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Female parasitoids often reject hosts of poor quality, where the survival and fitness of their offspring are expected to be low. In polyembryonic parasitoid wasps, a clone of genetically identical embryos develops from one egg in a host. In the wasp Copidosoma koehleri, each female clone produces one soldier larva that attacks competing clones inside the host. Aggression by soldiers is directed usually towards unrelated clones. Accordingly, it may be predicted that females will prefer nonparasitized over parasitized hosts, especially if the latter have been parasitized previously by a mated unrelated female, as a result of the reduced chances of survival for their offspring inside these hosts. In accordance with these predictions, females prefer nonparasitized hosts over self‐parasitized hosts when they are presented simultaneously. By contrast to the predictions, females prefer hosts parasitized by an unrelated conspecific over nonparasitized hosts when presented simultaneously. Females do not distinguish hosts parasitized by conspecifics from self‐parasitized hosts when presented simultaneously. They reject self‐parasitized hosts significantly more often than hosts parasitized by conspecifics when each host type is presented alone. Females faced with two previously parasitized hosts are not affected in their choice by the mating status (i.e. virgin or mated) of the previous parasitizing females. The combined results suggest that females are limited in their ability to assess the risk that their offspring will be attacked by a soldier, or that this risk is balanced by the relative advantages of ovipositing in a host parasitized by conspecifics. A possible advantage may be increased out‐breeding opportunities for the emerging offspring.  相似文献   
1. The abundance of cysts of the bloom‐forming dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense in the sediments of Lake Kinneret and the effects of environmental conditions on encystment were studied in relation to bloom dynamics. Peak cyst formation coincided with the highest growth rate of the population, prior to bloom peak. 2. Peridinium cysts were counted in water and sediment corer samples from 2000 to 2003 and in archived sediment trap samples collected during 1993–94. The cyst data were examined in relation to ambient temperature and nutrient records, and revealed no direct correlation. 3. In laboratory encystment experiments with Peridinium cells collected from the lake, 0.2–3% of the vegetative cells encysted. Temperature, light and cell density had no significant effect on the percentage of encystment. 4. Cysts were always present in the lake sediments but their abundance in ‘non Peridinium’ years was much lower than after a massive bloom. Vegetative cells were always present in the water column after the collapse of the annual dinoflagellate bloom, potentially serving as the inoculum for the next bloom. We propose that the hardy cysts serve as an emergency ‘gene bank’ to initiate population build up following catastrophic die outs.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. This paper examines the structural, physical and chemical characteristics of cyanobacterial hyperscums (floating scums of densely packed eyanobacteria. measuring decimetres in thickness, that are covered by a dry crust of photo-oxidized cells) from hypertrophic Hartbeespoort Dam, South Africa. 2. The hyperscum community was a cyanobacterial-baclcrial association, in which the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa comprised 98% of the biovolumc, with cell concentrations exceeding 109 ml?1. 3. The buoyancy mechanism of M. aeruginosa and evaporation at the surface led to increasing compaction of the colonies with declining distance from the surface, and the formation of three distinct, but continuous layers: a 1–2 mm dry surface crust (water content: 14%, chlorophyll a concentration: 3 g l?1), a 5–10 mm compact layer just below the crust (77% water, 1 g l?1 chlorophyll a), and a less compact layer (96% water, 200–500 mg l?1 chlorophyll a) from about 1 cm depth to the bottom, comprising the bulk of the hyperscum. 4. The crust attenuated all the incident light and reduced free gas exchange. Beneath it continuously dark anaerobic, highly reduced conditions prevailed. As the hyperscum aged over 3 months in 1984, at 10 cm depth the pH gradually declined from 6.6 to 5.9, interstitial water ammonia-N concentrations increased from 0.45 to 119 mg l?1, soluble reactive phosphorus from 2.8 to 83.3 mg l?1, and dissolved organic carbon reached a maximum of 460 mg l?1. At any point in time these concentrations declined gradually with increasing depth within the hyperscum, and declined dramatically beneath the hyperscum. Similar patterns were recorded in another hyperscum in 1986. 5. The chemical and temperature depth profiles indicated that free water movement took place around and under the hyperscum, but within it water movement was restricted to diffusion. 6. Gas bubbles composed of 28% methane. 19% CO2, 53% N2, and traces of H2 trapped within the hyperscum, and the presence of volatile fatty acids in the interstitial water were indicative of anaerobic decomposition processes mediated by fermenting and methanogenic bacteria, and N:P ratios below 1.5 in the interstitial water suggested that nitrogen was lost as gas, possibly through denitrification. 7. We hypothesize that the major sites of decay of M. aeruginosa were the crust and the compact layer beneath it, while deeper within the hyperscum this cyanobacterium could survive prolonged periods of dark anaerobic conditions. This hypothesis requires confirmation.  相似文献   
Previous research implies that competitive character displacement in felids and mustelids of Israel is expressed by canine size. Anatomy and observed killing behaviour of canids suggest that canines in this group are less adapted for the stylized role they play in felids and mustelids. Thus we hypothesized that character displacement, if it exists in canids, should not be manifested more clearly by canine size than by other traits. Five sympatric and at least partially syntopic canids occupy Israel, while in North Africa the largest (wolf) and smallest (Blanford's fox) are absent. Sexual size dimorphism in Israeli canids is generally less than in felids and mustelids (in which we analysed each sex as a separate ‘morphospecies’), so we used mixed-sex samples to represent each species. The three largest species (wolf, golden jackal and red fox) are also represented by Middle Palaeolithic samples in Israel, and all three had larger carnassial lengths then. Carnassial lengths, canine diameters and skull lengths are all remarkable evenly spaced among the five recent species in Israel. In Egypt, no trait manifests significant equality. Despite regional fluctuations in size, the carnassial length ratios of the three smaller species (foxes) are strikingly constant (1.18–1.21) throughout the region, while the ratios for the three larger species (wolf, jackal and red fox), sympatric only in Israel, are larger (1.33–1.34). Finally, mean carnassial length of jackals is constant across North Africa, while skull length and canine diameter both increase from Algeria through Egypt. All three traits are larger in Egypt than in Israel. We tentatively ascribe the equal ratios in Israel to competitive character displacement, though this hypothesis is speculative because of numerous lacunae in knowledge of diet, killing behaviour, available resources and extent of food limitation. Furthermore, humans have greatly affected range, density and ecology of wolves and jackals in the last century. Larger sizes in the Palaeolithic may well be manifestations of Bergmann's rule. The constancy of carnassial length in North African jackals, notwithstanding a longitudinal cline in CBLs of these populations, and the constant ratio between jackal and red fox carnassial length are both consistent with a hypothesis of character release in the absence of the wolf.  相似文献   
Kinetin promoted the uptake of K+ and Rb+ into detached sunflower cotyledons. This action was concomitant with an acceleration of growth. A slighter promotion of Li+ uptake was also noted, but there was no consistent influence on that of Na+. A small inhibitory effect on NH4+4 uptake was apparent when the latter was computed per average weight of sample during the course of incubation. Light also promoted the growth of the cotyledons, but depressed their capacity to absorb potassium. The action of kinetin on cotyledons removed from 5–7 day old seedlings was weaker than on those removed from 2–4 day old seedlings with regard to growth but stronger with regards to K+ uptake. When K+ uptake by cotyledons taken from 7-day old seedlings was followed with time the kinetin effect was already detectable within a few hours, but it became more pronounced after 10 hours' incubation. Kinetin did not accelerate growth or K+ uptake in hypo-cotyl segments. IAA, which was previously shown to promote these processes in hypocotyl segments, inhibited them in cotyledons. A working hypothesis is suggested according to which endogenous auxins and cytokinins regulate the absorption of K+ in shoot cells of the intact plant in a manner similar to that in which they act in excised tissues and in this way affect the distribution and redistribution of K+ in the shoot; and that they are among the factors which determine the selectivity of ion uptake in the intact plant.  相似文献   
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