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Abstract Cyclones cause profound immediate impacts on tropical rainforest trees, including defoliation, limb loss, snapping of stems and uprooting. Some studies have shown that plant functional traits such as tree size, buttress roots and wood density are correlated with these forms of cyclone damage. On 20 March 2006, Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry crossed the north Queensland coast and proceeded inland across the Atherton Tablelands, impacting the critically endangered Mabi Type 5b rainforest. We investigated the effects of Cyclone Larry on common tree species by categorizing damage to trees as uprooted, snapped, limbs damaged (light, moderate, severe) or upright and estimating levels of defoliation. Damage was then related to functional traits including tree size, presence of buttress roots, wood density, and leaf size and strength. Levels of damage differed between species. Tree size (diameter at breast height) and the presence of buttress roots were not related to damage levels. Wood density was significantly negatively correlated to proportion of trees with snapped stems and significantly positively correlated with the proportion of trees upright with no or light limb damage. Levels of defoliation were significantly related to leaf strength (specific leaf area – SLA) and to leaf width, but not other components of leaf size (area or length) or petiole length. Species with high wood density and low SLA (e.g. Argyrodendron spp.) were found to have high cyclone resistance, the ability to resist damage, while species with low wood density and high SLA (e.g. Dendrocnide photinophylla) exhibited low resistance. However, traits related to low resistance are also those linked to rapid growth and high cyclone resilience, the ability to recover from damage, so it is unlikely that the Mabi forest will experience long‐term changes in floristic composition following Cyclone Larry.  相似文献   
1. Conservation plans are required to safeguard freshwater biodiversity in the face of increasing threats. Traditionally plans have used surrogates for biodiversity that do not account for the evolutionary process, but genetic data in the form of comparative phylogeography can fulfil this role. 2. Comparative phylogeographic analyses of multiple freshwater fish and decapod crustacean species were carried out with specimens from two model systems, namely the sand dune islands of Fraser and North Stradbroke in eastern Australia. 3. Almost all of the species studied from both islands displayed an intraspecific evolutionary split between sides of the island (east/west on North Stradbroke Island, and north/south on Fraser Island), indicating that each side of each island hosts its own distinct community of populations of freshwater animals. 4. The probable process responsible for both of these divergent communities is different source populations for each side of each island. 5. This study shows that biodiversity will not always follow obvious geography and that significant diversity may exist at small scales within multiple species. These evolutionarily relevant units of biodiversity should be incorporated at the beginning of the conservation and resource management planning process.  相似文献   
Evolution of Cooperation in Spatially Structured Populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a spatial lattice model of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma we studied the evolution of cooperation within the strategy space of all stochastic strategies with a memory of one round. Comparing the spatial model with a randomly mixed model showed that (1) there is more cooperative behaviour in a spatially structured population, (2) PAVLOV and generous variants of it are very successful strategies in the spatial context and (3) in spatially structured populations evolution is much less chaotic than in unstructured populations. In spatially structured populations, generous variants of PAVLOV are found to be very successful strategies in playing the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. The main weakness of PAVLOV is that it is exploitable by defective strategies. In a spatial context this disadvantage is much less important than the good error correction of PAVLOV, and especially of generous PAVLOV, because in a spatially structured population successful strategies always build clusters.  相似文献   
Lophognathus temporalis is an arboreal lizard from the wet–dry tropics of Australia. During the wet season the field metabolic rate (FMR) of the lizards was 209 kJ kg?1 d?1, but during the dry season FMR was only 62 kJ kg?1 d?1. Similarly, water flux decreased from 73.6 mL kg?1 d?1 in the wet season to 18.5 mL kg?1 d?1 in the dry season. Body temperatures (Tb) were significantly lower in the dry season, and operative temperatures, calculated by incorporating microclimatic data with characteristics of the lizards, indicated that the seasonal shift was due to changes in thermoregulatory behaviour rather than limitations of the thermal environment. By combining field measurements of Tb and FMR with laboratory measurements of standard metabolic rate over a range of Tb, we were able to subdivide the FMR into its components and to determine which factors contributed to the seasonal reduction in energy expenditure. During the dry season, lizards used 147 kJ kg?1 d?1 less energy than during the wet season, and 24% of this decrease was estimated to be due to the passive effects of lower nighttime Tb, 14% was due to the active selection of lower daytime Tb, 27% was due to the physiological shift to lower standard metabolic rates, and 35% was due to reduced activity in the dry season. Although the population size remained relatively constant (107 lizards ha?1 during the wet season and 125 lizards ha?1 during the dry season), the population structure changed, reflecting the seasonal patterns of recruitment and mortality. The number of lizards active at any one time was much lower in the dry season, reflecting the lower levels of activity in this season. The energy expenditure of the population of L. temporalis was 612 kJ ha?1 d?1 during the wet season and 113 kJ ha?1 d?1 during the dry season.  相似文献   
1. Despite the ubiquity and abundance of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in temperate streams and rivers and their potential usefulness as sentinels in contaminant studies, little is known about their feeding ecology and lipid dynamics. 2. In this study we used stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) and elemental carbon to nitrogen ratios (C/N) to assess dietary habits and lipid content, respectively, for water striders. 3. To determine diet‐tissue fractionation factors, nymphs of the most common species in New Brunswick, Canada, Aquarius remigis were reared in the laboratory for 73 days and exhibited rapid isotopic turnover in response to a switch in diet (C half‐life = 1.5 days, N half‐life = 7.8 days). Their lipid content increased towards the end of the growing season and resulted in lower δ13C values. Diet‐tissue fractionation factors were established after correction of δ13C data for the confounding effect of de novo lipid synthesis (strider δ13Cadj– diet δ13Cadj = 0.1‰, strider δ15N – diet δ15N = 2.7‰). 4. Water striders from the majority of 45 stream sites (83%) in New Brunswick had less than 50% contribution of aquatic carbon to their diets but showed a gradual increase in the contribution of this carbon source to their diet with increasing stream size. 5. These data indicate that striders exhibit a strong connection to terrestrial carbon sources, making them important users of energy subsidies to streams from the surrounding catchment. However, this dependence on terrestrial organic matter may limit their utility as indicators of contamination of aquatic systems by heavy metals and other pollutants.  相似文献   
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is a primary regulator of plant transpiration, but its influence in determining seasonal stomatal behaviour in natural plant communities is poorly understood. We examined distantly related vascular plants growing together in a seasonally dry, monsoonal environment to determine whether ABA dynamics contributed to contrasting water use patterns in this natural setting. Regular sampling of angiosperm, cycad, conifer and fern species revealed characteristic seasonal patterns in ABA production, but these were highly distinct among species. Although no general relationship was observed between ABA levels, plant hydration or stomatal conductance among species, the seasonal dynamics in stomatal behaviour within species were predictable functions of either ABA or leaf water potential. Strong divergence in the seasonal role of ABA among species suggests that modification in ABA–stomatal interactions represents an important evolutionary pathway for adaptation in plant water use.  相似文献   
Although mated females of the western tarnished plant bug Lygus hesperus Knight are known to produce more eggs than virgins, the nature of the inducing stimuli and the specific changes occurring in the female require additional elucidation. Compared with virgin females isolated from males, those exposed to male precopulatory behaviours produce similar numbers of eggs, whereas inseminated females produce 50% more during the observation period. Although the quantity of seminal fluids received by a female does not influence egg number, mating twice within a 10‐day span causes a 16% increase in fecundity, on average. Females mating more than twice during the same period do not exhibit additional increases in egg number. Because virgin females contain more chorionated eggs than are laid, mating appears to enhance the rate of oviposition. However, to achieve a sustained increase in fecundity, an augmented rate of oocyte maturation would also be required. Male‐derived spermatophores lack substantive quantities of nutrients that might otherwise have enhanced female fecundity. The total amounts of carbohydrate, protein and lipid, as well as eight essential minerals transferred by the male, are insufficient for producing even a single egg, and the female has already produced a large number of chorionated oocytes before she mates. Collectively, the data suggest that seminal fluid contains one or more activational molecules, such as a peptide, which triggers an increase in egg deposition. A prolonged increase in oviposition rate may be achieved through multiple matings to ensure a supply of sperm or to offset the degradation of the putative activational factor.  相似文献   
In a semi-defined minimal medium for cultivation of Plasmodium falciparum, ribose, mannose, fructose, galactose, and maltose could not replace glucose. Hypoxanthine was the preferred purine source for the parasite over adenine, guanine, inosine, adenosine and guanosine although all supported growth equally. Inhibitors of nucleoside uptake had low potency in killing the parasites but depressed incorporation of [3H]adenosine more than [3H]hypoxanthine. Glutamate could not be replaced by 5-oxoproline, indicating that the γ-glutamyl transferase pathway for amino acid uptake is probably not found in this organism. Adenine, nicotinamide, and orotic acid could not supplement glutamine-deficient medium. The pyridoxine antagonists isoniazid and 4-deoxypyridoxine were reversed by amino acid supplementation, suggesting that transaminases may be targets of these drugs. Orotic acid, but not glutathione or its amino acid components, partially reversed the effects of 8-methylamino-8-desmethyl riboflavin. Thus, the flavin enzyme, dihydroorotic acid dehydrogenase, but not glutathione reductase, appears to be a target of this riboflavin antagonist. Five biotin antagonists had no significant activity. The choline antagonist 2-(tert-butylamino)ethanol and thiamin uptake inhibitors had nonspecific inhibitory effects, which were not reversed by the respective target vitamin. Buthionine sulfoximine and methionine sulfoximine, inhibitors of glutathione synthesis, had significant oxygen-dependent toxicity. Six sulfonamides showed marked variation in potency and efficacy. Sulfathiazole and sulfadoxine were reversed differentially by p-aminobenzoic acid, folic acid, and folinic acid. Folinic acid was more effective than folic acid at reversing the toxicity of the dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors aminopterin and pyrimethamine; p-aminobenzoic acid had no effect.  相似文献   
Chloroplast development and accumulation of chlorophylls werestudied in etiolated peas (Pisum sativum L., cv. Green feast)exposed for 24 h to one of three intensities of red light orto a corresponding intensity of white light producing a similarhigh medium or low terminal chlorophyll content. Chloroplastdevelopment was assessed by counts of grana and partitions pergranum in electron micrographs. Chlorophylls were partitionedand protochlorophyllide measured in the unphytylated fraction.More sensitive estimates of protochlorophyllide were made byfluorescence. In the high- and medium-intensity red-light treatmentsconsiderable reformation of prolamellar bodies took place duringdevelopment. This occurred at a stage when no protochlorophyllidewould be detected. In the low-intensity treatments reformationwas accompanied by an accumulation of protochlorophyllide ata higher level than that obtaining in the dark.  相似文献   
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