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Ovine β‐lactoglobulin has been isolated from whey fraction of sheep milk and crystallized. The high‐resolution structures of two crystal forms (triclinic and trigonal) obtained at pH 7.0 have been determined revealing that ovine protein, similarly to its bovine analog, is dimeric. Access to the binding site located in the eight‐stranded antiparallel β‐barrel in both structures is blocked by the EF loop that has been found in closed conformation. Similarly to bovine lactoglobulin (BLG), conformation of the EF loop is stabilized by hydrogen bond between Glu89 and Ser116 indicating that Tanford transition might occur with the same mechanism. The substitution at six positions in relation to the most abundant isoform B of BLG also affects the distribution of electrostatic potentials and the total charge. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 886–894, 2014.  相似文献   
The endogenous electric field (EF) may provide an important signal for directional cell migration during wound healing, embryonic development and cancer metastasis but the mechanism of cell electrotaxis is poorly understood. Additionally, there is no research addressing the question on the difference in electrotactic motility of cells representing various strategies of cell movement—specifically blebbing vs. lamellipodial migration. In the current study we constructed a unique experimental model which allowed for the investigation of electrotactic movement of cells of the same origin but representing different modes of cell migration: weakly adherent, spontaneously blebbing (BC) and lamellipodia forming (LC) WC256 cells. We report that both BC and LC sublines show robust cathodal migration in a physiological EF (1–3 V/cm). The directionality of cell movement was completely reversible upon reversing the field polarity. However, the full reversal of cell direction after the change of EF polarity was much faster in the case of BC (10 minutes) than LC cells (30 minutes). We also investigated the distinct requirements for Rac, Cdc42 and Rho pathways and intracellular Ca2+ in electrotaxis of WC256 sublines forming different types of cell protrusions. It was found that Rac1 is required for directional movement of LC to a much greater extent than for BC, but Cdc42 and RhoA are more crucial for BC than for LC cells. The inhibition of ROCK did not affect electrotaxis of LC in contrast to BC cells. The results also showed that intracellular Ca2+ is essential only for the electrotactic reaction of BC cells. Moreover, inhibition of MLCK and myosin II did not affect the electrotaxis of LC in contrast to BC cells. In conclusion, our results revealed that both lamellipodia and membrane blebs can efficiently drive electrotactic migration of WC 256 carcinosarcoma cells, however directional migration is mediated by different signalling pathways.  相似文献   
Farmland birds belong to the most endangered group of vertebrates in Europe. They are an important component of farmland biodiversity considering the numerous functions they perform (e.g. seed dispersal, improving germination, increasing gene flow, nutrient recycling, and pest control). Therefore, their decline imposes substantial risks on agricultural ecosystems. In general, farmland bird conservation includes land-use and management alterations leading to less-intensive farming and land-sparing for breeding habitats (e.g. agri-environment-climate schemes, and organic farming). However, theoretical concepts describing farmland biodiversity maintenance and applied conservation measures usually ignore the role of singular, often very small, natural or man-made elements in an agricultural landscape. These elements play a role in the populations of certain species, their biology and in the general species richness of farmland. Furthermore, the importance of these elements has never been empirically tested, which means that conservationists and practitioners are not aware of their measurable value for birds. Herein, we define and identify singular point elements in the agricultural landscape (SPELs) which are potentially important for breeding farmland birds. We also describe each SPEL and evaluate its importance for birds in farmland based on a systematic review of the available literature. Using a horizon-scanning technique, we then polled field ornithologists about their personal observations of birds in relation to SPELs and the evaluation of the potential roles of such structures for birds. We identified 17 SPELs that vary in naturalness and age: singular trees, singular shrubs, erratic boulders, puddles, electricity pylons, wind turbines, spiritual sites, hunting platforms, fence and border posts, wells, road signs, scarecrows, piles of manure, piles of brushwood/branches, piles of stones/debris, piles of lime, and haystacks. Analysis of the literature revealed knowledge gaps, because some SPELs are frequently mentioned in ecological studies (e.g. trees, shrubs, pylons), but others such as spiritual sites, stones, hunting platforms, wells, road signs, or piles of lime are ignored. Despite the fact that some authors incorporate the effects of some SPELs in their studies, little research to date has aimed to assess the impact of various SPELs on farmland bird species numbers and distribution. Horizon scanning revealed that ornithologists often observe birds on various SPELs and thus, attribute to SPELs many functions that are important for maintaining bird populations. Horizon scanning also highlighted the importance of SPELs for many declining bird species and suggested possible mitigation of negative changes in the agricultural landscape by retaining SPELs within fields. We suggest that a better understanding of the role of SPELs for farmland birds is required. We also recommend that SPELs are considered as a potential tool for the conservation of birds, and existing conservation programs such as agri-environment-climate schemes and organic farming should be updated accordingly. Finally, we suggest that SPELs are included in predictive models that evaluate habitat suitability for farmland biodiversity.  相似文献   
Genetic factors are likely to affect individual cancer risk, but few quantitative estimates of heritability are available. Public health radiation protection policies do not in general take this potentially important source of variation in risk into account. Two surrogate cellular assays that relate to cancer susceptibility have been developed to gain an insight into the role of genetics in determining individual variation in radiosensitivity. These flow cytometric assays for apoptosis induction and cell cycle delay following radiation are sufficiently sensitive to distinguish lymphocytes from a healthy donor population from those of a sample of obligate carriers of ATM mutations (P = 0.01 and P = 0.02, respectively). Analysis of 54 unselected twin pairs (38 dizygotic, 16 monozygotic) indicated much greater intrapair correlation in response in monozygotic than in dizygotic pairs. Structural equation modelling indicated that models including unique environmental factors only fitted the data less well than those incorporating two or more of additive genetic factors, common environmental factors and unique environmental factors. A model incorporating additive genetic factors and unique environmental factors yielded estimates of heritability for the two traits of 68% (95% CI 40–82%, cell cycle) and 59% (95% CI 22–79%, apoptosis). Thus, these data suggest that genetic factors contribute significantly to human variation in these two measures of radiosensitivity that relate to cancer susceptibility.  相似文献   
There are significant differences between acetyl‐CoA and ATP levels, enzymes of acetyl‐CoA metabolism, and toll‐like receptor 4 contents in non‐activated microglial N9 and non‐differentiated cholinergic SN56 neuroblastoma cells. Exposition of N9 cells to lipopolysaccharide caused concentration‐dependent several‐fold increases of nitrogen oxide synthesis, accompanied by inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, aconitase, and α‐ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex activities, and by nearly proportional depletion of acetyl‐CoA, but by relatively smaller losses in ATP content and cell viability (about 5%). On the contrary, SN56 cells appeared to be insensitive to direct exposition to high concentration of lipopolysaccharide. However, exogenous nitric oxide resulted in marked inhibition pyruvate dehydrogenase and aconitase activities, depletion of acetyl‐CoA, along with respective loss of SN56 cells viability. These data indicate that these two common neurodegenerative signals may differentially affect energy‐acetyl‐CoA metabolism in microglial and cholinergic neuronal cell compartments in the brain. Moreover, microglial cells appeared to be more resistant than neuronal cells to acetyl‐CoA and ATP depletion evoked by these neurodegenerative conditions. Together, these data indicate that differential susceptibility of microglia and cholinergic neuronal cells to neurotoxic signals may result from differences in densities of toll‐like receptors and degree of disequilibrium between acetyl‐CoA provision in mitochondria and its utilization for energy production and acetylation reactions in each particular group of cells.


Neuropeptide gamma is one of the largest members of the tachykinin family of peptides, exhibiting strong agonistic activity towards the NK-2 tachykinin receptor. This peptide was synthesized by the solid-phase method using the Fmoc chemistry. Circular-dichroism spectroscopy (CD) investigations of this peptide were performed in phosphate buffer, in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) micelles and trifluoroethanol (TFE) solutions and in DMSO-d6 using the 2D NMR technique in conjunction with two different theoretical approaches. The first assumes multiconformational equilibrium of the peptide studied characterized by the values of statistical weights of low-energy conformations. These calculations were performed using three different force fields ECEPP/3, AMBER4.1 and CHARMM (implemented in the X-PLOR program). The second method incorporates interproton distance and dihedral angle constraints into the starting conformation using the Simulated Annealing algorithm (X-PLOR program). The CD experiments revealed that although the peptide studied is flexible in polar solvents, a tendency to adopt a helical structure was observed in the hydrophobic environment. The NMR data (NOE effects) indicate a helical or reverse structure in the Ile7-His12 fragment of the peptide studied in DMSO-d6 solution. The results obtained cannot be interpreted in terms of a single conformation. Most of the conformations obtained with the ECEPP/3 force field possess a high content of a helical structure. None of the conformers, obtained with the AMBER4.1 and CHARMM force fields, can be considered as the dominant one. In all conformations several beta-turns were detected and in some cases gamma-turns were also found. But in fact, it is rather difficult to select the position of the secondary element(s) present in the structure of NPgamma in solution. All conformers calculated with the X-PLOR program (with using NMR derived distance and torsion angle constraints) are stabilized by several beta-turns. Common structural motives are a type IV beta-turn in the Gln6-His12 fragment. All conformations obtained using two approaches adopt very similar turn shapes in the middle region of molecule and a random structure on the N- and C-terminal fragments.  相似文献   
Human cystatin C (HCC) shows a tendency to dimerize. This process is particularly easy in the case of the L68Q HCC mutant and might lead to formation of amyloid deposits in brain arteries of young adults. Our purpose was to find ligands of monomeric HCC that can prevent its dimerization. Eleven antisense peptide ligands of monomeric HCC were designed and synthesized. The influence of these ligands on HCC dimerization was studied using gel electrophoresis and molecular modeling methods. The results suggest that all the designed peptides interact with monomeric HCC facilitating its dimerization rather than preventing it.  相似文献   
Recent advances in our understanding of translational dynamics indicate that codon usage and mRNA secondary structure influence translation and protein folding. The most frequent cause of cystic fibrosis (CF) is the deletion of three nucleotides (CTT) from the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene that includes the last cytosine (C) of isoleucine 507 (Ile507ATC) and the two thymidines (T) of phenylalanine 508 (Phe508TTT) codons. The consequences of the deletion are the loss of phenylalanine at the 508 position of the CFTR protein (ΔF508), a synonymous codon change for isoleucine 507 (Ile507ATT), and protein misfolding. Here we demonstrate that the ΔF508 mutation alters the secondary structure of the CFTR mRNA. Molecular modeling predicts and RNase assays support the presence of two enlarged single stranded loops in the ΔF508 CFTR mRNA in the vicinity of the mutation. The consequence of ΔF508 CFTR mRNA “misfolding” is decreased translational rate. A synonymous single nucleotide variant of the ΔF508 CFTR (Ile507ATC), that could exist naturally if Phe-508 was encoded by TTC, has wild type-like mRNA structure, and enhanced expression levels when compared with native ΔF508 CFTR. Because CFTR folding is predominantly cotranslational, changes in translational dynamics may promote ΔF508 CFTR misfolding. Therefore, we propose that mRNA “misfolding” contributes to ΔF508 CFTR protein misfolding and consequently to the severity of the human ΔF508 phenotype. Our studies suggest that in addition to modifier genes, SNPs may also contribute to the differences observed in the symptoms of various ΔF508 homozygous CF patients.  相似文献   
In our study we present chosen elements of microarray analysis of gene expression profile in papillary thyroid cancer. The study group included 16 papillary thyroid cancer tissues and 16 corresponding normal tissues. Samples were analyzed on high density oligonucleotide microarrays (GeneChip HG-U133A) which contain 22.000 genes. 110 genes, which had significant changed expression, were selected by MAS 5.0 program. 3 genes were chosen to the deeper analysis: dipeptidylpeptidase 4 (DPP4), fibronectin 1 (FN1), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP1). DPP4-RNA were absent in normal tissue while in cancer tissue it was detected in large amount. FN1 and TIMP1 expression were detected in normal tissue but markedly increased in papillary thyroid cancer. Among these 3 genes DPP4 seems to be the best molecular marker for papillary thyroid cancer.  相似文献   
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