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The changes in germination, peroxidase activity and isoperoxidase spectrum have been studied in apple embryos at 5°C (stratification) and at 20°C in the presence or absence of seed coats. The embryo dormancy is progressively released at 5°C, but not at 20°C. The peroxidase activity in embryos covered with seed coats is very low at 5°C as well as at 20°C which corresponds to a restricted number of isoenzymes. In isolated embryos the peroxidase activity increases significantly. This is due to an increase in both the number and the activity of the isoperoxidases and it is more pronounced at 20°C than at 5°C. The obtained results suggest that the soluble peroxidases are not involved in the process of the release of embryo dormancy. The variations observed are attributed to the growth process following germination, which can occur even at low temperature.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis, photorespiration, and ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase activities were measured in intact flagleaves of wheat during ageing. Photorespiration declined verylittle as the leaves aged, and much less than photosynthesis.These changes could not be explained by changes in the ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase to oxygenase ratio of fraction 1 protein.As the leaves grew older the enzyme activities in extracts ofleaves declined in parallel so the ratio remained constant.  相似文献   
The content and pattern of soluble isoperoxidases were determined in epidermal explants taken from different internodes of tobacco plants in the vegetative and floral states. There were qualitative and quantitative differences in the isoperoxidases, with a decrease in content and fewer bands being observed acropetally, i.e., in going from the base of the stem towards the apex. Epidermal explants from floral branches were grown in in vitro culture, with various media moditications, to form de novo floral or vegetative buds, roots or callus. Changes in soluble isoperoxidases were followed electrophoretically in relation to these varying morphogenetic pathways. In each of them, the number of bands increased on both the anodic and cathodic sides with time in culture. Compared to each other these four morphogenetic programmes were different in their peroxidase zymograms, mainly through varying kinetics in the development of activity of the isoenzymes. The changes observed during root and vegetative bud formation agree with previously published data, and the changes during floral bud formation agree with those observed in vivo.  相似文献   
In an experiment designed to investigate the rate of leaf appearanceand tiller production in young spaced plants of three clonesof perennial ryegrass grown in the field, it was found thatthe rate of leaf appearance per tiller increased linearly withmean soil temperature up to approx. 14 °C. The rate of productionof tillers in relation to the rate of leaf appearance (sitefilling) appeared to be virtually independent of weather conditions.In plants which were adequately established, but still relativelysmall, site filling was equal to or exceeded the theoreticalsteady state; all the tiller buds which were being formed weredeveloping into visible tillers. Thus the relative rate of tillerproduction was controlled by the rate of leaf appearance. Inlarger plants site filling was less complete, and site redundancieswere probably caused by within-plant competition for light atthe tiller bases. Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, tillering, leaf production, solar radiation, soil temperature  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. From an intermittent stream in College Station, Texas, a Paramecium was isolated that did not appear to belong to any recognized species. On the basis of nuclear and whole-body morphology, it can be assigned to the Paramecium aurelia species-complex, and it can be distinguished from other members of that complex on the basis of mating-type reactivity and isoenzyme patterns. These characteristics are felt sufficient to justify a new species assignment. The new species has been named Paramecium sonneborni n. sp. in honor of the late Dr. Tracy M. Sonneborn of Indiana University.  相似文献   
Optical replicas of leaf surfaces were made for characterizingthe lens properties of individual epidermal cells. Using a dentallatex, moulds were made of leaf surfaces and subsequently usedto produce agarose replicas. The replicas focused light in amanner similar to intact epidermal cells and it was possibleto measure both focal lengths and intensifications within leafreplicas of Thermopsis montana, Mahonia repens, and Smilacinastellata which had epidermal cells of different diameter. Focallengths ranged from 74—130 µm which indicated thatlight was concentrated within the underlying photosynthetictissues of these leaves. Focal intensifications were measuredsensiometrically and were 1.5 for T. montana and 2-6 for theother species. These values compare favourably with calculatedfocal lengths and measurements taken from isolated epidermallayers. The results indicate that the epidermis can concentratelight within the leaf to amounts well in excess of ambient light.Furthermore, the replicas faithfully reproduced fine anatomicaldetails from a wide variety of leaves and they provide a non-destructiveway to reproduce surface characteristics for anatomical andphysiological studies.  相似文献   
Terrestrial crabs are physiologically rather similar to theiraquatic relatives, despite their markedly different access towater and ions. They have high evaporation rates and void vitalsalts in isosmotic urine. Some of them manage to have fairlymiserly water and ion budgets, but others succeed despite profligacy.There is no single solution to the challenges of terrestriallife; each pairing of animal and environment must be seen asa system in which a unique suite of behaviors compensates forlimited physiological prowess. By exploiting temporal and spatialvariability of available microhabitats, each species assemblesa "composite habitat" in which it can balance the "debit" sidesof its water and ion budgets with the requisite "credits."  相似文献   
Martingale-based residuals for survival models   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of concentrationof NH4+ in nutrient solution on root assimilation of NO3and to determine whether the NH4+NO3 interaction wasmodified in the presence of K+. Dark-grown, detopped corn seedlings(cv. Pioneer 3369A) were exposed for 8 h to 0.15 mM Ca(NO3)2and varying concentrations of (NH4)2SO4 in the absence or presenceof 0.15 mM K2SO4. The accelerated phase of NO3 uptakeappeared most sensitive to restriction by additions of 0.15mM (NH4)2SO4. In the absence of K+, the restriction increasedonly slightly even when solution (NH4)2SO4, was increased from0.15 mM to 12.5 mM which was accompanied by an increase of NH4+in the tissue from about 7.0 to 35 µmol g–1 fr.wt. of root. Increasing concentrations of solution NH4+ progressivelyinhibited net K+ uptake. At the highest solution NH4+ concentrations,there was an initial net efflux of K+ and no net influx occurredduring the treatment period. The severity of the NH4)SO4 restrictionof NO3 uptake was moderated considerably in the presenceof K+ as long as a net influx of K+ occurred. However, net influxof K+ was not associated with alteration of NH4+ uptake, assimilation,or accumulation in the root tissue. The lack of correlationbetween the severity of restriction of NO3 uptake andendogenous NHJ suggested the restriction resulted from an effectexerted by exogenous NH4+ which tended to saturate at lowersolution NHJ concentrations or by inhibitory factors generatedduring assimilation of NH4+. Several mechanisms were postulatedto account for the moderating influence of K+. In all experiments,root NO3 reduction was restricted by the presence ofambient NH4+. The quantitative decreases in reduction tendedto be less than decreases in NO3 uptake and therefore,could result from inhibition solely of uptake with subsequentlimitation in availability of substrate for the reduction process,but the possibility of a direct effect on reduction could notbe excluded.  相似文献   
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