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Kamp PB  Ragg H 《Gene》1999,229(1-2):137-144
The genomic organization of the heparin cofactor II (HCII) gene from rat and mouse was investigated and compared with their human counterpart. The genes share a common core structure consisting of five exons interrupted by four introns, but the mouse and rat gene reveal individual additional features. A unique differentially spliced exon is present in the 5'-untranslated region of the rat gene, which most probably has arisen de novo by point mutations in intronic sequences of the ancestor gene. In the mouse HCII gene, a novel intron/exon boundary has been created due to the presence of an additional DNA segment, which simultaneously provides a 3'-splice site and a polypyrimidine stretch leading to an alternatively used exon of increased size. Our data suggest that, in contrast to most other mammalian genes, the exon/intron pattern of the gene coding for HCII is in dynamic evolution.  相似文献   
Small amphiphilic compounds (M(r)<200 Da) such as anaesthetics and hexane derivatives with different polar groups produced a concentration-dependent acceleration of the slow passive transbilayer movement of NBD-labelled phosphatidylcholine in the human erythrocyte membrane. Above a threshold concentration characteristic for each compound, the flip rate gradually increased at increasing concentrations in the medium. For compound concentrations required to produce a defined flip acceleration, corresponding membrane concentrations were estimated using reported octanol/water partition coefficients. The effective threshold membrane concentrations (50-150 mmol l(-1)) varied in the order: hexylamine>isoflurane=hexanoic acid>hexanol=chloroform>hexanethiol=1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane>chlorohexane. Apolar hexane, which mainly distributes in the apolar membrane core, was much less effective and supersaturating concentrations were required to enhance flip. Localization of the drug at the lipid-water interface seems to be required for flip acceleration. Such a localization may increase the lateral pressure in this region and the bilayer curvature stress with concomitant decrease of order and rigidity at the interface. This unspecific bilayer perturbation is proposed to enhance the probability of formation of hydrophobic defects in the bilayer, facilitating penetration of the polar head group of the phospholipid into the apolar membrane core.  相似文献   
Nonesterified long-chain fatty acids may enter cells by free diffusion or by membrane protein transporters. A requirement for proteins to transport fatty acids across the plasma membrane would imply low partitioning of fatty acids into the membrane lipids, and/or a slower rate of diffusion (flip-flop) through the lipid domains compared to the rates of intracellular metabolism of fatty acids. We used both vesicles of the plasma membrane of adipocytes and intact adipocytes to study transmembrane fluxes of externally added oleic acid at concentrations below its solubility limit at pH 7.4. Binding of oleic acid to the plasma membrane was determined by measuring the fluorescent fatty acid-binding protein ADIFAB added to the external medium. Changes in internal pH caused by flip-flop and metabolism were measured by trapping a fluorescent pH indicator in the cells. The metabolic end products of oleic acid were evaluated over the time interval required for the return of intracellular pH to its initial value. The primary findings were that (i) oleic acid rapidly binds with high avidity in the lipid domains of the plasma membrane with an apparent partition coefficient similar to that of protein-free phospholipid bilayers; (ii) oleic acid rapidly crosses the plasma membrane by the flip-flop mechanism (both events occur within 5 s); and (iii) the kinetics of esterification of oleic acid closely follow the time dependence of the recovery of intracellular pH. Any postulated transport mechanism for facilitating translocation of fatty acid across the plasma membrane of adipocytes, including a protein transporter, would have to compete with the highly effective flip-flop mechanism.  相似文献   
The polymorphic minor histocompatibility Ag HA-1 locus encodes two peptides, HA-1(H) and HA-1(R), with a single amino acid difference. Whereas the immunogenicity of the HA-1(R) allele has not yet been shown, the nonameric HA-1(H) peptide induces HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T cells in vivo and in vitro. It is not known whether the mHag HA-1(H) or HA-1(R) associates with other HLA class I molecules. Therefore, the polymorphic regions of both HA-1 alleles were analyzed to identify HLA class I binding peptides that are properly processed by proteasomal degradation. Peptide binding analyses were performed for all nonameric HA-1(H/R) peptides for binding to nine HLA class I molecules with >10% prevalence in the Caucasian population and for seven nonameric/decameric HA-1(H/R) peptides predicted to bind to HLA-A3, -B14, and -B60. Only the nonameric KECVL(H)/(R)DDL and decameric KECVL(H)/(R)DDLL peptides showed strong and stable binding to HLA-B60. In vitro digestion of 29-aa-long HA-1 peptides by purified 20S proteasomes revealed proper cleavage at the COOH termini of both HLA-B60 binding HA-1(H) and HA-1(R) peptides. In subsequent analyses, dendritic cells pulsed with the nonameric HA-1(R) peptide did not induce CTLs that recognize the natural HLA-B60/HA-1(R) ligand. In contrast, dendritic cells pulsed with the nonameric HA-1(H) peptide induced IFN-gamma-secreting T cells specific for the natural HLA-B60/HA-1(H) ligand in three HLA-B60(+) HA-1(RR) individuals, demonstrating the immunogenicity of the HLA-B60/HA-1(H) ligand. In conclusion, this study shows a novel HLA-B60-restricted T cell epitope of the minor histocompatibility Ag HA-1 locus.  相似文献   
Penicillin biosynthesis by Penicillium chrysogenum is a compartmentalized process. The first catalytic step is mediated by delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase (ACV synthetase), a high molecular mass enzyme that condenses the amino acids L-alpha-aminoadipate, L-cysteine, and L-valine into the tripeptide ACV. ACV synthetase has previously been localized to the vacuole where it is thought to utilize amino acids from the vacuolar pools. We localized ACV synthetase by subcellular fractionation and immuno-electron microscopy under conditions that prevented proteolysis and found it to co-localize with isopenicillin N synthetase in the cytosol, while acyltransferase localizes in microbodies. These data imply that the key enzymatic steps in penicillin biosynthesis are confined to only two compartments, i.e., the cytosol and microbody.  相似文献   
Asbestos causes asbestosis and malignancies by mechanisms that are not fully understood. Alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) injury by iron-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) is one important mechanism implicated. We previously showed that iron-catalyzed ROS in part mediate asbestos-inducedAEC DNA damage and apoptosis. Mitochondria have a critical role in regulating apoptosis after exposure to agents causing DNA damage but their role in regulating asbestos-induced apoptosis is unknown. To determine whether asbestos causes AEC mitochondrial dysfunction, we exposed A549 cells to amosite asbestos and assessed mitochondrial membrane potential changes (delta(psi)m) using a fluorometric technique involving tetremethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE) and mitotracker green. We show that amosite asbestos, but not an inert particulate, titanium dioxide, reduces delta(psi)m after a 4 h exposure period. Further, the delta(psi)m after 4 h was inversely proportional to the levels of apoptosis noted at 24 h as assessed by nuclear morphology as well as by DNA nucleosome formation. A role for iron-derived ROS was suggested by the finding that phytic acid, an iron chelator, blocked asbestos-induced reductions in A549 cell delta(psi)m and attenuated apoptosis. Finally, overexpression of Bcl-xl, an anti-apoptotic protein that localizes to the mitochondria, prevented asbestos-induced decreases in A549 cell delta(psi)m after 4 h and diminished apoptosis. We conclude that asbestos alters AEC mitochondrial function in part by generating iron-derived ROS, which in turn can result in apoptosis. This suggests that the mitochondrial death pathway is important in regulating pulmonary toxicity from asbestos.  相似文献   
Asbestos causes asbestosis and various malignancies by mechanisms that are not clearly defined. Here, we review the accumulating evidence showing that asbestos is directly genotoxic by inducing DNA strand breaks (DNA-SB) and apoptosis in relevant lung target cells. Although the exact mechanisms by which asbestos causes DNA damage and apoptosis are not firmly established, some of the implicated mechanisms include the generation of iron-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as reactive nitrogen species (RNS), alteration in the mitochondrial function, and activation of the death receptor pathway. We focus on the accumulating evidence implicating ROS. DNA repair mechanisms have a key role in limiting the extent of DNA damage. Recent studies show that asbestos activates DNA repair enzymes such as apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE) and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Asbestos-induced neoplastic transformation may result in the setting where DNA damage overwhelms DNA repair in the face of a persistent proliferative signal. Strategies aimed at limiting asbestos-induced oxidative stress may reduce DNA damage and, as such, prevent malignant transformation.  相似文献   
The (1)H NMR spectrum of the perchloric acid extract of carp seminal plasma was heavily congested. It is demonstrated that proton-detected C,H chemical shift correlation spectroscopy (HSQC, HSQC-TOCSY) allows an unequivocal identification of proline, glutamate, taurine, and methionine sulfoxide, although several key proton signals were strongly overlapped.  相似文献   
Penicillium chrysogenum uses sulfate as a source of sulfur for the biosynthesis of penicillin. Sulfate uptake and the mRNA levels of the sulfate transporter-encoding sutB and sutA genes are all reduced by high sulfate concentrations and are elevated by sulfate starvation. In a high-penicillin-yielding strain, sutB is effectively transcribed even in the presence of excess sulfate. This deregulation may facilitate the efficient incorporation of sulfur into cysteine and penicillin.  相似文献   
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