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We studied the effects of elevated CO2 (180–200 ppmv above ambient) on growth and chemistry of three moss species (Sphagnum palustre, S. recurvum and Polytrichum commune) in a lowland peatland in the Netherlands. Thereto, we conducted both a greenhouse experiment with both Sphagnum species and a field experiment with all three species using MiniFACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) technology during 3 years. The greenhouse experiment showed that Sphagnum growth was stimulated by elevated CO2 in the short term, but that in the longer term (≥1 year) growth was probably inhibited by low water tables and/or down-regulation of photosynthesis. In the field experiment, we did not find significant changes in moss abundance in response to elevated CO2, although CO2 enrichment appeared to reduce S. recurvum abundance. Both Sphagnum species showed stronger responses to spatial variation in hydrology than to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Polytrichum was insensitive to changes in hydrology. Apart from the confounding effects of hydrology, the relative lack of growth response of the moss species may also have been due to the relatively small increase in assimilated CO2 as achieved by the experimentally added CO2. We calculated that the added CO2 contributed at most 32% to the carbon assimilation of the mosses, while our estimates based on stable C isotope data even suggest lower contributions for Sphagnum (24–27%). Chemical analyses of the mosses showed only small elevated CO2 effects on living tissue N concentration and C/N ratio of the mosses, but the C/N ratio of Polytrichum was substantially lower than those of the Sphagnum species. Continuing expansion of Polytrichum at the expense of Sphagnum could reduce the C sink function of this lowland Sphagnum peatland, and similar ones elsewhere, as litter decomposition rates would probably be enhanced. Such a reduction in sink function would be driven mostly by increased atmospheric N deposition, water table regulation for agricultural purposes and land management to preserve the early successional stage (mowing, tree and shrub removal), since these anthropogenic factors will probably exert a greater control on competition between Polytrichum and Sphagnum than increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   
Cereal seed development depends on the intimate interaction of filial and maternal tissues, ensuring nourishment of the new generation. The gene jekyll, which was identified in barley (Hordeum vulgare), is preferentially expressed in the nurse tissues. JEKYLL shares partial similarity with the scorpion Cn4 toxin and is toxic when ectopically expressed in Escherichia coli and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). In barley, jekyll is upregulated in cells destined for autolysis. The gene generates a gradient of expression in the nucellar projection, which mediates the maternal-filial interaction during seed filling. Downregulation of jekyll by the RNA interference technique in barley decelerates autolysis and cell differentiation within the nurse tissues. Flower development and seed filling are thereby extended, and the nucellar projection no longer functions as the main transport route for assimilates. A slowing down in the proliferation of endosperm nuclei and a severely impaired ability to accumulate starch in the endosperm leads to the formation of irregular and small-sized seeds at maturity. Overall, JEKYLL plays a decisive role in the differentiation of the nucellar projection and drives the programmed cell death necessary for its proper function. We further suggest that cell autolysis during the differentiation of the nucellar projection allows the optimal provision of basic nutrients for biosynthesis in endosperm and embryo.  相似文献   
Molecular analysis of the virulence mechanisms of the emerging pathogen Campylobacter fetus has been hampered by the lack of genetic tools. We report the development and functional analysis of Escherichia coli-Campylobacter shuttle vectors that are appropriate for C. fetus. Some vectors were constructed based on the known Campylobacter coli plasmid pIP1455 replicon, which confers a wide host range in Campylobacter spp. Versatility in directing gene expression was achieved by introducing a strong C. fetus promoter. The constructions carry features necessary and sufficient to detect the expression of phenotypic markers, including molecular reporter genes in both subspecies of C. fetus, while retaining function in C. jejuni. The capacity to express several gene products from different vectors in a single host can be advantageous but requires distinct plasmid replicons. To this end, replication features derived from a cryptic plasmid of C. fetus subsp. venerealis strain 4111/108, designated pCFV108, were adapted for a compatible series of constructions. The substitution of the C. coli replication elements reduced vector size while apparently limiting the host range to C. fetus. The complementation of a ciprofloxacin-resistant mutant phenotype via vector-driven gyrA expression was verified. Cocultivation demonstrated that shuttle vectors based on the pCFV108 replicon were compatible with pIP1455 replication functions, and the stable maintenance of two plasmids in a C. fetus subsp. venerealis host over several months was observed. The application of both vector types will facilitate the investigation of the genetics and cellular interactions of the emerging pathogen C. fetus.  相似文献   
Calreticulin is an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-storage protein, which influences gene expression and cell adhesion. In this study, we show that calreticulin induces fibronectin gene expression and matrix deposition, leading to differences in cell spreading and focal adhesion formation in cells differentially expressing calreticulin. We further show that these effects of calreticulin occur via a c-Src-regulated pathway and that c-Src activity is inversely related to calreticulin abundance. Since c-Src is an important regulator of focal contact turnover, we investigated the effect of c-Src inhibition on cells differentially expressing calreticulin. Inhibition of c-Src rescued the poorly adhesive phenotype of the calreticulin-underexpressing cells in that they became well spread, commenced formation of numerous focal contacts, and deposited a rich fibronectin matrix. Importantly, we show that c-Src activity is dependent on releasable Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum, thus implicating Ca2+-sensitive pathways that are affected by calreticulin in cell-substratum adhesion. We propose that calreticulin affects fibronectin synthesis and matrix assembly via the regulation of fibronectin gene expression. In parallel, calcium-dependent effects of calreticulin on c-Src activity influence the formation and/or stability of focal contacts, which are instrumental in matrix assembly and remodeling.  相似文献   
Mantle cell lymphomas (MCL), characterized by the t(11;14)(q13;q32), frequently carry secondary genetic alterations such as deletions in chromosome 17p involving the TP53 locus. Given that the association between TP53-deletions and concurrent mutations of the remaining allele is weak and based on our recent report that the Hypermethylated in Cancer 1 (HIC1) gene, that is located telomeric to the TP53 gene, may be targeted by deletions in 17p in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), we investigated whether HIC1 inactivations might also occur in MCL. Monoallelic deletions of the TP53 locus were detected in 18 out of 59 MCL (31%), while overexpression of p53 protein occurred in only 8 out of 18 of these MCL (44%). In TP53-deleted MCL, the HIC1 gene locus was co-deleted in 11 out of 18 cases (61%). However, neither TP53 nor HIC1 deletions did affect survival of MCL patients. In most analyzed cases, no hypermethylation of the HIC1 exon 1A promoter was observed (17 out of 20, 85%). However, in MCL cell lines without HIC1-hypermethylation, the mRNA expression levels of HIC1 were nevertheless significantly reduced, when compared to reactive lymph node specimens, pointing to the occurrence of mechanisms other than epigenetic or genetic events for the inactivation of HIC1 in this entity.  相似文献   
The 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) characteristics, toxicity, and cellular penetration of five linear or cyclic α-aminophosphonate highly sensitive pH probes were investigated in Dictyostelium discoideum cells and isolated rat hearts and were compared with three phosphonic acid derivatives. The line width broadening at pH pKa, which was satisfactorily modelized for all compounds, was significantly limited in biological milieu for the new markers, affording a four- to sixfold better accuracy in pH determination. Cellular uptake or washout of nontoxic concentrations (<15 mM) of α-aminophosphonates occurred by rapid passive permeation, whereas standard probes required a much slower fluid-phase pinocytosis and transport processes that could ultimately lead to trapping. Using mild concentrations (<4 mM) three α-aminophosphonates having 6 < pKa < 7 allowed an easy and simultaneous 31P NMR determination of cytosolic, acidic, and extracellular compartments in anoxic–reoxygenated or starving D. discoideum.  相似文献   
Contents of the hydroxamic acids 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA), and 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA) in leaves and roots of 14 cultivars of rye, Secale cereale L., were determined. Dynamics of accumulation in three cultivars were evaluated. DIBOA was the main cyclic hydroxamic acid in leaves but the contents differed significantly between the cultivars. Both DIBOA and DIMBOA were present in the roots. Maximum concentration of DIBOA in leaves and DIMBOA in roots was reached between 48-54 h and 54-72 h after germination, respectively. Antifeedant activity of DIBOA towards the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi and the feeding behavior were studied by electronic recording in barley leaves treated with different contents of DIBOA. The deleterious activity of DIBOA could arise by starvation and/or a toxic effect. Additionally, allelopathic potential of pure DIBOA and aqueous extracts of leaves and roots of rye (Tetra-Baer) on the germination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and rye (Tetra-Baer) seeds was evaluated. A high percentage of germination inhibition of pure DIBOA and the extracts of leaves and roots was observed. The activity is in agreement with the contents of hydroxamic acids in the plants. The substrates had no allelopathic effect on rye seeds.  相似文献   
Behavioural phenotypes can be studied from a variety of perspectives. Recent developments have focused on the individual, seeking patterns of behaviour that are stable over time and/or across different contexts (animal personalities). This study applied this method of understanding individual behavioural variability to domestic guinea pigs. Two behavioural domains were investigated: emotionality and social behaviour. Additionally, individual cortisol–stress reactivity and dominance status were examined. Adult male domestic guinea pigs living in large mixed‐sex colonies were subjected to a series of behavioural and physiological tests twice with an intertest interval of 8 wk. Individual consistency over time was found regarding social behaviour, cortisol reactivity and dominance status, whereas no stability regarding emotional behaviour was detected. Furthermore, no stability over contexts was found. Our results suggest that the concept of animal personality is applicable to domestic guinea pigs. The ecological relevance of these data is underscored by the fact that they were obtained in animals from a very rich, socially complex scenario. Moreover, our study highlights that behaviour alone is not sufficient to describe individual phenotypic consistency. Physiological parameters such as stress reactivity should be included in animal personality research. Furthermore dominance – a relative measure which is not an absolute attribute of individuals – proved to be stable over time and thus also shed light on individuality.  相似文献   
Adoptive transfer of antiviral T cells enhances immune reconstitution and decreases infectious complications after stem cell transplantation. Information on number and function of antiviral T cells in stem cell grafts is scarce. We investigated (1) immunomodulatory effects of G-CSF on antiviral T cells, (2) the influence of apheresis, and (3) the optimal time point to collect antiviral cells.CMV-, EBV- and ADV-specific T cells were enumerated in 170 G-CSF-mobilized stem cell and 24 non-mobilized platelet donors using 14 HLA-matched multimers. T-cell function was evaluated by IFN-γ ELISpot and granzyme B secretion. Immunophenotyping was performed by multicolor flow cytometry.G-CSF treatment did not significantly influence frequency of antiviral T cells nor their in vitro expansion rate upon antigen restimulation. However, T-cell function was significantly impaired, as expressed by a mean reduction in secretion of IFN-γ (75% in vivo, 40% in vitro) and granzyme B (32% target-independent, 76% target-dependent) as well as CD107a expression (27%). Clinical follow up data indicate that the first CMV-reactivation in patients and with it the need for T-cell transfer occurs while the donor is still under the influence of G-CSF.To overcome these limitations, T-cell banking before mobilization or recruitment of third party donors might be an option to optimize T-cell production.  相似文献   
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