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The grasses (Poaceae) are the fifth most diverse family of angiosperms, including 800 genera and more than 10 000 species. Few phylogenetic studies have tried to investigate palaeo‐biogeographical and palaeo‐ecological scenarios that may have led to present‐day distribution and diversity of grasses at the family level. We produced a dated phylogenetic tree based on combined plastid DNA sequences and a comprehensive sample of Poaceae. Furthermore, we produced an additional tree using a supermatrix of morphological and molecular data that included all 800 grass genera so that ancestral biogeography and ecological habitats could be inferred. We used a likelihood‐based method, which allows the estimation of ancestral polymorphism in both biogeographical and ecological analyses for large data sets. The origin of Poaceae was retrieved as African and shade adapted. The crown node of the BEP + PACCMAD clade was dated at 57 Mya, in the early Eocene. Grasses dispersed to all continents by approximately 60 million years after their Gondwanan origin in the late Cretaceous. PACCMAD taxa adapted to open habitats as early as the late Eocene, a date consistent with recent phytolith fossil data for North America. C4 photosynthesis first originated in Africa, at least for Chloridoideae in the Eocene at c. 30 Mya. The BEP clade members adapted to open habitats later than PACCMAD members; this was inferred to occur in Eurasia in the Oligocene. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 543–557.  相似文献   
Osmotic Requirement for Shoot Formation in Tobacco Callus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tobacco callus grown on medium containing 3% sucrose (w/v) shows optimum growth and produces the highest number of shoots; whereas cultures grown on medium with lower or higher sucrose levels show a reduced growth rate and capacity to form shoots. Cultures grown on a low sucrose containing medium produce a high number of shoots only if the medium is supplemented with mannitol to give the same water potential as that of the 3% sucrose medium. Mannitol cannot replace the sucrose requirement for growth. Increased levels of Bacto Agar, tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and amino acids added to the medium do not promote shoot formation or replace the carbohydrate requirement for that process. The success in partially replacing the sucrose requirement for shoot formation with mannitol supports the view that part of the tissue carbohydrate is acting in an osmoregulatory role. This finding is further interpreted in terms of the hypothesis of turgor-driven growth and cell expansion.  相似文献   
The semi‐aquatic grasshopper Cornops aquaticum is native to South America, with a distribution as far south as the Argentinian pampas and as far north as the Gulf of Mexico. This study reports the characterization of nine microsatellite loci for this species. To our knowledge, no molecular studies have been conducted on C. aquaticum, therefore, little is known about this species’ genetic diversity and how this relates to host specificity. These primers will allow further studies to elucidate the population history of C. aquaticum across both its native and introduced ranges.  相似文献   
Abstract Southern British Columbia, Canada, is the northwestern range limit of the American badger (Taxidea taxus) and supports a nationally endangered subspecies. We initially investigated space-use, diet, and demography in southeastern British Columbia to characterize range-limit ecology. Resident badgers in the northern part (NP) of our study area were extirpated or nearly so during our study (λ = 0.7), whereas the southern (SP) badger population remained viable (λ = 1.2). This apparent difference in viability between NP and SP may have been confounded by timing because research occurred later in SP; litter size, number of Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) consumed, and home range size were each correlated nearly equally to latitude and date of research, and survivorship was greater later in the study for both the NP and SP. Collectively, these factors indicated temporal, not just spatial, variability. Therefore, we translocated badgers into the NP to 1) determine whether the NP had lost its capacity to support badgers or had merely experienced the variability expected at a range limit and, if the latter, 2) initiate recovery. Translocated animals and their offspring had kit production equivalent to that of SP residents, adult survivorship intermediate between the NP and SP residents, and no confirmed kit mortality, with population growth projected (λ = 1.3). Diet of translocated individuals was similar to that of residents. Home ranges of translocated females were intermediate between the 2 resident groups, and home ranges of translocated males were not different than either resident group. Juvenile dispersal dates and distances were similar to those of residents for each sex. Our results were consistent with the extirpation of the NP being driven by temporally variable conditions or the effect of random events expected at range limits. The extirpation of NP did not appear to have been primarily due to any permanent loss of the NP's capacity to support badgers. At 3.5 years after starting translocations, badgers remained in the NP within an apparently growing population. We found translocation to be a useful diagnostic and conservation tool for badgers at their northern limit. Its utility may extend to countering the fluctuations typical of other rare, range-limit species.  相似文献   
Tertiary cormorant fossils (Aves: Phalacrocoracidae) from Late Oligocene deposits in Australia are described. They derive from the Late Oligocene – Early Miocene (26–24 Mya) Etadunna and Namba Formations in the Lake Eyre and Lake Frome Basins, South Australia, respectively. A new genus, Nambashag gen. nov. , with two new species ( Nambashag billerooensis sp. nov. , 30 specimens; Nambashag microglaucus sp. nov. , 14 specimens), has been established. Phylogenetic analyses based on 113 morphological and two integumentary characters indicated that Nambashag is the sister taxon to the Early Miocene Nectornis miocaenus of Europe and all extant phalacrocoracids. As Nambashag, Nectornis, and extant phalacrocoracids constitute a strongly supported clade sister to Anhinga species, the fossil taxa have been referred to Phalacrocoracidae. Sulids and Fregata were successive sister taxa to the Phalacrocoracoidea, i.e. phalacrocoracids + Anhinga. As phalacrocoracids lived in both Europe and Australia during the Late Oligocene and no older phalacrocoracid taxa are known, the biogeographical origin of cormorants remains unanswered. The phylogenetic relationships of extant taxa were not wholly resolved, but contrary to previous morphological analyses, considerable concordance was found with relationships recovered by recent molecular analyses. Microcarbo is sister to all other extant phalacrocoracids, and all Leucocarbo species form a well‐supported clade. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 277–314.  相似文献   
The potential impact of an increase in methane emissions from natural wetlands on climate change models could be very large. We report a profound increase in methane emissions from cores of mire peat and vegetation as a direct result of increasing the CO2 concentration from 355 to 550 μol mol?1 (a 60% increase). Increased CH4 fluxes were observed throughout the four month period of study. Seasonal variation in CH4 flux, consistent with that seen in the field, was observed under both ambient and elevated CO2. Under ambient CO2, methane fluxes rose from 0.02 μol m-2 s?1 in May to 0.11 μol m?2 s?3 in July before declining again in August. Under elevated CO2 methane fluxes were at least 100% greater throughout the experiment, rising from 0.05 μol m-2 s?1 in May to a peak of 0.27 μol m?2 s?1 in July. The stimulation of CO4 emissions was accompanied by a 100% increase in rates of photosynthesis from 4.6 (± 0.3) under ambient CO2 to 9.3 (± 0.7) μol m?2 s?1. Root and shoot biomass were unaffected.  相似文献   
Sexual selection when the female directly benefits   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Why do females of many species mate with males on the basis of traits apparently detrimental to male survival? The answer may lie in the fact that these male traits are correlated with male condition. We consider the argument that high male condition directly benefits female fecundity and/or viability (e.g. through lower transmission of parasites, improved control of resources, or better paternal care). Using a quantitative genetic model we show how female preferences for male traits that indicate condition can evolve, even if the male traits themselves have deleterious effects on both the male and the female's fecundity. So-called ‘arbitrary preferences’ can spread in this way because male traits subject to sexual selection are often under additional selection to become correlated with condition. At equilibrium the positive effects of male condition on a female's fecundity and the negative effects of the male trait on her fecundity are balanced and the female preference is under stabilizing selection. The male trait will often be correlated with viability, but not with fecundity, even though the preference evolved as a result of differences in male fecundity. The mean fecundity of females is not maximized, and can steadily decline as the male trait and female preference evolve. If the male trait has no direct deleterious effects on female fecundity, as may happen in species with no paternal care, female preferences are under continuous directional selection to increase.  相似文献   
The Physiology of a Wilty Pea: Abscisic Acid Production under Water Stress   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
‘Wilty’ (JI 1069), a mutant of Pisum sativum, hasbeen examined for its ability to produce abscisic acid (ABA)under water stress. ABA was measured using combined gas chromatography-massspectrometry and multiple-ion-monitoring employing a deuteratedinternal standard. In intact droughted plants, ‘Wilty’produced less ABA than a non-wilty line (JI 1194) and maximumproduction was delayed. Detached leaves of the wilty mutantlost significantly more water than control leaves but did notshow an increase in ABA content. Non-stressed mutant materialfrom both intact plants and isolated leaves contained less ABAthan control tissue. Key words: Pea, Wilty mutant, Abscisic acid  相似文献   
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