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  • 1 Both the germination of intact seeds and the development of excised embryos depend on their after-ripening. Shortly after the harvest, the intact seeds of Eragrostis ferruginea are in dormancy and germinate neither in the light nor in the dark. The ability of seeds to germinate under both conditions, however, gradually increases with the progress of after-ripening. The development of excised embryos, on the other hand, is readily induced in the light and dark even shortly after the harvest. As the after-ripening proceeds, however, the ability of excised embryos to develop gradually decreases and is finally lost 18 months after the harvest. The after-ripened embryos whose ability to develop is completely reduced become light sensitive again when they are supplied with the yeast extract of a low concentration, and develop readily even in darkness at a high concentration of the extract.
  • 2 The photorequirement for development of excised embryos is scarcely affected by oxygen concentrations, and the embryo growth can take place equally in both light and darkness in the atmosphere containing 100 to 10 percent of air, while it can not be induced in pure nitrogen.
  • 3 The promotion of embryo development by light is observed at the time when the ability of embryos to develop declines. The effectiveness of the irradiation is very similar to that in intact seed germination.
The number of mitochondrial particles, and the activities ofperoxidase and cytochrome oxidase increased during aging ofsliced sweet potato root tissue. Blasticidin S inhibited allthese processes, indicating the occurrence of de now synthesisof protein. Chloramphenicol suppressed the synthesis of cytochromeoxidase and the reproduction of mitochondria but did not suppressperoxidase synthesis. Cylcoheximide suppressed peroxidase synthesisleaving the activities of cytochrome oxidase synthesis and mitochondrialreproduction unimpaired. A differentiation of ribosomal andmitochondrial protein syntheses is suggested. Mitomycin G and5-iododeoxyuridine inhibited the reproduction of mitochondriabut not the synthesis of enzymes. 1This paper constitutes Part 76 of the Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot. (Received January 4, 1969; )  相似文献   
1. Light is not obligatory for the germination of the seed ofRumex obtusifolius L. subsp.agrestis DANSER, which has beenregarded as being a typical light sensitive seed. Even in continuousdarkness, a short period of high (30°) or low temperature(5°) treatment evokes germination very readily. 2. Germination is markedly promoted by 1 min exposure to a redlight and this red light effect is completely removed by 1-hrexposure to a far-red light. Alternations of the red and far-redradiation bring about an alternate promotion and inhihibitionof germination. 3. When a dark interval is inserted between the red and thefar-red treatments, inhibition of germination becomes less distinctas the duration of darkness increases. When the seeds are irradiatedwith far-red prior to red, with an inserted darkness, germinationpromotion due to the red light also decreases with the durationof inserted darkness. 4. Complicated interdependence between the light and temperatureeffects are demonstrated. This suggests a participation of somereactants besides pigments in the photoreaction. 5. The observed interdependence between the light and temperatureeffects on the germination of Rumex seeds implies that, if,as BORTHWICK has assumed, two forms of pigment, viz., a far-red-absorbingform and a red-absorbing one, are participating in the photoreaction,they should be presumed to coexist from the start of imbibition. (Received September 27, 1960; )  相似文献   
The sleeping chironomid (Polypedilum vanderplanki Hinton) lives on temporary rock pools in the semi‐arid tropical regions of Africa. Its larvae are able to survive the dry season in a completely desiccated ametabolic state known as anhydrobiosis. So far, P. vanderplanki was the only species among all insects showing demonstrated anhydrobiotic ability. Here, we show that a new related species originating from Malawi, Polypedilum pembai sp.n. , is also anhydrobiotic and that its desiccation tolerance mechanism is probably similar to what is observed in P. vanderplanki. The new species, P. pembai sp.n. , is described with special attention to the common and different morphological features, compared with P. vanderplanki. Phylogenetic analysis showed that both species are closely related, suggesting that anhydrobiosis evolved only once in their common ancestor about 49 Ma somewhere in Africa, before the divergence of two species, one in the sub‐Saharan area and another in southeastern Africa.  相似文献   
The chicken skeletal muscle tropomyosin preparation reacted in agar diffusion test with the anti-chicken skeletal muscle tropomyosin antiserum by forming three precipitin lines which were very close with one another and appeared to be almost a single precipitin line. Three antigens responsible for the formation of these three precipitin lines could not be differentiated in 8 m urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These three precipitin lines could be identified to be due to the reaction between authentic tropomyosin molecules and their corresponding antibodies. Further, one of these three antigens was found to be present in the extracts from skeletal and cardiac muscles of various vertebrates so far tested and was identical with the genusand organ-nonspecific antigen as revealed earlier by the immunological study with frog skeletal muscle tropomyosin (Hirabayashi and Hayashi , 1970b). One of the remaining two antigens was clearly found to be present in the skeletal muscle extracts from avian sources. The last antigen was clearly found to be present in the extracts from pectoral and leg muscles, gizzard, anterior stomach, kidney, ovary, oviduct, testis and brain of the chicken. However, the reaction of the antibody against the last antigen with the extract of pectoral muscle of the chicken was very weak.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial protein from sweet potato root tissue was fractionatedinto soluble and membrane-bound protein fractions. Membrane-boundprotein was further divided into structural, heme and bile salt-insolubleproteins. The increase in each protein component was investigatedduringaging of sliced tissue Proteins other than bile salt-insoluble protein were synthesizedduring an early stage of aging. A large amount of bile salt-insolubleprotein was synthesized after a lag phase lasting about 8 hrafter slicing Synthesis of soluble, structural and heme proteins was suppressedby bodi chloramphenicol and cycloheximide. However, synthesisof bile salt-insoluble protein was inhibited by cycloheximidebut not by chloramphenicol (Received December 22, 1970; )  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. A kleptoparasitic spider, Argyrodes kumadai , is known to use phylogenetically unrelated host species in different regions – Cyrtophora moluccensis (Araneidae) in south-west Japan and Agelena silvatica (Agelenidae) in north-east Japan. The work reported here examined whether differences in host characters affect prey acquisition of A. kumadai .
2. Field surveys showed that prey-biomass capture rate of Argyrodes was significantly higher in populations parasitising Cyrtophora than in populations parasitising Agelena . Although Argyrodes appeared to catch fewer prey within Cyrtophora webs, they were able to feed upon substantially larger prey.
3. Differences in prey-biomass capture rate were found to reflect differences in host traits rather than regional differences in potential prey availability. Individuals in populations parasitising Cyrtophora were observed to acquire prey via a number of foraging tactics that included stealing wrapped food bundles, feeding upon prey remains and, in the case of large prey items, feeding together with the host. In contrast, individuals in populations parasitising Agelena were only ever observed to feed upon small prey items ignored by its host.
4. This variability in prey acquisition between kleptoparasite populations reflected different opportunities for feeding within their respective host webs – opportunities that were primarily determined by the foraging behaviour of the host. One key trait associated with host foraging behaviour was host-web structure, namely the presence/absence of a retreat.  相似文献   
The suitability of the OGUR-ROSEN method for RNA extractionfrom sweet potato root tissue was investigated. The PCA extractfrom the freshly sliced tissue was colorless and showed a typicalspectrum of RNA. However, as the slices were incubated for 1to 3 days (wounded tissues), extract from them was brownishand revealed no typical spectrum of RNA. When wounded tissuewas treated with acetone containing isoascorbic acid and theresultant acetone powder was treated with PCA, extract indicatedthe spectrum very close to that of RNA. Interfering substancesstill remaining were removed satisfactorily with charcoal whichadsorbed RNA selectively. Thus, RNA could be assayed as theOD260-difference between PCA extract from the acetone powderand a fraction of the extract non-adsorbable on charcoal. Timecourse analysis of RNA contents during incubation of the tissueslices disclosed a remarkable increase in the total RNA in theinitial stage of incubation. 1This paper constitutes part 81 of Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot and Injury (Received September 5, 1969; )  相似文献   
The longitudinal flagellum of Ceratium tripos moves in two dissimilar ways: undulation and retraction. The undulatory wave is planar and has a wavelength of 74.3 ± 9.6 μm and an amplitude of 14.2 ± 2.3 μm in sea water. The beat frequency is 30 Hz at 20°C, pH 8.0. The retractile motion is unique to Ceratium and is triggered by mechanical stimulation on the cell body, especially at the tip of the apical horn. When it retracts, the longitudinal flagellum folds every 4–5 μm along the flagellum. Cinematographic study showed that the flagellum folded from tip to base and was finally installed into the sulcus, a groove on the ventral side of the cell. This motion is completed in sea water within 28 msec. The retracted flagellum then re-extends and restores the undulation within a few seconds. The flagellum unfolds in the proximal portion first, then the distal, and finally the middle portion. Fixation always triggers the retraction. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the flagellum is folded and secondarily twisted in a helix. A new fiber in addition to the flagellar axoneme was found in the retracted flagellum by phase microscopy. This fiber (R-fiber) seems to contract during the retraction to fold the flagellum.  相似文献   
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