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Land use changes including deforestation, road construction and agricultural encroachments have been linked to the increased prevalence of several infectious diseases. In order to better understand how deforestation affects the prevalence of vector-borne infectious diseases in wildlife, nine paired sites were sampled (disturbed vs. undisturbed habitats) in Southern Cameroon. We studied the diversity, prevalence and distribution of avian malaria parasites ( Plasmodium spp.) and other related haemosporidians (species of Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon ) from these sites in two widespread species of African rainforest birds, the yellow-whiskered greenbul ( Andropadus latirostris , Pycnonotidae) and the olive sunbird ( Cyanomitra olivacea , Nectariniidae). Twenty-six mitochondrial cytochrome b lineages were identified: 20 Plasmodium lineages and 6 Haemoproteus lineages. These lineages showed no geographic specificity, nor significant differences in lineage diversity between habitat types. However, we found that the prevalence of Leucocytozoon and Haemoproteus infections were significantly higher in undisturbed than in deforested habitats ( Leucocytozoon spp. 50.3% vs. 35.8%, Haemoproteus spp. 16.3% vs. 10.8%). We also found higher prevalence for all haemosporidian parasites in C. olivacea than in A. latirostris species (70.2% vs. 58.2%). Interestingly, we found one morphospecies of Plasmodium in C. olivacea , as represented by a clade of related lineages, showed increased prevalence at disturbed sites, while another showed a decrease, testifying to different patterns of transmission, even among closely related lineages of avian malaria, in relation to deforestation. Our work demonstrates that anthropogenic habitat change can affect host–parasite systems and result in opposing trends in prevalence of haemosporidian parasites in wild bird populations.  相似文献   
A recently improved understanding of gut immunity has merged with current thinking in biological and medical science, pointing to an apparent function of the mammalian cecal appendix as a safe‐house for symbiotic gut microbes, preserving the flora during times of gastrointestinal infection in societies without modern medicine. This function is potentially a selective force for the evolution and maintenance of the appendix, and provides an impetus for reassessment of the evolution of the appendix. A comparative anatomical approach reveals three apparent morphotypes of the cecal appendix, as well as appendix‐like structures in some species that lack a true cecal appendix. Cladistic analyses indicate that the appendix has evolved independently at least twice (at least once in diprotodont marsupials and at least once in Euarchontoglires), shows a highly significant (P < 0.0001) phylogenetic signal in its distribution, and has been maintained in mammalian evolution for 80 million years or longer.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) between the mitochondrial large (23S rRNA; rnl ) and small (16S rRNA; rns ) subunit ribosomal RNA genes of Acanthamoeba castellanii strain Neff was sequenced previously and was uniquely interesting because it contained tRNA genes with acceptor stem mismatches that underwent RNA editing repair. Our interest in this ITS region was to determine its phylogenetic potential in differentiating between closely related isolates. We analyzed the mitochondrial ITS region for 17 Acanthamoeba isolates and observed extensive sequence and length variability, making this region difficult to align. Acanthamoeba griffini strain S-7 had the shortest ITS (i.e. 559 base pairs [bp]) compared with Acanthamoeba palestinensis strain Reich, which had the longest (i.e. 1,360 bp). The length disparity occurred predominantly between the spacer region of the aspartic acid ( trnD ) and methionine ( trnM ) tRNA genes. Unexpectedly, this region in A. palestinensis Reich was found to contain a duplication of the trnM gene. Additionally, like A. castellanii strain Neff, all isolates examined had tRNAs with mismatches in their acceptor stem. Also, the potential for an additional type of editing not described previously for Acanthamoeba , involving purine to pyrimidine transversions was observed.  相似文献   
The glacial–interglacial cycles have caused severe range modifications of species' distributions. In Europe, thermophilic species had to retreat into geographically distinct southern refugia during glaciations. This process produced strong genetic imprints, which are still detectable by the present pattern of genetic differentiation and the distribution of regional diversity. To reveal the biogeographical imprints in the western Mediterranean, we analysed 26 populations of the butterfly Maniola jurtina spread over large areas of its European and North African distribution range. The samples were analysed using allozyme electrophoresis. We detected three genetic groups, divided into Western Europe, Central/Eastern Europe, and Italy with the Maghreb. The North African samples randomly cluster within the Italian samples. Even the population sampled in Morocco is genetically closely related to these samples and not to the geographically neighbouring Iberian ones. Parameters of genetic diversity showed similar values over the whole study area. The observed genetic pattern reflects possible glacial refugia in Europe located in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans. For North Africa and Italy, our data reveal a colonization of Africa originating from Italy.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 693–703.  相似文献   
The frequency of territory occupancy is a good indicator of territory quality. We studied territory occupancy in a Swiss population of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla , a declining farmland woodpecker, with the aim of identifying key habitat features for conservation management. Both static and dynamic approaches were applied using data on nest-site occupancy of 100 territories from six successive years. The static approach models the probability of territory occupancy; the dynamic approach estimates territory colonization and extinction. Frequently occupied territories were settled earlier in the season, suggesting that they may be of better quality, and birds settling in these territories had higher breeding success. Probability of territory occupancy increased with the area of old pear orchards and decreased with the area of vegetable cultivation. Both the area of old pear orchards and the presence of conspecifics within a territory were positively related to territory colonization, whereas territory extinction was negatively related to habitat heterogeneity. Old pear orchards were characterized by having both the highest density of ant nests and the greatest amount of bare ground. The latter is likely to facilitate access to ant prey. To ensure persistence of Wryneck populations in farmland, heterogeneous habitat matrices with high ant nest density and bare ground should be promoted. Finally, provision of artificial nesting cavities is likely to enhance territory occupancy. Providing that these key resources are present, Wrynecks are likely to persist even in intensively farmed areas.  相似文献   
Viola odorata has been cultivated for cosmetics and medicine in Europe since antiquity. The spread by humans has expanded its distribution considerably beyond its original range in parts of the Mediterranean region, south‐western Europe, and western Asia. One hundred and sixty‐five plants of V. odorata from 52 collection sites from throughout most of its native range were analysed for seven isoenzyme systems. Twenty‐eight allozymic markers were obtained, twenty‐five of which were geographically variable. A profound east–west differentiation separating Anatolian and Caucasian populations from European populations was detected, with Greek and Sicilian populations somewhat intermediate. Western European populations were rather homogeneous, suggesting a common origin, which also included the Canarian var. maderensis and the naturalized Scandinavian (and British?) populations. Cretan and Cypriot populations were apparently recruited from more westward stations. The possibility that the two allozymic groups of V. odorata reflect isolated Pleistocene refugia is discussed. V. odorata appears to possess more geographically structured variation than has been found in other cultivated and human‐spread species in southern Europe. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 151 , 563–571.  相似文献   
1. We experimentally tested if a multiplicative risk model accurately predicted the consumption of a common mayfly at risk of predation from three predator species in New Zealand streams. Deviations between model predictions and experimental observations were interpreted as indicators of ecologically important interactions between predators. 2. The predators included a drift‐feeding fish [brown trout (T), Salmo trutta], a benthivorous fish [galaxiid (G), koaro, Galaxias brevipennis] and a benthic predatory stonefly (S; Stenoperla sp.) with Deleatidium sp. mayflies as prey. Eight treatments with all predator species combinations and a predator‐free control were used. Experiments were performed in aquaria with cobbles as predator refuges for mayflies and we measured the proportion of prey consumed after 6 h for both day and night trials. 3. Trout consumed a higher proportion of prey than other predators. For the two predator treatments we found less than expected prey consumption in the galaxiid + trout treatment (G + T) for both day and night trials, whereas a higher than expected proportion of prey was consumed during night time in the stonefly + trout (S + T) treatment. 4. The results indicate interference (G + T) and facilitation (S + T) between predators depending on predator identity and time of day. Thus, to make accurate predictions of interspecific interactions, it is necessary to consider the ecology of individual species and how differences influence the direction and magnitude of interactions.  相似文献   
Estimates of species extinction risk under climate change are generally based on differences in present and future climatically suitable areas. However, the locations of potentially suitable future environments (affecting establishment success), and the degree of climatic suitability in already occupied and new locations (affecting population viability) may be equally important determinants of risk. A species considered to be at low risk because its future distribution is predicted to be large, may actually be at high risk if these areas are out of reach, given the species' dispersal and migration rates or if all future suitable locations are only marginally suitable and the species is unlikely to build viable populations in competition with other species. Using bioclimatic models of 17 representative European woody species, we expand on current ways of risk assessment and suggest additional measures based on (a) the distance between presently occupied areas and areas predicted to be climatically suitable in the future and (b) the degree of change in climatic suitability in presently occupied and unoccupied locations. Species of boreal and temperate deciduous forests are predicted to face higher risk from loss of climatically suitable area than species from warmer and drier parts of Europe by 2095 using both the moderate B1 and the severe A1FI emission scenario. However, the average distance from currently occupied locations to areas predicted suitable in the future is generally shorter for boreal species than for southern species. Areas currently occupied will become more suitable for boreal and temperate species than for Mediterranean species whereas new suitable areas outside a species' current range are expected to show greater increases in suitability for Mediterranean species than for boreal and temperate species. Such additional risk measures can be easily derived and should give a more comprehensive picture of the risk species are likely to face under climate change.  相似文献   
Many species of gall-inducing Acacia thrips are attacked by kleptoparasitic thrips who enter the gall, destroy the occupants, and then use the gall for producing their own offspring. The hypothesis tested here is that pressure exerted by ldeptoparasites (genus Koptothrips) not only provoked the evolution of soldiers in the gall-inducing clade, but have also influenced the evolution of gall size and morphology. Various size dimensions of invaded galls were compared to those of uninvaded galls using data from six gall-inducing species and their kleptoparasites. For the non-social gall-inducing species (K. ellobus and K. nicholsoni) invaded galls showed no significant size differences from galls that had not been invaded. For the four social gall-inducingspecies (K. habrus, K. intermedius, K. waterhousei and K. morrisi) invaded galls were significantly narrower and/or shorter than uninvaded galls. Galls of social species that had not been invaded and contained adult soldiers were significantly larger than galls where soldiers were still at a larval stage, suggesting that gall size is related to gall age in these species. An hypothesis is proposed that links the timing of invasion by kleptoparasites to size of the host gall: induction of a smaller gall by host founders will reduce the period of vulnerability to invasion (before soldiers become adults) for social thrips by allowing foundresses in these smaller galls to begin laying soldierdestined eggs relatively sooner.  相似文献   
1. Quantitative palaeolimnology has traditionally sought to quantify species‐environment relationships to use alterations in biological assemblages to reflect past environmental change. Transfer functions have used regression techniques, such as weighted averaging, to define taxon optima and tolerance for a single chemical or biological variable. 2. Cladoceran assemblages and their sub‐fossil remains in shallow lakes are shaped by a combination of interacting factors. Partial constrained ordination of sub‐fossil cladoceran assemblages from 39 shallow lakes (29 in Norfolk, U.K. and 10 in Denmark) indicated that both zooplanktivorous fish (ZF) density and submerged macrophyte abundance significantly influenced community composition. These dual structuring forces precluded the use of a transfer function as one of the key assumptions of this approach was not met, namely that environmental variables apart from the variable being modelled have negligible influence on species distribution or that there is a linear relationship between the two. Separate transfer functions for ZF and macrophyte abundance were developed but had poor performance diagnostics with low bootstrapped r2, high root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) and large bias. 3. To obviate the problem of multiple structuring forces a multivariate regression tree (MRT) was employed, which allows for more than one explanatory variable within a model. The MRT analysis defined six groups with discrete ranges of ZF and macrophyte densities. The technique identified critical values or ‘break points’ in ZF and macrophyte abundances which result in significant alterations in the sub‐fossil cladoceran assemblage. In addition, the MRT groups had different summer mean values for chlorophyll‐a, Secchi depth, total phosphorus and nitrate‐nitrogen. 4. The predictive abilities of the model were assessed by comparing the observed versus predicted MRT group membership. In general group membership was reliably predicted, suggesting sub‐fossil cladoceran assemblages reliably reflect ZF and macrophyte density in shallow lakes. For a relatively small number of sites there were differences between the observed and predicted MRT group membership. These failures of prediction may result, at least in part, from the disparity of the time period represented by the environmental data and the surface sediment cladoceran assemblage.  相似文献   
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