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Abstract: American mink (Neovison vison) are an ecologically damaging invasive species where they have been introduced in Europe. Effectiveness of mink population control by trapping has been difficult to assess, without knowing how efficiently mink are caught by traps or detected by other methods. Use of track-recording rafts to detect mink and guide trapping effort has proved efficient and leads to a supposition that no detection indicates absence of mink. To draw this conclusion with any confidence requires a measure of detectability. We applied occupancy models to data from an earlier study to estimate detectability of individual American mink on track-recording rafts. Estimated detectability of individual mink, per raft, and 2-week check period varied between 0.4 in late summer and 0.6 in late autumn. By inference, risk of failing to detect a mink that was present would be <5% given 4–6 independent opportunities to detect it. These opportunities could be created either by using a raft spacing that ensured multiple detections of each mink or by monitoring rafts through a succession of check intervals. Within certain simple constraints, raft location did not contribute substantially to detection probability. These findings will allow field operators, strategists, and funders to assess with confidence the success of efforts to control mink density. We expect the estimation of individual detectability to be similarly valuable in population control or eradication of other species.  相似文献   
As part of a Global Biodiversity Hotspot, the conservation of Sri Lanka's endemic biodiversity warrants special attention. With 51 species (50 of them endemic) occurring in the island, the biodiversity of freshwater crabs is unusually high for such a small area (65 600 km2). Freshwater crabs have successfully colonized most moist habitats and all climatic and elevational zones in Sri Lanka. We assessed the biodiversity of these crabs in relation to the different elevational zones (lowland, upland and highland) based on both species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Three different lineages appear to have radiated simultaneously, each within a specific elevational zone, with little interchange thereafter. The lowland and upland zones show a higher species richness than the highland zone while – unexpectedly – phylogenetic diversity is highest in the lowland zone, illustrating the importance of considering both these measures in conservation planning. The diversity indices for the species in the various IUCN Red List categories in each of the three zones suggest that risk of extinction may be related to elevational zone. Our results also show that overall more than 50% of Sri Lanka's freshwater crab species (including several as yet undescribed ones), or approximately 72 million years of evolutionary history, are threatened with extinction.  相似文献   
Abstract Baited and unbaited hoop-nets commonly are used to capture catfish in lotic and lentic systems. Turtle bycatch and post-capture mortality has been problematic during catfish surveys in Missouri, USA, most recently in the Gasconade River, Gasconade and Osage counties. We evaluated 3 modified hoop-net designs that would reduce turtle bycatch without reducing catfish capture in the Gasconade River during 15 May-15 July 2006 after pilot study evaluation of 5 hoop-net designs in April 2006. We deployed modified and control-nets in blocks for 48 hours to evaluate differences in turtle and catfish catch rate, as well as abundance, size, and mortality rate of turtle bycatch. The chimney design reduced turtle bycatch by 84% when compared to the control, without decreasing the number or average size of captured flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris). Environmental conditions that affected turtle mortality included Secchi disc transparency, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and stream river depth. This is the first known attempt to create turtle exclusion or escapement devices for hoop-nets deployed in freshwater systems. Biologists using hoop-nets to sample aquatic vertebrates in moderate to large river systems will benefit from our study. The application of this methodology will reduce turtle bycatch mortality, especially when sampling is conducted in high water temperatures.  相似文献   
The relationships between genome size and the systematic and evolutionary patterns in vascular plants are equivocal, although a close relationship between genome size and evolutionary patterns has been previously reported. However, several studies have also revealed the dynamic nature of genome size evolution and its considerable ‘ups’ and ‘downs’. Thus, in this study, the phylogenetic relationships among three previously revealed genome size groups and among species of the highly polyploid genus Curcuma were evaluated using AFLP. Our results suggest two main lineages within Indian Curcuma reflecting evolution of genome size. The first one includes hexaploids and higher polyploids of the previously recognized genome size group I, and the second one includes mainly hexaploids of genome size groups II and III. Within genome size group I, relationships among species seem to be influenced by reticulate evolution and higher polyploids are likely to be of allopolyploid origin. Reproductive systems in Indian Curcuma vary considerably among ploidy levels and these differences considerably affect morphological and genetic variation. In general, clonally reproducing species are expected to exhibit low genotypic diversity, but, at the same time, species of allopolyploid origin are expected to maintain higher levels of heterozygosity compared with their progenitors. We investigated intra‐populational genetic variability in Curcuma spp. to evaluate whether mode of reproduction or ploidy represent the main factor influencing the degree of genetic diversity. We found that hexaploid species exhibited significantly higher genetic diversity than higher polyploids (9x, 15x). Our results suggest that this genetic diversity pattern is largely influenced by the mode of reproduction, as higher polyploids reproduce exclusively vegetatively, whereas hexaploids reproduce mainly sexually. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 165 , 388–401.  相似文献   
There has been recent debate about the expected allometry of sexually‐selected traits. Although sexually‐selected traits exhibit a diversity of allometric patterns, signalling characters are frequently positively allometric. By contrast, insect genitalia tend to be negatively allometric, although the allometry of nongenital sexually‐selected characters in insects is largely unknown (with some notable exceptions). It has also been suggested that there should be a negative association between the asymmetry and size of bilaterally‐paired, sexually‐selected traits, although this claim is controversial. We assessed the allometry and asymmetry (fluctuating asymmetry, FA) of a nongenital contact–courtship structure, the sex comb, in replicate populations of three species of Drosophila (we also measured wing FA). Sex combs are sexually‐selected characters used to grasp the female's abdomen and genitalia and to spread her wings prior to and during copulation. Although species differed in the size of the sex combs, all combs were positively allometric, and comb allometry did not generally differ significantly between species or populations. Comb and wing asymmetry did vary across species, although not across populations of the same species. However, FA was trait specific and was never negatively associated with trait size. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 923–934.  相似文献   
Partitioning of biomass between roots and different shoot partshas often been used to explain the response of plants to variationsin resource availability. There are still many uncertaintiesin the importance of this trait for plant performance, and clearguidelines on how partitioning should be quantified in relationto growth rate and resource supply are of fundamental importancefor such an understanding. This paper reports an attempt toshow how plant nitrogen status relates to root:shoot partitioningand other plastic responses, in a manner that can be used forquantitative predictions. The reactions to nitrogen limitationof five grassland plant species, with different ecological demands,were compared. The species used were the forbs Polygala vulgarisand Crepis praemorsa, and the grasses Danthonia decumbens, Agrostiscapillaris and Dactylis glomerata. The experiment was conductedin a climate chamber where the plants were grown hydroponically(1) under non-limiting nutrient conditions and (2) at a steady-statenitrogen limitation, which enabled the plants to express halfof their growth potential. The relative growth rate (RGR) ofthe species was strongly related to plant nitrogen concentration(PNC) and leaf area ratio (LAR), whereas the effects on netassimilation rate (NAR) were very small. Despite large differencesin maximum relative growth rate, the species showed remarkablesimilarities in dry matter partitioning between root and shoot.It is concluded that root:shoot partitioning can be treatedas a direct function of the relative resource limitation ofthe plant. The difficulty of attaining well-defined levels ofresource limitation in soil, other solid substrates and manyhydroponic systems may be the most important reason for thedivergent results in earlier studies. Better knowledge of soil-rootinteractions, and plant responses to the whole span of resource-supplylevels, is required for a thorough understanding of how nutrientslimit growth. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Growth rate, plant strategies, plasticity, partitioning, biomass, nitrogen, nutrient limitation, grassland.  相似文献   
In the science-fiction thriller film Minority Report, a specialized police department called “PreCrime” apprehends criminals identified in advance based on foreknowledge provided by 3 genetically altered humans called “PreCogs”. We propose that Yamanaka stem cell technology can be similarly used to (epi)genetically reprogram tumor cells obtained directly from cancer patients and create self-evolving personalized translational platforms to foresee the evolutionary trajectory of individual tumors. This strategy yields a large stem cell population and captures the cancer genome of an affected individual, i.e., the PreCog-induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cancer cells, which are immediately available for experimental manipulation, including pharmacological screening for personalized “stemotoxic” cancer drugs. The PreCog-iPS cancer cells will re-differentiate upon orthotopic injection into the corresponding target tissues of immunodeficient mice (i.e., the PreCrime-iPS mouse avatars), and this in vivo model will run through specific cancer stages to directly explore their biological properties for drug screening, diagnosis, and personalized treatment in individual patients. The PreCog/PreCrime-iPS approach can perform sets of comparisons to directly observe changes in the cancer-iPS cell line vs. a normal iPS cell line derived from the same human genetic background. Genome editing of PreCog-iPS cells could create translational platforms to directly investigate the link between genomic expression changes and cellular malignization that is largely free from genetic and epigenetic noise and provide proof-of-principle evidence for cutting-edge “chromosome therapies” aimed against cancer aneuploidy. We might infer the epigenetic marks that correct the tumorigenic nature of the reprogrammed cancer cell population and normalize the malignant phenotype in vivo. Genetically engineered models of conditionally reprogrammable mice to transiently express the Yamanaka stemness factors following the activation of phenotypic copies of specific cancer diseases might crucially evaluate a “reprogramming cure” for cancer. A new era of xenopatients 2.0 generated via nuclear reprogramming of the epigenetic landscapes of patient-derived cancer genomes might revolutionize the current personalized translational platforms in cancer research.  相似文献   
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