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The present study was undertaken to characterize the oocyst morphology, host specificity, organ location, virulence, and sequences of the small subunit ribosomal RNA, 70-kDa heat shock protein, and oocyst wall protein genes of Cryptosporidium baileyi, and to compare this strain with other Cryptosporidium species. This study also aims to serve as a model for polyphasic (phenetic and genetic) characterization of Cryptosporidium species and strains. On the basis of these results, further genetic and phenetic characterization of an avian isolate is needed if the difference between the length or width, or both, of oocysts of an isolate and of C. baileyi is > or = 10% or if the difference between the oocyst shape index of the isolate and of C. baileyi is > or = 3% (or both). The isolate is infectious for mammals or lower vertebrates, or the host range is narrow, i.e., infectious only for some bird species; after oral or intratracheal inoculation, the parasites are not located in the cloaca and in the bursa of Fabricius or the respiratory tract; clinical disease or weight gain reduction can be observed after oral inoculation; the genetic distance for the examined gene between C. baileyi and the isolate is similar in magnitude to that observed between most closely related Cryptosporidium species.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometric investigations confirmed the structure of the female produced sex pheromone of the horse-chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Desch. and Dim. to be (8E,IOZ)-8,10-tetradecadienal. Pure samples, prepared in a straightforward synthesis, were highly attractive in field tests and proved to be suitable for monitoring of flight activities and population dynamics. In mixtures with the synthetic pheromone, analogues like 9-tridecynal and 7-dodecynyl formate were shown to reduce trap catches. In electroantennographic experiments, pheromone analogues were less active than the pheromone. 9-Tridecynal was the most EAG active analogue tested, followed by 7-dodecyn-1-yl formate and 7-undecyn-1-yl formate.  相似文献   
Cellulose-acetate electrophoresis (CAE) was used to investigate isozyme polymorphisms among different isolates of Fusarium cerealis, F. culmorum, F. graminearum and F. pseudograminearum. After initial testing of 18 enzymes in three buffer systems for activity and resolution of bands, 12 proved to be appropriate for analysis of the full sample set. Comparing the different electrophoretic types (ETs), adenylate kinase (AK), NADP dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP GDH), peptidase B (PEP B), peptidase D (PEP D) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM) proved to be diagnostic for at least one species examined. However, only PEP D was useful alone as a marker to distinguish the four taxa studied providing a rapid and simple CAE based diagnostic protocol.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Flow cytometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FCET) is an efficient method to map associations between biomolecules because of its high sensitivity to changes in molecular distances in the range of 1-10 nm. However, the requirement for a dual-laser instrument and the need for a relatively high signal-to-noise system (i.e., high expression level of the molecules) pose limitations to a wide application of the method. METHODS: Antibodies conjugated to cyanines 3 and 5 (Cy3 and Cy5) were used to label membrane proteins on the cell surface. FCET measurements were made on a widely used benchtop dual-laser flow cytometer, the FACSCalibur, by using cell-by-cell analysis of energy transfer efficiency.ResultsTo increase the accuracy of FCET measurements, we applied a long wavelength donor-acceptor pair, Cy3 and Cy5, which beneficially affected the signal-to-noise ratio in comparison with the classic pair of fluorescein and rhodamine. A new algorithm for cell-by-cell correction of autofluorescence further improved the sensitivity of the technique; cell subpopulations with only slightly different FCET efficiencies could be identified. The new FCET technique was tested on various direct and indirect immunofluorescent labeling strategies. The highest FCET values could be measured when applying direct labeling on both (donor and acceptor) sides. Upon increasing the complexity of the labeling scheme by introducing secondary antibodies, we detected a decrease in the energy transfer efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a new FCET protocol by applying long wavelength excitation and detection of fluorescence and by refining autofluorescence correction. The increased accuracy of the new method makes cells with low receptor expression amenable to FCET investigation, and the new approach can be implemented easily on a commercially available dual-laser flow cytometer, such as a FACSCalibur.  相似文献   
We refine and complement a previously-proposed artificial neural network method for learning hidden signals forcing nonstationary behavior in time series. The method adds an extra input unit to the network and feeds it with the proposed profile for the unknown perturbing signal. The correct time evolution of this new input parameter is learned simultaneously with the intrinsic stationary dynamics underlying the series, which is accomplished by minimizing a suitably-defined error function for the training process. We incorporate here the use of validation data, held out from the training set, to accurately determine the optimal value of a hyperparameter required by the method. Furthermore, we evaluate this algorithm in a controlled situation and show that it outperforms other existing methods in the literature. Finally, we discuss a preliminary application to the real-world sunspot time series and link the obtained hidden perturbing signal to the secular evolution of the solar magnetic field.  相似文献   
Ninety-five specimens of 14 freshwater fish species from small streams in the Kuala Terengganu district and the Lake Kenyir Reservoir, Malaysia, were surveyed for coccidian infections. Six fish species proved to be infected with apicomplexans belonging to the genus Goussia. In all of these fishes Goussia species were found in unsporulated and semisporulated stages. Oöcysts of four species inhabiting the intestinal epithelium became sporulated in tap-water within 24 hours. In two fish species sporulation failed and only unsporulated oöcysts were recorded in the intestine. Three of the intestinal species finishing sporulation proved to be new to science and were described as Goussia malayensis n. sp., G. bettae n. sp. and G. pogonognathi n. sp. from Apocheilus panchax, Betta splendens and Hemirhamphodon pogonognatus, respectively. The fourth species, found in Trichogaster pectoralis, was identified as G. trichogasteri Székely &; Molnár, 1992, a species known from aquarium-cultured T. trichopterus.  相似文献   
Actinospore infection of oligochaetes living in the mud of 3 freshwater biotopes in Japan was studied. Using the cell-well plate method, a new aurantiactinomyxon type was found in 0.77% of the examined Tubifex tubifex oligochaete specimens from a brook near Yamanashi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station on Fuji Mountain. In 0.14% of Lumbriculus variagetus collected from Chitose River, near Chitose Salmon Hatchery, a new siedleckiella type was found, while at the same time 8.1% of the Lumbriculus spp. oligochaetes released triactinomyxons of Myxobolus arcticus. Of the examined Rhyacodrilus komarovi oligochaetes collected from the Mena River system, Hokkaido, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5 and 0.8% were infected with echinactinomyxon, neoactinomyxum and 2 types of triactinomyxon spores, respectively, and described in our previous paper. The oligochaetes released actinospores for several weeks. Actinospore infection showed high intensity in positive oligochaetes in the case of all the actinosporean types. Two of the actinospore types (aurantiactinomyxon and siedleckiella) presented here have not been previously described.  相似文献   
Parameters of [3H]uridine binding to synaptic membranes isolated from rat brain cortex (K(D)=71+/-4 nM, B(max)=1.37+/-0.13 pmol/mg protein) were obtained. Pyrimidine and purine analogues displayed different rank order of potency in displacement of specifically bound [3H]uridine (uridine>5-F-uridine>5-Br-uridine approximately adenosine>5-ethyl-uridine approximately suramin>theophylline) and in the inhibition of [14C]uridine uptake (adenosine>uridine>5-Br-uridine approximately 5-F-uridine approximately 5-ethyl-uridine) into purified cerebrocortical synaptosomes. Furthermore, the effective ligand concentration for the inhibition of [14C]uridine uptake was about two order of magnitude higher than that for the displacement of specifically bound [3H]uridine. Adenosine evoked the transmembrane Na(+) ion influx, whereas uridine the transmembrane Ca(2+) ion influx much more effectively. Also, uridine was shown to increase free intracellular Ca(2+) ion levels in hippocampal slices by measuring Calcium-Green fluorescence. Uridine analogues were found to be ineffective in displacing radioligands that were bound to various glutamate and adenosine-recognition and modulatory-binding sites, however, increased [35S]GTPgammaS binding to membranes isolated from the rat cerebral cortex. These findings provide evidence for a rather specific, G-protein-coupled site of excitatory action for uridine in the brain.  相似文献   
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