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Protein-DNA interactions within the promoter of a cell cycle-regulated human H4 histone gene were examined by binding of 5'-end-labeled DNA segments to Western blots of nuclear protein fractions. Specific protein interactions were observed with DNA segments located between -500 bp and -1,070 bp upstream of the ATG initiation codon and included a histone H1 binding segment flanked on both sides by binding sites for a 45 kD nuclear protein. This region of the gene contains a DNase I-sensitive site in the center (-720 to -820 bp), and sequence analysis revealed the presence of scaffold attachment sequences in the two flanking segments. Topoisomerase II consensus sequences and in vitro topoisomerase II cleavage sites were also detected in the two flanking segments. Our results suggest that the 45 kd nuclear protein may preferentially interact with these two segments of the H4 histone gene to mediate association with the nuclear matrix. The presence of negative regulatory elements in this putative matrix attachment region provides a basis for the speculation that such nuclear proteins are associated with alterations in gene-matrix interaction that are functionally related to gene expression.  相似文献   
The adhesion of Salmonella typhimurium to the mineral particles quartz, albite, feldspar, and magnetite was shown to correlate with the hydrophobicity of the cell surface as measured by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The same effects were also seen for seven other selected test strains, including Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus faecium, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Shigella sonnei, and Shigella boydii. When the test strain of Salmonella typhimurium, was repeatedly cultivated in Luria broth, thus selecting for different degrees of fimbriation and roughness of the cell surface, varied cell hydrophobicity but constant negative and positive charge values were obtained. High hydrophobicity values always coincided with enhanced adhesion to the mineral particles. The negative charge of the bacterial surface as measured by electrostatic interaction chromatography appeared to play no role in the adhesion event. However, the positive charges on the cell surface contributed to the adhesion process. This was especially evident for cells exhibiting a high degree of hydrophobicity. Alteration of the pH between 4 and 9 did not significantly affect the adhesion process.  相似文献   
To elucidate the biochemical roles of singlet molecular oxygen (1(O2)) in the light-dependent reactions photosensitized by biological blue-light photoreceptors, time-resolved measurements of photosensitized 1O2 phosphorescence (1270 nm) were performed in air-saturated aqueous ((D2)O) solutions of pterins (2-amino-4-hydroxy-6,7-dimethylpteridine (DMP) and 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-tetrahydroxybutyl-(D-arabo)pteridine (TOP)) and flavins (riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide (FMN)) under excitation with nitrogen laser (337.1 nm) pulses. The 1(O2) quantum yields were found to be 0.16, 0.20, 0.50, and 0.50 for DMP, TOP, riboflavin, and FMN, respectively. The data indicate that pterins and flavins are rather efficient photosensitizers of 1(O2) production that might be important for their photobiological functions.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated that insect cells were able to synthesize recombinant human procollagen I as triple-helical heterotrimers when transfected with cDNAs of both proalpha1(I) and proalpha2(I) chains. However, most of the heterotrimers were retained within the cells, unlike in the case of mammalian cells [Tomita, M., Kitajima, T., and Yoshizato, K. (1997) J. Biochem. 1061-1069]. In an attempt to improve the secretion of the heterotrimers, we introduced the putative collagen-specific chaperone HSP47 into this insect expression model. Mouse HSP47 produced by the insect cells bound intracellularly to both human proalpha1(I) and proalpha2(I) chains and enhanced the secretion of procollagen I heterotrimers. HSP47 was also coexpressed with either proalpha1(I) chains or proalpha2(I) chains, which showed that it enhanced the secretion of the former but not the latter. This selective effect of HSP47 was similarly observed in the cells treated with inhibitors of procollagen triple helix formation, indicating that HSP47 can also accelerate the secretion of non-helical procollagens. HSP47 did not change the intracellular solubility of proalpha1(I) and proalpha2(I) chains in 1% NP-40, eliminating the possibility that it prevents proalpha chains from aggregating into insoluble forms within the insect cells. We concluded that HSP47 can play a role in the secretion of alpha1(I)-procollagen chains in the insect cell model. The present study also demonstrated the dissimilarity in the mechanism of folding and secretion of the expressed procollagen I between the insect and mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Lignin-modifying enzymes of the white rot basidiomycete Ganoderma lucidum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ganoderma lucidum, a white rot basidiomycete widely distributed worldwide, was studied for the production of the lignin-modifying enzymes laccase, manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP), and lignin peroxidase (LiP). Laccase levels observed in high-nitrogen (HN; 24 mM N) shaken cultures were much greater than those seen in low-nitrogen (2.4 mM N), malt extract, or wood-grown cultures and those reported for most other white rot fungi to date. Laccase production was readily seen in cultures grown with pine or poplar (100-mesh-size ground wood) as the sole carbon and energy source. Cultures containing both pine and poplar showed 5- to 10-fold-higher levels of laccase than cultures containing pine or poplar alone. Since syringyl units are structural components important in poplar lignin and other hardwoods but much less so in pine lignin and other softwoods, pine cultures were supplemented with syringic acid, and this resulted in laccase levels comparable to those seen in pine-plus-poplar cultures. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of concentrated extracellular culture fluid from HN cultures showed two laccase activity bands (M(r) of 40,000 and 66, 000), whereas isoelectric focusing revealed five major laccase activity bands with estimated pIs of 3.0, 4.25, 4.5, 4.8, and 5.1. Low levels of MnP activity ( approximately 100 U/liter) were detected in poplar-grown cultures but not in cultures grown with pine, with pine plus syringic acid, or in HN medium. No LiP activity was seen in any of the media tested; however, probing the genomic DNA with the LiP cDNA (CLG4) from the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium showed distinct hybridization bands suggesting the presence of lip-like sequences in G. lucidum.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic 'tree of life' has been constructed based on the observed presence and absence of families of protein-encoding genes observed in 11 complete genomes of free-living microorganisms. Past attempts to reconstruct the evolutionary relation-ships of microorganisms have been limited to sets of genes rather than complete genomes. Despite apparent rampant lateral gene transfer among microorganisms, these results indicate a single robust underlying evolutionary history for these organisms. Broadly, the tree produced is very similar to the small subunit rRNA tree although several additional phylogenetic relationships appear to be resolved, including the relationship of Archaeoglobus to the methanogens studied. This result is in contrast to notions that a robust phylogenetic reconstruction of microorganisms is impossible due to their genomes being composed of an incomprehensible amalgam of genes with complicated histories and suggests that this style of genome-wide phylogenetic analysis could become an important method for studying the ancient diversification of life on Earth. Analyses using informational and operational subsets of the genes showed that this 'tree of life' is not dependent on the phylogenetically more consistent informational genes.  相似文献   
High performance flow injection analysis of recombinant protein G   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromatographic discs were investigated for their potential to substitute for the hitherto used cartridges in heterogeneous flow injection analysis. Originally designed for fast high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of biopolymers, the discs combine reliability with speed and resolution. This together with their price and their long-standing time made them attractive for use in flow injection analysis. The base material of the discs is a glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate (GMA-EDMA) co-polymer. The epoxy groups inherent to this base structure can be used for immobilization purposes. In this first demonstration, antibodies were immobilized and the resulting affinity discs used for the fast analysis (< 5 min) of protein G from cell lysate of recombinant Escherichia coli. A linear calibration curve over several orders of magnitude as well as excellent reproducibility and correlation with data produced by conventional protein assay were obtained.  相似文献   
During experimental tissular amibiasis, the level of circulating antibodies, as detected by indirect immunofluorescence, is lower in female castrated golden hamsters who have been implanted with a pellet of oestradiol than in castrated control animals. Antibodies are first detected in the serum twenty four hours after infestation and their level becomes maximal near the fourteenth day.  相似文献   
The radiation resistant bacteria Micrococcus radiophilus and M. radioproteolyticus were studied by thin sectioning and freeze-etching techniques and the two species were found to be similar in the fine structure. The only significant difference was in the appearance of the surfaces of the cell walls in freeze-etched preparations.Since the two species, together with M. radiodurans, possess a unique cell wall structure and a cell wall peptidoglycan, which is different from that of other micrococci and Gram-positive cocci, it is recommended that they be reclassified into a new genus.  相似文献   
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