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Symploca PCC 8002 Kützing is a filamentous cyanobacterium that lacks the specialized cells, known as heterocysts, that protect nitrogenase from O2 in most aerobic N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Nevertheless, Symploca is able to carry out N2 fixation in the light under aerobic conditions. When cultures were grown under light/dark cycles, nitrogenase activity commenced and increased in the light phase and declined towards zero in the dark. Immunolocalization of dinitrogenase reductase in sectioned Symploca trichomes showed that the enzyme was present only in 9% of the cells. These cells lacked any obvious mechanical protection against atmospheric O2 and their ultrastructural characteristics were similar to those of cells that did not contain any dinitrogenase reductase. The nitrogenase-containing cells possessed carboxysomes that were rich in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and phycoerythrin, a light harvesting pigment of PS II. This indicates that these cells had a capacity for both N2 fixation and photosynthesis. The significance of the localization pattern for dinitrogenase reductase is discussed in the context of N2 fixation in Symploca PCC 8002.  相似文献   
A flexuous filamentous virus 750 nm in length was isolated from field-grown melons (Cucumis melo L.) and squirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium L.). Infection of melon seedlings of most commercial varieties resulted in a lethal wilting, but late infections gave dieback. The virus infected systemically all economically important cucurbit crops. Its coat protein consists of a single polypeptide, 34 500 D in size, encapsidating a single stranded RNA genome of 10.1 kb. Antiserum against the Italian zucchini yellow fleck virus (ZYFV) reacted specifically with the Israeli isolate in both ISEM and Western blot. The virus was aphid transmissible in a non-persistent manner. Based on host range, host reaction and serological data, it is suggested that the virus described is an Israeli variant of ZYFV.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Certain of the ultrastructural and biochemical changes occurring during the first 25 hr of starvation in Tetrahymena pyriformis were studied. Ultrastructurally, numerous profiles of degenerating mitochondria were seen in the early stages of starvation. The presence of oxidizable substrate such as glucose and acetate did not prevent this degeneration. Numerous large nucleoli were formed, many of which seemed to be passing into the cytoplasm as forming autophagic vacuoles. There was a transient increase in Oil Red O-positive bodies, presumably lipid (triglycerides). The extent and duration of this increase were pronounced in the presence of acetate. The lipid droplets appeared to arise within the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. Lipid reserves were apparently utilized prior to carbohydrates, as the disappearance of lipid droplets preceded glycogen utilization, both in the presence of acetate and in the absence of exogenous substrate. A considerable loss of cellular protein also occurred. In cells from inorganic medium supplemented with glucose, glycogen occupied much of the cell, leaving only islands of cell organelles. Acid phosphatase was localized, ultrastructurally, mainly in autophagic vacuoles which contained mitochondria and other cell organelles, and in association with small, double-membraned structures which seemed to be sequestering small areas of cytoplasm. Such sequestered areas also appeared within larger autophagic vacuoles. Residual bodies containing concentric whorls of myelin-like membranes surrounding a more solid core accumulated during starvation. Acid phosphatase activity decreased in amount but not in specific activity. The specific activity of cathespin doubled or tripled, but there was little change in total enzyme.  相似文献   
An important question for the conservation of species dwelling in fragmented habitats is whether changes to the intervening landscape create a barrier to gene flow. Here, we make use of the spatial distribution of the granite outcrop‐dwelling lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus, to compare inferred levels of gene flow between outcrops in a nature reserve with that between outcrops in the adjacent agricultural land. Genetic variation, relatedness and subdivision were compared within groups of individuals from different outcrops similar in size and distance apart at each site. In the agricultural land, we found significantly lower genetic variation within outcrops and greater genetic differentiation between outcrops than in the reserve. Further, the rate at which genetic divergence between outcrops increased over geographical distance was significantly greater in the agricultural land than in the reserve. We also found that individuals were more closely related within outcrops but more distantly related between outcrops in the cleared land. These effects occur over a small spatial scale with an average distance between outcrops of less than five kilometres. Thus, even though land clearing around the outcrops leaves outcrop size unchanged, it restricts gene flow, reducing genetic variation and increasing population structure, with potentially negative consequences for the long‐term persistence of the lizards on these outcrops.  相似文献   
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