in Gnidia L. and sub-Saharan Thymelaeaceae.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 219–233.  相似文献   
Tubiform fossils conventionally referred to Serpula cf. advena Salter and species of Spirorbis Lamarck from the British Lower Limestone Shales and Border Group (Lower Carboniferous) are re-examined. They occur in peritidal carbonate environments of schizohaline aspect. These fossils superficially resemble calcareous polychaete tubes but have skeletal characters, including molluscan wall structure, numerous internal septa, and protoconch, which indicate that they represent a new group of substrate-attached, disjunctly coiled gastropods. They resemble archaeogastropods in internal morphology of the skeleton but show parallels in external form and occurrence with the extant Vermetidae. There are two principal modes of occurrence: (1) erect tubes forming intertidal biostromes associated with non-skeletal algal laminites, and (2) prostrate discoidal tubes encrusting subtidal skeletal stromatolites or occasionally forming larger irregular bioherms. These biostromes and bioherms are comparable in structure to Recent vermetid reef developments.  相似文献   
Water availability is the most limiting factor to global plant productivity, yet photosynthetic responses to seasonal drought cycles are poorly understood, with conflicting reports on which limiting process is the most important during drought. We address the problem using a model‐data synthesis approach to look at canopy level fluxes, integrating twenty years of half hour data gathered by the FLUXNET network across six Mediterranean sites. The measured canopy level, water and carbon fluxes were used, together with an inverse canopy ecophysiological model, to estimate the bulk canopy conductance, bulk mesophyll conductance, and the canopy scale carbon pools in both the intercellular spaces and at the site of carboxylation in the chloroplasts. Thus the roles of stomatal and mesophyll conductance in the regulation of internal carbon pools and photosynthesis could be separated. A quantitative limitation analysis allowed for the relative seasonal responses of stomatal, mesophyll, and biochemical limitations to be gauged. The concentration of carbon in the chloroplast was shown to be a potentially more reliable estimator of assimilation rates than the intercellular carbon concentration. Both stomatal conductance limitations and mesophyll conductance limitations were observed to regulate the response of photosynthesis to water stress in each of the six species studied. The results suggest that mesophyll conductance could bridge the gap between conflicting reports on plant responses to soil water stress, and that the inclusion of mesophyll conductance in biosphere–atmosphere transfer models may improve their performance, in particular their ability to accurately capture the response of terrestrial vegetation productivity to drought.  相似文献   
Recovery from desiccation by Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer and Scherb was accompanied by an immediate, rapid increase in respiration (measured as oxygen uptake) at 25.5°C or 3.5°C. The respiratory burst was greater on rehydration of moss which had been rapidly desiccated over silica gel than that which had been more slowly desiccated in atmospheres of high relative humidity. No respiration was observed in dry moss. Dried moss which had been placed in liquid nitrogen resumed respiration on rewarming and rehydration but moss which had been frozen in the hydrated state respired to a lesser extent and showed signs of freeze damage. In the initial stages of slow drying a slight increase in respiration was noted, followed by a gradual decrease as drought became more severe. In contrast to observations made on many higher plants under drought stress, this moss did not exhibit any changes in its starch and sugar content during or following desiccation, nor were there any changes in free proline levels. Using (1-14C)-glucose and (6-14C)-glucose, the relative activities of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas and pentose phosphate pathways in hydrated and rehydrated moss were determined, as were the activities of specific enzymes involved in these pathways. An increased activity of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway of glucose oxidation on rehydration of Tortula was observed. The possible significance of this latter observation is outlined.  相似文献   
In the Low Arctic, a warming climate is increasing rates of permafrost degradation and altering vegetation. Disturbance associated with warming permafrost can change microclimate and expose areas of ion-rich mineral substrate for colonization by plants. Consequently, the response of vegetation to warming air temperatures may differ significantly from disturbed to undisturbed tundra. Across a latitudinal air temperature gradient, we tested the hypothesis that the microenvironment in thaw slumps would be warmer and more nutrient rich than undisturbed tundra, resulting in altered plant community composition and increased green alder ( Alnus viridis subsp. fruticosa ) growth and reproduction. Our results show increased nutrient availability, soil pH, snow pack, ground temperatures, and active layer thickness in disturbed terrain and suggest that these variables are important drivers of plant community structure. We also found increased productivity, catkin production, and seed viability of green alder at disturbed sites. Altered community composition and enhancement of alder growth and reproduction show that disturbances exert a strong influence on deciduous shrubs that make slumps potential seed sources for undisturbed tundra. Overall, these results indicate that accelerated disturbance regimes have the potential to magnify the effects of warming temperature on vegetation. Consequently, understanding the relative effects of temperature and disturbance on Arctic plant communities is critical to predicting feedbacks between northern ecosystems and global climate change.  相似文献   
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