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Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation pathways have been well characterized in a number of cell types but very few data are available for platelets. The thrombin-induced signaling pathway leading to ERK2 activation in platelets is largely uncharacterized. In this study, we investigated the kinases involved in thrombin-induced ERK2 activation in conditions of maximal ERK2 activation. We found that thrombin-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK kinase (MEK)1/2 activation was necessary for ERK2 phosphorylation. We obtained strong evidence that conventional protein kinase Cs (PKCs) and calcium are involved in thrombin-induced ERK2 activation. First, ERK2 and MEK1/2 phosphorylation was totally inhibited by low concentrations (1 microM) of RO318425, a specific inhibitor of conventional PKCs. Second, Ca(2+), from either intracellular pools or the extracellular medium, was necessary for ERK2 activation and conventional PKC activation, excluding the involvement of a new class of calcium-insensitive PKCs. Third, LY294002 and wortmannin had no significant effect on ERK2 activation, even at concentrations that inhibit phosphatidylinositol (PI)3-kinase (5 microM to 25 microM and 50 nM, respectively). This suggests that PI3-kinase was not necessary for ERK2 activation and therefore, that PI3-kinase-dependent atypical PKCs were not involved. Surprisingly, in contrast to proliferative cells, we found that the serine/threonine kinases Raf-1 and B-Raf were not an intermediate kinase between conventional PKCs and MEK1/2. After immunoprecipitation of Raf-1 and B-Raf, the basal glutathione S-transferase-MEK1 phosphorylation observed in resting platelets was not upregulated by thrombin and was still observed in the absence of anti-Raf-1 or anti-B-Raf antibodies. In these conditions, the in vitro cascade kinase assay did not detect any MEK activity. Thus in platelets, thrombin-induced ERK2 activation is activated by conventional PKCs independently of Raf-1 and B-Raf activation.  相似文献   
Conclusion Neuronal astrocytes and perhaps oligodendrocytic lesions occur during the course of HIVinfection of CNS cells. Most of the results suggest that these lesions are indirectlyinduced by infected macrophages, probably monocytes, present in the brain. Twomechanisms of neurotoxicity have been studied to date, one testing soluble factors presentin supernatant of infected monocytes and the other the direct effect of adhering HIV-infected monocytes to neurons and astrocytes. These two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. They both indicate a major role for monocytes in the induction of brain lesionsand the crucial importance of the neurotoxic approach in the study of HIV inducedencephalopathy.  相似文献   
In response to overfeeding, the Landes goose develops a fatty liver that is twice as large as that of the Poland goose, despite similar food intake. The role of hepatic lipogenesis in the genetic susceptibility to fatty liver was assessed in male overfed geese of the two breeds. For a similar hepatic protein content, total activities of malic enzyme, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, acetyl-Coa-carboxylase and fatty acid synthase, and specific activity and mRNA level of malic enzyme were about two-fold higher in the Landes goose. In the Poland goose, the weight of the fatty liver was correlated positively with the specific activity of ME and the VLDL concentration, which was not the case in the Landes breed. These results show that: (1) hepatic lipogenesis remains very active until the end of the overfeeding period; (2) the pentose-phosphate pathway may function in birds, contrary to what is assumed usually; (3) the level of hepatic lipogenesis is a major factor in the susceptibility to hepatic steatosis in different breeds of geese; and (4) ME activity may be a limiting factor of lipid synthesis in the less susceptible Poland breed.  相似文献   
A peptide encompassing residues 131-151 of the spliceosomal U1-70K protein and its analog phosphorylated at Ser140 were synthesized as potential candidates for the treatment of patients with lupus. Studies in the MRL/lpr and (NZB x NZW)F1 lupus models have demonstrated that these sequences contain a CD4+ T cell epitope but administration of the phosphorylated peptide only ameliorates the clinical manifestations of treated MRL/lpr mice. Binding assays with soluble HLA class II molecules and molecular modeling experiments indicate that both peptides behave as promiscuous epitopes and bind to a large panel of human DR molecules. In contrast to normal T cells and T cells from non-lupus autoimmune patients, we found that PBMCs from 40% of lupus patients selected randomly and CFSE-labeled CD4+ T cells proliferate in response to peptide 131-151. Remarkably, however, we observed that phosphorylation of Ser140 prevents CD4+ T cells proliferation but not secretion of regulatory cytokines, suggesting a striking immunomodulatory effect of phosphorylated analog on lupus CD4+ T cells that was unique to patients. The analog might act as an activator of regulatory T cells or as a partial agonist of TCR.  相似文献   
In mammalian fertilization, the paternal genome is delivered to the secondary oocyte by sperm with protamine compacted DNA, while the maternal genome is arrested in meiotic metaphase II. Thus, at the beginning of fertilization, the two gametic chromatin sets are strikingly different. We elaborate on this contrast by reporting asymmetry for histone H3 type in the pre-S-phase zygote when male chromatin is virtually devoid of histone H3.1/3.2. Localization of the histone H3.3/H4 assembly factor Hira with the paternal chromatin indicates the presence of histone H3.3. In conjunction with this, we performed a systematic immunofluorescence analysis of histone N-tail methylations at position H3K4, H3K9, H3K27 and H4K20 up to the young pronucleus stage and show that asymmetries reported earlier are systematic for virtually all di- and tri-methylations but not for mono-methylation of H3K4 and H4K20, the only marks studied present in the early male pronucleus. For H4K20 the expanding male chromatin is rapidly mono-methylated. This coincides with the formation of maternally derived nucleosomes, a process which is observed as early as sperm chromatin decondensation occurs. Absence of tri-methylated H3K9, tri-methylated H4K20 and presence of loosely anchored HP1-beta combined with the homogenous presence of mono-methylated H4K20 suggests the absence of a division of the paternal chromatin in eu- and heterochromatin. In summary the male, in contrast to female G1 chromatin, is uniform and contains predominantly histone H3.3 as histone H3 variant.  相似文献   
Fragments of the cspL promoter region were fused to the gusA reporter and reintroduced into Lactobacillus plantarum cells, either on multicopy plasmids or through single-copy chromosomal integration. beta-Glucuronidase activity and primer extension data demonstrate that the cspL promoter is induced in response to cold shock and that multicopy constructs quench the induction of the resident cspL gene.  相似文献   
A steady increase in reading speed is the hallmark of normal reading acquisition. However, little is known of the influence of visual attention capacity on children''s reading speed. The number of distinct visual elements that can be simultaneously processed at a glance (dubbed the visual attention span), predicts single-word reading speed in both normal reading and dyslexic children. However, the exact processes that account for the relationship between the visual attention span and reading speed remain to be specified. We used the Theory of Visual Attention to estimate visual processing speed and visual short-term memory capacity from a multiple letter report task in eight and nine year old children. The visual attention span and text reading speed were also assessed. Results showed that visual processing speed and visual short term memory capacity predicted the visual attention span. Furthermore, visual processing speed predicted reading speed, but visual short term memory capacity did not. Finally, the visual attention span mediated the effect of visual processing speed on reading speed. These results suggest that visual attention capacity could constrain reading speed in elementary school children.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to improve the viability after freeze-drying and during storage of delicate or recalcitrant strains safeguarded at biological resource centers. To achieve this objective, a joint experimental strategy was established among the different involved partner collections of the EMbaRC project (www.embarc.eu). Five bacterial strains considered as recalcitrant to freeze-drying were subjected to a standardized freeze-drying protocol and to seven agreed protocol variants. Viability of these strains was determined before and after freeze-drying (within 1 week, after 6 and 12 months, and after accelerated storage) for each of the protocols. Furthermore, strains were exchanged between partners to perform experiments with different freeze-dryer-dependent parameters. Of all tested variables, choice of the lyoprotectant had the biggest impact on viability after freeze-drying and during storage. For nearly all tested strains, skim milk as lyoprotectant resulted in lowest viability after freeze-drying and storage. On the other hand, best freeze-drying and storage conditions were strain and device dependent. For Aeromonas salmonicida CECT 894T, best survival was obtained when horse serum supplemented with trehalose was used as lyoprotectant, while Aliivibrio fischeri LMG 4414T should be freeze-dried in skim milk supplemented with marine broth in a 1:1 ratio. Freeze-drying Campylobacter fetus CIP 53.96T using skim milk supplemented with trehalose as lyoprotectant resulted in best recovery. Xanthomonas fragariae DSM 3587T expressed high viability after freeze-drying and storage for all tested lyoprotectants and could not be considered as recalcitrant. In contrary, Flavobacterium columnare LMG 10406T did not survive the freeze-drying process under all tested conditions.  相似文献   
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