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The reproductive interactions of the Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis , a brood parasite, and the Yellow-hooded Blackbird Agelaius icterocephalus , a host of the cowbird, were studied In Trinidad, West Indies. We gathered information on the breeding biology of the Shiny Cowbird and the Yellow-hooded Blackbird, the frequency of use of the host species, and the effects of brood parasitism on host breeding success. Yellow-hooded Blackbirds are polygynous for the most part; males build nests and attempt to attract females to lay in them by means of song and visual displays directed towards the nests. This behaviour probably makes it easy for cowbirds to locate breeding birds and their nests. Cowbird eggs were found in 153 of 377 (40–3 %) blackbird nests located before the nestling stage. Shiny Cowbird parasitism of the Yellow-hooded Blackbird had little negative impact on host reproductive success, whereas predation accounted for the majority of nest failures. Vigilant nest defense by male blackbirds combined with colonial breeding apparently also minimized the extent of host egg damage and removal by cowbirds, and the parasitized and unparasitized nests were equally successful at producing blackbirds. Cowbirds most frequently parasitized the first or only nesting attempts in blackbird territories, and first or only nests were also successful more frequently than subsequent nests.  相似文献   
Cloud forest vegetation structure and composition were studied in the Venezuelan Andes at three sites in Mérida State. Although the sites are within 10 to 30 km of each other, climatic, geologic and topographic differences are remarkable. The main purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of specific environmental variables to forest vegetation characteristics, including basal area, tree height, density and diversity, and leaf area index (LAI). At 51 plots, all trees' diameter at breast height >10 cm were recorded and identified. Although the environment at the three sites is distinctive, the tree species composition of the most abundant species was very similar. None of the measured environment variables were significantly correlated with the measured vegetation structure variables, except LAI, which was correlated with slope orientation; LAI showed higher values at south‐facing plots. Tree height was relatively uniform, while basal area was highly variable and reached very high values. Stem densities were in the range reported elsewhere in cloud forests. Multivariate analysis using structure or composition data shows segregation of the plots by site. Principal component analyses by site indicate a minor impact of environmental factors on forest variables. At each site, a particular group of species are correlated with the ordination axes. We conclude that species pools and forest dynamics add to the complexity of the structure of the studied cloud forests.  相似文献   
The Kanosh Shale (Upper Arenig, Lower Ordovician) of west-central Utah. USA. contains abundant carbonate hardgrounds and one of the earliest diverse hardground communities. The hardgrounds were formed through a combination of processes including the development of early digenetic nodules in clay sediments which were exhumed and concentrated as lags by storms. These cobble deposits. together with plentiful biogenic metrical. were cemented by inorganically precipitated calcite on the sea floor. forming intraformational conglomerate hardgrounds. Echinoderms may have -played a critical role in the development of hardground faunas since their disarticulated calcite ossicles were rapidly cemented by syntaxial overgrowths. forming additional cobbles and hardgrounds. The echinoderms thus may have taphonomically facilitated the development of some of the hard substrates they required. A significant portion of the hardground cements may have been derived from the early dissolution of aragonitic mollusk shells. Kanosh hardground species include the earliest bryozoans recorded on hardgrounds and large numbers of stemmed echinoderms. primarily rhipidocystid cocrinoids. Bryozoans and echinoderms covered nearly equal areas of the hardground surfaces. and there was a distinct polarization between species which preferred the upper. exposed portions of the hardgrounds and others which were most common on undercut. overhang surfaces. The Kanosh Shale hardground fossils combine elements of Late Cambrian assemblages and Middle Ordovician faunas, thus confirming predicted trends in hardground community evolution. especially the replacement of cocrinoids by bryozoans and. to a lesser extent, by other stemmed echinoderms, especially crinoids. The Kanosh community marks the transition from the Cambrian Fauna to The Paleozoic Fauna in The hardground ecosystem. *Carbonate hardgrounds, aragonite dissolution, calcite cement, Echinodermara, Trepostomata, Nicholsonclla. Dianulites. Porifpra. taphonomic facilitation, Utah. Pogonip Group, Kanosh Shale. Ordovician.  相似文献   
Abstract: Stable isotope studies of food webs in floodplains, large rivers, mangroves, and seagrasses have shown that, although a large proportion of the biomass may come from higher plants, microalgae provide a disproportionate amount of carbon assimilated by metazoan consumers. Evidence is building that this may also be the case for streams, especially those in the tropics. At the level of individual consumer species we also see that the apparent diet may not be reflected in the carbon assimilated. Tropical streams commonly have omnivore‐detritivore species that potentially show this phenomenon. We tested these concepts in four moderately shaded sites in a stream in well‐preserved Atlantic rainforest at Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro. We sampled aquatic insects, shrimps and fish as well as potential terrestrial and aquatic primary food sources. Carbon stocks from terrestrial sources predominated over carbon of algal origin (>99% of total). The primary sources of carbon showed distinctly different isotopic signatures: terrestrial sources had δ13C values close to ?30‰, microalgae were ?20‰ and macroalgae were ?25‰. All fauna had δ13C values consistent with a carbon source derived from microalgae. Baetid mayflies and atyid shrimps exert a strong grazing pressure on periphyton and organic sediments but appear to assimilate predominantly microalgae. The palaemonid shrimp Macrobrachium olfersi also ingests large amounts of detritus of terrestrial origin, but apparently assimilates animal prey with algal δ13C signatures. These results support the growing view that tropical stream food chains are primarily algal based.  相似文献   
The reproductive phase in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is affected by salinity, but little is known about the underlying cause. We investigated whether high concentrations of Na+ and Cl in the reproductive structures influence reproductive processes. Chickpea genotypes contrasting in tolerance were subjected to 0, 35 or 50 mm NaCl applied to soil in pots. Flower production and abortion, pod number, percentage of empty pods, seed number and size were evaluated. The concentrations of Na+, K+ and Cl were measured in various plant tissues and, using X‐ray microanalysis, in specific cells of developing reproductive structures. Genotypic variation in reproductive success measured as seed yield in saline conditions was associated with better maintenance of flower production and higher numbers of filled pods (and thus seed number), whereas seed size decreased in all genotypes. Despite the variation in reproductive success, the accumulation of Na+ and Cl in the early reproductive tissues of developing pods did not differ between a tolerant (Genesis836) and a sensitive (Rupali) genotype. Similarly, salinity tolerance was not associated with the accumulation of salt ions in leaves at the time of reproduction or in seeds at maturity.  相似文献   
The quantification of greenhouse gas sources and sinks is important to understanding the impact of climate change. Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas, which, on a global scale, is released largely as a product of anaerobic microbial decomposition and predominantly from wetlands. A zone of intense CH4 production just below the water table is thought to contribute significantly to the overall flux from peat bogs. We describe the use of membrane inlet quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) to confirm the existence of bubbles, their gaseous concentrations and their localization at a fine spatial resolution within intact peat cores. We use the distribution of the noble gas argon (Ar) and the distinct QMS responses to dissolved and gaseous (bubble) phases to identify trapped bubbles with a resolution of 0.6 mm. Bubbles with CH4 concentrations of up to 20 kPa were widely distributed in the upper 300 mm of the cores with ~11% of all profiles comprising bubbles. The dissolved concentrations responsible for the bubbles were on average 83±80 μm , indicating lower concentrations relative to other QMS studies. We suggest that if the distinction between dissolved and gaseous phases is not made in studies of CH4 within peat profiles then the prominence of bubbles is likely to result in overestimates of dissolved CH4 concentrations. Fluxes of CH4 from peat as a result of drawdown or other perturbation are likely to be large, rapid and short lived because of bubble burst, and also larger than from peat without bubbles. We suggest that the dynamics of fluxes need to be modelled taking into account both gaseous and dissolved phases. Estimates of potential fluxes that assume CH4 is dissolved are likely to overestimate fluxes if the gaseous phase has not been taken into account.  相似文献   
Abstract: Dispersal and philopatry may be influenced by habitat, intraspecific and interspecific interactions, and resource quality. Dispersal may vary substantially between urban and rural wildlife populations due to differences in urban-rural habitat and trophic relationships. We examined effects of environmental, body condition, and social influences on dispersal and philopatry of urban and rural red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in east-central Illinois and western Indiana, USA. We recorded 96 dispersal events and 66 cases of philopatry in juvenile foxes. We used Akaike's Information Criterion to evaluate regression models of dispersal probability, initiation date, distance, and days spent dispersing. Habitat (i.e., urban-rural), sex, row-crop percentage in natal home ranges, family home-range overlap, and social interactions with family members all influenced dispersal probability. Juvenile foxes with fewer row crops in their home ranges, individuals with high intra-familial overlap of summer range, females, and urban foxes were associated with philopatry. Dispersals began mid-September and ended in March. Rural juveniles dispersed 23 days earlier than did urban conspecifics. Heavier foxes (capture wt) and those with heavily row-cropped home ranges dispersed earlier. Littermates dispersed at similar times, although in different directions. Dispersal distances averaged 44.8 km for all foxes (range = 1–478 km). Male and urban foxes dispersed farther than female and rural foxes, respectively. Time between dispersal and settlement averaged 41.2 days (range = 2–114 days), with urban foxes dispersing over longer time periods. Dispersal direction between the sexes had different directional distributions, though mean vectors for both were oriented north. Dispersing foxes selected cropland in proportion to availability, whereas grassland was selected preferentially. We demonstrate influences of habitat, resource availability, familial social interactions, and interspecific interactions on dispersal and philopatry of juvenile red foxes in an intensively row-cropped region of the Midwest. Our findings demonstrate red fox dispersal ecology differences in urban and rural environments. In intensively row-cropped regions of the Midwest where landscape crop harvest alters dispersal timing, minimizing seasonal habitat changes with permanent vegetative structure (e.g., crop food plots, native grass fields) would likely delay dispersal activity, and increase survival.  相似文献   
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