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  • 1 Ptinella aptera and Ptinella errabunda often coexist where their distributions overlap.
  • 2 The ecological requirements of P.aptera and P.errabunda are similar. Both are generalized mycetophages restricted to the same subcortical habitat of trees in a particular state of decay. Relative humidity appears important in determining habitat suitability for both species, neither of which survived in laboratory regimes below approximately 100% relative humidity.
  • 3 In laboratory studies the beetles differed in their response to temperature. Recorded maxima for activity and rate of increase were at higher temperatures for P.aptera than for Perrabunda.
  • 4 Temperatures which ‘Ptinella were exposed to in the laboratory occur in natural conditions under bark. Their effects on the species’ distributions are considered.
  • 5 The differential temperature adaptations of P.aptera and P.errabunda were probably evolved in allopatry, in response to different environmental conditions. In view of this, it is unreasonable to infer past interspecies competition from these niche differences.
  • 6 The niche difference between coexisting Ptinella species is discussed in the light of current ideas concerning the relative importance of competition and other factors in natural communities.
An outbreak of strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRV) in a plantation of Mailing Jewel raspberry coincided with the greatest abundance of the nematode vector, Xiphinema diversicaudatum. Arabis mosaic virus (AMV) was not detected in the crop but was, together with SLRV, in many weed species present. AMV was transmitted through the seed of Poa annua, Capsella bursa-pastoris and Senecio vulgaris and SLRV through the seed of Mentha arvensis. X. diversicaudatum were more numerous within the rows than between them and vertical sampling showed that most occurred between 4 and 12 in depth in both locations. Monthly sampling showed that egg laying occurred from April to July; populations increased to a peak in late autumn but declined during the winter, resulting in about a twofold annual increase in numbers. Females, males and juveniles transmitted AMV and SLRV to cucumber seedlings, and in the absence of plants the nematode retained AMV for 112 days and SLRV for 84 days.  相似文献   
Abstract. The xanthophyll content of wild type and abscisic acid (ABA) - deficient mutants of pea and Arabidopsis thaliana was determined. The wilty mutant of pea was indistinguishable from the non-mutant control. In contrast, plants homozygous for mutant alleles at the aba locus of Arabidopsis were very different from wild type. In these mutants, zeaxanthin accumulated to abnormally high levels. The major carotenoids, violaxanthin and 9'- cis -neoxanthin were virually absent from the mutant chromatograms. It was concluded that the aba genetic lesion impairs the epoxidation of zeaxanthin to violaxanthin and that this results in an inability to accumulate ABA. This provides clear evidence that zeaxanthin is a precursor of ABA.  相似文献   
Sinapine Leakage from Non-viable Cabbage Seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seeds leak many compounds during the early phases of germinationand seed viability may be associated with differential leakageof specific compounds. Leakage of a fluorescent compound fromnon-viable cabbage (Brassica oleracca var. capitata L.) wasdocumented and studies were performed to identify the fluorescentcompound. Imbibed samples of both heat-killed (HK) and viablecabbage seeds were submerged in a viscous colloidal gel. After2 h to 4 h, a fluorescent halo was observed under U.V. lightaround the heat-killed seed but not around the viable seed.Viable and HK seeds were imbibed in water for 8 h and the pHof the leachate was adjusted to either 7 or 10. The absorptionspectra of leakage from HK seeds revealed peak values at 322nm and 388 nm at pH 7 and 10, respectively. This pattern wasnot observed from viable seed leakage. Two-dimensional paperchromatography was conducted on the HK seed leachate. Four fluorescentspots were observed after development first with BAW (n-butanol:acetic acid: water, 4: 1: 5 by vol.) followed by 6% acetic acid.One of the fluorescent spots (spot 3) was studied further dueto its observed intensity. Sinapine thiocyanate was preparedfrom rapeseed oilmeal and used as a reference sample. Absorptionspectra of spot 3 and sinapine thiocyanate were similar at bothpH 7 and 10. Spot 3 had identical RF values using three solventsystems and identical colour reactions in five tests comparedto sinapine thiocyanate. It was concluded that sinapine wasthe major compound responsible for the fluorescent leakage fromHK cabbage seeds. Key words: Leachate, viability, Brassica  相似文献   
A need exists for the development of rapid seed quality teststhat determine viability (defined as the ability to germinate)without the necessity for completion of germination. In cabbage(Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) the compound sinapine,a choline ester of sinapic acid, has been shown to leak fromheat-killed (HK.) but not from viable seeds. Sinapine leakagewas studied as a more accurate method for identifying viableseeds than the conductivity test. After an 8 h soak, a 26-folddifference in sinapine leakage was detected between HK and viableseeds (as measured by the absorbance at 388 nm at pH 12) comparedto a 4-fold difference measured by electrolyte leakage. Theremainder of the studies were conducted on two seedlots of thesame cultivar. Viability was predicted on the same seed by assessingleakage from individual seeds into the soak water using threemethods; soak water colour, absorbance at 388 nm, and electricalconductivity. This information was compared with the actualgermination of each seed for the two seedlots. For both seedlots,the presence of sinapine in seed soak water (detected eitherby a yellow solution colour at high pH or by high absorbance),identified more seeds that were non-viable than the partitioncoefficient calculated from conductivity measurements (76%,72% and 28% of non-viable seeds were identified, respectively).It is proposed that leakage of sinapine is a better predictorof cabbage seed viability than electrical conductivity. Key words: Seed deterioration, seed leakage, germination prediction  相似文献   
V4604, a Cambridge University accession of Phaseolus vulgaris, had a high degree of leaf resistance to race 1 of Pseudomonas phaseolicola and partial resistance to race 2. Genetic control of resistance to race 1 was by a major dominant gene which is also present in the cv. Red Mexican. The partial resistance of V4604 to race 2 was under polygenic control, as was the low level resistance to race 2 in V4058.  相似文献   
WE have previously reported the oncolytic effect of bovine enterovirus 1 on Ehrlich carcinoma and sarcoma 1 in both the solid and ascites form in mice. The basis of the oncolytic specificity was associated with the adsorption spectrum of the virus1,2. We have now extended this work to a larger spectrum of transplantable tumours in inbred strains of mice and to initial experiments on the cytopathic effect of BE virus on a number of cell lines and primary cells of human origin. These results demonstrate that the oncolytic effect of BE virus and perhaps other enteroviruses, may be more than a “laboratory curiosity”3 and may be of use against certain types of neoplasia.  相似文献   
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