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Human ESC-derived mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-conditioned medium (CM) was previously shown to mediate cardioprotection during myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury through large complexes of 50–100 nm. Here we show that these MSCs secreted 50- to 100-nm particles. These particles could be visualized by electron microscopy and were shown to be phospholipid vesicles consisting of cholesterol, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidylcholine. They contained coimmunoprecipitating exosome-associated proteins, e.g., CD81, CD9, and Alix. These particles were purified as a homogeneous population of particles with a hydrodynamic radius of 55–65 nm by size-exclusion fractionation on a HPLC. Together these observations indicated that these particles are exosomes. These purified exosomes reduced infarct size in a mouse model of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, MSC mediated its cardioprotective paracrine effect by secreting exosomes. This novel role of exosomes highlights a new perspective into intercellular mediation of tissue injury and repair, and engenders novel approaches to the development of biologics for tissue repair.  相似文献   
The activation functions AF1 and AF2 of nuclear receptors mediate the recruitment of coregulators in gene regulation. AF1 is mapped to the highly variable and intrinsically unstructured N terminal domain and AF2 lies in the conserved ligand binding domain. The unstructured nature of AF1 offers structural plasticity and hence functional versatility in gene regulation. However, little is known about the key functional residues of AF1 that mediates its interaction with coregulators. This study focuses on the progesterone receptor (PR) and reports the identification of K464, K481 and R492 (KKR) as the key functional residues of PR AF1. The KKR are monomethylated and function cooperatively. The combined mutations of KKR to QQQ render PR isoform B (PRB) hyperactive, whereas KKR to FFF mutations abolishes as much as 80% of PR activity. Furthermore, the hyperactive QQQ mutation rescues the loss of PR activity due to E911A mutation in AF2. The study also finds that the magnitudes of the mutational effect differ in different cell types as a result of differential effects on the functional interaction with coregulators. Furthermore, KKR provides the interface for AF1 to physically interact with p300 and SRC-1, and with AF2 at E911. Intriguingly, the inactive FFF mutant interacts strikingly stronger with both SRC-1 and AF2 than wt PRB. We propose a tripartite model to describe the dynamic interactions between AF1, AF2 and SRC-1 with KKR of AF1 and E911 of AF2 as the interface. An overly stable interaction would hamper the dynamics of disassembly of the receptor complex.  相似文献   
Epithiospecifier protein (ESP) is a protein that catalyses formation of epithionitriles during glucosinolate hydrolysis. In vitro assays with a recombinant ESP showed that the formation of epithionitriles from alkenylglucosinolates is ESP and ferrous ion dependent. Nitrile formation in vitro however does not require ESP but only the presence of Fe(II) and myrosinase. Ectopic expression of ESP in Arabidopsis thaliana Col-5 under control of the strong viral CaMV 35S promoter altered the glucosinolate product profile from isothiocyanates towards the corresponding nitriles.  相似文献   
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) possess two unique characteristics: self‐renewal and pluripotency. In this study, roles of voltage‐gated potassium channels (Kv) in maintaining mouse (m) ESC characteristics were investigated. Tetraethylammonium (TEA+), a Kv blocker, attenuated cell proliferation in a concentration‐dependent manner. Possible reasons for this attenuation, including cytotoxicity, cell cycle arrest and differentiation, were examined. Blocking Kv did not change the viability of mESCs. Interestingly, Kv inhibition increased the proportion of cells in G0/G1 phase and decreased that in S phase. This change in cell cycle distribution can be attributed to cell cycle arrest or differentiation. Loss of pluripotency as determined at both molecular and functional levels was detected in mESCs with Kv blockade, indicating that Kv inhibition in undifferentiated mESCs directs cells to differentiate instead of to self‐renew and progress through the cell cycle. Membrane potential measurement revealed that Kv blockade led to depolarization, consistent with the role of Kv as the key determinant of membrane potential. The present results suggest that membrane potential changes may act as a “switch” for ESCs to decide whether to proliferate or to differentiate: hyperpolarization at G1 phase would favor ESCs to enter S phase while depolarization would favor ESCs to differentiate. Consistent with this notion, S‐phase‐synchronized mESCs were found to be more hyperpolarized than G0/G1‐phase‐synchronized mESCs. Moreover, when mESCs differentiated, the differentiation derivatives depolarized at the initial stage of differentiation. This investigation is the first study to provide evidence that Kv and membrane potential affect the fate determination of ESCs. J. Cell. Physiol. 224:165–177, 2010 © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci and commonly found as part of the human skin flora. It is a significant cause of catheter-related bacteremia and also causes serious infections like native valve endocarditis in previously healthy individuals. We report the complete genome sequence of this medically important bacterium.Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) commonly colonizing the human skin and mucosal membranes. While the genus Staphylococcus contains 48 named species currently, only a few species, notably S. aureus, are coagulase positive. Thus, the phenotypic characteristic is routinely tested in the medical microbiological laboratory for rapid differentiation of the highly pathogenic S. aureus from the other staphylococci. Among the CoNS, only a few species are known to cause human disease, usually in the form of opportunistic infections only (6). However, S. lugdunensis is an important exception (3). Besides causing catheter-related bacteremia similar to other CoNS, it causes a variety of severe nosocomial and community-acquired infections, including native valve endocarditis, a devastating and potentially fatal disease that can affect previously healthy individuals. Another unusual feature are the susceptibilities of S. lugdunensis isolates to multiple antimicrobial agents even when the incidence of multiple-drug-resistant CoNS and S. aureus occurrences are increasing in both hospital and community settings (4, 5).The genome sequence of S. lugdunensis strain HKU09-01 was determined by high-throughput sequencing performed on a GS FLX system (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland), with approximately 45-fold coverage of the genome. This clinical strain was previously isolated from the culture of pus from a skin swab. Genome assembly was performed using the Newbler assembler, resulting in 30 large contigs (>500 bp in size). The contigs were then ordered and oriented into one scaffold using OSLay (11). The genome-finishing strategy for S. lugdunensis was similar to that employed for our previously sequenced Laribacter hongkongensis genome (12). Briefly, gap closures were performed by genomic PCR followed by DNA sequencing of amplification products on an ABI 3130xl sequencer (Applied Biosystems, CA). The finished sequence was validated by genome macrorestriction analysis using multiple rare-cutting enzymes and visualization by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Protein coding regions were predicted with Glimmer3 (2), and automatic genome annotation was performed on the RAST server (1). Additionally, annotation of tRNA and transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) genes was performed using tRNAScan-SE (10) and ARAGORN (9). Identification of rRNA genes was performed using RNAmmer (8).The genome of S. lugdunensis strain HKU09-01 consists of a circular 2,658,366-bp chromosome with G+C content of 33.87%, similar to those of other staphylococci. No plasmids are present in the sequenced strain. The genome contains 61 tRNA genes for all amino acids and 2,489 predicted protein-coding genes. Eight putative genomic islands were identified, and one actually consists of a pair of duplicated 32-kb genomic regions. Similar to Staphylococcus saprophyticus (7), but different from the other staphylococci, the genome contains 6 rRNA operons, one of them having the unusual organization 5S-16S-23S-5S.With the availability of the present genome sequence, S. lugdunensis now joins other staphylococcal species with human pathogenic potential, like S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, and S. saprophyticus, to have at least one reference genome available. Further in-depth analysis will be necessary to fully elucidate the genomic differences that may explain the variation in virulence of the staphylococcal species.  相似文献   
Developmental and gene expression analyses of a cotton naked seed mutant   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Lee JJ  Hassan OS  Gao W  Wei NE  Kohel RJ  Chen XY  Payton P  Sze SH  Stelly DM  Chen ZJ 《Planta》2006,223(3):418-432
Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Pulmonary load of Legionella pneumophila in mice is normally determined by counting serial dilutions of bacterial colony forming units (CFU) on agar plates. This process is often tedious and time consuming. We describe a novel, rapid and versatile flow cytometric method that detects bacteria phagocytosed by neutrophils. FINDINGS: Mice were infected with L. pneumophila via intratracheal or intranasal administration. At various times after bacteria inoculation, mouse lungs were harvested and analysed concurrently for bacterial load by colony counting and flow cytometry analysis. The number of L. pneumophila-containing neutrophils correlated strongly with CFU obtained by bacteriological culture. CONCLUSIONS: This technique can be utilised to determine pulmonary bacterial load and may be used in conjunction with other flow cytometric based analyses of the resulting immune response.  相似文献   
Miller KI  Qing C  Sze DM  Neilan BA 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e35953
Traditional Chinese medicine encompasses a rich empirical knowledge of the use of plants for the treatment of disease. In addition, the microorganisms associated with medicinal plants are also of interest as the producers of the compounds responsible for the observed plant bioactivity. The present study has pioneered the use of genetic screening to assess the potential of endophytes to synthesize bioactive compounds, as indicated by the presence of non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and polyketide synthase (PKS) genes. The total DNA extracts of 30 traditional Chinese herbs, were screened for functional genes involved in the biosynthesis of bioactive compounds. The four PCR screens were successful in targeting four bacterial PKS, six bacterial NRPS, ten fungal PKS and three fungal NRPS gene fragments. Analysis of the detected endophyte gene fragments afforded consideration of the possible bioactivity of the natural products produced by endophytes in medicinal herbs. This investigation describes a rapid method for the initial screening of medicinal herbs and has highlighted a subset of those plants that host endophytes with biosynthetic potential. These selected plants can be the focus of more comprehensive endophyte isolation and natural product studies.  相似文献   
Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) inactivate prokaryotic or eukaryotic ribosomes by removing a single adenine in the large ribosomal RNA. Here we show maize RIP (MOD), an atypical RIP with an internal inactivation loop, interacts with the ribosomal stalk protein P2 via Lys158–Lys161, which is located in the N-terminal domain and at the base of its internal loop. Due to subtle differences in the structure of maize RIP, hydrophobic interaction with the ‘FGLFD’ motif of P2 is not as evidenced in MOD-P2 interaction. As a result, interaction of P2 with MOD was weaker than those with trichosanthin and shiga toxin A as reflected by the dissociation constants (KD) of their interaction, which are 1037.50±65.75 µM, 611.70±28.13 µM and 194.84±9.47 µM respectively.Despite MOD and TCS target at the same ribosomal protein P2, MOD was found 48 and 10 folds less potent than trichosanthin in ribosome depurination and cytotoxicity to 293T cells respectively, implicating the strength of interaction between RIPs and ribosomal proteins is important for the biological activity of RIPs. Our work illustrates the flexibility on the docking of RIPs on ribosomal proteins for targeting the sarcin-ricin loop and the importance of protein-protein interaction for ribosome-inactivating activity.  相似文献   
Gastrodia elata blume (tianma) is a traditional Chinese herb often used in the treatment of convulsions, headaches, and hypertension. Although interest in neuronal-related actions of tianma is increasing, minimal studies have been conducted to determine its specific effects on neuronal cells. This study was designed to examine the effects of tianma on the metabolism in differentiated neuroblastoma cells using the isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) technology. Stimulation of these cells with tianma caused changes in the expression of 38 proteins that were subsequently classified according to their physiological functions and association with neurodegenerative diseases. We identified six proteins with altered functional activities in neurodegenerative disease states that were modulated by tianma: triosephosphate isomerase (Tpi1), peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (Ppia), neural cell adhesion molecule 1 (Ncam1), ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1 (Uchl1), septin-2 (Sept2) and heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90aa1). We postulate that tianma mediates its neuroprotective effects via upregulation of Ncam1, Hsp90aa1, Tpi1 and Ppia while downregulating Sept2 and Uchl1. These changes in protein expression aid in the restoration of the intracellular environment to a metabolically balanced state, promoting cell survival. Based on these observed data, we conclude that tianma has therapeutic potential, especially for neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
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