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就取食过程中惯用左手还是右手的问题,我们对安徽省黄山的一群短尾猴进行了研究。结果发现在调查的33只个体中,9只惯用右手取食,11只惯用左手取食,另外13只对左右手的使用没有偏好。而且短尾猴在左右手的偏好方面也没有性别或年龄的差异。以往的一些研究表明猕猴类动物习惯于用左手取食,但是研究群的短尾猴并没有表现出这种倾向。我们将短尾猴的研究结果与猕猴属其它种类进行了比较,并讨论了猕猴属在这一行为上的多样性。  相似文献   
Adults of the Euthalia phemius complex, which is composed of three South‐East Asian nymphalid species, Euthalia phemius, Euthalia ipona, and Euthalia euphemia, were genetically analysed by examining mitochondrial and nuclear genes. The E. phemius complex was also examined morphologically, with particular emphasis on wing markings and male genitalia. No significant differences amongst the three species in the complex were detected with respect to either genetic distance or genital morphology. We therefore conclude that the three currently recognized Euthalia species belong to a single species. Accordingly, E. ipona is synonymized with E. phemius. Euthalia euphemia is treated as a subspecies of E. phemius. Type specimens of all taxa and a synonymic list for the E. phemius complex are also given. In addition, we briefly discuss the evolution and biogeography of the species complex. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 304–327.  相似文献   
北极的春季:迁徙鸟类抵达的生物学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一旦鸟类抵达北极区,迁徙鸟类必须调整其生理和行为以适应不可预知的雪盖、天气、食物资源和天敌胁迫。换言之,他们必须抵抗环境干扰(压力)以便尽早迁徙到苔原上的巢区并建立领域。然后,一旦外界环境有利时,它们就立即开始繁殖。这些鸟类的繁殖有一部分是利用低雪盖区域的微生境以及雪融较快的苔原斑块(特别是在柳树Salix sp.附近)。在北极地区,地面温度在日照若干小时后急剧上升,同时无脊椎动物开始活动。风速在地面柳枝和生草丛苔原10cm下几乎减弱为零。这些条件结合在一起提供了理想的避难所,对于早春迁徙到此的雀形目鸟类尤其如此。然而,如果环境调节变得更为恶劣,这些鸟类会离开。因为与南方越冬地相比,春季北极区条件具有潜在的严酷性,所以鸟类对于应激时的肾上腺皮质反应有所调整。雄鸟到达北极地区时对于剧烈应激刺激下的肾上腺酮的分泌有所提高,并且伴随着对于负反馈敏感性的下降和肾上腺皮质层细胞对于促肾上腺皮质激素作用反应的变化。同时,肾上腺酮结合蛋白(CBG)的水平也有所提高,以至于肾上腺酮的作用在恶劣的环境条件下得到缓冲。基因组受体水平的调节,尤其是在脑和肝脏中糖皮质类固醇类似受体与肾上腺酮的低亲合性,以及肾上腺酮的非基因组水平的作用,可能是很重要的。换言之,与抵达生物学有关的激素一行为系统是高度可变的[动物学报50(6):948-960,2004]。  相似文献   
Two multiplex PCR amplifications were performed to analyse six microsatellite loci of Schlegel's black rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli, an important commercial fish in the northern part of Japan and an important species for the stock enhancement program in this area. We analysed 67 wild samples from Yamada Bay, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. The observed genotype frequencies agreed with the Hardy–Weinberg expectations at all loci, and the observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.072 to 0.897.  相似文献   
1. Water velocity plays an important role in shaping plant community structure in flowing waters although few authors have yet attempted to explain the adaptation of plants to flow. 2. We aimed to test two hypotheses, that: (i) some emergent macrophytes reconfigure their shoot distribution in fast currents and form clumps, and (ii) the shape and morphology of such clumps minimises drag caused by the current. The study focuses on three emergent macrophytes that co‐occur along a gradient of water velocity. 3. The species showed a clear zonation in response to water depth and current velocity. Phragmites australis occupied shallower and more slowly flowing water than Typha angustifolia and Zizania latifolia, which had similar preferences. 4. Both T. angustifolia and Z. latifolia shoots were more clumped at high velocity, whereas they were more randomly distributed at low flow or in stagnant water. Because of the low shoot density, water flowed more easily through T. angustifolia clumps, whereas Z. latifolia clumps had a high shoot density and large amounts of trapped litter, causing stagnant water in the centre of the clump. The clumps of Z. latifolia with a high density of shoots were longer and narrower than T. angustifolia clumps. Phragmites australis was less tolerant of flow than the other two species and large amounts of litter trapped in the clumps impaired flow. 5. The shoot distribution of both T. angustifolia and Z. latifolia is reconfigured at high flow and this minimises drag on the clumps.  相似文献   
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