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Abstract:  The giant bivalve Lucina megameris Dall, 1901 , from the late Eocene White Limestone Group of Jamaica and by far the largest known species of the family Lucinidae, is placed in a new genus Superlucina . Apart from its large size, with a shell height exceeding 310 mm, it is distinguished from other genera, such as Pseudomiltha and Eomiltha by external shell characters and the extremely long and narrow, anterior adductor muscle scar. Features preserved on internal moulds suggest that, in common with living Lucinidae, S. megameris was chemosymbiotic with sulphide – oxidizing bacteria housed in the gills. Palaeoenvironmental evidence suggests a habitat in oligotrophic, shallow waters, probably in seagrass beds, with an associated molluscan fauna including large cardiids that may have been photosymbiotic. Superlucina is considerably larger than any living lucinid that range in size from 3 to 150 mm with most encompassed within 5–30 mm. From the Jurassic onwards, a few other large lucinids are known from cold seep sites, with several other records from possible shallow water seagrass beds.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Sporozoan parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa all possess common apical structures. The current study used a monoclonal antibody (mAb-E12) to identify a conserved antigen in the apical region of merozoites of seven species of Plasmodium (including rodent, primate and human pathogens), tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii , bradyzoites of Sarcocystis bovis , and sporozoites and merozoites of Eimeria tenella and E. acervulina. The antigen was also present in sporozoites of haemosporinid parasites. Immunofluorescence studies showed that the antigen was restricted to the apical 3rd of these invasive stages. Using immunoelectron microscopy, labeling was demonstrated in the region of the polar ring, below the paired inner membranes of the parasite pellicle, and near the subpellicular microtubules radiating from the polar ring of merozoites and sporozoites of E. tenella . The majority of the antigen could be extracted with 1% Triton-X 100, but a portion remained associated with the cytoskeletal elements. The molecule has a relative rate of migration (Mr) of 47,000 in Plasmodium spp. and 43–46,000 in coccidian species. Since the epitope recognized by mAb-El 2 is highly conserved, restricted to motile stages, and appears to be associated with microtubules, this antigen could be involved in cellular motility and cellular invasion.  相似文献   
The processes of symbiotic germination and seedling development were analysed in the myco-heterotrophic orchid Corallorhiza trifida , seeds of which were buried in 'packets' either adjacent to or at varying distances from adult plants in defined communities of ectomycorrhizal tree species. Germination occurred within eight months of burial under Betula – Alnus and within seven months under Salix repens . It was always associated with penetration of the suspensor by a clamp-forming mycorrhizal fungus. Four distinct developmental stages were defined and the rates of transition through these stages were plotted. There was no evidence of a relationship between extent of germination or rate of development and the presence of naturally distributed plants of C. trifida at the spatial scale of 1 m. The best germination and the most rapid rate of development of C. trifida seedlings occurred in a Salix repens community located at a considerable distance from any extant C. trifida population. Determination of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) RFLPs and of gene sequences of the fungi involved in symbiotic germination and growth of C. trifida , revealed them to belong exclusively to the Thelephora – Tomentella complex of the Thelephoraceae. These fungi are known also to be ectomycorrhizal associates of trees. It is hypothesized that the rate of growth of the C. trifida seedlings is determined by the ability of the fungal symbionts to transfer carbon from their ectomycorrhizal co-associates.  相似文献   
WE have previously reported the oncolytic effect of bovine enterovirus 1 on Ehrlich carcinoma and sarcoma 1 in both the solid and ascites form in mice. The basis of the oncolytic specificity was associated with the adsorption spectrum of the virus1,2. We have now extended this work to a larger spectrum of transplantable tumours in inbred strains of mice and to initial experiments on the cytopathic effect of BE virus on a number of cell lines and primary cells of human origin. These results demonstrate that the oncolytic effect of BE virus and perhaps other enteroviruses, may be more than a “laboratory curiosity”3 and may be of use against certain types of neoplasia.  相似文献   
Aluminium (Al) tolerance in an Al-tolerant cultivar of Phaseolusvulgaris L. (‘Dade’) was found to be an inducibletrait. Upon exposure to 10 µM Al, the rate of root elongationwas inhibited in comparison to controls. During the following72 h, the rate of elongation returned to levels comparable tocontrols. In contrast, root elongation of an Al-sensitive cultivar(‘Romano’) did not recover after exposure to Al.In Dade, the resumption of root elongation following exposureto Al was accompanied by increased rates of root respiration,whereas respiration rates slowly declined over the 72 h treatmentperiod in Romano. When partitioned into growth and maintenanceexpenditures, a larger proportion of root respiration of Dadeexposed to Al was allocated to maintenance processes, potentiallyreflecting diversion of energy to metabolic pathways that offsetthe adverse effects of Al toxicity. Romano did not show sucha pattern and respiration associated with both growth and maintenancewas reduced after exposure to Al. Root and shoot growth of bothcultivars were also measured to determine the effects of long-term(21 d) exposure to 10 µM Al. Dade plants exposed to Alexhibited enhanced growth in comparison to controls, whereasRomano plants were characterized by reduced shoot and root growth.Modelling the time-course of root respiration and measuringthe long-term growth responses to Al is a valuable method ofelucidating respiratory costs of stress tolerance. Key words: Aluminium, differential tolerance, maintenance respiration, Phaseolus vulgaris, root respiration  相似文献   
SUMMARY. An important influence on gross photosynthetic rates per unit area is the success with which phytoplankton competes for the available light with non-algal suspended material and dissolved organic compounds. Using a range of Irish lakes, with euphotic zones varying between 0.7 and 20 m and with chlorophyll-α values between 1 and 860 mg m−3, the effect on gross rates of photosynthesis is analysed for changes in the balance between the factors contributing to light attenuation. Net values per unit area are also likely to be modified in well-mixed systems as the ratio of light to dark regions in the water column are altered with changes in light penetration. Depth gradients in dark respiration are reported for L. Neagh which vary according to previous light history and nutrient stress. Possible cases of restraint on phytoplankton growth are discussed for optically deep situations.  相似文献   
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