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MAPK-activated protein kinase 5 (MK5) was recently identified as a physiological substrate of the atypical MAPK ERK3. Complex formation between ERK3 and MK5 results in phosphorylation and activation of MK5, concomitant stabilization of ERK3, and the nuclear exclusion of both proteins. However, ablation of ERK3 in HeLa cells using small interfering RNA or in fibroblasts derived from ERK3 null mice reduces the activity of endogenous MK5 by only 50%, suggesting additional mechanisms of MK5 regulation. Here we identify the ERK3-related kinase ERK4 as a bona fide interaction partner of MK5. Binding of ERK4 to MK5 is accompanied by phosphorylation and activation of MK5. Furthermore, complex formation also results in the relocalization of MK5 from nucleus to cytoplasm. However unlike ERK3, ERK4 is a stable protein, and its half-life is not modified by the presence or absence of MK5. Finally, although knock-down of ERK4 protein in HeLa cells reduces endogenous MK5 activity by approximately 50%, a combination of small interfering RNAs targeting both ERK4 and ERK3 causes a further reduction in the MK5 activity by more than 80%. We conclude that MK5 activation is dependent on both ERK3 and ERK4 in these cells and that these atypical MAPKs are both physiological regulators of MK5 activity.  相似文献   
Population structure is a potential problem when testing for adaptive phenotypic differences among populations. The observed phenotypic differences among populations can simply be due to genetic drift, and if the genetic distance between them is not considered, the differentiation may be falsely interpreted as adaptive. Conversely, adaptive and demographic processes might have been tightly associated and correcting for the population structure may lead to false negatives. Here, we evaluated this problem in the cosmopolitan weed Capsella bursa‐pastoris. We used RNA‐Seq to analyse gene expression differences among 24 accessions, which belonged to a much larger group that had been previously characterized for flowering time and circadian rhythm and were genotyped using genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) technique. We found that clustering of accessions for gene expression retrieved the same three clusters that were obtained with GBS data previously, namely Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Moreover, the three groups were also differentiated for both flowering time and circadian rhythm variation. Correction for population genetic structure when analysing differential gene expression analysis removed all differences among the three groups. This may suggest that most differences are neutral and simply reflect population history. However, geographical variation in flowering time and circadian rhythm indicated that the distribution of adaptive traits might be confounded by population structure. To bypass this confounding effect, we compared gene expression differentiation between flowering ecotypes within the genetic groups. Among the differentially expressed genes, FLOWERING LOCUS C was the strongest candidate for local adaptation in regulation of flowering time.  相似文献   
The iconic orange clownfish, Amphiprion percula, is a model organism for studying the ecology and evolution of reef fishes, including patterns of population connectivity, sex change, social organization, habitat selection and adaptation to climate change. Notably, the orange clownfish is the only reef fish for which a complete larval dispersal kernel has been established and was the first fish species for which it was demonstrated that antipredator responses of reef fishes could be impaired by ocean acidification. Despite its importance, molecular resources for this species remain scarce and until now it lacked a reference genome assembly. Here, we present a de novo chromosome‐scale assembly of the genome of the orange clownfish Amphiprion percula. We utilized single‐molecule real‐time sequencing technology from Pacific Biosciences to produce an initial polished assembly comprised of 1,414 contigs, with a contig N50 length of 1.86 Mb. Using Hi‐C‐based chromatin contact maps, 98% of the genome assembly were placed into 24 chromosomes, resulting in a final assembly of 908.8 Mb in length with contig and scaffold N50s of 3.12 and 38.4 Mb, respectively. This makes it one of the most contiguous and complete fish genome assemblies currently available. The genome was annotated with 26,597 protein‐coding genes and contains 96% of the core set of conserved actinopterygian orthologs. The availability of this reference genome assembly as a community resource will further strengthen the role of the orange clownfish as a model species for research on the ecology and evolution of reef fishes.  相似文献   
A new method for solid phase parallel synthesis of chemically and conformationally diverse macrocyclic peptidomimetics is reported. A key feature of the method is access to broad chemical and conformational diversity. Synthesis and mechanistic studies on the macrocyclization step are reported.  相似文献   
The lethal mutagenesis hypothesis states that within-host populations of pathogens can be driven to extinction when the load of deleterious mutations is artificially increased with a mutagen, and becomes too high for the population to be maintained. Although chemical mutagens have been shown to lead to important reductions in viral titres for a wide variety of RNA viruses, the theoretical underpinnings of this process are still not clearly established. A few recent models sought to describe lethal mutagenesis but they often relied on restrictive assumptions. We extend this earlier work in two novel directions. First, we derive the dynamics of the genetic load in a multivariate Gaussian fitness landscape akin to classical quantitative genetics models. This fitness landscape yields a continuous distribution of mutation effects on fitness, ranging from deleterious to beneficial (i.e. compensatory) mutations. We also include an additional class of lethal mutations. Second, we couple this evolutionary model with an epidemiological model accounting for the within-host dynamics of the pathogen. We derive the epidemiological and evolutionary equilibrium of the system. At this equilibrium, the density of the pathogen is expected to decrease linearly with the genomic mutation rate U. We also provide a simple expression for the critical mutation rate leading to extinction. Stochastic simulations show that these predictions are accurate for a broad range of parameter values. As they depend on a small set of measurable epidemiological and evolutionary parameters, we used available information on several viruses to make quantitative and testable predictions on critical mutation rates. In the light of this model, we discuss the feasibility of lethal mutagenesis as an efficient therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   
Body size or mass is one of the main factors underlying food webs structure. A large number of evolutionary models have shown that indeed, the adaptive evolution of body size (or mass) can give rise to hierarchically organised trophic levels with complex between and within trophic interactions. However, these models generally make strong arbitrary assumptions on how traits evolve, casting doubts on their robustness. In particular, biomass conversion efficiency is always considered independent of the predator and prey size, which contradicts with the literature. In this paper, we propose a general model encompassing most previous models which allows to show that relaxing arbitrary assumptions gives rise to unrealistic food webs. We then show that considering biomass conversion efficiency dependent on species size is certainly key for food webs adaptive evolution because realistic food webs can evolve, making obsolete the need of arbitrary constraints on traits' evolution. We finally conclude that, on the one hand, ecologists should pay attention to how biomass flows into food webs in models. On the other hand, we question more generally the robustness of evolutionary models for the study of food webs.  相似文献   
Rhizoliths, that is, roots fossilized by secondary carbonates, have been known for ages and are increasingly used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. However, knowledge about their formation mechanisms remains limited. This study reports the mineralogical and chemical characterization of rhizoliths at different stages of mineralization and fossilization in the Late Pleistocene loess–paleosol sequence of Nussloch (SW Germany). Scanning electron microscopy coupled with elemental mapping and 13C solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance were used to concomitantly characterize the mineral and organic matter of the rhizoliths. These joint analyses showed for the first time that large rhizoliths are not necessarily remains of single large roots but consist of numerous microrhizoliths as remains of fine roots, formed mainly by calcium carbonates with only low amounts of Mg and Si. They further revealed that the precipitation of secondary carbonates occurs not only around, but also within the plant root and that fossilization leads to the selective preservation of recalcitrant root biopolymers—lignin and suberin. The precipitation of secondary carbonates was observed to occur first around fine roots, the epidermis acting as a first barrier, and then within the root, within the cortex cells, and even sometimes around the phloem and within the xylem. This study suggests that the calcification of plant roots starts during the lifetime of the plant and continues after its death. This has to be systematically investigated to understand the stratigraphic context before using (micro)rhizoliths for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in terrestrial sediments.  相似文献   
It has recently been demonstrated that dried cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were able to produce alcohols and aldehydes in a solid/gas reactor with in situ cofactor regeneration. Since diffusion of gaseous substrates may be limited by the membrane and cell wall, cell disruption by sonication was used to improve oxidoreduction with ethanol and butyraldehyde as substrates. Results showed that partial cell disruption enhances the maximum conversion yield with the best results obtained after 2 min of sonication. Beyond this time, the ADH activity decreased. Better stability was observed in the pellet obtained after centrifugation indicating the importance of cell environment for enzyme stability. Tests on purified mitochondria showed that the ADH activity in cells was mainly cytoplasmic. The addition of oxidized cofactor did not change either the activity or the stability of the catalyst in a gaseous medium. The effect of water activity was studied on material obtained after 2 min of disruption and a reduction of critical water activity needed for revealing enzymatic activity was observed. With increasing aw, the enzyme was active at aw=0.3 while a water activity of 0.4 was required before disruption. Nevertheless, the best compromise between activity and stability was obtained in both cases for a water activity of 0.57.  相似文献   
Cottonseed remains a low‐value by‐product of lint production mainly due to the presence of toxic gossypol that makes it unfit for monogastrics. Ultra‐low gossypol cottonseed (ULGCS) lines were developed using RNAi knockdown of δ‐cadinene synthase gene(s) in Gossypium hirsutum. The purpose of the current study was to assess the stability and specificity of the ULGCS trait and evaluate the agronomic performance of the transgenic lines. Trials conducted over a period of 3 years show that the ULGCS trait was stable under field conditions and the foliage/floral organs of transgenic lines contained wild‐type levels of gossypol and related terpenoids. Although it was a relatively small‐scale study, we did not observe any negative effects on either the yield or quality of the fibre and seed in the transgenic lines compared with the nontransgenic parental plants. Compositional analysis was performed on the seeds obtained from plants grown in the field during 2009. As expected, the major difference between the ULGCS and wild‐type cottonseeds was in terms of their gossypol levels. With the exception of oil content, the composition of ULGCS was similar to that of nontransgenic cottonseeds. Interestingly, the ULGCS had significantly higher (4%–8%) oil content compared with the seeds from the nontransgenic parent. Field trial results confirmed the stability and specificity of the ULGCS trait suggesting that this RNAi‐based product has the potential to be commercially viable. Thus, it may be possible to enhance and expand the nutritional utility of the annual cottonseed output to fulfil the ever‐increasing needs of humanity.  相似文献   
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