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The antibacterial activity of propolis from different regions of Turkey was studied, accompanied by TLC and GC-MS analyses of its chemical composition and spectrophotometric quantification of the most important active principles. All six samples were active against the bacterial test strains used; however, samples 1 (Yozgat), 2 (Izmir) and 3 (Kayseri) were more active than samples 4 (Adana), 5 (Erzurum) and 6 (Artvin). By TLC comparison all samples were found to contain poplar taxonomic markers but in samples 4 (Adana), 5 (Erzurum) and 6 (Artvin), different substances were observed, which were not present in P. nigra L. bud exudate. The typical poplar samples 1 (Yozgat), 2 (Izmir) and 3 (Kayseri) displayed very similar phenolic and flavonoid content. Samples 4 (Adana), 5 (Erzurum) and 6 (Artvin) were characterized by low phenolic and very low flavonoid concentrations. Qualitative analysis by GC-MS revealed that sample 4 (Adana) contained diterpenic acids and high percent of cinnamyl cinnamate, sample 5 (Erzurum)-significant amounts of hydroxy fatty acids and triterpenic alcohoLs, and sample 6 (Artvin)-phenolic glycerides, characteristic for the bud exudate of Populus euphratica Oliv. The results confirm the importance of phenolics for propolis antibacterial activity, and the significance of P. nigra L. as a propolis source, which provides the hive with the best defense against microorganisms.  相似文献   
Parkinson disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. The molecular hallmark is the accumulation of proteinaceous inclusions termed Lewy bodies containing misfolded and aggregated α-synuclein. The molecular mechanism of clearance of α-synuclein aggregates was addressed using the bakers' yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the model. Overexpression of wild type α-synuclein or the genetic variant A53T integrated into one genomic locus resulted in a gene copy-dependent manner in cytoplasmic proteinaceous inclusions reminiscent of the pathogenesis of the disease. In contrast, overexpression of the genetic variant A30P resulted only in transient aggregation, whereas the designer mutant A30P/A36P/A76P neither caused aggregation nor impaired yeast growth. The α-synuclein accumulation can be cleared after promoter shut-off by a combination of autophagy and vacuolar protein degradation. Whereas the proteasomal inhibitor MG-132 did not significantly inhibit aggregate clearance, treatment with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, an inhibitor of vacuolar proteases, resulted in significant reduction in clearance. Consistently, a cim3-1 yeast mutant restricted in the 19 S proteasome regulatory subunit was unaffected in clearance, whereas an Δatg1 yeast mutant deficient in autophagy showed a delayed aggregate clearance response. A cim3-1Δatg1 double mutant was still able to clear aggregates, suggesting additional cellular mechanisms for α-synuclein clearance. Our data provide insight into the mechanisms yeast cells use for clearing different species of α-synuclein and demonstrate a higher contribution of the autophagy/vacuole than the proteasome system. This contributes to the understanding of how cells can cope with toxic and/or aggregated proteins and may ultimately enable the development of novel strategies for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Secondary metabolites of photoautotrophic organisms have attracted considerable interest in recent years. In particular, molecules of non-proteinogenic amino acids participating in various physiological processes and capable of producing adverse ecological effects have been actively investigated. For example, the non-proteinogenic amino acid β-Nmethylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) is neurotoxic to animals including humans. It is known that BMAA accumulation via the food chain can lead to development of neurodegenerative diseases in humans such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Moreover, BMAA can be mistakenly incorporated into a protein molecule instead of serine. Natural sources of BMAA and methods for its detection are discussed in this review, as well as the role of BMAA in metabolism of its producers and possible mechanisms of toxicity of this amino acid in different living organisms.  相似文献   
The character of evoked potentials (EPs) dynamics to signal light stimulus during elaboration of avoidance reaction, allows to assert that during formation of adaptive activity functional balance is established of sensory and integrative-triggering brain parts or functional balance of "motor" and "sensory" integration regimes. Each of the studied subcortical structures is characterized by simultaneous but specific functioning both in the motor and sensory regimes; such conclusion is based on different dynamics of their EPs parameters: the changes of ones correspond to EPs dynamics in the visual cortical area, of the others--in the motor area. During chronic haloperidol administration, the reorganizations of intercentral relations are observed in 10--12 days after the beginning of drug administration. They may be considered as a succession of disturbances of functional balance between "sensory" and "motor" integration regimes: at first the sensory regime domination appears in which subcortical structures are chiefly and uniformly involved (ncd, pall and n. acc.); "motor" regime is weakened; then, as a result, a distortion of the "motor" regime of integration takes place. In this case a bradykinesia is developed.  相似文献   
The cyclin-dependent phosphoprotein kinase Pho85p is involved in the regulation of metabolism and cell cycle in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is known that mutations in the PHO85gene lead to constitutive synthesis of Pho5p acidic phosphatase, a delay in cell growth on media containing nonfermentable carbon sources, sensitivity to high temperature, and other phenotypic effects. A lack of growth at 37°C and on a medium with alcohol as the carbon source was shown to be associated with the rapid accumulation of nuclear ts and mitochondrial [rho ] mutations occurring in the background of gene PHO85 inactivation. Thus, Pho85p seems to play an important role in the maintenance of yeast genome stability.  相似文献   
To facilitate the release of infectious progeny virions, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) exploits the Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) pathway by engaging Tsg101 and ALIX through late assembly (L) domains in the C-terminal p6 domain of Gag. However, the L domains in p6 are known to be dispensable for efficient particle production by certain HIV-1 Gag constructs that have the nucleocapsid (NC) domain replaced by a foreign dimerization domain to substitute for the assembly function of NC. We now show that one such L domain-independent HIV-1 Gag construct (termed ZWT) that has NC-p1-p6 replaced by a leucine zipper domain is resistant to dominant-negative inhibitors of the ESCRT pathway that block HIV-1 particle production. However, ZWT became dependent on the presence of an L domain when NC-p1-p6 was restored to its C terminus. Furthermore, when the NC domain was replaced by a leucine zipper, the p1-p6 region, but not p6 alone, conferred sensitivity to inhibition of the ESCRT pathway. In an authentic HIV-1 Gag context, the effect of an inhibitor of the ESCRT pathway on particle production could be alleviated by deleting a portion of the NC domain together with p1. Together, these results indicate that the ESCRT pathway dependence of HIV-1 budding is determined, at least in part, by the NC-p1 region of Gag.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and other retroviruses hijack the cellular Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) pathway to promote the detachment of virions from the cell surface and from each other (3, 21, 42, 44, 47). The ESCRT pathway was initially identified based on its requirement for the sorting of ubiquitinated cargo into multivesicular bodies (MVB) (50, 51). During MVB biogenesis, the ESCRT pathway drives the membrane deformation and fission events required for the inward vesiculation of the limiting membrane of this organelle (26, 29, 50, 51). More recently, it emerged that the ESCRT pathway is also essential for the normal abscission of daughter cells during the final stage of cell division (10, 43). Most of the components of the ESCRT pathway are involved in the formation of four heteromeric protein complexes termed ESCRT-0, ESCRT-I, ESCRT-II, and ESCRT-III. Additional components include ALIX, which interacts both with ESCRT-I and ESCRT-III, and the AAA ATPase Vps4, which mediates the disassembly of ESCRT-III (29, 42).The deformation and scission of endocytic membranes is thought to be mediated by ESCRT-III, which, together with Vps4, constitutes the most conserved element of the pathway (23, 26, 42). Indeed, it was recently shown that purified yeast ESCRT-III induces membrane deformation (52), and in another study three subunits of yeast ESCRT-III were sufficient to promote the formation of intralumenal vesicles in an in vitro assay (61). In mammals, ESCRT-III is formed by the charged MVB proteins (CHMPs), which are structurally related and tightly regulated through autoinhibition (2, 33, 46, 53, 62). The removal of an inhibitory C-terminal domain induces polymerization and association with endosomal membranes and converts CHMPs into potent inhibitors of retroviral budding (34, 46, 53, 60, 62). Alternatively, CHMPs can be converted into strong inhibitors of the ESCRT pathway and of HIV-1 budding through the addition of a bulky tag such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) or red fluorescent protein (RFP) (27, 36, 39, 54). Retroviral budding in general is also strongly inhibited by catalytically inactive Vps4 (22, 41, 55), or upon Vsp4B depletion (31), confirming the crucial role of ESCRT-III.Retroviruses engage the ESCRT pathway through the activity of so-called late assembly (L) domains in Gag. In the case of HIV-1, the primary L domain maps to a conserved PTAP motif in the C-terminal p6 domain of Gag (24, 28) and interacts with the ESCRT-I component Tsg101 (15, 22, 40, 58). HIV-1 p6 also harbors an auxiliary L domain of the LYPxnL type, which interacts with the V domain of ALIX (20, 35, 39, 54, 59, 63). Interestingly, Tsg101 binding site mutants of HIV-1 can be fully rescued through the overexpression of ALIX, and this rescue depends on the ALIX binding site in p6 (20, 56). In contrast, the overexpression of a specific splice variant of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 has been shown to rescue the release and infectivity of HIV-1 mutants lacking all known L domains in p6 (12, 57). Nedd4 family ubiquitin ligases had previously been implicated in the function of PPxY-type L domains, which also depend on an intact ESCRT pathway for function (4, 32, 38). However, HIV-1 Gag lacks PPxY motifs, and the WW domains of Nedd4-2, which mediate its interaction with PPxY motifs, are dispensable for the rescue of HIV-1 L domain mutants (57).ALIX also interacts with the nucleocapsid (NC) region of HIV-1 Gag (18, 49), which is located upstream of p6 and the p1 spacer peptide. ALIX binds HIV-1 NC via its Bro1 domain, and the capacity to interact with NC and to stimulate the release of a minimal HIV-1 Gag construct is shared among widely divergent Bro1 domain proteins (48). Based on these findings and the observation that certain mutations in NC cause a phenotype that resembles that of L domain mutants, it has been proposed that NC cooperates with p6 to recruit the machinery required for normal HIV-1 budding (18, 49).NC also plays a role in Gag polyprotein multimerization, and this function of NC depends on its RNA-binding activity (5-8). It has been proposed that the role of the NC-nucleic acid interaction during assembly is to promote the formation of Gag dimers (37), and HIV-1 assembly in the absence of NC can indeed be efficiently rescued by leucine zipper dimerization domains (65). Surprisingly, in this setting the L domains in p6 also became dispensable, since particle production remained efficient even when the entire NC-p1-p6 region of HIV-1 Gag was replaced by a leucine zipper (1, 65). These findings raised the possibility that the reliance of wild-type (WT) HIV-1 Gag on a functional ESCRT pathway is, at least in part, specified by NC-p1-p6. However, it also remained possible that the chimeric Gag constructs engaged the ESCRT pathway in an alternative manner.In the present report, we provide evidence supporting the first of those two possibilities. Particle production became independent of ESCRT when the entire NC-p1-p6 region was replaced by a leucine zipper, and reversion to ESCRT dependence was shown to occur as a result of restoration of p1-p6 but not of p6 alone. Furthermore, although the deletion of p1 alone had little effect in an authentic HIV-1 Gag context, the additional removal of a portion of NC improved particle production in the presence of an inhibitor of the ESCRT pathway. Together, these data imply that the NC-p1 region plays an important role in the ESCRT-dependence of HIV-1 particle production.  相似文献   
Anther culture is one of the most important and useful tool to create pure lines for plant breeding programs rapidly. Some pepper genotypes are recalcitrant and embryogenic frequency in anther culture is still low or reaction is not observed at all. Temperature stress (low or high) can facilitate switching the microspore to sporophyte developmental pathway. In this study, some differences were found in embryogenic reaction among the pepper genotypes and culture media variants, depending on duration of cold treatment of flower buds. Experimental results indicated that embryogenic efficiency decreased under low-temperature stress. Nevertheless, positive effect of cold pretreatment on direct embryo induction was obtained in four genotypes—cultivar Hebar, hybrid 50/01 and lines 668/02 and 1312/02. Increasing of embryogenic reaction after cold pretreatment was observed in media variants C (24 h) and MS-3 + (24 and 48 h), while on medium variant C-0 direct embryo formation was registered only after 48 h cold pretreatment. These results show that the donor genotypes have specific requirements for type and duration of temperature pretreatment and also culture media for induction of androgenesis with higher frequency.  相似文献   
Discrete characters of the occlusal surface (additional cusps) have been studied to elaborate a new approach to the identification of the Ground Squirrel species Spermophilus odessanus, S. suslicus, S. pygmaeus, S. citellus, and S. xanthoprymnus. Data on the presence/absence of the additional cusps have been represented as star plots and, in addition, have been studied using discriminant function analysis. The species‐specific sets of the characters (patterns of bunodonty) have been revealed and are of high diagnostic value. The Citellus‐set is defined by the presence of mesostyles and the rareness of the metastylids, paraconules and metaconules, hypostyles and protostyles. The Pygmaeus‐set is characterized by the presence of additional cusps in the lower cheek teeth. The Odessanus‐oriented set is found in the Spermophilus pygmaeus, S. odessanus, and S. suslicus. The relatively high frequency of additional cusps of the metaloph and the paraloph is characteristic for this set. The Plesiomorphic‐set (characters shared by all the studied species and for this reason regarded herein as ancestral) is found in S. xanthoprymnus. The patterns of bunodonty serve as diagnostic criteria only as a whole: the shape of a star plot (relations among the character frequencies), rather than certain character values, is indicative. An optimal level of identification of species is possible based on the combination of the discrete characters mentioned and on the size parameters of the third upper molar. The occlusal sets are intended to remain stable during the time of species existence and seem to correspond to trends in specialization. The functional meaning of the sets can be explained by the dependence between the presence/absence of the discrete characters and the shape of the crown and its main lophs. Each pattern is likely to correspond to a trophic niche, and this niche corresponds to the species. J. Morphol. 277:814–825, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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