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The linked DNA marker for Huntington disease has recently been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 4 by somatic cell hybridization studies. Southern blot analysis of DNA from patients with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) has suggested that the linked marker maps within the terminal 4p16 band. We have now accomplished subregional assignment of G8 (D4S10) to 4p16.1-16.3 using in situ hybridization techniques on two patients with nonoverlapping interstitial deletions of 4p. The mapping of G8 (D4S10) to a region deleted in patients with WHS will allow the application of new strategies for detecting DNA sequences closer to the locus for Huntington disease.  相似文献   
Steady state kinetics were used to examine the influence of Cd2+ both on K+ stimulation of a membrane-bound ATPase from sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) and on K+(86Rb+) uptake in intact or excised beet roots. The in vitro effect of Cd2+ was studied both on a 12000–25000 g root fraction of the (Na++K++Mg2+)ATPase and on the ATPase when further purified by an aqueous polymer two-phase system. The observed data can be summarized as follows: 1) Cd2+ at high concentrations (>100 μM) inhibits the MgATPase activity in a competitive way, probably by forming a complex with ATP. 2) Cd2+ at concentrations <100 μM inhibits the specific K+ activation at both high and low affinity sites for K+. The inhibition pattern appears to be the same in the two ATPase preparations of different purity. In the presence of the substrate MgATP, and at K+ <5 mM, the inhibition by Cd2+ with respect to K+ is uncompetitive. In the presence of MgATP and K+ >10 μM, the inhibition by Cd2+ is competitive. 3) At the low concentrations of K+, Cd2+ also inhibits the 2,4-dinitrophenol(DNP)-sensitive (metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake uncompetitively both in excised roots and in roots of intact plants. 4) The DNP-insensitive (non metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake is little influenced by Cd2+. As Cd2+ inhibits the metabolic uptake of K+(86Rb+) and the K+ activation of the ATPase in the same way at low concentrations of K+, the same binding site is probably involved. Therefore, under field conditions, when the concentration of K+ is low, the presence of Cd2+ could be disadvantageous.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of treatments affecting norepinephrine release on the number of norepinephrine reuptake recognition sites as reflected by desipramine binding. To do this, we used manipulations having similar presynaptic but contrasting postsynaptic effects. Presynaptic inhibition by 6-hydroxydopamine lesion or by clonidine, and postsynaptic receptor stimulation by isoproterenol, reduced desipramine binding. Presynaptic stimulation by d-amphetamine and postsynaptic receptor blockade by prazosin increased desipramine binding. Similar effects and binding properties were seen in cerebral cortex, heart, and soleus muscle. After unilateral noradrenergic lesions, reduction in desipramine binding correlated with reduction in norepinephrine uptake. These results show that norepinephrine reuptake appears to be regulated by transmitter release regardless of effects on postsynaptic transmission, and that this regulation is analogous in the central and sympathetic nervous systems.  相似文献   
Summary 1-Methylguanine and 7-methylguanine, both metabolic products of tRNA degradation, are known to induce transformation of Chinese hamster fibroblasts in culture. The effects of these compounds on the cell membrane have been studied by the method of Concanavalin A-mediated hemadsorption. 1-Methylguanine or 7-methylguanine induced a 50% increase of Con A-mediated hemadsorption within 20 hours of exposure of the cells to the agent at a concentration of 10-5 M. This alteration was reversed within 13 days when the cells were grown in the control medium. Prolonged treatment with 1-methylguanine or 7-methylguanine resulted in changes which were only slowly reversed during growth of the cells in the control medium. The effect of the methylated purines on the cell membrane could be completely inhibited by simultaneous addition of dibutyryl-cAMP at a concentration of 10-5 M. The possible mechanism of cell membrane alteration by methylated purines and its relevance to transformation in vitro are discussed.  相似文献   
Reflectance spectrophotometry through the skull was used to investigate carbon monoxide (CO) binding by tissue hemoproteins in the brains of barbiturate-anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. After splenectomy and extensive perfluorotributylamine exchange transfusion, steady-state spectral scans were obtained in Soret and visible wave-length regions during O2 ventilation, during subsequent exposure to O2-enriched gases containing 1, 3, or 5% CO, and finally after N2 anoxia. These CO exposures were well-tolerated and electroencephalograph (EEG) activity continued to be present. Initial difference spectra were influenced by CO binding to residual hemoglobin, but spectral evidence of CO-mediated b-type cytochrome reduction was obtained in the visible region as CO concentration was increased to 3 or 5%. This was associated with Soret spectra compatible with formation of the reduced cytochrome a3-CO complex. Reduction of cytochrome a at 605 nm and cytochrome c + c1 at 550 nm was absent. These findings may indicate respiratory chain branching through b cytochromes, either to a separate a3-like oxidase independent of the classical cytochrome aa3 or to an unidentified alternative CO-sensitive oxidase.  相似文献   
A total of 134 enterotoxigenicEscherichia coli (ETEC) of serogroups O25, O27, O148, and O159 were tested in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the colonization factor antigens I (CFA/I), CFA/II (coli surface antigens CS1, 2 and 3) and putative colonization factor (PCF) 8775 (CS4, 5 and 6). CS6 was detected without CS4 or CS5 in 94% of the strains of serogroup O25, 86% of strains of serogroup O27, 87% of strains of serogroup O148, and 29% of strains of serogroup, O159. The frequency with which CS6 occurs in ETEC of common serotypes without the antigens CS4 or CS5 suggests that it might be a colonization factor.  相似文献   
Thirty seven breast fed infants with eczema were studied to see whether changes in their mothers'' diets affected their skin condition. Nineteen mothers and babies took part in a double blind crossover trial of exclusion of egg and cows'' milk, and 18 took part in open exclusion of 11 foods followed by double blind challenge to those mothers whose infants seemed to respond. Babies were examined at the beginning and end of each dietary period, and the extent and severity of the rash were given a numerical score. The eczema improved in six infants when their mothers avoided egg and cows'' milk and worsened again when these were reintroduced. Two infants suffered gastrointestinal reactions after maternal ingestion of egg and cows'' milk, one developing colitis. Maternal dietary exclusion seems to benefit some breast fed babies with eczema.  相似文献   
Two IgM monoclonal antibodies, MB32 and MB34 specific for meningococcal polysaccharide group B have been raised. Both were detectable by radioimmunoassay and agglutination, but only MB34 was effective in counter immunoelectrophoresis and complement fixation. MB34 was also far more potent than MB32 when tested for passive protection of mice infected with either Neisseria meningitidis group B or Escherichia coli K1. These data demonstrate that group B-specific antibodies do play a protective role in mice infected with these bacteria.  相似文献   
Dispersed rat adrenal cells prepared from both the capsule and the decapsulated gland were used to investigate the effects on cyclic AMP accumulation of known stimuli of steroidogenesis [ACTH (adrenocorticotrophin), angiotensin II, K(+) ions and 5-hydroxytryptamine]. Since glomerulosa-cell preparations from capsular strippings are normally contaminated with a proportion of fasciculata cells, cells purified by fractionation on a bovine serum albumin gradient were also used. The results showed that: (1) ACTH and angiotensin II stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in both fractionated and unfractionated zona fasciculata cells; (2) 5-hydroxytryptamine and an increased extracellular K(+) concentration (from 3.6 to 8.4mm) had no effect on cyclic AMP concentrations in fasciculata cell preparations; (3) the addition of ACTH, angiotensin II, 5-hydroxytryptamine or K(+) to the incubation medium resulted in increased cyclic AMP concentrations in unpurified zona glomerulosa cell preparations; (4) fractionation and hence the virtual elimination of fasciculata contamination, did not affect the response to 5-hydroxytryptamine and increased K(+) concentration. However, the responses to ACTH and angiotensin II were markedly lowered but not abolished. These results strongly suggest a link between cyclic AMP production and steroidogenesis in the zone of the adrenal gland that specifically secretes aldosterone. All four agents used stimulated both steroid output and cyclic AMP accumulation. However, at certain doses of 5-hydroxytryptamine, K(+) and angiotensin II the significant increases in corticosterone output were not accompanied by measurable increases in cyclic AMP accumulation.  相似文献   
During this study, 2,855 stool specimens from patients at Cook County Hospital were cultured for enteric pathogens. Hektoen Enteric Agar (HE) was compared with E M B and S S Agars by replicate samplings with both direct and indirect methods. Shigella species were recovered more than twice as often on HE Agar as on S S Agar by both methods. With the direct method only, out of 98 Shigella isolated, 97 were isolated from HE Agar, 74 were recovered from E M B Agar, and 40 were found on S S Agar. In addition, HE yielded better isolation of Salmonella strains than did S S or E M B by either direct or indirect methods. The greater efficiency of HE medium is discussed with respect to colonial recognition of enteric pathogens.  相似文献   
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