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A novel microsporidian parasite is described, which infects the crustacean host Gammarus duebeni. The parasite was transovarially transmitted and feminised host offspring. The life cycle was monomorphic with three stages. Meronts were found in host embryos, juveniles, and in the gonadal tissue of adults. Sporoblasts and spores were restricted to the gonad. Sporogony was disporoblastic giving rise to paired sporoblasts, which then differentiated to form spores. Spores were not found in regular groupings and there was no interfacial envelope. Spores were approximately 3.78 x 1.22 microns and had a thin exospore wall, a short polar filament, and an unusual granular polaroplast. All life cycle stages were diplokaryotic. A region from the parasite small subunit ribosomal RNA gene was amplified and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis based on these data places the parasite within the genus Nosema. We have named the species Nosema granulosis based on the structure of the polaroplast.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemistry was used to investigate the involvement of the actin-associated binding proteins, tropomyosin, α-actinin and gelsolin with the formation of the decidual cell reaction during early pregnancy in the rat. Tropomyosin was present in the uterine myometrium, but absent from the both decidual and non-decidual stromal cells. α-Actinin was absent from non-decidual stromal cells, but present in decidual cells. Gelsolin was present in non-decidual cells close to the uterine stroma as well as in transformed decidual cells. Both gelsolin and α-actinin were concentrated around the periphery of the cell. It is proposed that these actin-binding proteins may be involved with the cellular transformations associated with decidualization.  相似文献   
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本文描述了采自中国云南高黎贡山常绿阔叶林下派模蛛科(Pimoidae)派模蛛属(Pimoa)的一个新种—李氏派模蛛(Pimoa lihengae)。从雄蛛和雌蛛外雌器的结构来看,本种相似于产于印度及尼泊尔喜马拉雅山区的派模蛛属蜘蛛。  相似文献   
Strong climate warming is predicted at higher latitudes this century, with potentially major consequences for productivity and carbon sequestration. Although northern peatlands contain one‐third of the world's soil organic carbon, little is known about the long‐term responses to experimental climate change of vascular plant communities in these Sphagnum‐dominated ecosystems. We aimed to see how long‐term experimental climate manipulations, relevant to different predicted future climate scenarios, affect total vascular plant abundance and species composition when the community is dominated by mosses. During 8 years, we investigated how the vascular plant community of a Sphagnum fuscum‐dominated subarctic peat bog responded to six experimental climate regimes, including factorial combinations of summer as well as spring warming and a thicker snow cover. Vascular plant species composition in our peat bog was more stable than is typically observed in (sub)arctic experiments: neither changes in total vascular plant abundance, nor in individual species abundances, Shannon's diversity or evenness were found in response to the climate manipulations. For three key species (Empetrum hermaphroditum, Betula nana and S. fuscum) we also measured whether the treatments had a sustained effect on plant length growth responses and how these responses interacted. Contrasting with the stability at the community level, both key shrubs and the peatmoss showed sustained positive growth responses at the plant level to the climate treatments. However, a higher percentage of moss‐encroached E. hermaphroditum shoots and a lack of change in B. nana net shrub height indicated encroachment by S. fuscum, resulting in long‐term stability of the vascular community composition: in a warmer world, vascular species of subarctic peat bogs appear to just keep pace with growing Sphagnum in their race for space. Our findings contribute to general ecological theory by demonstrating that community resistance to environmental changes does not necessarily mean inertia in vegetation response.  相似文献   
We report the development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the endangered North American cactus Astrophytum asterias (Cactaceae). Six loci, averaging 8.5 alleles per locus, were found to amplify genomic DNA consistently in 94 individuals from four geographically defined demes in South Texas. These markers will permit the generation of appropriate data for estimating population genetic parameters, population structure and the degree of inbreeding in the small, fragmented populations of A. asterias that currently exist. These are the first microsatellites reported for the genus Astrophytum and for the tribe Cacteae.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships within the bee family Megachilidae are poorly understood. The monophyly of the subfamily Fideliinae is questionable, the relationships among the tribes and subtribes in the subfamily Megachilinae are unknown, and some extant genera cannot be placed with certainty at the tribal level. Using a cladistic analysis of adult external morphological characters, we explore the relationships of the eight tribes and two subtribes currently recognised in Megachilidae. Our dataset included 80% of the extant generic‐level diversity, representatives of all fossil taxa, and was analysed using parsimony. We employed 200 characters and selected 7 outgroups and 72 ingroup species of 60 genera, plus 7 species of 4 extinct genera from Baltic amber. Our analysis shows that Fideliinae and the tribes Anthidiini and Osmiini of Megachilinae are paraphyletic; it supports the monophyly of Megachilinae, including the extinct taxa, and the sister group relationship of Lithurgini to the remaining megachilines. The Sub‐Saharan genus Aspidosmia, a rare group with a mixture of osmiine and anthidiine features, is herein removed from Anthidiini and placed in its own tribe, Aspidosmiini, new tribe . Protolithurgini is the sister of Lithurgini, both placed herein in the subfamily Lithurginae; the other extinct taxa, Glyptapina and Ctenoplectrellina, are more basally related among Megachilinae than Osmiini, near Aspidosmia, and are herein treated at the tribal level. Noteriades, a genus presently in the Osmiini, is herein transferred to the Megachilini. Thus, we recognise four subfamilies (Fideliinae, Pararhophitinae, Lithurginae and Megachilinae) and nine tribes in Megachilidae. We briefly discuss the evolutionary history and biogeography of the family, present alternative classifications, and provide a revised key to the extant tribes of Megachilinae.  相似文献   
Resistance to a drug acting on the 30S ribosomal subunit is attributed to non-methylation of 16S RNA.  相似文献   
Abstract Manipulative experimentation that features random assignment of treatments, replication, and controls is an effective way to determine causal relationships. Wildlife ecologists, however, often must take a more passive approach to investigating causality. Their observational studies lack one or more of the 3 cornerstones of experimentation: controls, randomization, and replication. Although an observational study can be analyzed similarly to an experiment, one is less certain that the presumed treatment actually caused the observed response. Because the investigator does not actively manipulate the system, the chance that something other than the treatment caused the observed results is increased. We reviewed observational studies and contrasted them with experiments and, to a lesser extent, sample surveys. We identified features that distinguish each method of learning and illustrate or discuss some complications that may arise when analyzing results of observational studies. Findings from observational studies are prone to bias. Investigators can reduce the chance of reaching erroneous conclusions by formulating a priori hypotheses that can be pursued multiple ways and by evaluating the sensitivity of study conclusions to biases of various magnitudes. In the end, however, professional judgment that considers all available evidence is necessary to render a decision regarding causality based on observational studies. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(1):4–13; 2008)  相似文献   
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