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 Previously, transgenic mice were constructed overexpressing human insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) under control of the H2kb promoter. The IGF-II transgene was highly expressed in thymus and spleen, and these organs showed an increase in weight. In the current study we have analyzed the sites of IGF-II mRNA expression, the distribution of IGF-II, IGF-I, and both IGF receptors, and histomorphometrical changes in thymus and spleen. With in situ mRNA hybridization, expression of the IGF-II transgene is found with high intensity in the thymic medulla and in the white pulp/marginal zone of the spleen, whereas there were scattered positive cells in the thymic cortex and in the splenic red pulp. Hybridization was restricted to non-lymphocytic cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed intense IGF-II peptide staining with the same distribution as IGF-II mRNA. There was additional intense IGF-II staining of all elements in the splenic red pulp (including trabeculae) and diffuse, low level staining in the thymic cortex. These findings were not observed in control mice. In the thymic medulla, most IGF-II producing cells co-labelled with keratin, whereas a minor population also stained for the monocyte/macrophage marker MOMA-2. In the spleen, co-labelling of IGF-II producing cells was found with MOMA-1 (marginal zone), or with the dendritic cell marker NLDC-145 (red pulp). IGF-I and both IGF receptors were found in these organs in nearly all cell types, with a similar pattern in transgenic mice and in control animals. Histomorphometric analysis revealed a marked increase of thymus cortex size and an increased trabecular size in the spleen. This suggests that IGF-II overproduction induces local effects (auto/paracrine) in the thymic cortex, but not in the thymic medulla. Trabecular growth in the spleen most likely is a distant effect (paracrine or endocrine) of IGF-II overproduction. Accepted: 5 September 1996  相似文献   
A noncoding nuclear DNA marker sequence (Cpnl-1) was used to investigate subdivision in the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus and deduce postglacial expansion patterns across its species range in Europe. Investigation of the spatial distribution of 71 Cpnl-1 haplotypes and estimation of levels of genetic differentiation (KST values) between populations and geographic regions provided evidence for subdivision of C. parallelus into at least five major geographic regions and indicated that the French form of C. parallelus originated after range expansion from a Balkan refugium, Further evidence for subdivision of C. parallelus between Italy and northern Europe suggests that the Alps may have formed a significant barrier to gene flow in this grasshopper.  相似文献   
One hundred microorganisms have been screened for their abilities to selectively modify the structure of the sesquiterpene lactone known as quadrone. The only products obtained were those formed when the 4-ketone functional group was reduced to the stereoisometric 4-quadronols. Quadrone alcohol isomers of (S) or (R) absolute configurations were identified by proton and carbon n.m.r., and high performance liquid chromatography (h.p.l.c.) was used to separate and quantitate these compounds in extracts of fermentations. Microorganisms were categorized according to their abilities to achieve Re- or Si-face carbonyl reduction to yield (S)- or (R)-alcohol isomers by h.p.l.c. Three groups of microorganisms were identified: those yielding only the (R)-alcohol isomer; those yielding only the (S)-alcohol isomer; and those providing mixtures of the two alcohol isomers. With quadrone as substrate, Mucor and Curvularia spp. may contain either Re- or Si-face reductases. The selection of microorganisms for their abilities to achieve enantiospecific reductions of ketones to alcohol products is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary N-serve (2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine) was tested as an inhibitor of nitrification of ammonium or urea in sand cultures. Nitrification was reduced but not prevented by N-Serve present at between 5 and 20 ppm in solution or by weight of sand. In the presence of root debris and acetone, used in some experiments at 2–4 ml/l of nutrient to convey N-Serve, denitrification was stimulated under the same conditions and resulted in loss of a large proportion of nitrate, probably mainly as gaseous products and some nitrite. These losses were greater when N-serve was also present. There was also conversion of nitrate to an insoluble form in the sand. A smaller proportional loss of nitrate occurred in other treatments in the presence of root debris when N-Serve was added without acetone, either as the commercial formulation 24E or as a solid. Thus, using N-Serve to inhibit nitrification may encourage denitrifying organisms especially in the presence of carbon sources including root debris or acetone. Large decreases of nitrate reductase activity in plants produced by using N-Serve in the presence of ammonium or urea were caused as much by losses of nitrate in the presence of acetone as by prevention of nitrate formation. Other N-Serve treatments (solid or 24E) decreased enzyme induction by between 50 and 90 per cent as a result mainly of reduced nitrification.  相似文献   
A series of mutations in mice was tested for splenic NK-cell activity against YAC-1 target cells. Mutations at six loci that reduce NK-cell activity in the homozygous state were identified, including beige (bg), hairless (hr), motheaten (me), obese (ob), steel (Sl) and, to a lesser extent, dominant spotting (W). Motheaten mice displayed the most profound NK-cell deficiency, with NK-cell activity virtually absent. Two mutations, nude (nu) and lymphoproliferation (Ipr), produced elevated NK-cell-mediated lysis. The double homozygous recessivenu/nu bg/bg nude-beige mouse was viable and NK-cell-deficient, with activity slightly higher than that of +/?bg/bg beige littermate controls. Pigmentation mutants related to beige, including pale ears (ep), pearl (pe), and ruby eyes (ru 2J ) did not dramatically influence NK-cell levels. Unlike the obese gene, other mutations leading to obesity, diabetes (db) and yellow (Asuy), did not impair NK-cell function. The possible site of gene action of these mutants in the NK-cell pathway is discussed.  相似文献   
Receptor tyrosine kinases couple to multiple intracellular effector molecules that are crucial for normal cell growth and transformation. Stimulation of membrane phospholipid hydrolysis by receptor tyrosine kinases is one such pathway for generating intracellular second messengers that may be important for mitogenesis. Certain receptor tyrosine kinases tyrosine phosphorylate a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C that hydrolyses the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. In contrast, the glycoprotein receptor for colony stimulating factor 1, a transmembrane tyrosine kinase, does not utilize this pathway, but rather stimulates the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine. Here we show that eluates of antiphosphotyrosine affinity purified lysates of colony-stimulating factor 1-stimulated cells contain elevated levels of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C activity. The affinity-purified activity is sensitive to tyrosine-specific T-cell phosphatase, and is detected in the membrane fraction of stimulated cells. Recovery of phospholipase C activity in the antiphosphotyrosine protein fraction is reduced by pertussis toxin pretreatment of cells. The phosphatidylcholine phospholipase C activity in isolated membranes of colony-stimulating factor 1-treated cells was also reduced by pertussis toxin treatment and stimulated by guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate. These results indicate that colony stimulating factor 1 receptor-mediated stimulation of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C requires tyrosine phosphorylation, and might be affected by a G-protein coupled pathway.  相似文献   
Techniques were developed for genetic characterization of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 by using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Allozyme analysis provided an index of the discrimination achieved by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Isolates from human cases of legionellosis were examined by both methods, and their profiles were compared with reference strains of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 obtained from the American Type Culture Collection. Eighteen distinct clones were evident among the isolates examined. Both methods could be used to trace the source of an outbreak of legionellosis caused by L. pneumophila serogroup 1.  相似文献   
Strictly anaerobic bacteria were enriched and isolated from freshwater sediment sources in the presence and absence of sulfate with sorbic acid as sole source of carbon and energy. Strain WoSo1, a Gram-negative vibrioid sulfate-reducing bacterium which was assigned to the species Desulfoarculus (formerly Desulfovibrio) baarsii oxidized sorbic acid completely to CO2 with concomitant stoichiometric reduction of sulfate to sulfide. This strain also oxidized a wide variety of fatty acids and other organic compounds. A Gram-negative rod-shaped fermenting bacterium, strain AmSo1, fermented sorbic acid stoichiometrically to about equal amounts of acetate and butyrate. At concentrations higher than 10 mM, sorbic acid fermentation led to the production of pentanone-2 and isopentanone-2 (3-methyl-2-butanone) as byproducts. Strain AmSo1 fermented also crotonate and 3-hydroxybutyrate to acetate and butyrate, and hexoses to acetate, ethanol, hydrogen, and formate. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA was 41.8±1.0 mol%. Sorbic acid at concentrations higher than 5 mM inhibited growth of this strain while strain WoSo1 tolerated sorbic acid up to 10 mM concentration.  相似文献   
The dexamethasone binding capacity of embryonal carcinoma cells and their differentiated derivatives was investigated. Manipulation of the embryonal carcinoma cell-culture conditions resulted in an unstable reversible expression of the glucocorticoid receptors. Stable expression of the receptors is observed when these cells are induced to differentiate. Cells grown under identical conditions were assayed for their ability to bind epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   
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