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In dictyostelium discoideum, extracellular cAMP activates adenylate cyclase, which leads to an increase in intracellular cAMP and the rate of cAMP secretion. The signaling response to a constant cAMP stimulus is terminated after several minutes by an adaptation mechanism. The time- course of adaptation stimuli of 10(-6) or 10(-7) M cAMP was assessed. We used a perfusion technique to deliver defined cAMP stimuli to [(3)H]adenosine-labeled amoebae and monitored their secretion of [(3)H]cAMP. Amoebae were pretreated with 10(-6) or 10(-7) M cAMP to periods of 0.33-12 minutes, and then immediately given test stimuli of 10(-8) M to 2.5 x 10(-7) M cAMP. The response to a given test stimulus was progressively attenuated and finally extinguished as the duration of the pretreatment stimulus increased. During concentration of the test stimulus. The responses to test stimuli of 10(-8), 5 x 10(-8), 10(-7), or 2.5 x 10(-7) M cAMP were extinguished after approximately 1, 2.25,2.5, and 10 min, respectively. 1.5 min of stimulation with 10(-7) M cAMP was necessary to extinguish the response of a test stimulus of 10(-8) M cAMP. Our data suggest that adaptation begins within 20 s of stimulation, rises rapidly for approximately 2.5 min, and reaches a plateau after approximately 10 min. The absolute rate of rise was faster during pretreatment with 10(-6) than with 10(-7) M cAMP. These results support a working hypothesis in which the occupancy of surface cAMP receptors leads to changes in two opposing cellular processes, excitation and adaptation, that control the activity of D. discoideum adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   
The self-incompatible (SI) Brassica napus line W1, which carries the 910 S allele, was transformed with an inactive copy of the 910 S locus receptor kinase (SRK) gene. Two transformed lines were analyzed based on their heritable ability to set self-seed. The first line was virtually completely self-compatible (SC), and reciprocal pollinations with the original W1 line demonstrated that only the stigma side of the SI phenotype was altered. An analysis of the expression of endogenous SRK-910 demonstrated that the mechanism of transgene action is via gene suppression. Furthermore, the expression of the S locus glycoprotein gene present in the 910 allele (SLG-910), SLG-A10, which is derived from a nonfunctional S allele, and an S locus-related gene were also suppressed. When the transgene was crossed into another SI line carrying the A14 S allele, it was also capable of suppressing the expression of the endogenous genes and of making this line SC. The second transgenic line studied was only partly SC. In this case as well, only the stigma phenotype was affected, although no gene suppression was detected for endogenous SRK-910 or SLG-910. In this line, the expression of the transgene most likely was causing the change in phenotype, and no effect was observed when this transgene was crossed into the other SI line. Therefore, this work reinforces the hypothesis that the SRK gene is required, but only for the stigma side of the SI phenotype, and that a single transgene can alter the SI phenotype of more than one S allele.  相似文献   


Alignment of RNA secondary structures is important in studying functional RNA motifs. In recent years, much progress has been made in RNA motif finding and structure alignment. However, existing tools either require a large number of prealigned structures or suffer from high time complexities. This makes it difficult for the tools to process RNAs whose prealigned structures are unavailable or process very large RNA structure databases.  相似文献   
We report the complete genome sequence of M013, a representative strain of a pvl-positive, sequence type 59-staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type V (ST59-SCCmec type V) community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) clone in Taiwan. Comparison of M013 with the genomes of two CA-MRSA strains in the United States revealed major differences in the regions covering several genomic islands and prophages.  相似文献   
Insertions of parasitic DNA within coding sequences are usually deleterious and are generally counter-selected during evolution. Thanks to nuclear dimorphism, ciliates provide unique models to study the fate of such insertions. Their germline genome undergoes extensive rearrangements during development of a new somatic macronucleus from the germline micronucleus following sexual events. In Paramecium, these rearrangements include precise excision of unique-copy Internal Eliminated Sequences (IES) from the somatic DNA, requiring the activity of a domesticated piggyBac transposase, PiggyMac. We have sequenced Paramecium tetraurelia germline DNA, establishing a genome-wide catalogue of ∼45,000 IESs, in order to gain insight into their evolutionary origin and excision mechanism. We obtained direct evidence that PiggyMac is required for excision of all IESs. Homology with known P. tetraurelia Tc1/mariner transposons, described here, indicates that at least a fraction of IESs derive from these elements. Most IES insertions occurred before a recent whole-genome duplication that preceded diversification of the P. aurelia species complex, but IES invasion of the Paramecium genome appears to be an ongoing process. Once inserted, IESs decay rapidly by accumulation of deletions and point substitutions. Over 90% of the IESs are shorter than 150 bp and present a remarkable size distribution with a ∼10 bp periodicity, corresponding to the helical repeat of double-stranded DNA and suggesting DNA loop formation during assembly of a transpososome-like excision complex. IESs are equally frequent within and between coding sequences; however, excision is not 100% efficient and there is selective pressure against IES insertions, in particular within highly expressed genes. We discuss the possibility that ancient domestication of a piggyBac transposase favored subsequent propagation of transposons throughout the germline by allowing insertions in coding sequences, a fraction of the genome in which parasitic DNA is not usually tolerated.  相似文献   
Close to two decades of research has established that astrocytes in situ and in vivo express numerous G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that can be stimulated by neuronally-released transmitter. However, the ability of astrocytic receptors to exhibit plasticity in response to changes in neuronal activity has received little attention. Here we describe a model system that can be used to globally scale up or down astrocytic group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) in acute brain slices. Included are methods on how to prepare parasagittal hippocampal slices, construct chambers suitable for long-term slice incubation, bidirectionally manipulate neuronal action potential frequency, load astrocytes and astrocyte processes with fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, and measure changes in astrocytic Gq GPCR activity by recording spontaneous and evoked astrocyte Ca2+ events using confocal microscopy. In essence, a “calcium roadmap” is provided for how to measure plasticity of astrocytic Gq GPCRs. Applications of the technique for study of astrocytes are discussed. Having an understanding of how astrocytic receptor signaling is affected by changes in neuronal activity has important implications for both normal synaptic function as well as processes underlying neurological disorders and neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   
A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted at a medical center in central Taiwan to understand the prevalence, associated factors, and microbiologic features for oropharyngeal yeast colonization in human immunodeficiency virus-infected outpatients. Oral yeast colonization was detected in 127 (45 %) patients, including 21 (16.5 %) colonized by more than one species. Of the 154 isolates, Candida albicans was the most common species (114, 74 %), followed by Candida dubliniensis (10, 6.5 %), Candida glabrata (10, 6.5 %), Candida tropicalis (7, 4.5 %), and 13 others. We found that receiving antituberculous drug (p = 0.046) or atazanavir (p = 0.045) was two predictors for patients colonized by non-C. albicans species (p = 0.005) and risking mixed yeast colonization (p = 0.009). Even though our data showed that clinical antifungal drugs remained effective in vitro against the colonizing yeasts, the increased mixed yeast colonization indicates a potential issue for controlling mixed infections in hospital settings.  相似文献   
Nosocomial infections caused by antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae are emerging as a major health problem worldwide, while community-acquired K. pneumoniae infections present with a range of diverse clinical pictures in different geographic areas. In particular, an invasive form of K. pneumoniae that causes liver abscesses was first observed in Asia and then was found worldwide. We are interested in how differences in gene content of the same species result in different diseases. Thus, we sequenced the whole genome of K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044, which was isolated from a patient with liver abscess and meningitis, and analyzed differences compared to strain MGH 78578, which was isolated from a patient with pneumonia. Six major types of differences were found in gene clusters that included an integrative and conjugative element, clusters involved in citrate fermentation, lipopolysaccharide synthesis, and capsular polysaccharide synthesis, phage-related insertions, and a cluster containing fimbria-related genes. We also conducted comparative genomic hybridization with 15 K. pneumoniae isolates obtained from community-acquired or nosocomial infections using tiling probes for the NTUH-K2044 genome. Hierarchical clustering revealed three major groups of genomic insertion-deletion patterns that correlate with the strains'' clinical features, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and virulence phenotypes with mice. Here we report the whole-genome sequence of K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044 and describe evidence showing significant genomic diversity and sequence acquisition among K. pneumoniae pathogenic strains. Our findings support the hypothesis that these factors are responsible for the changes that have occurred in the disease profile over time.Klebsiella pneumoniae is a gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the gamma subdivision of the class Proteobacteria and exhibits relatively close genetic relatedness to other genera of the Enterobacteriaceae, including Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, and Yersinia (2). The conspicuous difference between K. pneumoniae and the other enterobacteria is the presence of a thick polysaccharide capsule, which is thought to be a significant virulence factor and to help the bacterium avoid phagocytosis (13). Infections caused by K. pneumoniae are seen throughout the world. This organism is a major cause of urinary tract infection and an important source of nosocomial infection (39). Moreover, K. pneumoniae is emerging worldwide as a major cause of bacteremia and drug-resistant infections (25, 38).The clinical pattern of K. pneumoniae infection in humans has changed since this organism was discovered (19, 20) more than 100 years ago. Until the 1960s, K. pneumoniae was an important cause of community-acquired pneumonia in the United States (8) and elsewhere. However, the incidence of this type of infection has dropped to 1 to 3% in the United States and Europe, and hospital-acquired K. pneumoniae infection now predominates (22, 39, 48). The global pattern of community-acquired K. pneumoniae bacteremia varies with geographical area (25). In the United States, Europe, Australia, and Argentina, this condition is associated with urinary tract infection, vascular catheters, and cholangitis. In Asia and South Africa, classic K. pneumoniae pneumonia still exists (25) and has remained important over the past two decades. At the same time, an invasive form of K. pneumoniae infection, which presents as primary bacteremic liver abscesses, endophthalmitis, and meningitis, has been reported almost exclusively in Asia (21), especially in Taiwan (47, 50). Although the reasons for the preponderance of this severe invasive K. pneumoniae infection in Asia are unknown, they are likely to involve both host and microbial factors.Recent studies by several groups have investigated and debated the major virulence factors of K. pneumoniae, including the magA (16) and rmpA (53) genes, capsular serotype K1 or K2 (11, 52), and even hypermucoviscosity (16, 53). In principle, other determinants may also contribute to pyogenic K. pneumoniae infection. To gather sufficient DNA sequence information for a systematic analysis of the genetic features that underlie the diverse clinical manifestations of K. pneumoniae infections, we undertook complete genome sequencing of a pathogenic strain, NTUH-K2044, which had been isolated from a Taiwanese liver abscess case (16). NTUH-K2044 is an appropriate strain because it possesses the magA and rmpA genes, belongs to capsular serotype K1, and has high virulence and hypermucoviscosity; these factors make this isolate very suitable as a model strain for genomic studies. We additionally used a genomic shotgun array (GSA) protocol developed in our laboratory (27) to compare the genome contents of NTUH-K2044 and multiple clinical isolates. The microarray data allowed us to examine the genome evolution of K. pneumoniae and to relate the various genomic signatures to the clinical patterns seen in K. pneumoniae infections.  相似文献   
Abstract Outer surface protein A (OspA) is encoded by the ospA gene from Borrelia burgdorferi . This protein induces immunity against infection in mice. The cloning and expression of OspA in Escherichia coli have been previously described, but the secretion of OspA into culture media in E. coli has not yet been reported. In this report we demonstrate that a chimeric OspA protein was secreted into culture media by E. coli when it also harbors the hemolysin secretion genes hlyBD . The OspA fusion protein was also overexpressed from a T7 promoter and purified by immobilized metal ion chromatography. This was possible because the fusion protein contains ix histidyl residues in its N-terminus.  相似文献   
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